Table III Tool [Current through 118-78 (July 30, 2024)]

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. For data processing XML files are available in bulk and broken into acts. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

77th Cong.  ↑  55 Stat.  ↑  Sept. 20, 1941  ↑  1941:411 1941:412(pdf) 1941:416
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
101 688 26 12 Rev. T.
102(a) 689 26 prec. 400, 400-404 Rev. T.
102(b) 692 26 11, 12 Rev. T.
102(c) 692 26 4 Rev. T.
103 692 26 13, 14, 102, 362 Rev. T.
104(a), (b) 693 26 15, 363 Rev. T.
104(c)-(f) 694 26 104, 231, 251, 261, 262 Rev. T.
105, 106 694 26 211, 231 Rev. T.
107(a), (b) 695 26 143, 144 Rev. T.
107(c) 695 26 143, 144 nts Rev. T.
108 695 26 4 nt Rev. T.
109 695 26 143, 144, 211, 231 Rev. T.
110 695 26 500, 1250 Rev. T.
111 696 26 25, 214, 251 Rev. T.
112 696 26 51, 142, 147 Rev. T.
113, 114 697 26 25, 42 Rev. T.
115(a), (b) 698 26 42, 117 Rev. T.
115(c) 698 26 42, 117 nts Rev. T.
116 698 26 147, 147 nt Rev. T.
117 698 26 373, 373 nt Rev. T.
118 699 26 4 nt Rev. T.
201 699 26 710, 714 Rev. T.
202(a), (b) 700 26 23, 102 Rev. T.
202(c), (d) 700, 701 26 711 Rev. T.
202(e)-(g) 701 26 710, 718, 722 Rev. T.
202(h), (i) 701 26 602, 1202 Rev. T.
203 702 26 718 Rev. T.
204 703 26 731 nt Rev. T.
205 703 26 23 nt Rev. T.
301(a)-(c) 703 26 1200, 1203 Rev. T.
301(d) 704 26 1200, 1203 nts Rev. T.
302 704 26 600, 600 nt Rev. T.
401(a), (b) 704 26 935, 951 Rev. T.
401(c) 705 26 935, 951 nts Rev. T.
402 705 26 1001, 1001 nt Rev. T.
501, 502 706 26 3452, 3460 Rev. T.
503 706 26 prec. 3400 Rev. T.
504, 505 706 26 3481, 3482 Rev. T.
521(a) 706 26 1700, 1801, 1802, 1804, 2000, 2700, 3150, 3250, 3407, 3412, 3413, 3460, 3481, 3482 Rev. T.
521(b) 708 26 1650, 1700, 1801, 1802, 1804, 1806, 2000, 2004, 2700, 3150, 3190, 3250, 3407, 3411, 3412, 3413, 3460, 3481, 3482 nts Rev. T.
531, 532 708 26 1807, 1850 Rev. T.
533 708 26 2800, 2880, 2887 Rev. T.
534, 535 709 26 3030, 3192, 3400 Rev. T.
536 710 26 1650, 1807, 1850, 2004, 2800, 2887, 3030, 3190, 3192, 3400 nts Rev. T.
541(a), (b) 710 26 1700, 1701 nt Rev. T.
541(c) 710 16 407d nt
542 710 26 1700, 1715, 1716 Rev. T.
543-548 711-714 26 1710, 1712, 3403-3405, 3409, 3465, 3466 Rev. T.
549 715 26 3441 Rev. T.
550(a) 715 26 1650, 1807, 2004, 2800, 3190 nts Rev. T.
550(b) 715 26 1650, 1700 nts Rev. T.
550(c), (d) 715 26 3465 nt Rev. T.
551 716 26 3406 Rev. T.
552(a) 718 26 2400-2411 Rev. T.
552(b) 720 26 3401 nt Rev. T.
553(a), (b) 720, 721 26 3440, 3453 Rev. T.
553(c), (d) 721 26 3442, 3443, 3444, 3403 Rev. T.
554(a) 721 26 prec. 3470 Rev. T.
554(b) 721 26 3469 Rev. T.
554(c) 721 26 nt. prec. 1800 Rev. T.
554(d) 722 26 55, 3471, 3472 Rev. T.
555-557 722, 723 26 3267, 3268, 3540 Rev. T.
558 725 26 2400, 3267, 3268, 3406, 3440, 3453, 3469, 3540 nts Rev. T.
561 725 26 2483, 2483 nt Rev. T.
601 726 31 571 Rev. T.
602 726 2 272
602 726 2 273
602 726 2 274
701 726 26 1600 nt Rev. T.
701 726 42 1101, 1102 nts Elim.