Table III Tool [Current through 118-78 (July 30, 2024)]

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. For data processing XML files are available in bulk and broken into acts. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

83d Cong.  ↑  68 Stat.  ↑  Aug. 26, 1954  ↑  1954:936 1954:937(pdf) 1954:1008
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 832 22 1754 nt
2 22 1750 Rep.
101-108 833-837 22 1811-1818 Rep.
121-123 837, 838 22 1831-1833 Rep.
124 22 1834 Rep.
131, 132 838 22 1841, 1842 Rep.
141, 142 839 22 1851, 1852 Rep.
143 22 1853
144 22 1854 Rep.
201-206 22 1871-1876 Rep.
301-308 841, 842 22 1891-1898 Rep.
400, 401 22 1920, 1921 Rep.
402 843 22 1922 Rep.
402 843 7 1431
403-407 843, 844 22 1923-1927 Rep.
408 845 22 1928
409-416 845-849 22 1929-1936 Rep.
417 849 22 1937
418 22 1938 Rep.
419 22 290b
419-421 22 1939-1940a Rep.
451 843 22 1951 Rep.
501 849 22 1753 Rep.
502 849 22 1754
503-514 850-854 22 1755-1766 Rep.
515-517 22 1766a-1766c Rep.
521, 522 855 22 1781, 1782 Rep.
523 856 22 1783
524-533 856-860 22 1784-1793 Rep.
533A 22 1793a Rep.
534, 535 860 22 1794, 1795 Rep.
536 861 22 1796
537 22 1797 Rep.
541, 543 861 22 1751 nt, 1768 Rep.
544(a) 862 22 281b, 281b-2 Elim.
544(a) 862 22 1442
544(b) 22 279a
544(c) 22 2658 Rep.
544(c) 7 1704
544(d) 50 App. 1641 Rep.
544(e) 22 1148 Rep.
544(f) 26 1441
544(g) 22 1442
544(h), (i) 7 1704
545, 547 862-864 22 1751, 1752, 1767 Rep.
548 22 1767a Rep.
549 22 1759a Rep.
550 22 1794a Rep.
551 22 1753a Rep.
552 22 1750b Rep.