Result 1 of 1



This title was enacted by Pub. L. 89–554, §1, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378; Pub. L. 117–286, §3, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4197

The Agencies Generally
Civil Service Functions and Responsibilities
Ethics Requirements


Editorial Notes


2022Pub. L. 117–286, §4(d)(1), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4359, added item for part IV.

1979Pub. L. 96–54, §2(a)(1), Aug. 14, 1979, 93 Stat. 381, substituted "Civil Service Functions and Responsibilities" for "The United States Civil Service Commission" in item for part II.

Table Showing Disposition of All Sections of Former Title 5
Title 5

Former Sections

Title 5

New Sections

1, 2 101
3 Rep.
4 3345
5 3346
6 3347
7 3348
8 3349
9 5535
10 2901
11, 12 2902
13–14a, 15 Rep.
16 3331
16a 2903, 2904
17, 17a Rep.
17b, 17c 2905
18 2903
19 Rep.
20 2904
21 2906
21a 3332
21b 5507
22 301
22–1 (less 3d–5th provisos) 7532
22–1 (3d proviso) 3571, 5594
22–1 (4th and 5th provisos) 7312
22–2 7533
22–3 7531
22a 302
23–26c Rep.
27 6106
28 6105
29, 29a, 30 to 30b–1, 30c to 30e–1, 30f–30m Rep.
30n 6322
30n–1 T. 28 §1823
30o 5537
30p 5515
30q 6321
30r(a) 6323
30r(b) 3551
30r(c) 502, 5534
30r(d) 2105
31–31b, 32 Rep.
33 7154
34–35a, 36–37a Rep.
38 3341
39, 40 3342
41 T. 14 §632
42, 42a Rep.
43 3101
43a 3102
44 T. 31 §492–1 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
45 Rep.
46 3103
46a 5511
46b 5513
46c T. 31 §699a (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
46d, 46e 5514
47 3103; T. 18 §1916
47a 8301; T. 10 §1221
48 T. 28 §514
49 3106
50 5501; T. 18 §1916
51 5536
52 5502
53 3108
54 3107
55 Rep.
55a 3109
56 5503
57–59c Rep.
60 T. 2 §162
61 D.C. Code, §31–1009
61a 5552
61a–1(a), (f) 5534a
61a–1(b)–(e) Rep.
61b (1st, 2d sentences) 5551
61b (3d–5th sentences) 6306
61b (6th sentence) 5551
61c–61e Rep.
61f 5582
61g 5581
61h 5583
61i 5581
61j 5582
61k 5581
62–64a Rep.
65 T. 2 §162
66 T. 18 §1914
67 T. 7 §2220
68 T. 8 §1353c
69 5535, 5536
70 5536
70a, 70b 5945
70c 5942
71 5536
72 5535
73, 73a Rep.
73b 5731
73b–1(a), (b) 5724
73b–1(c) 5730
73b–1(d) 5725
73b–1(e) 5726
73b–1(f) 5727
73b–2 5703
73b–3(a) (less 3d–6th provisos) 5722
73b–3(a) (3d, 4th provisos) 5728
73b–3(a) (5th, 6th provisos) 5729
73b–3 (less (a)) 5723
73b–4 T. 41 §5a
73b–4a, 73b–4b 5724a
73b–4c 5726
73b–4d 5724
73b–4e 5724a
73b–4f 5724
73b–5 5732
73c 5727
73c–1, 73c–2, 73d Rep.
73e 5731
73f, 74–75a Rep.
75a–1 Elim.
75b–75d, 76 Rep.
76a T. 20 §244a
77, 77a Rep.
78, 78a, 78a–1, 79, 80 T. 31 §§638a–638e (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
81, 81a Rep.
82 5512
83 5946
84 5505
84a T. 4 §111
84b, 84c 5517
84d 5518
85 5502
86 Rep.
86a 6104
87–87c 6103
88 T. 31 §554 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
89 Rep.
90 T. 28 §414
91 T. 28 §520
92 Rep.
92a 2903
93 303
93a Rep.
94 304
95, 95a 503
96 304
97, 98 Rep.
99, 100 Rep. See T. 18 §207.
101 501
102 Rep.
103 5741
103a, 103b 5742
104 T. 31 §492–2 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
104a, 105 Rep.
105a 2954
106 2952
107 Rep.
108 T. 44 §121 (See Rev. T. 44 Table)
109 Rep.
110 T. 40 §484–1 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
111, 112 Rep.
113 7351
114 7341
114a 7342 note
115, 115a 7341
116 Elim.
116a, 117 Rep.
118 T. 31 §686–2 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
118a 5912
118b T. 31 §530a (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
118c 5943
118c–1 to 118e Rep.
118f 5944
118g 7903
118h 5941
118i(a) (1st 4 sentences) 7324
118i(a) (5th sentence) 7327
118i(b) (less last proviso, and less last sentence) 7325
118i(b) (last proviso, last sentence) Elim.
118i(c) 1308
118j, 118j–1 Rep.
118k(a) 1501, 1502
118k(b) 1504, 1505, 1506
118k(c) 1508
118k(d) 1302, 1507
118k(e), (f) 1501
118k–1 1501, 7324
118k–2 1501
118k–3 7324
118l 1501, 7324
118m 7327
118n 1503, 7326
118o 7323
118p 7311
118q 3333
118r T. 18 §1918
119–123 Elim.
124–131a, 132–133r Rep.
133s, 133t Elim.
133u, 133v Rep.
133w Elim.
133x to 133y–16 Rep.
133z 901
133z–1 903
133z–2 904
133z–3 905
133z–4 906
133z–5, 133z–6 902
133z–7, 133z–8 907
133z–9 906
133z–10 908
133z–11 to 133z–15 909–913
134 T. 40 §721 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134a T. 40 §722 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134b T. 40 §723 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134b–1 T. 40 §724 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134b–2 T. 40 §725 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134c T. 40 §726 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134d T. 40 §727 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134e T. 40 §728 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134f T. 40 §729 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
134g, 134h T. 40 §721 note Rep.
135–138j Rep.
139–139f T. 44 §§421–427 (See Rev. T. 44 Table)
140, 140a T. 31 §§483a, 483b (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
141–149 Rep.
150 7901
150e–150i T. 10 §2575
150j T. 10 §§4712, 9712
150j–1 to 150j–3 T. 10 §§4713, 9713
150k 2105
150k–1(a) 8171
150k–1(b) 8172
150k–1(c) 8173
150m–150o T. 10 §2541
150p T. 10 §2572
150q–150t T. 10 §2601
151 T. 22 §2651
151a T. 22 §2652
151b T. 22 §2653
151c T. 22 §2658
151d to 152–1 Rep.
152a T. 22 §2654
152b T. 22 §2655
152c, 152d, 153 Rep.
153a T. 22 §2663
154 T. 22 §2664
154a Rep.
155 T. 22 §2665
156 T. 22 §2656
157 Rep.
158 T. 22 §2657
159, 160 Rep.
161 T. 22 §2659
162–164 Rep.
165 T. 22 §2660
166–168d Rep.
169 T. 22 §2661
170 T. 22 §2668
170a T. 22 §2681
170b T. 22 §2682
170c T. 22 §2683
170d Rep.
170e T. 22 §2666
170e–1 T. 22 §2667
170f T. 22 §2662
170g T. 22 §2669
170h T. 22 §2670
170i T. 22 §2671
170j T. 22 §2672
170k T. 22 §2673
170l T. 22 §2674
170m T. 22 §2675
170n T. 22 §2676
170o T. 22 §2677
170p T. 22 §2678
170q T. 22 §2679
170r, 170s Rep.
170t T. 22 §2680
170u T. 22 §2684
171 T. 10 §§131, 133
171–1 T. 50 §408
171–2 T. 50 §409
171a(a), (b) T. 10 §133
171a(c) T. 10 §§125, 136, 141, 3010, 3012, 5011, 5031, 8010, 8012
171a(d) T. 10 §133
171a(e) T. 10 §132
171a(f) T. 10 §133
171a(g)–(i) Elim.
171a(j) T. 10 §124
171a–1 T. 10 §133
171b Rep.
171c T. 10 §§134–136, 718, 2358
171c–1, 171c–2, 171d to 171d–2 Rep.
171e T. 10 §171
171f T. 10 §§141, 142
171g T. 10 §143
171h, 171i Rep.
171j T. 10 §173
171j–1 to 171l Rep.
171m T. 50 §411
171m–1 T. 10 §2211
171n T. 50 §410
171o Rep.
171p, 171q T. 10 §1581
171r T. 10 §1582
171s T. 10 §§3230, 5416, 8230
171s–1 T. 31 §700 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
171t T. 10 §2571
171u Rep.
171v T. 10 §1583
171w T. 10 §2385
171x, 171y Rep.
171y–1 T. 10 §§3205, 5417, 8205
171z T. 10 §2661
171z–1 T. 10 §2681
171z–2 T. 31 §700a (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
171z–3 to 171z–5 T. 10 §§2673–2675
172 T. 10 §136
172a T. 10 §§3014, 5061, 8014
172b, 172c T. 10 §§2203, 2204
172d T. 10 §2208
172d–1 T. 10 §2210
172e T. 10 §2209
172f T. 10 §126
172g, 172h T. 10 §§2205, 2206
172i T. 10 §2701
172j T. 50 §412
173 T. 10 §2451
173a Rep.
173b T. 10 §2451
173c–173e T. 10 §§2452–2454
173f–173h T. 10 §2455
173i T. 10 §2456
174 T. 31 §650a (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
174a T. 37 §412
174b T. 10 §2666
174c Elim.
174d T. 10 §2207
174e T. 10 §2387
174f Elim.
174g T. 31 §638f (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
174h Elim.
174i T. 31 §700b (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
181 T. 10 §3012
181–1(a) T. 10 §3012
181–1(b) Elim.
181–1(c) T. 10 §101(5); T. 50 §409(a)
181–1(d) T. 10 §3011
181–1(e) T. 10 §3062
181–2 T. 10 §3012
181–3 T. 10 §3001
181–4 T. 10 §§3012, 4532
181–5 T. 10 §§3013, 3017
181a, 182, 182a, 183, 184 Rep.
185–187 T. 10 §3016
187a, 188, 189 Rep.
189a T. 10 §§4025, 9025
189b Rep.
189c T. 10 §2632
189d Rep.
190 T. 10 §3012
191 T. 10 §4831
191a T. 10 §1552
192, 192a, 193–194a, 195–197 Rep.
198 T. 10 §4714
199 T. 10 §§3693, 8693
200 T. 10 §1551
201 Rep.
202 T. 10 §§4565, 9565
203–207i, 208–213 Rep.
214 Elim.
215–216a, 217 Rep.
218 T. 10 §2381
219–219b, 220 Rep.
221 T. 10 §§4540, 9540
222 T. 31 §649a (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
223 Rep.
224 T. 22 §276aa
225 T. 22 §276bb
226 T. 22 §276cc
227 T. 22 §276dd
228 T. 22 §276ee
229–232 Rep.
233–233c (See former 150q–150t)
234–234f Rep.
235 T. 10 §4531
235a T. 10 §4503
235b T. 10 §174
235c T. 10 §1584
235d T. 10 §2352
235e T. 10 §§2353, 2357
235f, 235g T. 10 §§2354, 2355
235h T. 10 §§174, 2356
241–245 T. 31 §§1001–1005 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
245a Rep. and Elim.
246 T. 31 §1006 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
246a Rep.
247–248a T. 31 §§1007–1009 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
248b Rep.
248c–248e T. 31 §§1010, 1011, 1013 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
249, 249a Rep.
249b, 250 T. 31 §§1014, 1015 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
251 Rep.
252–258a, 259–265 T. 31 §§1016–1030 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
266–269 Rep.
270, 271 Elim.
272–274 Rep.
275 T. 10 §1552
276 Rep.
277 T. 31 §1031 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
281 T. 19 §2071
281a T. 19 §2072
281b T. 19 §2073
281c T. 21 §163
281d, 281e Rep.
281f T. 19 §2072
281g T. 19 §2074
282 T. 21 §161
282a T. 21 §162
282b T. 21 §164
282c T. 21 §165
291 T. 28 §§501, 503
292 T. 28 §502
293 T. 28 §505
293a Rep.
294 T. 28 §504
295, 295–1 T. 28 §506
295a Rep.
295b Rep. and Elim.
296 Rep.
297 Rep. and Elim.
297a Rep.
298 T. 28 §543
298a 5108
299 T. 28 §533
300 T. 28 §§533, 534
300a T. 18 §§3052, 3107
300b T. 31 §224b (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
300c, 300c–1 Rep.
300d T. 28 §536
300e–302 Rep.
303, 304 T. 28 §§511, 512
305 T. 28 §521; T. 44 §296a (See Rev. T. 44 Table)
306 T. 28 §516
306a Rep.
307 T. 28 §513
308 Rep.
309 T. 28 §518
310 T. 28 §515
311 Rep.
311a T. 28 §535
312 T. 28 §§543, 547, 548
313 T. 28 §514
314 3106
315 T. 28 §515
316 T. 28 §517
317 T. 28 §§547, 569
318 T. 28 §§549, 569
319 T. 28 §523
320, 321 Rep.
322 T. 31 §1010 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
323, 324 T. 28 §547
325 T. 31 §1012 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
326 T. 31 §1011 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
327 T. 28 §547
328 T. 31 §1013 (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
329 T. 28 §§547, 569
330, 331 T. 28 §547
332 Rep. See Fed. Rules Civ. Proc. rule 2.
333 T. 28 §522
334–339 Rep.
340 T. 28 §534
341 T. 28 §524
341a T. 28 §568
341b T. 28 §526
341c T. 28 §§536, 537
341d T. 8 §1555
341e T. 28 §525
341f T. 18 §4010
341g T. 18 §4011
341h T. 42 §250a
342 T. 8 §1551
342a Elim.
342b T. 8 §1552
342b–1 T. 8 §1553
342c T. 8 §1353a
342d T. 8 §1353b
342e T. 8 §1353d
342f Rep.
342g T. 8 §1554
342h–342k Elim.
342l T. 8 §1557
361 Rep. See T. 39 §§201, 203.
362 Rep. See T. 39 §207.
363, 363a, 364 Rep. See T. 39 §204.
364–1(a) Rep. See T. 39 §§204, 401.
364–1(b), 364a, 364b Rep.
365 Rep. See T. 39 §1011.
366 Rep. See T. 39 §401.
367 Rep. See T. 39 §2201.
368 Rep.
369 Rep. See T. 39 §§202, 401, 403, 404.
370 Rep. See T. 39 §§1001, 1006.
371 Rep.
372, 373 Rep. See T. 39 §407.
374 Rep. See T. 39 §2202.
375 Rep. See T. 39 §407.
376 Rep.
377 Rep. See T. 39 §401.
378–382 Rep.
383, 384 Rep. See T. 39 §2601.
385–388 Rep.
389 Rep. See T. 39 §5213.
390, 391 Rep.
392 Rep. See T. 39 §2603.
393 Rep. See T. 39 §401.
411 T. 10 §5031
411a(a) T. 10 §101(5); T. 50 §409(b)
411a(b) T. 10 §5012
411a(c) T. 10 §§5013, 5402
411b, 412 T. 10 §5031
412a T. 10 §§6952, 7202–7211, 7214, 7215, 7218, 7301, 7472, 7478, 7571, 7572, 7576, 7578, 7579
412b T. 10 §2381
413 T. 10 §5031
414, 415, 415a Rep.
415b T. 10 §7473
415c T. 10 §7472
415d T. 10 §2632
415e, 416, 417 Rep.
418 T. 10 §7216
419 T. 10 §7221
419a T. 10 §7220
419b T. 10 §7222
419c T. 10 §7202
420, 420a, 421 T. 10 §5034
421a Rep.
421a–1 T. 10 §§5034, 5036
421b T. 10 §§5033, 5036
421c T. 10 §7211
421d T. 10 §7204
421e T. 10 §§7203, 7205
421f T. 10 §§7207–7209
421g T. 10 §§6081, 7204, 7205, 7211, 7214, 7218, 7571, 7572, 7576, 7579
422, 422a, 423 Rep.
423a T. 10 §§5081, 5082, 5111
423b T. 10 §5081
423c–423f T. 10 §§5085–5088
423g, 423h T. 10 §§5111, 5112
423i T. 10 §5082
423j T. 10 §5036
423k T. 10 §§5085, 5086, 5088, 5111
424 T. 10 §5081
425 Rep.
425a T. 10 §§5083, 5133, 5148, 5201
426, 426a Rep.
427 T. 10 §5081
427a T. 10 §5084
428 T. 10 §5148
429 T. 10 §§5131, 5132
430 T. 10 §5132
430a T. 10 §7303
430b T. 10 §5132
431 T. 10 §5132
432 T. 10 §§5137, 5141, 5146, 5147
432a T. 10 §5135
433 T. 10 §5147
434 T. 10 §§5141, 5144
435 T. 10 §5145
436 Rep.
437 T. 10 §5146
438 T. 10 §5137
439 T. 10 §§5133, 5136
440 T. 10 §§5137, 5146
441 T. 10 §§5133, 5148
441a T. 10 §5133
442, 443 Rep.
444 T. 10 §5149
445 T. 10 §§5135, 5147
446 T. 10 §§5135, 5141
447 T. 10 §§5135, 5144
448 T. 10 §5145
448a T. 10 §5135
448b T. 10 §5145
449 T. 10 §§5135, 5146
450 Rep.
451 T. 10 §5137
452 T. 10 §§5134–5136
453 T. 10 §5149
454 Rep.
455 T. 10 §5132
456 Rep.
456a T. 10 §1552
456b, 456c T. 10 §5138
456d T. 10 §6029
457 T. 10 §7391
457a, 457b Rep.
458 T. 10 §§7392, 7394
458a T. 10 §7393
459 T. 10 §7394
460, 460a Rep.
461 T. 10 §7395
462 Rep.
463 T. 10 §7395
464 T. 10 §7396
465 Rep.
466 T. 10 §7217
467, 468, 468a, 469, 470 Rep.
471 T. 10 §§5063, 5064
475 T. 10 §§5150, 5151
475a, 475b T. 10 §5150
475c T. 10 §5153
475d T. 10 §§5151, 5152
475e T. 10 §7522
475f Rep.
475g T. 10 §174
475h T. 10 §1584
475i T. 10 §2352
475j T. 10 §§2353, 2357
475k, 475l T. 10 §§2354, 2355
475m T. 10 §§174, 2356
476, 476a, 476b T. 10 §§1581, 1582
477–477c (See former 150q–150t)
481 T. 43 §1451
481a T. 43 §1452
482 T. 43 §1453
482a Rep.
483 T. 43 §1454
483–1 Rep. and Elim.
483–2 Rep.
483a T. 43 §1455
484 T. 43 §1456
485 T. 43 §1457
486 T. 43 §1458
487 T. 43 §1459
488 T. 43 §1460
489 T. 43 §1461
490 Rep. See T. 28 §1733.
491 T. 43 §1462
492 T. 43 §1463
493 T. 43 §1464
494 Rep.
495 T. 43 §1465
496, 496a, 497 Rep.
498 T. 43 §1466
499, 500 Rep.
501 Elim.
502 T. 43 §1467
503 T. 43 §1468
511 T. 7 §2201
512 T. 7 §2202
513 T. 7 §2203
514 T. 7 §2204
514a T. 7 §2210
514b T. 7 §2211
514c Rep.
514d (1st, 3d pars.) Rep.
514d (2d par.) 3101
515 T. 7 §2205
516 T. 7 §2206
516a T. 7 §450c
516b (less 3d sentence) T. 7 §450d
516b (3d sentence) 5109
516c T. 7 §450e
516d T. 7 §450f
516e T. 7 §450g
517 T. 7 §2212
517a Rep.
517b T. 7 §2213
517c Rep.
518 Elim.
518a T. 7 §2214
519 T. 7 §2215
520 T. 7 §2216
520a T. 7 §2232
521 T. 7 §2217
522 T. 7 §2218
523–527 Rep.
528 T. 7 §2219
529 Rep.
530 T. 7 §2221
531 T. 7 §2222
532 T. 7 §2223
533 T. 7 §2224
534–537 Rep.
538 T. 7 §2227
539–541b Rep.
541c T. 7 §2233
541d T. 7 §2228
541e T. 7 §2229
542 T. 7 §2234
542–1 T. 7 §2235
542–2 T. 7 §2236
542a T. 7 §2237
542b T. 7 §2238
542c T. 7 §2239
543 T. 7 §2240
543a T. 7 §2230
543b T. 7 §2231
544–548 Rep.
549 T. 7 §2241
550 Rep.
551 T. 7 §2242
552 T. 7 §2243
552a T. 7 §2244
553 T. 7 §2245
554 T. 7 §2246
555 T. 7 §2247
556, 556a Rep.
556b T. 7 §2248
557 T. 7 §2207
557a T. 7 §2208
558 T. 7 §2209
558a, 559–562 Rep.
563 T. 7 §450b
564 T. 7 §2220
564a T. 7 §2249
565 Rep.
565a T. 7 §2250
565b T. 7 §2250a
566 T. 7 §2251
567 T. 7 §2253
568 Rep.
568a T. 7 §2254
568b Rep.
569 T. 7 §2252
570 T. 7 §2255
571 T. 7 §2256
572 T. 7 §2257
573 T. 7 §2258
574 T. 7 §2225
574a T. 7 §2226
575 T. 7 §2259
576 T. 7 §2260
577 T. 7 §2261
578 T. 7 §2262
579 T. 7 §2263
591 T. 15 §1501
591a T. 15 §1502
591b T. 15 §1503
592 T. 15 §1504
592a T. 15 §1505
592a–1, 592a–2 Rep.
592a–3 T. 15 §1506
592a–4 T. 15 §1507
592b T. 15 §1508
592c, 592d, 593 Rep.
593a T. 15 §1509
594 T. 15 §1510
595 Rep.
596 T. 15 §1512
596a T. 15 §1514
597 T. 15 §1511
597a, 597a–1, 597b–597d Rep.
598 T. 15 §1515
599 T. 15 §1513
600–600b Rep.
601 T. 15 §1516
601a–601d T. 15 §§189, 189a, 192, 192a
602 T. 15 §1517
603 T. 15 §1518
604 T. 15 §1519
605 Rep.
606 T. 15 §1520
606a Rep.
607 T. 15 §1521
608 Rep.
608a T. 15 §1522
608b T. 15 §1523
608c T. 15 §1524
611 T. 29 §551
611a T. 29 §552
611b T. 29 §553
611c Rep. and Elim.
612, 613 Rep.
613a T. 29 §554
613b T. 29 §555
614 Rep.
615 T. 29 §556
616 T. 29 §557
617 T. 29 §558
618 T. 29 §559
619 Rep.
620 T. 29 §560
621 T. 29 §561
622 T. 29 §562
622a T. 29 §563
623 T. 42 §3501
623a T. 42 §3508
623b T. 42 §3503
623c T. 42 §3504
623d T. 42 §3505
623e T. 42 §3507
623f T. 42 §3506
623g T. 42 §3502
623h T. 42 §3501a
623i Elim.
624 T. 42 §3531
624a T. 42 §3532
624b T. 42 §3533
624c T. 42 §3534
624d T. 42 §3535
624e T. 42 §3536
624f T. 42 §3537
626(a) T. 10 §8012
626(b) Rep.
626(c) T. 10 §101(5); T. 50 §409(c)
626(d) T. 10 §8013
626(e) T. 10 §8012
626(f) T. 10 §8033
626(g) T. 10 §8011
626–1 T. 10 §8013, 8017
626–2 T. 10 §§8012, 9532
626a T. 10 §8012
626b T. 10 §8013
626c(a), (f) T. 10 §8062
626c(b) T. 10 §743
626c(c)–(e), 626c–1 to 626c–3, 626d, 626e Rep.
626f (See former 150p)
626g–626j (See former 150q–150t)
626k Rep.
626l, 626m T. 10 §9441
626n T. 10 §2632
626o Rep.
626p T. 10 §9774
626q, 626r T. 10 §9301
626s to 626s–2 T. 10 §2481
626s–3 T. 10 §2667
626s–4, 626s–5 Rep.
626s–6 T. 10 §2667
626t, 626u T. 10 §1581
626v–626y, 627 Rep.
627a T. 10 §§8208, 8215
627b T. 10 §§8071, 8208, 8297, 8299, 8305, 8504, 8685, 8888, 8915, 8916, 8927, 8962, 8991
627c Rep.
627d T. 10 §8256
627e T. 10 §8685
627f T. 10 §§8549, 8580, 8818
627g–627l Rep.
628 T. 10 §9531
628a T. 10 §9503
628b T. 10 §174
628c T. 10 §1584
628d T. 10 §2352
628e T. 10 §§2353, 2357
628f, 628g T. 10 §§2354, 2355
628h T. 10 §§174, 2356
630 T. 40 §751 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
630a T. 40 §752 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
630b T. 40 §753 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
630c Rep.
630d T. 40 §754 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
630e T. 40 §755 Rep.
630f Rep.
630g T. 40 §756 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
630g–1 T. 40 §757 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
630g–2 T. 40 §759 Rep.
630h T. 40 §758 (See Rev. T. 40 Table)
630i Elim.
630j Rep.
631 3301, 7301
631a, 631b(a) Elim.
631b(b), (c) 3304
632 (1st par.) 1101
632 (2d–4th pars.) 1102
632 (5th par.) 1103
633(1) 1301, 3302
633(2)1 3304
633(2)2 3318
633(2)3 3306
633(2)4 3321
633(2)5 7321
633(2)6 7152, 7322
633(2)7 1302, 3304
633(2)8 2951, 3302
633(2)9 7153
633(3) 1302, 1307
633(4) 1303
633(5) 1308
633a–633e Rep.
634 1306
635 (1st 5 sentences) 1104, 1105
635 (6th sentence) 1105, 3305
635 (7th sentence) 3304
636 Rep.
637 T. 18 §1917
638 2102, 3304, 3361
638a Rep.
638b 3307, 3322
639 Rep.
640 7352
641 3319
642 3303
642a 2953
643–645b Rep.
645c–645e Elim.
646–651b Rep.
652(a) 7501
652(b) 5591–5593
652(c) 7101
652(d) 7102
652a–652c 5596
653, 654 Rep.
655–657 1304
658 Elim.
659 3327
661–663b, 664–669a, 670–672c, 673–673b Rep.
673c (1st par., less provisos) Rep.
673c (1st proviso) 6102
673c (2d, 3d provisos) 5544
673c (2d par.), 674–678b Rep.
679 Elim.
680–684, 691, 691a, 692–692d, 693 to 693–2, 693a–693d, 694, 649a, 695, 695a, 696, 696a, 697, 697a, 698–698b, 699, 699a, 700, 700a, 701, 701a, 702, 702a, 703, 703a, 704, 704a, 705, 705a, 706, 706a, 707, 707a, 708, 708a, 709–615 Rep.
715a 3323
715b–715d, 716–718a, 719, 719–1, 719a, 719b, 720–729a, 730–736c, 737–739b, 740, 740a Rep.
740b–740i (See former 2281–2288)
745–745r Rep.
751 8102
752 8117
753 8105
754 8106
755(a), (b) 8107
755(c) 8108
755(d) 8109
756(a) 8110
756(b) 8111
756(c) 8112
756(d) 8113
756a Rep.
757 8116
758 8118
759(a) 8103
759(b) 8104
759(c) 3315a
760(A) 8133
760(B) 8101, 8133
760(C)–(G) 8133
760(H) 8101
760(I)–(K) 8133
760(L) T. 18 §1921
760(M) 8101
761 8134
762 8114
763 8115
764 8135
765–767 8119
768, 769 8121
770 8122
771, 772, 773(a) 8123
773(b) 8127; T. 18 §292
773(c) 8125
774(a) 8120
774(b) T. 18 §1922
775 8130
776 8131
777 8132
778 8145
779 8120
780 8126
781 8145
782 Rep.
783 8145, 8149
784(a) 8148
784(b), (c) 7902
785 8147
786 8124
787 8128
788 8129
789 T. 18 §1920
790 8101
791 8131
791–1 to 791–3, 791–4(a) Rep.
791–4(b) 8150
791a Rep.
791b Elim.
792 Rep.
793 (1st par.) 8146
793 (2d par., 1st sentence) 8146
793 (2d par., 2d sentence) 8138
793 (2d par., 3d, 4th sentences) 8146
793 (3d par.) 8146
793 (4th par., 1st sentence) 8138
793 (4th par., 2d sentence) 8136
793 (5th par., 1st through 6th sentences) 8137
793 (5th par., 7th sentence) 8128
793 (5th par., 8th sentence) 8137
793a(a), (b) 8146a
793a(c) 8101
794 8101, 8139
795–797a, 798–801 Rep.
802 8140
803(a)–(c) 8141
803(d) Rep.
803a 8150
821–823 Rep.
823a (See former 73c)
824–834 Rep.
835 5701
836 5702
837 5704
838 5705
839 5706
840 5707
841, 842 5708
851 1302, 2108
852 (1st 2 sentences) 3309, 3310
852 (less 1st 2 sentences) Elim.
853 3311
854 3308, 3312, 3351, 3363, 3504
855 3306, 3319
856 3313
857 3317, 3318, 3364
858 3320
859 3305
860 1302
861 3501–3503
862 3316
863 3315, 7512, 7701
864 3315, 3318
865 3314
866, 867 Rep.
868 1302, 7701
869 3320
901(a) 5541
901(b) Rep.
901(c) T. 2 §60e–2. Rep. in part.
901(d), (e) 5541
902 5541; T. 2 §60e–2
911 5542
912 5543
912a, 912b 5542
913 5544
914 5506
921 5545
921a 5546
922 5546
926 5545
931 T. 2 §60e–3
932 T. 2 §60e–4
932a T. 2 §60e–5
932b T. 2 §60e–6
932c(a)–(c) T. 2 §60e–7
932c(d) 8331
932d(a)–(c) T. 2 §60e–8
932d(d) 8331
932d(e) Rep.
932d(f) T. 2 §60e–8
932e(a)–(e) T. 2 §60e–9
932e(f) 8331
932f(a)–(d) T. 2 §60e–10
932f(e) 8331
932f(f) T. 2 §60e–10
932f(g) Rep.
932g(a)–(c) T. 2 §60e–11
932g(d) 8331
932g(e) T. 2 §60e–11
932h(a), (b) T. 2 §60e–12
932h(c) 8331
932h(d) T. 2 §60e–12
932i(a), (b) T. 2 §60e–13
932i(c) 8331
932i(d), (e) T. 2 §60e–13
933 5544; T. 2 §60e–2b
933a T. 31 §46a (See Rev. T. 31 Table)
934, 935 Rep.
941 5549
942–942b Rep.
943 5547
943a Rep.
944(a) 6101
944(b), (c) 5504
944(d) 5504, 6101
945 5504, 5548, 6101
946 5342
947–954 Rep.
955 T. 2 §60e–4a
956–958 Rep.
1001 551
1002 552
1003 553
1004 554
1005 555
1006 556
1007 557
1008 558
1009 701–706
1010 (1st sentence) 3105
1010 (2d sentence) 7521
1010 (3d sentence) 4301, 5335, 5362
1010 (4th sentence) 3344
1010 (5th sentence) 1305
1011 559
1012–1014 500
1031–1040 T. 28 §§2341–2350
1041 T. 28 §2352
1042 T. 28 §2351
1045(a)–(d) Elim.
1045(e) 571
1045a 572
1045b 573
1045c 574
1045d 575
1045e 576
1051 5352, 5353
1052 5351
1053 8144
1054 8331, 8332
1055 5354
1056 Rep.
1057 5355
1058 5356
1071 5101
1072, 1072a 5115
1073 Rep.
1074 7154
1075 Rep.
1076 Elim.
1081 5102
1082 5102, 5341, 5342
1083 5103
1084(a) T. 2 §60e–2a
1084(b), (c) 5102, 5103
1085 305
1091 5102
1092, 1093 5106
1094 5105
1101 5112
1102 5107, 5110
1103 5110
1104 5111
1105(a)–(l) 3324, 5108
1105(m) Rep.
1105a 5114
1105b Elim.
1106 5113
1107 5337
1111, 1112 5104
1113 5332
1114–1116 Rep.
1117 5595
1121 5335
1122 5336
1123 5335, 5336
1124, 1125 Rep.
1131 5333
1132 5334
1133 5333
1134 5545
1141, 1142 Rep.
1151 305
1152, 1153 Rep.
1161 3104, 3325, 5361
1162(a) 3325
1162(b) 5361
1162(c) 3104
1163 3104
1171 5301
1172 5302
1173 5303
1174 5304
1181 5343
1182(a) 5344, 5581
1182(b) 8331
1182(c) 5344
1183 8704
1184 Rep.
2001 4301
2002 4302
2003 4307
2004 4303
2005 4304
2006 4305
2007(a) 4308
2007(b)–(d) 4306
2061 5508, 6301, 6305
2061a 5551, 6302
2062(a), (b) 6303
2062(c), (d) 6304
2062(e) 6303
2062(f) 6305
2062(g) 6310
2062(h) 6302
2062(i) 6303
2062a, 2062b Rep.
2063 6307
2064(a)–(c) 6302
2064(d) 6309
2064(e) 6308
2065 6311
2066(a) 6304
2066(b)–(d) Rep.
2067 6301
2068–2070 Rep.
2071 6324
2091(a) 8701, 8716
2091(b) 8701
2091(c) 8706
2091(d) 8701, 8716
2092(a)–(c) 8704
2092(d) Rep.
2093 8705
2094(a) (1st par.) 8707
2094(a) (2d par.) 8702
2094(b) 8708
2094(c), (d) 8714. Elim. in part.
2095 8706
2096 8709, 8710
2097 8711, 8712
2098 8703
2099 Elim.
2100 8716. Elim. in part.
2101 8713. Elim. in part.
2102 1308. Elim. in part.
2103 8715. Elim. in part.
2121 1308, 4506
2122 4501
2123(a) 4503
2123(b) 4504
2123(c) 4505
2123(d), (e) 4502
2123(f) 3362
2123(g) 4502
2131 5901
2132 5901, 8331
2133 5901
2134 5902
2151 T. 10 §1481
2152, 2153 T. 10 §§1481, 1482
2154 T. 10 §1481
2155–2160 T. 10 §§1483–1488
2161, 2162 T. 10 §1482
2163 Rep.
2171 T. 42 §1973cc–1
2172 T. 42 §1973cc–2
2173 T. 42 §1973cc–3
2181 T. 42 §1973cc–11
2182 T. 42 §1973cc–12
2183 T. 42 §1973cc–13
2184 T. 42 §1973cc–14
2185 T. 42 §1973cc–15
2191 T. 42 §1973cc–21
2192 T. 42 §1973cc–22
2193 T. 42 §1973cc–23
2194 T. 42 §1973cc–24
2195 T. 42 §1973cc–25
2196 T. 42 §1973cc–26
2201–2209 Rep.
2210 5311
2211(a) 5312
2211(b)(1)–(14) 5313
2211(b)(15) (less proviso) Elim.
2211(b)(15) (proviso) 5314
2211(b)(16)–(19) 5313
2211(c)(1)–(38) 5314
2211(c)(39) (less proviso) Elim.
2211(c)(39) (proviso) 5315
2211(c)(40)–(45) 5314
2211(c)(46) (less proviso) Elim.
2211(c)(46) (proviso) 5315
2211(c)(47) 5314
2211(d) 5315
2211(e) 5316
2211(f) 5317
2211(g) 5315, 5316
2212 5363
2213 5364
2251(a)–(g) 8331
2251(h)–(j) 8341
2251(k)–(t) 8331
2252(a)–(d) 8331
2252(e) 8347
2252(f) 8331, 8347
2252(g) 8331, 8332
2252(h) 8331, 8332, 8347
2253(a)–(e) 8332
2253(f), (g) 8333
2253(h)–(j) 8332
2254 8334
2255 8335
2256(a)–(e) 8336
2256(f) 8333, 8336
2257 8337
2258 8338
2259 8339
2260 8341
2261 8342
2262 8343
2263(a) 3323
2263(b), (c) 8344
2264 8345
2265 8346
2266(a)–(e) 8347
2266(f) 1308
2266(g) 8347
2267 8348
2268 8340
2281 8311
2282 8312
2283(a) 8314
2283(b), (c) 8315
2283a 8313
2284(a), (b) 8316
2284(c), (d) 8317
2284a(a) 8317
2284a(b) 8316
2285(a), (b) 8318
2285(c) 8320
2286 8321
2287 8319
2288 8322
2301(1)–(3) Elim.
2301(4) 4117
2302 4101
2303 4102
2304 4113
2305 4118
2306 4103
2307 4104
2308 4105
2309 4109
2310 4108
2311 4106
2312, 2313 4107
2314 4114
2315 4115
2316 4116
2317(a) 4113
2317(b), (c) 1308
2318(a) 4111
2318(b) 4110
2318(c) 4111
2318(d) 4107
2318(e) 4117
2319 4112
2331 3343, 3581
2332 3343
2333 3582, 3583
2334 3584
2351–2356 T. 20 §§901–906
2357 5334
2358(a) 5541, 6301
2358(b) T. 20 §907
2358(c) 8331, 8701
2371–2379 T. 42 §4271–4279
3001 8901
3002(a)–(f) 8901, 8905, 8913
3002(g) Rep.
3003 8903
3004 8904
3005 8902
3006 8906
3007 8909
3008(a) Rep.
3008(b) 8909
3009(a), (b) 8913
3009(c) 8908
3009(d) 8907
3010 8910
3011 1308
3012 8911
3013(a) 1104, 5109
3013(b) Rep.
3014 8912
3031 Elim.
3032 5921
3033–3035 5922
3036 5923
3037 5924
3038 5925
3039 5913
3051–3060 Elim.
3071 5521
3072 5522
3073 5523
3074 5524
3075 5525
3076 5527
3077 Rep.
3078 5526
3101 3326, 3501, 5531, 6303. Elim. in part.
3102(a)–(e) 5532
3102(f)–(h) Elim.
3103 3326
3104 Elim.
3105(a)–(d) 5533
3105(e) Elim.
3105(f) 5533
3121–3127 5911
Table Showing Disposition of All Sections of Title 5 Appendix
Title 5 Appendix

Former Sections

Title 5

New Sections

Federal Advisory Committee Act  
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §1) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 1 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Public Law 92–463, 86 Stat. 770) provides a short title for the Act.
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §2) 5 U.S.C. 1002
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §3) 5 U.S.C. 1001
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §4) 5 U.S.C. 1003
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §5) 5 U.S.C. 1004
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §6(a), (b)) 5 U.S.C. 1005
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §6(c)) Repealed as obsolete. Section 6(c) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Public Law 92–463, 86 Stat. 772), as amended by section 201(c) of the Congressional Reports Elimination Act of 1982 (Public Law 97–375, 96 Stat. 1822), provided that the President shall, not later than December 31 of each year, make an annual report to the Congress on the activities, status, and changes in the composition of advisory committees in existence during the preceding fiscal year. Section 6(c) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act is obsolete because of section 3003 of the Federal Reports Elimination and Sunset Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–66, 31 U.S.C. 1113 note). See the 3d item on page 173 of House Document No. 103–7.
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §7) 5 U.S.C. 1006
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §8) 5 U.S.C. 1007
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §9) 5 U.S.C. 1008
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §10) 5 U.S.C. 1009
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §11) 5 U.S.C. 1010
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §12) 5 U.S.C. 1011
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §13) 5 U.S.C. 1012
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §14) 5 U.S.C. 1013
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §15) 5 U.S.C. 1014
5 U.S.C. App. (FACA §16) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 16 (formerly section 15) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Public Law 92–463, 86 Stat. 776) provides that, except as provided in section 7(b) of the Act (restated at section 1006(b) of title 5, United States Code), the Act shall become effective upon the expiration of 90 days following October 6, 1972.
Inspector General Act of 1978  
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §1) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 1 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 provides a short title for the Act.
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §2) 5 U.S.C. 402
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §3) 5 U.S.C. 403
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §3) note (Pub. L. 110–409, §4(a)(3)) 5 U.S.C. 423(a)
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §3) note (Pub. L. 110–409, §4(b)(1)) 5 U.S.C. 423(b)
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §3) note (Pub. L. 110–409, §4(b)(2)) Repealed as obsolete. Section 4(b)(2) of the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 (5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §3) note) provided a limitation on pay increases resulting from the application of section 4(b)(1) of the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008, which is restated as section 423(b) of title 5, United States Code. The provision is obsolete because section 4(b)(2)(B) of the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 provided that the limitation "shall not apply to any adjustment made in fiscal year 2013 or each fiscal year thereafter".
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §3) note (Pub. L. 110–409, §4(c)) 5 U.S.C. 423(c)
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §4) 5 U.S.C. 404
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §5) 5 U.S.C. 405
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §6) 5 U.S.C. 406
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §7) 5 U.S.C. 407
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8) 5 U.S.C. 408
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(a), (b)) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 8A(a) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(a))) provides that the Inspector General of the Agency for International Development shall supervise, direct, and control all security activities relating to the programs and operations of that agency, and section 8A(b) of the Act (5 U.S.C. App (IGA §8A(b))) provides for the appointment of an Assistant Inspector General for Security who shall have responsibility for supervising the performance of security activities relating to programs and operations of the Agency for International Development. However, the supervision of security activities referred to section 8A(a) and section 8A(b) of the Act is no longer performed by the Inspector General of the Agency for International Development because of superseding provisions in section 587(a) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1999 (Public Law 105–277, div. A, §101(d) [title V, §587], 22 U.S.C. 2381 note).
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(c)) 5 U.S.C. 409(b)
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(d)) 5 U.S.C. 409(c)
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(e)) 5 U.S.C. 409(d)
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(f)) 5 U.S.C. 409(a)
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8B) 5 U.S.C. 410
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8C) 5 U.S.C. 411
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8D) 5 U.S.C. 412
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8E) 5 U.S.C. 413
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8F) 5 U.S.C. 414
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8G) 5 U.S.C. 415
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8H) 5 U.S.C. 416
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8I) 5 U.S.C. 417
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8J) 5 U.S.C. 418
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8K) Previously repealed.
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8L) 5 U.S.C. 419
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8M) 5 U.S.C. 420
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8N) 5 U.S.C. 421
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §9) 5 U.S.C. 422
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §10) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 10 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 amended sections 5315 and 5316 of title 5, United States Code, and amended section 202(e) of the Act of October 15, 1976 (Public Law 94–505, 42 U.S.C. 3522(e)), which was subsequently repealed by section 102(e)(2) of the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100–504, 102 Stat. 2517).
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §11) 5 U.S.C. 424(a) through (e)(3)
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §12) 5 U.S.C. 401
5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §13) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 13 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 provides that the provisions of the Act and the amendments made by the Act shall take effect October 1, 1978.
Ethics in Government Act of 1978  
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §101) 5 U.S.C. 13103
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §101 note) (Pub. L. 95–521, §1) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 1 (i.e., the undesignated 1st section) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (Public Law 95–521, 92 Stat. 1824) provides a short title for the Act.
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §102) 5 U.S.C. 13104
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §103) 5 U.S.C. 13105
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §104) 5 U.S.C. 13106
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §105) 5 U.S.C. 13107
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §106) 5 U.S.C. 13108
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §107) 5 U.S.C. 13109
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §108) 5 U.S.C. 13110
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §109) 5 U.S.C. 13101
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §110) 5 U.S.C. 13111
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §111) 5 U.S.C. 13102
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §112) Previously repealed.
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §§201 through 212) Previously repealed.
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §§301 through 309) Previously repealed.
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §401) 5 U.S.C. 13121
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §402) 5 U.S.C. 13122
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §403) 5 U.S.C. 13123
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §404) 5 U.S.C. 13124
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §405) 5 U.S.C. 13125
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §406) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 406 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (Public Law 95–521, 92 Stat. 1864) amended section 5316 of title 5, United States Code.
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §407) Not repealed but omitted from the text of title 5. Section 407 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (Public Law 95–521), as added by section 4 of Public Law 98–150 (97 Stat. 960), and amended by section 8 of Public Law 100–598 (102 Stat. 3035), amended sections 5314 and 5316 of title 5, United States Code.
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §408) 5 U.S.C. 13126
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §501) 5 U.S.C. 13143
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §502) 5 U.S.C. 13144
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §503) 5 U.S.C. 13142
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §504) 5 U.S.C. 13145
5 U.S.C. App. (EGA §505) 5 U.S.C. 13141

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Enacting Clause

Pub. L. 89–554, §1, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378, provided in part: "That the laws relating to the organization of the Government of the United States and to its civilian officers and employees, generally, are revised, codified, and enacted as title 5 of the United States Code, entitled 'Government Organization and Employees', and may be cited as '5 U.S.C., §    '."

Legislative Purpose: Inconsistent Provisions

Pub. L. 89–554, §7(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, provided that: "The legislative purpose in enacting sections 1–6 of this Act is to restate, without substantive change, the laws replaced by those sections on the effective date of this Act [Sept. 6, 1966]. Laws effective after June 30, 1965, that are inconsistent with this Act are considered as superseding it to the extent of the inconsistency."

References to Other Laws

Pub. L. 89–554, §7(b), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, provided that: "A reference to a law replaced by sections 1–6 of this Act, including a reference in a regulation, order, or other law, is deemed to refer to the corresponding provision enacted by this Act."

Outstanding Orders, Rules and Regulations

Pub. L. 89–554, §7(c), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, provided that: "An order, rule, or regulation in effect under a law replaced by sections 1–6 of this Act continues in effect under the corresponding provision enacted by this Act until repealed, amended, or superseded."

Savings Provision

Pub. L. 89–554, §7(d), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, provided that: "An action taken or an offense committed under a law replaced by sections 1–6 of this Act is deemed to have been taken or committed under the corresponding provision enacted by this Act."

Legislative Construction

Pub. L. 89–554, §7(e), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, provided that: "An inference of a legislative construction is not to be drawn by reason of the location in the United States Code of a provision enacted by this Act or by reason of the caption or catchline thereof."

Pay, Allowances, Compensation, or Annuity

Pub. L. 89–554, §7(f), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, provided that: "The enactment of this Act does not increase or decrease the pay, allowances, compensation, or annuity of any person."


Pub. L. 89–554, §7(g), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 631, provided that: "If a provision enacted by this Act is held invalid, all valid provisions that are separable from the invalid provision remain in effect. If a provision of this Act is held invalid in one or more of its applications, the provision remains in effect in all valid applications that are severable from the invalid application or applications."

Applicability to Commissioned Officers of Public Health Service and Coast and Geodetic Survey

Pub. L. 89–554, §7(h), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 632, provided that: "Sections 1–6 of this Act shall be construed to apply to commissioned officers of the Public Health Service and commissioned officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey [now the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] to the same extent that the laws replaced by those sections applied to these officers immediately before the date of enactment of this Act [Sept. 6, 1966]."

Repeals; Continued Right to Deferred Annuity

Pub. L. 89–554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 632, repealed the sections or parts thereof of the Revised Statutes or Statutes at Large codified in this title, except with respect to rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun, before Sept. 6, 1966, and except as provided by section 7 of Pub. L. 89–554.

Pub. L. 89–554, §8(b), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 632, provided that: "The right to a deferred annuity on satisfaction of the conditions attached thereto is continued notwithstanding the repeal of the law conferring the right."

Pub. L. 89–554, §8(c), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 632, provided that: "The repeal of a law by this Act may not be construed as a legislative inference that the provision was or was not in effect before its repeal."

Purposes; Restatement Does Not Change Meaning or Effect of Existing Law: Pub. L. 117–286

Pub. L. 117–286, §2, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4196, provided that:

"(a) Purposes.—The purposes of this Act [enacting chapters 4, 10, and 131 of this title, repealing provisions formerly set out in the Appendix to this title, and making numerous conforming amendments; see Tables for full classification] are—

"(1) to make revisions in title 5, United States Code, as necessary to keep the title current; and

"(2) to make technical amendments to improve the United States Code.

"(b) Restatement Does Not Change Meaning or Effect of Existing Law.—

"(1) In general.—The restatement of existing law enacted by this Act does not change the meaning or effect of the existing law. The restatement incorporates in title 5, United States Code, various provisions that were enacted separately over a period of years, reorganizing them, conforming style and terminology, modernizing obsolete language, and correcting drafting errors. These changes serve to remove ambiguities, contradictions, and other imperfections, but they do not change the meaning or effect of the existing law or impair the precedential value of earlier judicial decisions or other interpretations.

"(2) Rule of construction.—

"(A) In general.—Notwithstanding the plain meaning rule or other rules of statutory construction, a change in wording made in the restatement of existing law enacted by this Act serves to clarify the existing law as indicated in paragraph (1), but not to change the meaning or effect of the existing law.

"(B) Revision notes.—Subparagraph (A) applies whether or not a change in wording is explained by a revision note appearing in a congressional report accompanying this Act. If such a revision note does appear, a court shall consider the revision note in interpreting the change."

Transitional and Savings Provisions: Pub. L. 117–286

Pub. L. 117–286, §5, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4360, provided that:

"(a) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Restated provision.—The term 'restated provision' means a provision of title 5, United States Code, that is enacted by section 3.

"(2) Source provision.—The term 'source provision' means a provision of law that is replaced by a restated provision.

"(b) Cutoff Date.—The restated provisions replace certain provisions of law enacted on or before October 19, 2021. If a law enacted after that date amends or repeals a source provision, that law is deemed to amend or repeal, as the case may be, the corresponding restated provision. If a law enacted after that date is otherwise inconsistent with a restated provision or a provision of this Act [enacting chapters 4, 10, and 131 of this title, repealing provisions formerly set out in the Appendix to this title, and making numerous conforming amendments; see Tables for full classification], that law supersedes the restated provision or provision of this Act to the extent of the inconsistency.

"(c) Original Date of Enactment Unchanged.—A restated provision is deemed to have been enacted on the date of enactment of the corresponding source provision.

"(d) References to Restated Provisions.—A reference to a restated provision is deemed to refer to the corresponding source provision.

"(e) References to Source Provisions.—A reference to a source provision, including a reference in a regulation, order, or other law, is deemed to refer to the corresponding restated provision.

"(f) Regulations, Orders, and Other Administrative Actions.—A regulation, order, or other administrative action in effect under a source provision continues in effect under the corresponding restated provision.

"(g) Actions Taken and Offenses Committed.—An action taken or an offense committed under a source provision is deemed to have been taken or committed under the corresponding restated provision.

"(h) Legislative Construction.—An inference of legislative construction is not to be drawn by reason of a restated provision's location in the United States Code or by reason of the heading used for the restated provision."

Repeals: Pub. L. 117–286

Pub. L. 117–286, §7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4361 repealed specified laws relating to Federal advisory committees, Inspectors General, and ethics requirements, except with respect to rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, or proceedings that were begun before Dec. 27, 2022.

Interagency Personnel Rotations

Pub. L. 112–239, div. A, title XI, §1107, Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 1974, provided that:

"(a) Finding and Purpose.—

"(1) Finding.—Congress finds that the national security and homeland security challenges of the 21st century require that executive branch personnel use a whole-of-Government approach in order for the United States Government to operate in the most effective and efficient manner.

"(2) Purpose.—The purpose of this section is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Government by fostering greater interagency experience among executive branch personnel on national security and homeland security matters involving more than 1 agency.

"(b) Committee on National Security Personnel.—

"(1) Establishment.—There is established a Committee on National Security Personnel within the Executive Office of the President.

"(2) Membership.—The members of the Committee shall include—

"(A) designees of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Homeland Security (1 member to be designated by each); and

"(B) such other members as the President shall designate.

"(c) Program Established.—

"(1) Not later than 270 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Jan. 2, 2013], the Committee on National Security Personnel, in consultation with representatives of such other agencies as the Committee determines to be appropriate, shall develop and issue a National Security Human Capital Strategy providing policies, processes, and procedures for a program for the interagency rotation of personnel among positions within National Security Interagency Communities of Interest.

"(2) The strategy required by paragraph (1) shall, at a minimum—

"(A) identify specific Interagency Communities of Interest for the purpose of carrying out the program;

"(B) designate agencies to be included or excluded from the program;

"(C) define categories of positions to be covered by the program;

"(D) establish processes by which the heads of relevant agencies may identify—

"(i) positions in Interagency Communities of Interest that are available for rotation under the program; and

"(ii) individual employees who are available to participate in rotational assignments under the program; and

"(E) promulgate procedures for the program, including—

"(i) any minimum or maximum periods of service for participation in the program;

"(ii) any training and education requirements associated with participation in the program;

"(iii) any prerequisites or requirements for participation in the program; and

"(iv) appropriate performance measures, reporting requirements, and other accountability devices for the evaluation of the program.

"(d) Program Requirements.—The policies, processes, and procedures established pursuant to subsection (c) shall, at a minimum, provide that—

"(1) during each of the first 4 fiscal years after the fiscal year in which this Act is enacted—

"(A) the interagency rotation program shall be carried out in at least 2 Interagency Communities of Interest, of which 1 shall be an Interagency Community of Interest for emergency management and 1 shall be an Interagency Community of Interest for stabilization and reconstruction; and

"(B) not fewer than 20 employees in the executive branch of the Government shall be assigned to participate in the interagency personnel rotation program;

"(2) an employee's participation in the interagency rotation program shall require the consent of the head of the agency and shall be voluntary on the part of the employee;

"(3) employees selected to perform interagency rotational service are selected in a fully open and competitive manner that is consistent with the merit system principles set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 2301(b) of title 5, United States Code, unless the Interagency Community of Interest position is otherwise exempt under another provision of law;

"(4) an employee performing service in a position in another agency pursuant to the program established under this section shall be entitled to return, within a reasonable period of time after the end of the period of service, to the position held by the employee, or a corresponding or higher position, in his or her employing agency;

"(5) an employee performing interagency rotational service shall have all the rights that would be available to the employee if the employee were detailed or assigned under a provision of law other than this section from the agency employing the employee to the agency in which the position in which the employee is serving is located; and

"(6) an employee participating in the program shall receive performance evaluations from officials in his or her employing agency that are based on input from the supervisors of the employee during his or her service in the program that are based primarily on the contribution of the employee to the work of the agency in which the employee performed such service, and these performance evaluations shall be provided the same weight in the receipt of promotions and other rewards by the employee from the employing agency as performance evaluations for service in the employing agency.

"(e) Selection of Individuals to Fill Senior Positions.—The head of each agency participating in the program established pursuant to subsection (c) shall ensure that, in selecting individuals to fill senior positions within an Interagency Community of Interest, the agency gives a strong preference to individuals who have performed interagency rotational service within the Interagency Community of Interest pursuant to such program.

"(f) Interagency Community of Interest Defined.—As used in this section, the term 'National Security Interagency Community of Interest' or 'Interagency Community of Interest' means the positions in the executive branch of the Government that, as determined by the Committee on National Security Personnel—

"(1) as a group are positions within multiple agencies of the executive branch of the Government; and

"(2) have significant responsibility for the same substantive, functional, or regional subject area related to national security or homeland security that requires integration of the positions and activities in that area across multiple agencies to ensure that the executive branch of the Government operates as a single, cohesive enterprise to maximize mission success and minimize cost.

"(g) Report on Performance Measures.—Not later than the end of the 2nd fiscal year after the fiscal year in which this Act is enacted, the Committee on National Security Personnel shall assess the performance measures described in subsection (c)(2)(E)(iv) and issue a report to Congress on the assessment of those performance measures.

"(h) GAO Review.—Not later than the end of the 2nd fiscal year after the fiscal year in which this Act is enacted, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report assessing the implementation and effectiveness of the interagency rotation program established pursuant to this section. The report required by this section shall address, at a minimum—

"(1) the extent to which the requirements of this section have been implemented by the Committee on National Security Personnel and by national security agencies;

"(2) the extent to which national security agencies have participated in the program established pursuant to this section, including whether the heads of such agencies have—

"(A) identified positions within the agencies that are National Security Interagency Communities of Interest and had employees from other agencies serve in rotational assignments in such positions; and

"(B) identified employees who are eligible for rotational assignments in National Security Interagency Communities of Interest and had such employees serve in rotational assignments in other agencies;

"(3) the extent to which employees serving in rotational assignments under the program established pursuant to this section have benefitted from such assignments, including an assessment of—

"(A) the period of service;

"(B) the duties performed by the employees during such service;

"(C) the value of the training and experience gained by participating employees through such service; and

"(D) the positions (including grade level) held by employees before and after completing interagency rotational service under this section; and

"(4) the extent to which interagency rotational service under this section has improved or is expected to improve interagency integration and coordination within National Security Interagency Communities of Interest.

"(i) Exclusion.—This section shall not apply to any element of the intelligence community, as defined in section 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 401a(4))."

Improvement of United States Code by Pub. L. 90–83; Legislative Purpose; Inconsistent Provisions; Corresponding Provisions; Savings and Separability of Provisions

Pub. L. 90–83, §9(a)–(g), Sept. 11, 1967, 81 Stat. 222, provided that:

"(a) The legislative purpose in enacting sections 1–8 of this Act is to restate, without substantive change, the laws replaced by those sections on the effective date of this Act. Laws effective after February 21, 1967, that are inconsistent with this Act are considered as superseding it to the extent of the inconsistency.

"(b) A reference to a law replaced by sections 1–8 of this Act, including a reference in a regulation, order, or other law, is deemed to refer to the corresponding provision enacted by this Act.

"(c) An order, rule, or regulation in effect under a law replaced by sections 1–8 of this Act continues in effect under the corresponding provision enacted by this Act until repealed, amended, or superseded.

"(d) An action taken or an offense committed under a law replaced by sections 1–8 of this Act is deemed to have been taken or committed under the corresponding provision enacted by this Act.

"(e) An inference of a legislative construction is not to be drawn by reason of the location in the United States Code of a provision enacted by this Act or by reason of the caption or catchline thereof.

"(f) The enactment of this Act does not increase or decrease the pay, allowances, compensation, or annuity of any person.

"(g) If a provision enacted by this Act is held invalid, all valid provisions that are severable from the invalid provision remain in effect. If a provision of this Act is held invalid in one or more of its applications, the provision remains in effect in all valid applications that are severable from the invalid application or applications."


Inspectors General
Administrative Procedure
1 501


The Analysis of Regulatory Functions


Judicial Review
Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking
Executive Reorganization
Federal Advisory Committees


Editorial Notes


2022Pub. L. 117–286, §4(d)(2), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4359, added items for chapters 4 and 10.

1996Pub. L. 104–121, title II, §253, Mar. 29, 1996, 110 Stat. 874, added item for chapter 8.

1 Pub. L. 90–83 added section 500 to chapter 5 without making a corresponding change in Part analysis.

2 Editorially supplied. Chapter 6 added by Pub. L. 96–354 without a corresponding amendment of Part analysis.


Executive departments.
Military departments.
Government corporation.
Independent establishment.
Executive agency.


§101. Executive departments

The Executive departments are:

The Department of State.

The Department of the Treasury.

The Department of Defense.

The Department of Justice.)

The Department of the Interior.

The Department of Agriculture.

The Department of Commerce.

The Department of Labor.

The Department of Health and Human Services.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The Department of Transportation.

The Department of Energy.

The Department of Education.

The Department of Veterans Affairs.

The Department of Homeland Security.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378; Pub. L. 89–670, §10(b), Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 948; Pub. L. 91–375, §6(c)(1), Aug. 12, 1970, 84 Stat. 775; Pub. L. 95–91, title VII, §710(a), Aug. 4, 1977, 91 Stat. 609; Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §508(b), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 692; Pub. L. 100–527, §13(b), Oct. 25, 1988, 102 Stat. 2643; Pub. L. 109–241, title IX, §902(a)(1), July 11, 2006, 120 Stat. 566.)

Historical and Revision Notes
DerivationU.S. CodeRevised Statutes and

Statutes at Large

5 U.S.C. 1. R.S. §158.

Feb. 9, 1889, ch. 122, §1 (38th through 54th words), 25 Stat. 659.

  Feb. 14, 1903, ch. 552, §1 (83d through 99th words), 32 Stat. 825.
  Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, §1 (75th through 91st words), 37 Stat. 736.
  Aug. 10, 1949, ch. 412, §4 "Sec. 201(c)", 63 Stat. 579.
  July 31, 1956, ch. 802, §1(a), 70 Stat. 732.
5 U.S.C. 2. R.S. §159.

The reference in former section 1 to the application of the provisions of this title, referring to title IV of the Revised Statutes, is omitted as unnecessary as the application of those provisions is stated in the text.

The statement in former section 2 that the use of the word "department" means one of the Executive departments named in former section 1 is omitted as unnecessary as the words "Executive department" are used in this title when Executive department is meant.

"The Department of Commerce" is substituted for "The Department of Commerce and Labor" on authority of the act of March 4, 1913, ch. 141, §1, 37 Stat. 736.

Editorial Notes


2006—Pub. L. 109–241 inserted "The Department of Homeland Security."

1988—Pub. L. 100–527 inserted "The Department of Veterans Affairs."

1979—Pub. L. 96–88 substituted "Department of Health and Human Services" for "Department of Health, Education, and Welfare" and inserted "The Department of Education."

1977—Pub. L. 95–91 inserted "The Department of Energy."

1970—Pub. L. 91–375 struck out "The Post Office Department."

1966—Pub. L. 89–670 inserted "The Department of Housing and Urban Development." and "The Department of Transportation."

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1988 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 100–527 effective Mar. 15, 1989, see section 18(a) of Pub. L. 100–527, set out as a Department of Veterans Affairs Act note under section 301 of Title 38, Veterans' Benefits.

Effective Date of 1979 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 96–88 effective May 4, 1980, with specified exceptions, see section 601 of Pub. L. 96–88, set out as an Effective Date note under section 3401 of Title 20, Education.

Effective Date of 1970 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 91–375 effective within 1 year after Aug. 12, 1970, on date established therefor by Board of Governors of United States Postal Service and published by it in Federal Register, see section 15(a) of Pub. L. 91–375, set out as an Effective Date note preceding section 101 of Title 39, Postal Service.

Effective Date of 1966 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 89–670 effective Apr. 1, 1967, as prescribed by the President and published in the Federal Register, see section 16(a), formerly §15(a), of Pub. L. 89–670 and Ex. Ord. No. 11340, Mar. 30, 1967, 32 F.R. 5453.

Short Title of 2025 Amendment

Pub. L. 118–231, §1, Jan. 4, 2025, 138 Stat. 2829, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter III of chapter 3 of this title] may be cited as the 'Government Service Delivery Improvement Act'."

Short Title of 2024 Amendment

Pub. L. 118–192, §1, Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2660, provided that: "This Act [amending section 8332 of this title and section 719 of Title 38, Veterans' Benefits] may be cited as the 'No Congressionally Obligated Recurring Revenue Used as Pensions To Incarcerated Officials Now Act' or the 'No CORRUPTION Act'."

Pub. L. 118–188, §1, Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2644, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 3302, 3304, 3330a, and 9810 of this title, sections 3008 and 6918 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, and section 17013 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 3304 of this title] may be cited as the 'Chance to Compete Act of 2024'."

Pub. L. 118–104, §1, Oct. 2, 2024, 138 Stat. 1586, provided that: "This Act [amending section 552a of this title] may be cited as the 'Congressional Budget Office Data Access Act'."

Pub. L. 118–97, §1, Oct. 1, 2024, 138 Stat. 1573, provided that: "This Act [amending section 801 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 801 of this title] may be cited as the 'GAO Database Modernization Act of 2023'."

Pub. L. 118–71, §1, July 25, 2024, 138 Stat. 1492, provided that: "This Act [amending section 413 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 413 of this title and section 4041 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure] may be cited as the 'Federal Prison Oversight Act'."

Pub. L. 118–38, §1, Feb. 6, 2024, 138 Stat. 13, provided that: "This Act [enacting and amending provisions set out as notes under section 5547 of this title] may be cited as the 'Overtime Pay for Protective Services Act of 2023'."

Short Title of 2023 Amendment

Pub. L. 118–9, §1, July 25, 2023, 137 Stat. 55, provided that: "This Act [amending section 553 of this title] may be cited as the 'Providing Accountability Through Transparency Act of 2023'."

Short Title of 2022 Amendment

Pub. L. 117–328, div. Y, §101, Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 5523, provided that: "This division [amending section 8421a of this title] may be cited as the 'Continuity for Operators with Necessary Training Required for ATC Contract Towers Act of 2022' or the 'CONTRACT Act of 2022'."

Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LIII, §5321, Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3255, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle B (§§5321, 5322) of title LIII of div. E of Pub. L. 117–263, enacting section 3330f of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 3330f of this title] may be cited as the 'Periodically Listing Updates to Management Act of 2022' or the 'PLUM Act of 2022'."

Pub. L. 117–225, §1, Dec. 9, 2022, 136 Stat. 2293, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 8336, 8412, 8414, 8415, 8421, 8421a, 8425, and 8462 of this title, sections 4045, 4046, and 4052 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, and section 2152 of Title 50, War and National Defense, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 8336 of this title] may be cited as the 'First Responder Fair Return for Employees on Their Initial Retirement Earned Act' or the 'First Responder Fair RETIRE Act'."

Pub. L. 117–108, title I, §102(a), Apr. 6, 2022, 136 Stat. 1138, provided that: "This section [enacting section 2903 of Title 39, Postal Service, amending section 8909a of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 8909a of this title] may be cited as the 'USPS Fairness Act'."

Short Title of 2021 Amendment

Pub. L. 117–81, div. F, title LXII, §6201, Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. 2389, provided that: "This title [enacting section 4087 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, amending section 6502 of this title, section 1015d of Title 20, Education, and sections 3951 and 4026 of Title 22, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 6502 of this title and section 1015d of Title 20] may be cited as the 'Foreign Service Families Act of 2021'."

Pub. L. 117–17, §1, June 17, 2021, 135 Stat. 287, provided that: "This Act [amending section 6103 of this title] may be cited as the 'Juneteenth National Independence Day Act'."

Pub. L. 116–283, div. A, title XI, §1131, Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 3900, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle B (§§1131–1138) of title XI of div. A of Pub. L. 116–283, amending section 2302 of this title and enacting and amending provisions set out as notes under section 2301 of this title] may be cited as the 'Elijah E. Cummings Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act of 2020'."

Short Title of 2020 Amendment

Pub. L. 116–269, §1, Dec. 30, 2020, 134 Stat. 3323, provided that: "This Act [amending provisions set out as a note under section 5547 of this title] may be cited as the 'Secret Service Overtime Pay Extension Act'."

Pub. L. 116–126, §1, Mar. 18, 2020, 134 Stat. 174, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 8345a and 8466a of this title, amending sections 8331, 8345, 8348, 8401, and 8466 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 8331 of this title] may be cited as the 'Representative Payee Fraud Prevention Act of 2019'."

Short Title of 2019 Amendment

Pub. L. 116–92, div. A, title XI, §1121, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1605, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle B (§§1121–1124) of title XI of Pub. L. 116–92, enacting chapter 92 of this title, section 1316b of Title 2, The Congress, section 2339 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and section 4714 of Title 41, Public Contracts, amending sections 1302 and 1317 of Title 2, section 62 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, and section 604 of Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 9201 and 9202 of this title, section 2339 of Title 10, section 10132 of Title 34, Crime Control and Law Enforcement, and section 4714 of Title 41] may be cited as the 'Fair Chance to Compete for Jobs Act of 2019' or the 'Fair Chance Act'."

Pub. L. 116–92, div. F, title LXXVI, §7601, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2304, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle A (§§7601–7606) of title LXXVI of Pub. L. 116–92, amending section 6382 of this title, section 1312 of Title 2, The Congress, and sections 2611 and 2612 of Title 29, Labor, enacting provisions set out as notes under section 6382 of this title, section 1312 of Title 2, and sections 2611 and 2612 of Title 29, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 44935 of Title 49, Transportation] may be cited as the 'Federal Employee Paid Leave Act'."

Pub. L. 116–50, §1, Aug. 22, 2019, 133 Stat. 1073, provided that: "This Act [enacting provisions set out as a note under section 552a of this title] may be cited as the 'Creating Advanced Streamlined Electronic Services for Constituents Act of 2019' or the 'CASES Act'."

Pub. L. 115–435, §1(a), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5529, provided that: "This Act [enacting subchapter II of chapter 3 of this title, subchapter III of chapter 35 of Title 44, Public Printing and Documents, and section 3520A of Title 44, amending section 306 of this title, section 402 of Title 13, Census, section 176a of Title 15, Commerce and Trade, sections 3502, 3504, 3506, 3511, and 3520 of Title 44, and sections 6302 and 6314 of Title 49, Transportation, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 306 and 311 of this title and sections 101, 3506, and 3561 of Title 44, amending provisions set out as a note under section 20155 of Title 49, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 3501 of Title 44] may be cited as the 'Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018'."

Short Title of 2018 Amendment

Pub. L. 115–383, §1, Dec. 21, 2018, 132 Stat. 5121, provided that: "This Act [amending provisions set out as a note under section 5547 of this title] may be cited as the 'Secret Service Overtime Pay Extension Act'."

Pub. L. 115–352, §1, Dec. 21, 2018, 132 Stat. 5067, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 8334 and 8422 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 8334 of this title], may be cited as the 'Correcting Miscalculations in Veterans' Pensions Act'."

Pub. L. 115–238, §1, Sept. 7, 2018, 132 Stat. 2450, provided that: "This Act [amending section 6329 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 6329 of this title] may be cited as the 'Veterans Providing Healthcare Transition Improvement Act'."

Pub. L. 115–195, §1, July 7, 2018, 132 Stat. 1510, provided that: "This Act [amending section 7703 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 7703 of this title] may be cited as the 'All Circuit Review Act'."

Pub. L. 115–160, §1, Apr. 3, 2018, 132 Stat. 1246, provided that: "This Act [enacting and amending provisions set out as notes under section 5547 of this title] may be cited as the 'Secret Service Recruitment and Retention Act of 2018'."

Short Title of 2017 Amendment

Pub. L. 115–84, §1, Nov. 17, 2017, 131 Stat. 1272, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 8432b and 8433 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 8432b and 8433 of this title] may be cited as the 'TSP Modernization Act of 2017'."

Pub. L. 115–73, §1(a), Oct. 26, 2017, 131 Stat. 1235, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 2307 and 7515 of this title, amending sections 1214, 1221, 2302, 4505a, and 5755 of this title and sections 3657 and 3673 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 1212 and 2301 of this title and section 703 of Title 38, Veterans' Benefits, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 2302 of this title] may be cited as the 'Dr. Chris Kirkpatrick Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017'."

Pub. L. 115–40, §1, June 14, 2017, 131 Stat. 861, provided that: "This Act [amending section 2302 of this title] may be cited as the 'Follow the Rules Act'."

Pub. L. 115–34, §1, May 16, 2017, 131 Stat. 846, provided that: "This Act [amending section 5707 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 5707 of this title] may be cited as the 'Modernizing Government Travel Act'."

Pub. L. 115–1, §1, Jan. 20, 2017, 131 Stat. 3, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 3171 and 3172 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 3171 of this title] may be cited as the 'Tested Ability to Leverage Exceptional National Talent Act of 2017' or the 'TALENT Act of 2017'."

Short Title of 2016 Amendment

Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XI, §1138(a), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2460, provided that: "This section [enacting sections 6329a to 6329c of this title, amending section 6502 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 6329a of this title] may be cited as the 'Administrative Leave Act of 2016'."

Pub. L. 114–302, §1, Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1516, provided that: "This Act [amending section 2303 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federal Bureau of Investigation Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2016'."

Pub. L. 114–185, §1, June 30, 2016, 130 Stat. 538, provided that: "This Act [amending section 552 of this title and section 3102 of Title 44, Public Printing and Documents, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 552 of this title] may be cited as the 'FOIA Improvement Act of 2016'."

Pub. L. 114–137, §1, Mar. 18, 2016, 130 Stat. 310, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 3318, 3319, and 9510 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 3318 of this title] may be cited as the 'Competitive Service Act of 2015'."

Pub. L. 114–136, §1, Mar. 18, 2016, 130 Stat. 301, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 8331, 8701, and 8901 of this title and section 2203 of Title 44, Public Printing and Documents, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 3101 of this title, amending provisions set out as a note under section 102 of Title 3, The President, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 102 of Title 3] may be cited as the 'Edward "Ted" Kaufman and Michael Leavitt Presidential Transitions Improvements Act of 2015'."

Short Title of 2015 Amendment

Pub. L. 114–75, §1, Nov. 5, 2015, 129 Stat. 640, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 6329 of this title and provisions set out as notes under section 6329 of this title] may be cited as the 'Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act of 2015'."

Pub. L. 114–62, §1, Oct. 7, 2015, 129 Stat. 547, provided that: "This Act [amending section 2108 of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 2108 of this title] may be cited as the 'Gold Star Fathers Act of 2015'."

Pub. L. 114–47, §1, Aug. 7, 2015, 129 Stat. 485, provided that: "This Act [enacting chapter 96 of this title] may be cited as the 'Land Management Workforce Flexibility Act'."

Short Title of 2014 Amendment

Pub. L. 113–277, §1, Dec. 18, 2014, 128 Stat. 2995, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 5550 of this title and section 147 of Title 6, Domestic Security, amending sections 3132, 5542, 5547, and 8331 of this title and section 213 of Title 29, Labor, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 5542 and 5550 of this title and section 146 of Title 6] may be cited as the 'Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act of 2014'."

Pub. L. 113–255, §1, Dec. 18, 2014, 128 Stat. 2920, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 8438, 8439, 8472, and 8477 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 8438 of this title] may be cited as the 'Smart Savings Act'."

Pub. L. 113–170, §1, Sept. 26, 2014, 128 Stat. 1894, provided that: "This Act [amending section 7703 of this title] may be cited as the 'All Circuit Review Extension Act'."

Pub. L. 113–80, §1, Feb. 12, 2014, 128 Stat. 1006, provided that: "This Act [amending section 1304 of this title] may be cited as the 'OPM IG Act'."

Short Title of 2012 Amendment

Pub. L. 112–230, §1, Dec. 28, 2012, 126 Stat. 1616, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 7326 of this title, amending sections 1501, 1502, 1506, 7322, and 7325 of this title, repealing former section 7326 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 1501 and 7326 of this title] may be cited as the 'Hatch Act Modernization Act of 2012'."

Pub. L. 112–199, §1, Nov. 27, 2012, 126 Stat. 1465, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 2304 of this title, amending sections 1204, 1212, 1214, 1215, 1221, 2302, and 7703 of this title, sections 3 and 8D of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, formerly set out in the Appendix to this title, and section 133 of Title 6, Domestic Security, renumbering sections 2304 and 2305 of this title as sections 2305 and 2306, respectively, of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 1204, 2302, and 2304 of this title, section 3 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, and section 1116 of Title 31, Money and Finance] may be cited as the 'Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012'."

Pub. L. 112–166, §1, Aug. 10, 2012, 126 Stat. 1283, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011'."

Short Title of 2010 Amendment

Pub. L. 111–292, §1, Dec. 9, 2010, 124 Stat. 3165, provided that: "This Act [enacting chapter 65 and section 5711 of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 6501 of this title and amending provisions set out as a note and provisions listed in a table under section 6120 of this title] may be cited as the 'Telework Enhancement Act of 2010'."

Pub. L. 111–282, §1(a), Oct. 15, 2010, 124 Stat. 3033, provided that: "This Act [enacting chapter 102 of this title, amending sections 5102, 5541, 6304, and 6324 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 5102 and 10201 of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under section 3056A of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure] may be cited as the 'United States Secret Service Uniformed Division Modernization Act of 2010'."

Pub. L. 111–178, §1, June 9, 2010, 124 Stat. 1262, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 5724d of this title and provisions set out as a note under section 5724d of this title] may be cited as the 'Special Agent Samuel Hicks Families of Fallen Heroes Act'."

Short Title of 2009 Amendment

Pub. L. 111–83, title V, §564(a), Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2184, provided that: "This section [amending section 552 of this title] may be cited as the 'OPEN FOIA Act of 2009'."

Pub. L. 111–31, div. B, §100(a), June 22, 2009, 123 Stat. 1852, provided that: "This division [enacting sections 8432d and 8480 of this title, amending sections 8432, 8433, 8437 to 8439, and 8477 of this title and section 1450 of Title 10, Armed Forces, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and section 8439 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federal Retirement Reform Act of 2009'."

Pub. L. 111–31, div. B, title I, §101, June 22, 2009, 123 Stat. 1853, provided that: "This title [enacting sections 8432d and 8480 of this title, amending sections 8432, 8433, 8437 to 8439, and 8477 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 8439 of this title] may be cited as the 'Thrift Savings Plan Enhancement Act of 2009'."

Short Title of 2008 Amendment

Pub. L. 110–372, §1, Oct. 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 4043, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 3104, 3324, 3325, 5108, 5304, 5307 and 5376 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 5307 and 5376 of this title] may be cited as the 'Senior Professional Performance Act of 2008'."

Pub. L. 110–290, §1, July 30, 2008, 122 Stat. 2914, provided that: "This Act [amending section 596 of this title] may be cited as the 'Regulatory Improvement Act of 2007'."

Short Title of 2007 Amendment

Pub. L. 110–175, §1, Dec. 31, 2007, 121 Stat. 2524, provided that: "This Act [amending section 552 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 552 of this title] may be cited as the 'Openness Promotes Effectiveness in our National Government Act of 2007' or the 'OPEN Government Act of 2007'."

Short Title of 2006 Amendment

Pub. L. 109–435, title VIII, §801, Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. 3249, provided that: "This title [enacting section 8909a of this title, amending sections 8334, 8348, and 8906 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 8334, 8348, and 8909a of this title, and repealing provisions set out as a note preceding section 2001 of Title 39, Postal Service] may be cited as the 'Postal Civil Service Retirement and Health Benefits Funding Amendments of 2006'."

Pub. L. 109–356, §1(a), Oct. 16, 2006, 120 Stat. 2019, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 5102, 8951, 8981, and 9001 of this title, sections 202, 214, 215b, 216, 216a, 221, 321, and 1813 of Title 12, Banks and Banking, and section 57a of Title 15, Commerce and Trade] may be cited as the '2005 District of Columbia Omnibus Authorization Act'."

Short Title of 2004 Amendments

Pub. L. 108–496, §1, Dec. 23, 2004, 118 Stat. 4001, provided that: "This Act [enacting chapters 89A and 89B of this title, amending section 1005 of Title 39, Postal Service, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 8951 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federal Employee Dental and Vision Benefits Enhancement Act of 2004'."

Pub. L. 108–469, §1(a), Dec. 21, 2004, 118 Stat. 3891, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 8351, 8432, 8433, 8439, and 8440a to 8440e of this title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 8350 of this title] may be cited as the 'Thrift Savings Plan Open Elections Act of 2004'."

Pub. L. 108–411, §1(a), Oct. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2305, provided that: "This Act [enacting sections 4121, 5550b, 5753, and 5754 of this title, amending sections 4103, 4505a, 5302, 5304, 5305, 5314, 5334, 5361, 5363, 5365, 5377, and 6303 of this title, repealing former sections 5753 and 5754 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 5304, 5363, 5550b, 5753, and 6303 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 5305 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federal Workforce Flexibility Act of 2004'."

Pub. L. 108–401, §1, Oct. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2255, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 591, 594, and 596 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federal Regulatory Improvement Act of 2004'."

Pub. L. 108–201, §1, Feb. 24, 2004, 118 Stat. 461, provided that: "This Act [enacting chapter 98 of this title, amending section 2473 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 2473 of Title 42] may be cited as the 'NASA Flexibility Act of 2004'."

Short Title of 2003 Amendments

Pub. L. 108–196, §1, Dec. 19, 2003, 117 Stat. 2896, provided that: "This Act [enacting provisions set out as a note under section 3371 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federal Law Enforcement Pay and Benefits Parity Act of 2003'."

Pub. L. 108–123, §1, Nov. 11, 2003, 117 Stat. 1345, provided that: "This Act [amending section 5379 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federal Employee Student Loan Assistance Act'."

Pub. L. 108–44, §1, July 3, 2003, 117 Stat. 842, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 3114 of this title] may be cited as the 'Accountant, Compliance, and Enforcement Staffing Act of 2003'."

Pub. L. 108–18, §1, Apr. 23, 2003, 117 Stat. 624, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 8331, 8334, and 8348 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 8334 and 8348 of this title and preceding section 2001 of Title 39, Postal Service, and repealing provisions set out as a note under section 8348 of this title] may be cited as the 'Postal Civil Service Retirement System Funding Reform Act of 2003'."

Short Title of 2002 Amendment

Pub. L. 107–296, title XIII, §1301, Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2287, provided that: "This title [enacting chapter 14 of this title, subchapter II of chapter 35 of this title, and section 3319 of this title, amending sections 1103, 3111, 3304, 3393, 3592 to 3594, 4107, 5307, 7701, 7905, 8336, 8339, 8414, and 8421 of this title, sections 1115 and 1116 of Title 31, Money and Finance, and section 1902 of Title 50, War and National Defense, repealing section 3393a of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 1103, 1401, 3301, 3521, 3592, 3593, and 8336 of this title, and repealing provisions set out as notes under sections 8336 and 8414 of this title] may be cited as the 'Chief Human Capital Officers Act of 2002'."

Short Title of 2001 Amendment

Pub. L. 107–27, §1, Aug. 20, 2001, 115 Stat. 207, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 8335 and 8425 of this title] may be cited as the 'Federal Firefighters Retirement Age Fairness Act'."

Prohibition Against Construction That Would Render Applicable to the Department of Transportation Provisions of Law Inconsistent With Pub. L. 89–670 Creating the Department of Transportation

Pub. L. 89–670, §10(c), Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 948, which provided that the amendment made to this section by section 10(b) of Pub. L. 89–670 was not to be construed to make applicable to the Department any provision of law inconsistent with Pub. L. 89–670, was repealed by Pub. L. 104–287, §7(5), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3400.

§102. Military departments

The military departments are:

The Department of the Army.

The Department of the Navy.

The Department of the Air Force.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378.)

Historical and Revision Notes

The section is supplied to avoid the necessity for defining "military departments" each time it is used in this title. See section 101(7) of title 10.

§103. Government corporation

For the purpose of this title—

(1) "Government corporation" means a corporation owned or controlled by the Government of the United States; and

(2) "Government controlled corporation" does not include a corporation owned by the Government of the United States.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 378.)

Historical and Revision Notes

The section is supplied to avoid the necessity for defining "Government corporation" and "Government controlled corporation" each time it is used in this title.

§104. Independent establishment

For the purpose of this title, "independent establishment" means—

(1) an establishment in the executive branch (other than the United States Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission) which is not an Executive department, military department, Government corporation, or part thereof, or part of an independent establishment; and

(2) the Government Accountability Office.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 379; Pub. L. 91–375, §6(c)(2), Aug. 12, 1970, 84 Stat. 775; Pub. L. 108–271, §8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814; Pub. L. 109–435, title VI, §604(b), Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. 3241.)

Historical and Revision Notes

The section is supplied to avoid the necessity for defining "independent establishment" each time it is used in this title.

Certain agencies are not independent establishments under the definition since they are constituent agencies or parts of an independent establishment. However, these agencies would continue to be subject to the provisions of this title applicable to the independent establishment of which they are a constituent or part. Also, the definition does not expand or abridge any rights or authority possessed by these agencies as no substantive changes are intended, see section 7(a) of the bill.

Editorial Notes


2006—Par. (1). Pub. L. 109–435 substituted "Postal Regulatory Commission" for "Postal Rate Commission".

2004—Par. (2). Pub. L. 108–271 substituted "Government Accountability Office" for "General Accounting Office".

1970—Par. (1). Pub. L. 91–375 inserted "(other than the United States Postal Service or the Postal Rate Commission)" after "executive branch".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1970 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 91–375 effective within 1 year after Aug. 12, 1970, on date established therefor by Board of Governors of United States Postal Service and published by it in Federal Register, see section 15(a) of Pub. L. 91–375, set out as an Effective Date note preceding section 101 of Title 39, Postal Service.

§105. Executive agency

For the purpose of this title, "Executive agency" means an Executive department, a Government corporation, and an independent establishment.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 379.)

Historical and Revision Notes

The section is supplied to avoid the necessity for defining "Executive agency" each time it is used in this title.



Departmental regulations.
Delegation of authority.
Oaths to witnesses.
Systematic agency review of operations.
Agency strategic plans.



Agency evidence-building plan.
Evaluation Officers.
Statistical expertise.
Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building.



Federal Government service delivery.
Lead agency officials for Government service delivery.
Rule of construction 1


Editorial Notes


2025Pub. L. 118–231, §2(b), Jan. 4, 2025, 138 Stat. 2831, added item for subchapter III and items 321 to 324.

2019Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(b), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5532, added headings for subchapters I and II and items 311 to 315.

2011Pub. L. 111–352, §13(a), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3882, added item 306 and struck out former item 306 "Strategic plans".

1993Pub. L. 103–62, §11(a), Aug. 3, 1993, 107 Stat. 295, added item 306.

1 So in original. Probably should be followed by a period.


Editorial Notes


2019Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(a)(1), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5529, inserted subchapter heading.

§301. Departmental regulations

The head of an Executive department or military department may prescribe regulations for the government of his department, the conduct of its employees, the distribution and performance of its business, and the custody, use, and preservation of its records, papers, and property. This section does not authorize withholding information from the public or limiting the availability of records to the public.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 379.)

Historical and Revision Notes
DerivationU.S. CodeRevised Statutes and

Statutes at Large

5 U.S.C. 22. R.S. §161.

Aug. 12, 1958, Pub. L. 85–619, 72 Stat. 547.

The words "Executive department" are substituted for "department" as the definition of "department" applicable to this section is coextensive with the definition of "Executive department" in section 101. The words "not inconsistent with law" are omitted as surplusage as a regulation which is inconsistent with law is invalid.

The words "or military department" are inserted to preserve the application of the source law. Before enactment of the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 578), the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force were Executive departments. The National Security Act Amendments of 1949 established the Department of Defense as an Executive Department including the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force as military departments, not as Executive departments. However, the source law for this section, which was in effect in 1949, remained applicable to the Secretaries of the military departments by virtue of section 12(g) of the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 591), which provided:

"All laws, orders, regulations, and other actions relating to the National Military Establishment, the Departments of the Army, the Navy, or the Air Force, or to any officer or activity of such establishment or such departments, shall, except to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, have the same effect as if this Act had not been enacted; but, after the effective date of this Act, any such law, order, regulation, or other action which vested functions in or otherwise related to any officer, department, or establishment, shall be deemed to have vested such function in or relate to the officer, or department, executive or military, succeeding the officer, department, or establishment in which such function was vested. For purposes of this subsection the Department of Defense shall be deemed the department succeeding the National Military Establishment, and the military departments of Army, Navy, and Air Force shall be deemed the departments succeeding the Executive Departments of Army, Navy, and Air Force."

This section was part of title IV of the Revised Statutes. The Act of July 26, 1947, ch. 343, §201(d), as added Aug. 10, 1949, ch. 412, §4, 63 Stat. 579 (former 5 U.S.C. 171–1), which provides "Except to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of this Act [National Security Act of 1947], the provisions of title IV of the Revised Statutes as now or hereafter amended shall be applicable to the Department of Defense" is omitted from this title but is not repealed.

Standard changes are made to conform with the definitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface to the report.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Working Dog Health and Welfare

Pub. L. 118–195, Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2669, provided that:


"This Act may be cited as the 'Working Dog Health and Welfare Act of 2023'.


"(a) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Agency.—The term 'agency' has the meaning given the term in section 551 of title 5, United States Code.

"(2) Working dog.—The term 'working dog' means a dog that has received specialized training in order to perform a particular productive function.

"(3) Working dog program.—The term 'working dog program' means a program, the operations of which include the employment of working dogs.

"(4) Working dog recommendations.—The term 'working dog recommendations' means the recommendations included in the report of the Government Accountability Office entitled 'Working Dogs: Federal Agencies Need to Better Address Health and Welfare', as published in October 2022.

"(b) Implementation.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 23, 2024], the head of each agency that manages a working dog program shall implement the working dog recommendations.

"(2) Contractors.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, a contractor that manages a working dog program on behalf of an agency shall implement the working dog recommendations.

"(3) Report.—Not later than 60 days after the date on which the head of an agency or a contractor that manages a working dog program on behalf of an agency implements the working dog recommendations under this subsection, the head of the agency shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the House of Representatives a report on the explicit steps the agency or contractor has taken to complete the implementation.

"(c) Foreign Partners.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 23, 2024], the Secretary of State shall take appropriate steps to ensure that donations of working dogs provided to foreign partners by the Department of State are executed and monitored according to the working dog recommendations.

"(d) New Working Dog Programs.—With respect to an agency that establishes a working dog program, or enters into a contract for the establishment of a working dog program, after the date of enactment of this Act, the head of the agency shall ensure that the working dog program implements the working dog recommendations.

"(e) No Additional Funds.—No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this Act."

Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment

Pub. L. 114–113, div. N, title III, Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2975, as amended by Pub. L. 116–283, div. H, title XCIV, §9401(g)(4)(A), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 4809, provided that:


"This title may be cited as the 'Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Assessment Act of 2015'.


"In this title:

"(1) Appropriate congressional committees.—The term 'appropriate congressional committees' means—

"(A) the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate;

"(B) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate;

"(C) the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate;

"(D) the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate;

"(E) the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives;

"(F) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives;

"(G) the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform [now Committee on Oversight and Accountability] of the House of Representatives; and

"(H) the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.

"(2) Director.—The term 'Director' means the Director of the Office of Personnel Management.

"(3) National initiative for cybersecurity education.—The term 'National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education' means the initiative under the national cybersecurity awareness and education program, as authorized under section 303 of the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014 (Public Law 113–274) [15 U.S.C. 7443].

"(4) Work roles.—The term 'work roles' means a specialized set of tasks and functions requiring specific knowledge, skills, and abilities.


"(a) In General.—The head of each Federal agency shall—

"(1) identify all positions within the agency that require the performance of cybersecurity or other cyber-related functions; and

"(2) assign the corresponding employment code under the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education in accordance with subsection (b).

"(b) Employment Codes.—

"(1) Procedures.—

"(A) Coding structure.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 18, 2015], the Director, in coordination with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, shall develop a coding structure under the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education.

"(B) Identification of civilian cyber personnel.—Not later than 9 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director, in coordination with the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Director of National Intelligence, shall establish procedures to implement the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education coding structure to identify all Federal civilian positions that require the performance of information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related functions.

"(C) Identification of noncivilian cyber personnel.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall establish procedures to implement the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education's coding structure to identify all Federal noncivilian positions that require the performance of information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related functions.

"(D) Baseline assessment of existing cybersecurity workforce.—Not later than 3 months after the date on which the procedures are developed under subparagraphs (B) and (C), respectively, the head of each Federal agency shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees of jurisdiction a report that identifies—

"(i) the percentage of personnel with information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related job functions who currently hold the appropriate industry-recognized certifications as identified under the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education;

"(ii) the level of preparedness of other civilian and noncivilian cyber personnel without existing credentials to take certification exams; and

"(iii) a strategy for mitigating any gaps identified in clause (i) or (ii) with the appropriate training and certification for existing personnel.

"(E) Procedures for assigning codes.—Not later than 3 months after the date on which the procedures are developed under subparagraphs (B) and (C), respectively, the head of each Federal agency shall establish procedures—

"(i) to identify all encumbered and vacant positions with information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related functions (as defined in the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education's coding structure); and

"(ii) to assign the appropriate employment code to each such position, using agreed standards and definitions.

"(2) Code assignments.—Not later than 1 year after the date after the procedures are established under paragraph (1)(E), the head of each Federal agency shall complete assignment of the appropriate employment code to each position within the agency with information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related functions.

"(c) Progress Report.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director shall submit a progress report on the implementation of this section to the appropriate congressional committees.


"(a) In General.—Beginning not later than 1 year after the date on which the employment codes are assigned to employees pursuant to section 303(b)(2), and annually thereafter through 2022, the head of each Federal agency, in consultation with the Director, the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall—

"(1) identify information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related work roles of critical need in the agency's workforce; and

"(2) submit a report to the Director that—

"(A) describes the information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related roles identified under paragraph (1); and

"(B) substantiates the critical need designations.

"(b) Guidance.—The Director shall provide Federal agencies with timely guidance for identifying information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related roles of critical need, including—

"(1) current information technology, cybersecurity, and other cyber-related roles with acute skill shortages; and

"(2) information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related roles with emerging skill shortages.

"(c) Cybersecurity Needs Report.—Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 18, 2015], the Director, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall—

"(1) identify critical needs for information technology, cybersecurity, or other cyber-related workforce across all Federal agencies; and

"(2) submit a progress report on the implementation of this section to the appropriate congressional committees.


"The Comptroller General of the United States shall—

"(1) analyze and monitor the implementation of sections 303 and 304; and

"(2) not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 18, 2015], submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees that describes the status of such implementation."

Plain Writing in Government Documents

Pub. L. 111–274, Oct. 13, 2010, 124 Stat. 2861, provided that:


"This Act may be cited as the 'Plain Writing Act of 2010'.


"The purpose of this Act is to improve the effectiveness and accountability of Federal agencies to the public by promoting clear Government communication that the public can understand and use.


"In this Act:

"(1) Agency.—The term 'agency' means an Executive agency, as defined under section 105 of title 5, United States Code.

"(2) Covered document.—The term 'covered document'—

"(A) means any document that—

"(i) is necessary for obtaining any Federal Government benefit or service or filing taxes;

"(ii) provides information about any Federal Government benefit or service; or

"(iii) explains to the public how to comply with a requirement the Federal Government administers or enforces;

"(B) includes (whether in paper or electronic form) a letter, publication, form, notice, or instruction; and

"(C) does not include a regulation.

"(3) Plain writing.—The term 'plain writing' means writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience.


"(a) Preparation for Implementation of Plain Writing Requirements.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 9 months after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 13, 2010], the head of each agency shall—

"(A) designate 1 or more senior officials within the agency to oversee the agency implementation of this Act;

"(B) communicate the requirements of this Act to the employees of the agency;

"(C) train employees of the agency in plain writing;

"(D) establish a process for overseeing the ongoing compliance of the agency with the requirements of this Act;

"(E) create and maintain a plain writing section of the agency's website as required under paragraph (2) that is accessible from the homepage of the agency's website; and

"(F) designate 1 or more agency points-of-contact to receive and respond to public input on—

"(i) agency implementation of this Act; and

"(ii) the agency reports required under section 5.

"(2) Website.—The plain writing section described under paragraph (1)(E) shall—

"(A) inform the public of agency compliance with the requirements of this Act; and

"(B) provide a mechanism for the agency to receive and respond to public input on—

"(i) agency implementation of this Act; and

"(ii) the agency reports required under section 5.

"(b) Requirement to Use Plain Writing in New Documents.—Beginning not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, each agency shall use plain writing in every covered document of the agency that the agency issues or substantially revises.

"(c) Guidance.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall develop and issue guidance on implementing the requirements of this section. The Director may designate a lead agency, and may use interagency working groups to assist in developing and issuing the guidance.

"(2) Interim guidance.—Before the issuance of guidance under paragraph (1), agencies may follow the guidance of—

"(A) the writing guidelines developed by the Plain Language Action and Information Network; or

"(B) guidance provided by the head of the agency that is consistent with the guidelines referred to in subparagraph (A).


"(a) Initial Report.—Not later than 9 months after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 13, 2010], the head of each agency shall publish on the plain writing section of the agency's website a report that describes the agency plan for compliance with the requirements of this Act.

"(b) Annual Compliance Report.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the head of each agency shall publish on the plain writing section of the agency's website a report on agency compliance with the requirements of this Act.


"(a) Judicial Review.—There shall be no judicial review of compliance or noncompliance with any provision of this Act.

"(b) Enforceability.—No provision of this Act shall be construed to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any administrative or judicial action.


"The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 [2 U.S.C. 931 et seq.], shall be determined by reference to the latest statement titled 'Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation' for this Act, submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, provided that such statement has been submitted prior to the vote on passage."

Support for Youth Organizations

Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title X, §1058(a), (b), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3442, provided that:

"(a) Youth Organization Defined.—In this section, the term 'youth organization' means—

"(1) the Boy Scouts of America;

"(2) the Girl Scouts of the United States of America;

"(3) the Boys Clubs of America;

"(4) the Girls Clubs of America;

"(5) the Young Men's Christian Association;

"(6) the Young Women's Christian Association;

"(7) the Civil Air Patrol;

"(8) the United States Olympic Committee [now United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee];

"(9) the Special Olympics;

"(10) Campfire USA;

"(11) the Young Marines;

"(12) the Naval Sea Cadets Corps;

"(13) 4–H Clubs;

"(14) the Police Athletic League;

"(15) Big Brothers—Big Sisters of America;

"(16) National Guard Challenge Program; and

"(17) any other organization designated by the President as an organization that is primarily intended to—

"(A) serve individuals under the age of 21 years;

"(B) provide training in citizenship, leadership, physical fitness, service to community, and teamwork; and

"(C) promote the development of character and ethical and moral values.

"(b) Support for Youth Organizations.—

"(1) Continuation of support.—No Federal law (including any rule, regulation, directive, instruction, or order) shall be construed to limit any Federal agency from providing any form of support for a youth organization (including the Boy Scouts of America or any group officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America) that would result in that Federal agency providing less support to that youth organization (or any similar organization chartered under the chapter of title 36, United States Code, relating to that youth organization) than was provided during the preceding fiscal year to that youth organization. This paragraph shall be subject to the availability of appropriations.

"(2) Youth organizations that cease to exist.—Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any youth organization that ceases to exist.

"(3) Waivers.—The head of a Federal agency may waive the application of paragraph (1) to a youth organization with respect to each conviction or investigation described under subparagraph (A) or (B) for a period of not more than two fiscal years if—

"(A) any senior officer (including any member of the board of directors) of the youth organization is convicted of a criminal offense relating to the official duties of that officer or the youth organization is convicted of a criminal offense; or

"(B) the youth organization is the subject of a criminal investigation relating to fraudulent use or waste of Federal funds.

"(4) Types of support.—Support described in paragraph (1) includes—

"(A) authorizing a youth organization to hold meetings, camping events, or other activities on Federal property;

"(B) hosting any official event of a youth organization;

"(C) loaning equipment for the use of a youth organization; and

"(D) providing personnel services and logistical support for a youth organization."

Pub. L. 109–148, div. A, title VIII, §8126(b), Dec. 30, 2005, 119 Stat. 2728, which contained provisions substantially similar to those in Pub. L. 109–163, §1058(a), (b), set out above, was repealed by Pub. L. 109–364, div. A, title X, §1071(f)(3), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2402.

Minimum Standards for Birth Certificates

Pub. L. 108–458, title VII, §7211(a)–(d), Dec. 17, 2004, 118 Stat. 3825–3827, provided that:

"(a) Definition.—In this section [enacting this note and repealing provisions set out as a note below], the term 'birth certificate' means a certificate of birth—

"(1) for an individual (regardless of where born)—

"(A) who is a citizen or national of the United States at birth; and

"(B) whose birth is registered in the United States; and

"(2) that—

"(A) is issued by a Federal, State, or local government agency or authorized custodian of record and produced from birth records maintained by such agency or custodian of record; or

"(B) is an authenticated copy, issued by a Federal, State, or local government agency or authorized custodian of record, of an original certificate of birth issued by such agency or custodian of record.

"(b) Standards for Acceptance by Federal Agencies.—

"(1) In general.—Beginning 2 years after the promulgation of minimum standards under paragraph (3), no Federal agency may accept a birth certificate for any official purpose unless the certificate conforms to such standards.

"(2) State certification.—

"(A) In general.—Each State shall certify to the Secretary of Health and Human Services that the State is in compliance with the requirements of this section.

"(B) Frequency.—Certifications under subparagraph (A) shall be made at such intervals and in such a manner as the Secretary of Health and Human Services, with the concurrence of the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Commissioner of Social Security, may prescribe by regulation.

"(C) Compliance.—Each State shall ensure that units of local government and other authorized custodians of records in the State comply with this section.

"(D) Audits.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services may conduct periodic audits of each State's compliance with the requirements of this section.

"(3) Minimum standards.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 17, 2004], the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall by regulation establish minimum standards for birth certificates for use by Federal agencies for official purposes that—

"(A) at a minimum, shall require certification of the birth certificate by the State or local government custodian of record that issued the certificate, and shall require the use of safety paper or an alternative, equally secure medium, the seal of the issuing custodian of record, and other features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or otherwise duplicating the birth certificate for fraudulent purposes;

"(B) shall establish requirements for proof and verification of identity as a condition of issuance of a birth certificate, with additional security measures for the issuance of a birth certificate for a person who is not the applicant;

"(C) shall establish standards for the processing of birth certificate applications to prevent fraud;

"(D) may not require a single design to which birth certificates issued by all States must conform; and

"(E) shall accommodate the differences between the States in the manner and form in which birth records are stored and birth certificates are produced from such records.

"(4) Consultation with government agencies.—In promulgating the standards required under paragraph (3), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall consult with—

"(A) the Secretary of Homeland Security;

"(B) the Commissioner of Social Security;

"(C) State vital statistics offices; and

"(D) other appropriate Federal agencies.

"(5) Extension of effective date.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services may extend the date specified under paragraph (1) for up to 2 years for birth certificates issued by a State if the Secretary determines that the State made reasonable efforts to comply with the date under paragraph (1) but was unable to do so.

"(c) Grants to States.—

"(1) Assistance in meeting federal standards.—

"(A) In general.—Beginning on the date a final regulation is promulgated under subsection (b)(3), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall award grants to States to assist them in conforming to the minimum standards for birth certificates set forth in the regulation.

"(B) Allocation of grants.—The Secretary shall award grants to States under this paragraph based on the proportion that the estimated average annual number of birth certificates issued by a State applying for a grant bears to the estimated average annual number of birth certificates issued by all States.

"(C) Minimum allocation.—Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), each State shall receive not less than 0.5 percent of the grant funds made available under this paragraph.

"(2) Assistance in matching birth and death records.—

"(A) In general.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, in coordination with the Commissioner of Social Security and other appropriate Federal agencies, shall award grants to States, under criteria established by the Secretary, to assist States in—

"(i) computerizing their birth and death records;

"(ii) developing the capability to match birth and death records within each State and among the States; and

"(iii) noting the fact of death on the birth certificates of deceased persons.

"(B) Allocation of grants.—The Secretary shall award grants to qualifying States under this paragraph based on the proportion that the estimated annual average number of birth and death records created by a State applying for a grant bears to the estimated annual average number of birth and death records originated by all States.

"(C) Minimum allocation.—Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), each State shall receive not less than 0.5 percent of the grant funds made available under this paragraph.

"(d) Authorization of Appropriations.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary for each of the fiscal years 2005 through 2009 such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section."

Improvements in Identification-Related Documents

Pub. L. 104–208, div. C, title VI, §656, Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–716, as amended by Pub. L. 106–69, title III, §355, Oct. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1027, which related to standards for acceptance of birth certificates by Federal agencies for any official purpose, required the Secretary of Health and Human Services to make grants to States for assistance in meeting Federal standards and in matching birth and death records and for demonstration projects, and required the Secretary to submit a report to the Congress on ways to reduce the fraudulent obtaining and use of birth certificates, was repealed by Pub. L. 108–458, title VII, §7211(e), Dec. 17, 2004, 118 Stat. 3827.

Modification or Cancellation of Certain License Agreements Granted to Government During World War II

Act Aug. 16, 1950, ch. 716, 64 Stat. 448, provided that: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the head of any department or other agency in the executive branch of the Government which subsequent to September 9, 1939, entered into any contract or agreement with the holder of any privately owned patent or any right thereunder whereby such holder granted to the United States, without payment of royalty or with reduction or limitation of royalty, any license under such patent or right, is authorized, upon application of the grantor of such license, to enter into such supplemental contract or agreement for the cancellation of the contract or agreement by which such license was granted as the head of such department or agency shall deem to be warranted by equities existing by reason of changes in circumstances occurring since the granting of such license."

Executive Documents

Equal Opportunity in Federal Employment

Establishment of equal employment opportunity programs by heads of Executive departments and agencies, see Ex. Ord. No. 11246, Sept. 24, 1965, 30 F.R. 12319 and Ex. Ord. No. 11478, Aug. 8, 1969, 34 F.R. 12985, set out as notes under section 2000e of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare.

§302. Delegation of authority

(a) For the purpose of this section, "agency" has the meaning given it by section 5721 of this title.

(b) In addition to the authority to delegate conferred by other law, the head of an agency may delegate to subordinate officials the authority vested in him—

(1) by law to take final action on matters pertaining to the employment, direction, and general administration of personnel under his agency; and

(2) by section 3702 of title 44 to authorize the publication of advertisements, notices, or proposals.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 379; Pub. L. 94–183, §2(1), Dec. 31, 1975, 89 Stat. 1057.)

Historical and Revision Notes
DerivationU.S. CodeRevised Statutes and

Statutes at Large

5 U.S.C. 22a. Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 744, §12, 60 Stat. 809.

Clause (2) of former section 22a is omitted because of the repeal of R.S. §3683 (31 U.S.C. 675) by the Act of Sept. 12, 1950, ch. 946, §301(76), 64 Stat. 843.

The word "agency" is substituted for "department" and defined to conform to the definition of "department" in section 18 of the Act of Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 744, 60 Stat. 811.

In subsection (b), the words "In addition to the authority to delegate conferred by other law," are added for clarity and in recognition of the various reorganization plans which generally have transferred all functions of the departments and agencies to the heads thereof and have authorized them to delegate the functions to subordinates.

Standard changes are made to conform with the definitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface to the report.

Editorial Notes


1975—Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 94–183 substituted "3702" for "324".

§303. Oaths to witnesses

(a) An employee of an Executive department lawfully assigned to investigate frauds on or attempts to defraud the United States, or irregularity or misconduct of an employee or agent of the United States, may administer an oath to a witness attending to testify or depose in the course of the investigation.

(b) An employee of the Department of Defense lawfully assigned to investigative duties may administer oaths to witnesses in connection with an official investigation.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 379; Pub. L. 94–213, Feb. 13, 1976, 90 Stat. 179.)

Historical and Revision Notes
DerivationU.S. CodeRevised Statutes and

Statutes at Large

5 U.S.C. 93. R.S. §183.

Mar. 2, 1901, ch. 809, §3, 31 Stat. 951.

Feb. 13, 1911, ch. 43, 36 Stat. 898.

The word "employee" is substituted for "officer or clerk" in view of the definition in section 2105. The words "Executive department" are substituted for "departments" as the definition of "department" applicable to this section is coextensive with the definition of "Executive department" in section 101. So much as related to the Armed Forces is omitted as superseded by section 636 of title 14 and section 936(b) of title 10.

This section was part of title IV of the Revised Statutes. The Act of July 26, 1947, ch. 343, §201(d), as added Aug. 10, 1949, ch. 412, §4, 63 Stat. 579 (formerly 5 U.S.C. 171–1), which provides "Except to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of this Act [National Security Act of 1947], the provisions of title IV of the Revised Statutes as now or hereafter amended shall be applicable to the Department of Defense" is omitted from this title but is not repealed.

Standard changes are made to conform with the definitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface to the report.

Editorial Notes


1976—Pub. L. 94–213 designated existing provisions as subsec. (a) and added subsec. (b).

§304. Subpenas

(a) The head of an Executive department or military department or bureau thereof in which a claim against the United States is pending may apply to a judge or clerk of a court of the United States to issue a subpena for a witness within the jurisdiction of the court to appear at a time and place stated in the subpena before an individual authorized to take depositions to be used in the courts of the United States, to give full and true answers to such written interrogatories and cross-interrogatories as may be submitted with the application, or to be orally examined and cross-examined on the subject of the claim.

(b) If a witness, after being served with a subpena, neglects or refuses to appear, or, appearing, refuses to testify, the judge of the district in which the subpena issued may proceed, on proper process, to enforce obedience to the subpena, or to punish for disobedience, in the same manner as a court of the United States may in case of process of subpena ad testificandum issued by the court.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 379.)

Historical and Revision Notes
DerivationU.S. CodeRevised Statutes and

Statutes at Large

(a) 5 U.S.C. 94. R.S. §184.
(b) 5 U.S.C. 96. R.S. §186.

In subsection (a), the words "Executive department" are substituted for "department" as the definition of "department" applicable to this section is coextensive with the definition of "Executive department" in section 101. The word "thereof" is added to reflect the proper relationship between "department" and "bureau" as reflected in title IV of the Revised Statutes of 1878. The words "in any State, District, or Territory" are omitted as unnecessary. The word "individual" is substituted for "officer" as the definition of "officer" in section 2104 is narrower than the word "officer" in R.S. §184 which word includes "officers" as defined in section 2104 as well as notaries public who are not "officers" under section 2104, but are "officers" as that word is used in R.S. §184.

In subsection (a), the words "or military department" are inserted to preserve the application of the source law. Before enactment of the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 578), the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force were Executive departments. The National Security Act Amendments of 1949 established the Department of Defense as an Executive Department including the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force as military departments, not as Executive departments. However, the source law for this section, which was in effect in 1949, remained applicable to the Secretaries of the military departments by virtue of section 12(g) of the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 591), which is set out in the reviser's note for section 301.

This section was part of title IV of the Revised Statutes. The Act of July 26, 1947, ch. 343, §201(d), as added Aug. 10, 1949, ch. 412, §4, 63 Stat. 579 (former 5 U.S.C. 171–1), which provides "Except to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of this Act [National Security Act of 1947], the provisions of title IV of the Revised Statutes as now or hereafter amended shall be applicable to the Department of Defense" is omitted from this title but is not repealed.

Standard changes are made to conform with the definitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface to the report.

§305. Systematic agency review of operations

(a) For the purpose of this section, "agency" means an Executive agency, but does not include—

(1) a Government controlled corporation;

(2) the Tennessee Valley Authority;

(3) the Virgin Islands Corporation;

(4) the Atomic Energy Commission;

(5) the Central Intelligence Agency;

(6) the Panama Canal Commission; or

(7) the National Security Agency, Department of Defense.

(b) Under regulations prescribed and administered by the President, each agency shall review systematically the operations of each of its activities, functions, or organization units, on a continuing basis.

(c) The purpose of the reviews includes—

(1) determining the degree of efficiency and economy in the operation of the agency's activities, functions, or organization units;

(2) identifying the units that are outstanding in those respects; and

(3) identifying the employees whose personal efforts have caused their units to be outstanding in efficiency and economy of operations.

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 380; Pub. L. 96–54, §2(a)(2), Aug. 14, 1979, 93 Stat. 381; Pub. L. 96–70, title III, §3302(e)(1), Sept. 27, 1979, 93 Stat. 498; Pub. L. 97–468, title VI, §615(b)(1)(A), Jan. 14, 1983, 96 Stat. 2578.)

Historical and Revision Notes
DerivationU.S. CodeRevised Statutes and

Statutes at Large

(a) 5 U.S.C. 1085. Oct. 28, 1949, ch. 782, §205, 63 Stat. 957.
(b), (c) 5 U.S.C. 1151. Oct. 28, 1949, ch. 782, §1001, 63 Stat. 971.

Subsection (a) is based in part on former sections 1081 and 1082, which are carried into section 5102.

In subsection (a)(1), the exception of "a Government controlled corporation" is added to preserve the application of this section to "corporations wholly owned by the United States". This is necessary as the defined term "Executive agency" includes the defined term "Government corporation" and the latter includes both Government owned and controlled corporations. Thus the exclusion of Government controlled corporations, which are distinct from wholly owned corporations, operates to preserve the application of this section to wholly owned corporations. The exception for the Inland Waterways Corporation in former section 1082(13) is omitted on authority of the Act of July 19, 1963, Pub. L. 88–67, 77 Stat. 81. The exceptions for Production Credit Corporations and Federal Intermediate Credit Banks in former section 1082(18) and (19) are omitted as they are no longer "corporations wholly owned by the United States". Under the Farm Credit Act of 1956, 70 Stat. 659, the Production Credit Corporations were merged in the Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, and pursuant to that Act the Federal Intermediate Credit Banks have ceased to be corporations wholly owned by the United States.

In subsection (a)(7), the words "Panama Canal Company" are substituted for "Panama Railroad Company" on authority of the Act of Sept. 26, 1950, ch. 1049, §2(a)(2), 64 Stat. 1038.

Standard changes are made to conform with the definitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the preface to the report.

Editorial Notes


1983—Subsec. (a)(3) to (8). Pub. L. 97–468 struck out par. (3), which excluded The Alaska Railroad, and redesignated pars. (4) to (8) as (3) to (7), respectively.

1979—Subsec. (a)(7). Pub. L. 96–70 substituted "Commission" for "Company".

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 96–54 substituted "President" for "Director of the Bureau of the Budget".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1983 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 97–468 effective on date of transfer of Alaska Railroad to the State [Jan. 5, 1985], pursuant to section 1203 of Title 45, Railroads, see section 615(b) of Pub. L. 97–468.

Effective Date of 1979 Amendments

Amendment by Pub. L. 96–70 effective Oct. 1, 1979, see section 3304 of Pub. L. 96–70, set out as an Effective Date note under section 3601 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse.

Pub. L. 96–54, §2(b), Aug. 14, 1979, 93 Stat. 385, provided that: "Except as otherwise expressly provided in subsection (a), the amendments made by subsection (a) [amending sections 305, 1308, 2101, 2105, 2106, 2108, 3102, 3132, 3302, 3305, 3315, 3317, 3324, 3326, 3503, 4102, 4109, 4111, 4112, 4701, 5102, 5108, 5311 to 5316, 5333 to 5335, 5347, 5504, 5514, 5516, 5521, 5545, 5550a, 5562, 5581, 5584, 5596, 5702, 5903, 5943, 6104, 6304, 6305, 6323, 6325, 7325, 7327, 7701, 7702, 8331, 8332, 8339, 8347, 8701, 8901, and 8906 of this title], shall take effect July 12, 1979, or the date of the enactment of this Act [Aug. 14, 1979], whichever is earlier."

Transfer of Functions

Atomic Energy Commission abolished and functions transferred by sections 5814 and 5841 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. See also Transfer of Functions notes set out under those sections.

Dissolution of Virgin Islands Corporation

Virgin Islands Corporation established to have succession until June 30, 1969, unless sooner dissolved by Act of Congress, by act June 30, 1949, ch. 285, 63 Stat. 350, as amended (48 U.S.C. 1407 et seq.). Corporation terminated its program June 30, 1965, and dissolved July 1, 1966. Act June 30, 1949, was repealed by Pub. L. 97–357, title III, §308(e), Oct. 19, 1982, 96 Stat. 1710.

Executive Documents

Delegation of Functions

Functions of President under subsec. (b) of this section delegated to Director of Office of Management and Budget, see Ex. Ord. No. 12152, Aug. 14, 1979, 44 F.R. 48143, set out as a note under section 301 of Title 3, The President.

§306. Agency strategic plans

(a) Not later than the first Monday in February of any year following the year in which the term of the President commences under section 101 of title 3, the head of each agency shall make available on the public website of the agency a strategic plan and notify the President and Congress of its availability. Such plan shall contain—

(1) a comprehensive mission statement covering the major functions and operations of the agency;

(2) general goals and objectives, including outcome-oriented goals, for the major functions and operations of the agency;

(3) a description of how any goals and objectives contribute to the Federal Government priority goals required by section 1120(a) of title 31;

(4) a description of how the goals and objectives are to be achieved, including—

(A) a description of the operational processes, skills and technology, and the human, capital, information, and other resources required to achieve those goals and objectives; and

(B) a description of how the agency is working with other agencies to achieve its goals and objectives as well as relevant Federal Government priority goals;

(5) a description of how the goals and objectives incorporate views and suggestions obtained through congressional consultations required under subsection (d);

(6) a description of how the performance goals provided in the plan required by section 1115(a) of title 31, including the agency priority goals required by section 1120(b) of title 31, if applicable, contribute to the general goals and objectives in the strategic plan;

(7) an identification of those key factors external to the agency and beyond its control that could significantly affect the achievement of the general goals and objectives;

(8) a description of the program evaluations used in establishing or revising general goals and objectives, with a schedule for future program evaluations to be conducted, and citations to relevant provisions of the plans required under section 312, as applicable; and

(9) with respect to the head of an agency required to develop a plan described in subsection (a) or (b) of section 312, an assessment of the coverage, quality, methods, effectiveness, and independence of the statistics, evaluation, research, and analysis efforts of the agency, including—

(A) a list of the activities and operations of the agency that are currently being evaluated and analyzed;

(B) the extent to which the evaluations, research, and analysis efforts and related activities of the agency support the needs of various divisions within the agency;

(C) the extent to which the evaluation research and analysis efforts and related activities of the agency address an appropriate balance between needs related to organizational learning, ongoing program management, performance management, strategic management, interagency and private sector coordination, internal and external oversight, and accountability;

(D) the extent to which the agency uses methods and combinations of methods that are appropriate to agency divisions and the corresponding research questions being addressed, including an appropriate combination of formative and summative evaluation research and analysis approaches;

(E) the extent to which evaluation and research capacity is present within the agency to include personnel and agency processes for planning and implementing evaluation activities, disseminating best practices and findings, and incorporating employee views and feedback; and

(F) the extent to which the agency has the capacity to assist agency staff and program offices to develop the capacity to use evaluation research and analysis approaches and data in the day-to-day operations.

(b) The strategic plan shall cover a period of not less than 4 years following the fiscal year in which the plan is submitted. As needed, the head of the agency may make adjustments to the strategic plan to reflect significant changes in the environment in which the agency is operating, with appropriate notification of Congress.

(c) The performance plan required by section 1115(b) of title 31 shall be consistent with the agency's strategic plan. A performance plan may not be submitted for a fiscal year not covered by a current strategic plan under this section.

(d) When developing or making adjustments to a strategic plan, the agency shall consult periodically with the Congress, including majority and minority views from the appropriate authorizing, appropriations, and oversight committees, and shall solicit and consider the views and suggestions of those entities potentially affected by or interested in such a plan. The agency shall consult with the appropriate committees of Congress at least once every 2 years.

(e) The functions and activities of this section shall be considered to be inherently governmental functions. The drafting of strategic plans under this section shall be performed only by Federal employees.

(f) For purposes of this section the term "agency" means an Executive agency defined under section 105, but does not include the Central Intelligence Agency, the Government Accountability Office, the United States Postal Service, and the Postal Regulatory Commission.

(Added Pub. L. 111–352, §2, Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3866; amended Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(c), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5533; Pub. L. 118–190, §7(a), Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2656.)

Editorial Notes

Prior Provisions

A prior section 306, added Pub. L. 103–62, §3, Aug. 3, 1993, 107 Stat. 286; amended Pub. L. 106–65, div. A, title IX, §902, Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 717; Pub. L. 108–271, §8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814; Pub. L. 109–435, title VI, §604(b), Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. 3241, related to strategic plans, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 111–352, §2, Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3866.


2024—Subsec. (a)(8). Pub. L. 118–190, §7(a)(1), inserted ", as applicable" after "section 312".

Subsec. (a)(9). Pub. L. 118–190, §7(a)(2), inserted "with respect to the head of an agency required to develop a plan described in subsection (a) or (b) of section 312," before "an assessment" in introductory provisions.

2019—Subsec. (a)(7). Pub. L. 115–435, §101(c)(1), substituted semicolon for "; and" at end.

Subsec. (a)(8). Pub. L. 115–435, §101(c)(2), inserted ", and citations to relevant provisions of the plans required under section 312; and" after "to be conducted" and struck out period at end.

Subsec. (a)(9). Pub. L. 115–435, §101(c)(3), added par. (9).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2019 Amendment

Pub. L. 115–435, title IV, §403, Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5557, provided that: "Except as otherwise provided, this Act [see Short Title of 2019 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title], and the amendments made by this Act, shall take effect on the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Jan. 14, 2019]."

Construction of 2019 Amendment

Pub. L. 115–435, title IV, §401, Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5556, provided that: "Nothing in this Act [see Short Title of 2019 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title], or the amendments made by this Act, may be construed—

"(1) to require the disclosure of information or records that are exempt from disclosure under section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the 'Freedom of Information Act');

"(2) to create or expand an exemption from disclosure under such section;

"(3) to override, limit, or otherwise affect intellectual property rights, including rights under titles 17 and 35, United States Code;

"(4) to affect the authority of a Federal agency regarding the use, disclosure, or licensing of—

"(A) confidential business information that could be withheld under section 552(b)(4) of title 5, United States Code; or

"(B) data assets restricted from disclosure under a contract or other binding, written agreement; or

"(5) to affect the independence, responsibilities, or work products of an Inspector General of any agency."

[For definition of "agency" as used in section 401 of Pub. L. 115–435, set out above, see section 101(e)(4)(A) of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as a note under section 311 of this title.]

GAO Report

Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(d), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5533, provided that: "Not later than 2 years after the date on which each strategic plan required under section 306(a) of title 5, United States Code, is published, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report that—

"(1) summarizes agency findings and highlights trends in the assessment conducted pursuant to subsection (a)(9) of section 306 of title 5, United States Code, as added by subsection (c); and

"(2) if appropriate, recommends actions to further improve agency capacity to use evaluation techniques and data to support evaluation efforts."

[For definitions of "agency" and "evaluation" as used in section 101(d) of Pub. L. 115–435, set out above, see section 101(e)(4) of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as a note under section 311 of this title.]

Biennial OMB Report

Pub. L. 115–435, title II, §202(g)(2), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5544, provided that: "Not later than 1 year after [the] date of the enactment of this Act [Jan. 14, 2019], and biennially thereafter, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall electronically publish a report on agency performance and compliance with this Act [see Short Title of 2019 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title] and the amendments made by this Act."

[For definition of "agency" as used in section 202(g)(2) of Pub. L. 115–435, set out above, see section 101(e)(4)(A) of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as a note under section 311 of this title.]

Use of Existing Resources

Pub. L. 115–435, title IV, §402, Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5557, provided that: "To the extent practicable, the head of each agency shall use existing procedures and systems to carry out agency requirements and shall select existing employees for appointments under this Act [see Short Title of 2019 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title] and the amendments made by this Act."

[For definition of "agency" as used in section 402 of Pub. L. 115–435, set out above, see section 101(e)(4)(A) of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as a note under section 311 of this title.]


§311. Definitions

In this subchapter:

(1) Agency.—The term "agency" means an agency referred to under section 901(b) of title 31.

(2) Director.—The term "Director" means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

(3) Evaluation.—The term "evaluation" means an assessment using systematic data collection and analysis of one or more programs, policies, and organizations intended to assess their effectiveness and efficiency.

(4) Evidence.—The term "evidence" has the meaning given that term in section 3561 of title 44.

(5) State.—The term "State" means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, each territory or possession of the United States, and each federally recognized governing body of any Indian Tribe, band, nation, pueblo, or other organized group or community which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.

(6) Statistical activities; statistical agency or unit; statistical purpose.—The terms "statistical activities", "statistical agency or unit", and "statistical purpose" have the meanings given those terms in section 3561 of title 44.

(Added Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(a)(2), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5530.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective 180 days after Jan. 14, 2019, see section 403 of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as an Effective Date of 2019 Amendment note under section 306 of this title.

Evaluation and Personnel Standards

Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(e), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5534, provided that:

"(1) Requirement.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Jan. 14, 2019], the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in consultation with any interagency council relating to evaluation, shall—

"(A) issue guidance for program evaluation for agencies consistent with widely accepted standards for evaluation; and

"(B) identify best practices for evaluation that would improve Federal program evaluation.

"(2) Guidance.—Not later than 90 days after the date on which the guidance under paragraph (1) is issued, the head of each agency shall oversee the implementation of such guidance.

"(3) OPM guidance.—Not later than 180 days after the date on which the guidance under paragraph (1) is issued, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, shall—

"(A) identify key skills and competencies needed for program evaluation in an agency;

"(B) establish a new occupational series, or update and improve an existing occupational series, for program evaluation within an agency; and

"(C) establish a new career path for program evaluation within an agency.

"(4) Definitions.—In this Act [see Short Title of 2019 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title]:

"(A) Agency.—Except as otherwise provided, the term 'agency' has the meaning given the term 'Executive agency' under section 105 [probably means section 105 of title 5, United States Code].

"(B) Evaluation.—The term 'evaluation' has the meaning given that term in section 311 of title 5, United States Code, as added by subsection (a)."

§312. Agency evidence-building plan

(a) Requirement.—The head of each agency shall include in the strategic plan required under section 306 a systematic plan for identifying and addressing policy questions relevant to the programs, policies, and regulations of the agency. Such plan shall contain the following:

(1) A list of policy-relevant questions for which the agency intends to develop evidence to support policymaking.

(2) A list of data the agency intends to collect, use, or acquire to facilitate the use of evidence in policymaking.

(3) A list of methods and analytical approaches that may be used to develop evidence to support policymaking.

(4) A list of any challenges to developing evidence to support policymaking, including any statutory or other restrictions to accessing relevant data.

(5) A description of the steps the agency will take to accomplish paragraphs (1) and (2).

(6) Any other information as required by guidance issued by the Director.

(b) Evaluation Plan.—The head of each agency shall issue in conjunction with the performance plan required under section 1115(b) of title 31, an evaluation plan describing activities the agency plans to conduct pursuant to subsection (a) of this section during the fiscal year following the year in which the performance plan is submitted. Such plan shall—

(1) describe key questions for each significant evaluation study that the agency plans to begin in the next fiscal year;

(2) describe key information collections or acquisitions the agency plans to begin in the next fiscal year; and

(3) any 1 other information included in guidance issued by the Director under subsection (a)(6).

(c) Consultation.—In developing the plan required under subsection (a), the head of an agency shall consult with stakeholders, including the public, agencies, State and local governments, and representatives of non-governmental researchers.

(Added Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(a)(2), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5530.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective 180 days after Jan. 14, 2019, see section 403 of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as an Effective Date of 2019 Amendment note under section 306 of this title.

1 So in original.

§313. Evaluation Officers

(a) Establishment.—The head of each agency shall designate a senior employee of the agency as the Evaluation Officer of the agency.

(b) Qualifications.—The Evaluation Officer of an agency shall be appointed or designated without regard to political affiliation and based on demonstrated expertise in evaluation methodology and practices and appropriate expertise to the disciplines of the agency.

(c) Coordination.—The Evaluation Officer of an agency shall, to the extent practicable, coordinate activities with agency officials necessary to carry out the functions required under subsection (d).

(d) Functions.—The Evaluation Officer of each agency shall—

(1) continually assess the coverage, quality, methods, consistency, effectiveness, independence, and balance of the portfolio of evaluations, policy research, and ongoing evaluation activities of the agency;

(2) assess agency capacity to support the development and use of evaluation;

(3) establish and implement an agency evaluation policy; and

(4) coordinate, develop, and implement the plans required under section 312.

(Added Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(a)(2), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5531.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective 180 days after Jan. 14, 2019, see section 403 of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as an Effective Date of 2019 Amendment note under section 306 of this title.

§314. Statistical expertise

(a) In General.—The head of each agency shall designate the head of any statistical agency or unit within the agency, or in the case of an agency that does not have a statistical agency or unit, any senior agency official with appropriate expertise, as a statistical official to advise on statistical policy, techniques, and procedures. Agency officials engaged in statistical activities may consult with any such statistical official as necessary.

(b) Membership on Interagency Council on Statistical Policy.—Each statistical official designated under subsection (a) shall serve as a member of the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy established under section 3504(e)(8) of title 44.

(Added Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(a)(2), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5531.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective 180 days after Jan. 14, 2019, see section 403 of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as an Effective Date of 2019 Amendment note under section 306 of this title.

§315. Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building

(a) Establishment.—The Director, or the head of an agency designated by the Director, shall establish an Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building (in this section referred to as the "Advisory Committee") to review, analyze, and make recommendations on how to promote the use of Federal data for evidence building.

(b) Membership.—The members of the Advisory Committee shall consist of the Chief Statistician of the United States, who shall serve as the Chair of the Advisory Committee, and other members appointed by the Director as follows:

(1) One member who is an agency Chief Information Officer.

(2) One member who is an agency Chief Privacy Officer.

(3) One member who is an agency Chief Performance Officer.

(4) Three members who are agency Chief Data Officers.

(5) Three members who are agency Evaluation Officers.

(6) Three members who are members of the Interagency Council for Statistical Policy 1 established under section 3504(e)(8) of title 44.

(7) At least 10 members who are representatives of State and local governments and nongovernmental stakeholders with expertise in government data policy, privacy, technology, transparency policy, evaluation and research methodologies, and other relevant subjects, of whom—

(A) at least one shall have expertise in transparency policy;

(B) at least one shall have expertise in privacy policy;

(C) at least one shall have expertise in statistical data use;

(D) at least one shall have expertise in information management;

(E) at least one shall have expertise in information technology; and

(F) at least one shall be from the research and evaluation community.

(c) Term of Service.—

(1) In general.—Each member of the Advisory Committee shall serve for a term of 2 years.

(2) Vacancy.—Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of that term. A vacancy in the Commission shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made.

(d) Compensation.—Members of the Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation.

(e) Duties.—The Advisory Committee shall—

(1) assist the Director in carrying out the duties of the Director under part D of subchapter III of chapter 35 of title 44;

(2) evaluate and provide recommendations to the Director on how to facilitate data sharing, enable data linkage, and develop privacy enhancing techniques; and

(3) review the coordination of data sharing or availability for evidence building across all agencies.

(f) Reports.—The Advisory Committee shall submit to the Director and make publicly available an annual report on the activities and findings of the Advisory Committee.

(g) Termination.—The Advisory Committee shall terminate not later than two years after the date of the first meeting.

(Added Pub. L. 115–435, title I, §101(a)(2), Jan. 14, 2019, 132 Stat. 5531.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective 180 days after Jan. 14, 2019, see section 403 of Pub. L. 115–435, set out as an Effective Date of 2019 Amendment note under section 306 of this title.

1 So in original. Probably should be "Interagency Council on Statistical Policy".


§321. Definitions

In this subchapter:

(1) Agency.—The term "agency" has the meaning given that term in section 3502 of title 44.

(2) Director.—The term "Director" means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

(3) Government service delivery.—The term "Government service delivery" means any action by an agency related to providing a benefit or service to an individual, business, or organization (such as a grantee or State, local, or Tribal entity), including any such action of a contractor or nonprofit organization acting on behalf of the agency or administering a federally-funded program.

(4) Government service delivery channel.—The term "Government service delivery channel" means the format or medium of an interaction or transaction with the Federal Government, including in-person, through the mail, through a digital service, by telephone, through a contact center, on a website, through outreach and communication, and through collaboration with a third party, or through other ways in which an individual or entity significantly interacts with the Federal Government.

(5) High impact service provider.—The term "high impact service provider" means an agency program identified by the Director due to the scale and impact of the public-facing services of the program.

(Added Pub. L. 118–231, §2(a), Jan. 4, 2025, 138 Stat. 2829.)

§322. Federal Government service delivery

(a) 1 Federal Government Service Delivery Lead.—The Director shall designate or appoint a senior official as the Federal Government Service Delivery Lead within the Office of Management and Budget whose responsibility is to coordinate governmentwide efforts to improve Government service delivery by agencies. The individual shall have the following duties and authorities:

(1) Facilitate and coordinate governmentwide efforts to improve Government service delivery provided by agencies, particularly with respect to high impact service providers.

(2) Carry out the duties and powers prescribed by the Director.

(3) Serve as the lead, governmentwide official responsible for supporting Government service delivery.

(4) Advise the Director concerning the improvement of Government service delivery provided by agencies.

(5) In consultation with each lead agency service delivery official and any other agency stakeholder as appropriate, develop and oversee the implementation of governmentwide Government service delivery standards, policies, and guidelines for services and programs provided by agencies, including standards, policies, and guidelines to—

(A) understand the needs of an individual, business, or organization interacting with an agency;

(B) solicit and consider voluntary feedback on the Government service delivery by the agency;

(C) assess Government service delivery processes;

(D) consider the factors of ease, efficiency, transparency, accessibility, fairness, burden (as defined in section 3502 of title 44), and duration, including wait and processing times, with respect to Government service delivery; and

(E) encourage the adoption of commercial products and services in accordance with section 3307 of title 41.

(6) Collect and report qualitative and quantitative information or data on Government service delivery through existing reporting mechanisms.

(7) Evaluate the quality of Government service delivery, including through the establishment of performance metrics developed using the standards, policies, and guidelines developed pursuant to paragraph (5) and the information or data collected and reported pursuant to paragraph (6).

(8) Engage with stakeholders to identify leading practices in service design and delivery that would improve Government service delivery across and within agencies.

(9) Ensure agency service delivery initiatives, including those related to the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (15 U.S.C. 3501 note; Public Law 115–336), are identified in agency congressional budget justifications.

(10) Coordinate with Office of Management and Budget stakeholders and other agency stakeholders on Government service delivery.

(11) In collaboration with relevant agency officials as appropriate, and in coordination with relevant Office of Management and Budget stakeholders, ensure that websites of agencies, including those associated with high impact service providers, are consistent with the objectives of this subchapter, the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act, and any other applicable law.

(Added Pub. L. 118–231, §2(a), Jan. 4, 2025, 138 Stat. 2830.)

1 No subsec. (b) has been enacted.

§323. Lead agency officials for Government service delivery

(a) Responsibility for Government Service Delivery.—The head of each agency shall be responsible for the Government service delivery of the agency which shall, at a minimum, include improving and enhancing Government services to better achieve the mission of the agency and build and maintain trust, transparency, and accountability.

(b) Lead Agency Service Delivery Officials.—Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this subchapter, the head of each agency shall designate or appoint a senior official of the agency (who may be the deputy head of the agency) to implement this subchapter who shall have the following duties and authorities:

(1) Report directly to the head or deputy head of the agency.

(2) Possess sufficient operational authority to effectuate implementation of Government service delivery improvements within the agency, particularly with respect to high impact service providers.

(3) Coordinate and execute, as appropriate, under the direction of the head of the agency, and in collaboration with relevant agency officials as appropriate, efforts to improve and enhance the Government service delivery and Government service delivery channels of the agency.

(4) At the direction of the Federal Government Service Delivery Lead, submit an implementation plan for improving agency Government service delivery.

(5) Coordinate the collection and reporting of the data and information required pursuant to section 322 and use such data and information to improve Government service delivery.

(6) Facilitate collaboration among and between offices, and components within the agency and with other agencies as appropriate, in coordination with the Federal Government Service Delivery Lead, to improve and enhance Government service delivery.

(7) Assist with the implementation by the agency of the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (15 U.S.C. 3501 note; Public Law 115–336).

(8) Assist in the incorporation of the Government service delivery requirements established under this subchapter in agency plans (such as strategic plans or annual performance plans).

(Added Pub. L. 118–231, §2(a), Jan. 4, 2025, 138 Stat. 2831.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of the enactment of this subchapter, referred to in subsec. (b), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 118–231, which was approved Jan. 4, 2025.

§324. Rule of construction

Nothing in this subchapter may be construed to diminish or reduce the authority of agency Chief Information Officers for information resources management provided in section 11315 of title 40 or those authorities to manage information resources to accomplish agency missions as established in section 3502 of title 44.

(Pub. L. 118–231, §2(a), Jan. 4, 2025, 138 Stat. 2831.)


Establishment and purpose of Offices of Inspector General.
Duties and responsibilities.
Authority of Inspector General.
Complaints by employees.
Additional provisions with respect to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense.
Special provisions concerning the Agency for International Development.
Special provisions concerning the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Special provisions concerning the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Special provisions concerning the Department of the Treasury.
Special provisions concerning the Department of Justice.
Special provisions concerning the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Requirements for Federal entities and designated Federal entities.
Additional provisions with respect to Inspectors General of the intelligence community.
Special provisions concerning the Department of Homeland Security.
Rule of construction of special provisions.
Special provisions concerning overseas contingency operations.
Information on websites of Offices of Inspectors General.
Additional provisions with respect to the Department of Energy.
Transfer of functions.
Pay of Inspectors General.
Establishment of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency.


§401. Definitions

In this chapter:

(1) Establishment.—The term "establishment" means the Department of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, the Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, Homeland Security, the Treasury, or Veterans Affairs; the Agency for International Development, the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the General Services Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Office of Personnel Management, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Small Business Administration, the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Social Security Administration, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Export-Import Bank of the United States, the Commissions established under section 15301 of title 40, the National Security Agency, or the National Reconnaissance Office, as the case may be.

(2) Federal agency.—The term "Federal agency" means an agency as defined in section 552(f) of this title (including an establishment as defined in paragraph (1)), but shall not be construed to include the Government Accountability Office.

(3) Head of the establishment.—The term "head of the establishment" means the Secretary of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, the Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Homeland Security, the Treasury, or Veterans Affairs; the Attorney General; the Administrator of the Agency for International Development, Environmental Protection, General Services, National Aeronautics and Space, Small Business, or the Federal Emergency Management Agency; the Director of the Office of Personnel Management; the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, or the Railroad Retirement Board; the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service; the Administrator of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund; the Chairperson of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; the Commissioner of Social Security, Social Security Administration; the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency; the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority; the President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States; the Federal Cochairpersons of the Commissions established under section 15301 of title 40; the Director of the National Security Agency; or the Director of the National Reconnaissance Office; as the case may be.

(4) Inspector general.—The term "Inspector General" means the Inspector General of an establishment.

(5) Office.—The term "Office" means the Office of Inspector General of an establishment.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4207.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 12 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 12 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §§5202(b), 5272(10), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3227, 3241, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4207, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 12 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended as follows:

(1) in paragraph (3) [enacted by Pub. L. 117–286 as paragraph (4) of this section] by inserting "except as otherwise expressly provided," before "the term"; and

(2) by striking "and" at the end of paragraph (4), by substituting "; and" for the period at the end of paragraph (5), and by adding at the end the following:

"(6) the term 'appropriate congressional committees' means—

"(A) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate;

"(B) the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives; and

"(C) any other relevant congressional committee or subcommittee of jurisdiction."

Section 12 of Pub. L. 95–452 began with "the term" in paragraphs (1) to (5) and ended with semicolons in paragraphs (1) to (3), "; and" in paragraph (4), and a period in paragraph (5). As restated by Pub. L. 117–286, the text of paragraphs (1) to (5) began with "The term" and all ended with periods.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
401 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §12) Pub. L. 95–452, §12, formerly §11, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1109; Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §508(n)(3), (4), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 695; Pub. L. 97–113, title VII, §705(a)(2), Dec. 29, 1981, 95 Stat. 1544; Pub. L. 97–252, title XI, §1117(a)(4), (5), Sept. 8, 1982, 96 Stat. 751; Pub. L. 99–93, title I, §150(a)(2), Aug. 16, 1985, 99 Stat. 427; Pub. L. 99–399, title IV, §412(a)(2), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 867; Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §102(c), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2515; Pub. L. 100–527, §13(h)(2), (3), Oct. 5, 1988, 102 Stat. 2643; Pub. L. 101–73, title V, §501(b)(1), Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 393; Pub. L. 102–233, title III, §315(a), Dec. 12, 1991, 105 Stat. 1772; Pub. L. 103–82, title II, §202(g)(4), Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 890; Pub. L. 103–204, §23(a)(1), Dec. 17, 1993, 107 Stat. 2407; Pub. L. 103–296, title I, §108(l)(2), Aug. 15, 1994, 108 Stat. 1489; Pub. L. 103–325, title I, §118(a), Sept. 23, 1994, 108 Stat. 2188; Pub. L. 104–106, div. D, title XLIII, §4322(b)(1), (3), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 677; Pub. L. 105–277, div. G, subdiv. A, title XIII, §1314(b), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–776; Pub. L. 106–422, §1(b)(2), Nov. 1, 2000, 114 Stat. 1872; Pub. L. 107–189, §22(a), (d), June 14, 2002, 116 Stat. 707, 708; Pub. L. 107–296, title XVII, §1701, Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2313; Pub. L. 108–271, §8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814; Pub. L. 109–295, title VI, §612(c), Oct. 4, 2006, 120 Stat. 1410; Pub. L. 110–234, title XIV, §14217(c), May 22, 2008, 122 Stat. 1482; Pub. L. 110–246, §4(a), title XIV, §14217(c), June 18, 2008, 122 Stat. 1664, 2244; Pub. L. 110–289, div. A, title I, §1105(c), July 30, 2008, 122 Stat. 2668; renumbered §12, Pub. L. 110–409, §7(a), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4305; Pub. L. 113–126, title IV, §§402(2), 412(2), July 7, 2014, 128 Stat. 1408, 1409; Pub. L. 115–141, div. P, title V, §501(a)(2), Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 1090.

In paragraph (1), the words "Veterans Affairs" are inserted in the list of Departments, and the words "Veterans' Administration" are deleted from the list of Administrations, to update obsolete references in the law.

In paragraph (1), the words "the Resolution Trust Corporation" have been omitted as obsolete because section 21A(m)(1) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1441a(m)(1)) provided for termination of the Resolution Trust Corporation not later than December 31, 1995, and the authority and responsibilities of the Resolution Trust Corporation were transferred to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under section 40(n)(4) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831q(n)(4)).

In paragraphs (1) and (3), the words "of the United States" are inserted after "Export-Import Bank" to correct errors in the law.

In paragraph (3), the words "Veterans Affairs" are inserted in the list of Secretaries, and the words "Veterans' Affairs" are deleted from the list of Administrators, to update obsolete references in the law.

In paragraph (3), the words "the Director of" are inserted before "the Office of Personnel Management" to correct an error in the law. The Office of Personnel Management is headed by a director (rather than an administrator) as provided in section 1102(a) of title 5, United States Code.

In paragraph (3), the words "the Chairperson of the Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board" are omitted because the Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board was abolished by section 14(a) through (d) of the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 (Public Law 105–216, 112 Stat. 908).

In paragraph (3), the words "the chief executive officer of the Resolution Trust Corporation" are omitted because section 21A(m)(1) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1441a(m)(1)) provided for termination of the Resolution Trust Corporation not later than December 31, 1995, and the authority and responsibilities of the Resolution Trust Corporation were transferred to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under section 40(n)(4) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1831q(n)(4)).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1978 Act

Pub. L. 95–452, §13, formerly §12, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1109, renumbered §13 by Pub. L. 110–409, §7(a), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4305, provided that: "The provisions of this Act [see Tables for classification] and the amendments made by this Act [amending sections 5315 and 5316 of this title and section 3522 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare] shall take effect October 1, 1978."

Short Title of 2022 Amendment

Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5201, Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3222, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle A (§§5201–5204) of title LII of div. E of Pub. L. 117–263, see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Securing Inspector General Independence Act of 2022'."

Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5231, Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3234, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle C (§§5231–5237) of title LII of div. E of Pub. L. 117–263, see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Integrity Committee Transparency Act of 2022'."

Short Title of 2018 Act

Pub. L. 115–192, §1, June 25, 2018, 132 Stat. 1502, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Whistleblower Protection Coordination Act'."

Short Title of 2016 Act

Pub. L. 114–317, §1(a), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1595, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Inspector General Empowerment Act of 2016'."

Short Title of 2008 Act

Pub. L. 110–409, §1, Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4302, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Inspector General Reform Act of 2008'."

Short Title of 2006 Act

Pub. L. 109–440, §1, Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. 3286, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Iraq Reconstruction Accountability Act of 2006'."

Short Title of 1998 Act

Pub. L. 105–272, title VII, §701(a), Oct. 20, 1998, 112 Stat. 2413, provided that: "This title [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998'."

Short Title of 1988 Act

Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §101, Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2515, provided that: "This title [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988'."

Short Title of 1978 Act

Pub. L. 95–452, §1, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1101, provided: "That this Act [see Tables for classification] be cited as the 'Inspector General Act of 1978'."

Merger of Office of Inspector General of United States Information Agency With Office of Inspector General of Department of State; Transfer of Functions

Pub. L. 104–134, title I, §101[(a)] [title IV], Apr. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 1321, 1321-37; renumbered title I, Pub. L. 104–140, §1(a), May 2, 1996, 110 Stat. 1327, provided: "That notwithstanding any other provision of law, (1) the Office of the Inspector General of the United States Information Agency is hereby merged with the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of State; (2) the functions exercised and assigned to the Office of the Inspector General of the United States Information Agency before the effective date of this Act [Apr. 26, 1996] (including all related functions) are transferred to the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of State; and (3) the Inspector General of the Department of State shall also serve as the Inspector General of the United States Information Agency."

[Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, §101(a) [title IV], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-47, provided in part: "That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the merger of the Office of Inspector General of the United States Information Agency with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of State provided for in the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996, contained in Public Law 104–134 [set out above], is effective hereafter."]

[For abolition of Office of Inspector General of the United States Information Agency and transfer of functions to Office of Inspector General of Department of State and Foreign Service, see section 6533 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse.]

Payment Authority Subject to Appropriations

Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §112, Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2530, provided that: "Any authority to make payments under this title [see Tables for classification] shall be effective only to such extent as provided in appropriations Acts."

§402. Establishment and purpose of Offices of Inspector General

(a) Establishment.—

(1) In general.—Subject to paragraph (2), in each of the establishments listed in section 401(1) of this title, there is established an Office of Inspector General.

(2) Department of the treasury.—In the establishment of the Department of the Treasury, there is established—

(A) an Office of Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury; and

(B) an Office of Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.

(b) Purpose.—The offices established under subsection (a) are established in order to create independent and objective units—

(1) to conduct and supervise audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations of the establishments listed in section 401(1) of this title;

(2) to provide leadership and coordination and recommend policies for activities designed—

(A) to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of those programs and operations; and

(B) to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in those programs and operations; and

(3) to provide a means for keeping the head of the establishments and Congress fully and currently informed about problems and deficiencies relating to the administration of those programs and operations and the necessity for and progress of corrective action.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4208.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
402 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §2) Pub. L. 95–452, §2, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1101; Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §508(n)(1), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 694; Pub. L. 97–113, title VII, §705(a)(1), Dec. 29, 1981, 95 Stat. 1544; Pub. L. 97–252, title XI, §1117(a)(1), Sept. 8, 1982, 96 Stat. 750; Pub. L. 99–93, title I, §150(a)(1), Aug. 16, 1985, 99 Stat. 427; Pub. L. 99–399, title IV, §412(a)(1), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 867; Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §102(a), (b), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2515; Pub. L. 100–527, §13(h)(1), Oct. 25, 1988, 102 Stat. 2643; Pub. L. 105–206, title I, §1103(a), July 22, 1998, 112 Stat. 705; Pub. L. 110–409, §7(d)(1)(A), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4313.

§403. Appointments

(a) In General.—There shall be at the head of each Office an Inspector General who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of integrity and demonstrated ability in accounting, auditing, financial analysis, law, management analysis, public administration, or investigations. Each Inspector General shall report to and be under the general supervision of the head of the establishment involved or, to the extent such authority is delegated, the officer next in rank below such head, but shall not report to, or be subject to supervision by, any other officer of the establishment. Neither the head of the establishment nor the officer next in rank below the head shall prevent or prohibit the Inspector General from initiating, carrying out, or completing any audit or investigation, or from issuing any subpoena during the course of any audit or investigation.

(b) Removal or Transfer.—An Inspector General may be removed from office by the President. If an Inspector General is removed from office or is transferred to another position or location within an establishment, the President shall communicate in writing the reasons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress, not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a personnel action otherwise authorized by law, other than transfer or removal.

(c) Not Employee Determining Policy.—For the purposes of section 7324 of this title, an Inspector General shall not be considered to be an employee who determines policies to be pursued by the United States in the nationwide administration of Federal laws.

(d) Assistant Inspectors General and Whistleblower Protection Coordinator.—

(1) In general.—Each Inspector General shall, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing the civil service—

(A) appoint an Assistant Inspector General for Auditing who shall have the responsibility for supervising the performance of auditing activities relating to programs and operations of the establishment;

(B) appoint an Assistant Inspector General for Investigations who shall have the responsibility for supervising the performance of investigative activities relating to such programs and operations; and

(C) designate a Whistleblower Protection Coordinator who shall—

(i) educate agency employees—

(I) about prohibitions against retaliation for protected disclosures; and

(II) who have made or are contemplating making a protected disclosure about the rights and remedies against retaliation for protected disclosures, including—

(aa) the means by which employees may seek review of any allegation of reprisal, including the roles of the Office of the Inspector General, the Office of Special Counsel, the Merit Systems Protection Board, and any other relevant entities; and

(bb) general information about the timeliness of such cases, the availability of any alternative dispute mechanisms, and avenues for potential relief;

(ii) assist the Inspector General in promoting the timely and appropriate handling and consideration of protected disclosures and allegations of reprisal, to the extent practicable, by the Inspector General; and

(iii) assist the Inspector General in facilitating communication and coordination with the Special Counsel, the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, the establishment, Congress, and any other relevant entity regarding the timely and appropriate handling and consideration of protected disclosures, allegations of reprisal, and general matters regarding the implementation and administration of whistleblower protection laws, rules, and regulations.

(2) Whistleblower protection coordinator not to act as legal representative, agent, or advocate.—The Whistleblower Protection Coordinator shall not act as a legal representative, agent, or advocate of the employee or former employee.

(3) Whistleblower protection coordinator access to inspector general.—The Whistleblower Protection Coordinator shall have direct access to the Inspector General as needed to accomplish the requirements of this subsection.

(4) Whistleblower protection coordinator exception for intelligence activity.—For the purposes of this section, the requirement of the designation of a Whistleblower Protection Coordinator under paragraph (1)(C) shall not apply to—

(A) any agency that is an element of the intelligence community (as defined in section 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4))); or

(B) as determined by the President, any executive agency or unit thereof the principal function of which is the conduct of foreign intelligence or counter intelligence activities.

(e) Rate of Pay.—The annual rate of basic pay for an Inspector General (as defined under section 401 of this title) shall be the rate payable for level III of the Executive Schedule under section 5314 of this title, plus 3 percent.

(f) Prohibition on Cash Awards.—An Inspector General (as defined under section 401 or 415(a) of this title) may not receive any cash award or cash bonus, including any cash award under chapter 45 of this title.

(g) Legal Advice.—Each Inspector General shall, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing the civil service, obtain legal advice from a counsel either reporting directly to the Inspector General or another Inspector General.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4208.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 3 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 3 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §§5202(a)(1), 5203(a), 5204(a), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3222, 3227, 3233, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4208, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 3 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended as follows:

(1) in subsection (b)—

(A) by inserting "(1)(A)" after "(b)";

(B) in paragraph (1), as so designated—

(i) in subparagraph (A), as so designated, in the second sentence—

(I) by striking "reasons" and inserting "substantive rationale, including detailed and case-specific reasons,"; and

(II) by inserting "(including to the appropriate congressional committees)" after "Houses of Congress"; and

(ii) by adding at the end the following:

"(B) If there is an open or completed inquiry into an Inspector General that relates to the removal or transfer of the Inspector General under subparagraph (A), the written communication required under that subparagraph shall—

"(i) identify each entity that is conducting, or that conducted, the inquiry; and

"(ii) in the case of a completed inquiry, contain the findings made during the inquiry."; and

(C) by adding at the end the following:

"(2)(A) Subject to the other provisions of this paragraph, only the President may place an Inspector General on non-duty status.

"(B) If the President places an Inspector General on non-duty status, the President shall communicate in writing the substantive rationale, including detailed and case-specific reasons, for the change in status to both Houses of Congress (including to the appropriate congressional committees) not later than 15 days before the date on which the change in status takes effect, except that the President may submit that communication not later than the date on which the change in status takes effect if—

"(i) the President has made a determination that the continued presence of the Inspector General in the workplace poses a threat described in any of clauses (i) through (iv) of section 6329b(b)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code; and

"(ii) in the communication, the President includes a report on the determination described in clause (i), which shall include—

"(I) a specification of which clause of section 6329b(b)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code, the President has determined applies under clause (i) of this subparagraph;

"(II) the substantive rationale, including detailed and case-specific reasons, for the determination made under clause (i);

"(III) an identification of each entity that is conducting, or that conducted, any inquiry upon which the determination under clause (i) was made; and

"(IV) in the case of an inquiry described in subclause (III) that is completed, the findings made during that inquiry.

"(C) The President may not place an Inspector General on non-duty status during the 30-day period preceding the date on which the Inspector General is removed or transferred under paragraph (1)(A) unless the President—

"(i) has made a determination that the continued presence of the Inspector General in the workplace poses a threat described in any of clauses (i) through (iv) of section 6329b(b)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code; and

"(ii) not later than the date on which the change in status takes effect, submits to both Houses of Congress (including to the appropriate congressional committees) a written communication that contains the information required under subparagraph (B), including the report required under clause (ii) of that subparagraph.

"(D) For the purposes of this paragraph—

"(i) the term 'Inspector General'—

"(I) means an Inspector General who was appointed by the President, without regard to whether the Senate provided advice and consent with respect to that appointment; and

"(II) includes the Inspector General of an establishment, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery; and

"(ii) a reference to the removal or transfer of an Inspector General under paragraph (1), or to the written communication described in that paragraph, shall be considered to be—

"(I) in the case of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, a reference to section 1229(c)(6) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110-181; 122 Stat. 378);

"(II) in the case of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, a reference to section 121(b)(4) of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (12 U.S.C. 5231(b)(4)); and

"(III) in the case of the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery, a reference to section 4018(b)(3) of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9053(b)(3)).";

(2) in subsection (d)(1)(C)—

(A) in clause (i), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by inserting ", including employees of that Office of Inspector General" after "employees"; and

(B) in clause (iii), by inserting "(including the Integrity Committee of that Council)" after "and Efficiency"; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:

"(h)(1) In this subsection—

"(A) the term 'first assistant to the position of Inspector General' means, with respect to an Office of Inspector General—

"(i) an individual who, as of the day before the date on which the Inspector General dies, resigns, or otherwise becomes unable to perform the functions and duties of that position—

"(I) is serving in a position in that Office; and

"(II) has been designated in writing by the Inspector General, through an order of succession or otherwise, as the first assistant to the position of Inspector General; or

"(ii) if the Inspector General has not made a designation described in clause (i)(II)—

"(I) the Principal Deputy Inspector General of that Office, as of the day before the date on which the Inspector General dies, resigns, or otherwise becomes unable to perform the functions and duties of that position; or

"(II) if there is no Principal Deputy Inspector General of that Office, the Deputy Inspector General of that Office, as of the day before the date on which the Inspector General dies, resigns, or otherwise becomes unable to perform the functions and duties of that position; and

"(B) the term 'Inspector General'—

"(i) means an Inspector General who is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and

"(ii) includes the Inspector General of an establishment, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery.

"(2) If an Inspector General dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the position—

"(A) section 3345(a) of title 5, United States Code, and section 103(e) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3025(e)) shall not apply;

"(B) subject to paragraph (4), the first assistant to the position of Inspector General shall perform the functions and duties of the Inspector General temporarily in an acting capacity subject to the time limitations of section 3346 of title 5, United States Code; and

"(C) notwithstanding subparagraph (B), and subject to paragraphs (4) and (5), the President (and only the President) may direct an officer or employee of any Office of an Inspector General to perform the functions and duties of the Inspector General temporarily in an acting capacity subject to the time limitations of section 3346 of title 5, United States Code, only if—

"(i) during the 365-day period preceding the date of death, resignation, or beginning of inability to serve of the Inspector General, the officer or employee served in a position in an Office of an Inspector General for not less than 90 days, except that—

"(I) the requirement under this clause shall not apply if the officer is an Inspector General; and

"(II) for the purposes of this subparagraph, performing the functions and duties of an Inspector General temporarily in an acting capacity does not qualify as service in a position in an Office of an Inspector General;

"(ii) the rate of pay for the position of the officer or employee described in clause (i) is equal to or greater than the minimum rate of pay payable for a position at GS-15 of the General Schedule;

"(iii) the officer or employee has demonstrated ability in accounting, auditing, financial analysis, law, management analysis, public administration, or investigations; and

"(iv) not later than 30 days before the date on which the direction takes effect, the President communicates in writing to both Houses of Congress (including to the appropriate congressional committees) the substantive rationale, including the detailed and case-specific reasons, for such direction, including the reason for the direction that someone other than the individual who is performing the functions and duties of the Inspector General temporarily in an acting capacity (as of the date on which the President issues that direction) perform those functions and duties temporarily in an acting capacity.

"(3) Notwithstanding section 3345(a) of title 5, United States Code, and subparagraphs (B) and (C) of paragraph (2), and subject to paragraph (4), during any period in which an Inspector General is on non-duty status—

"(A) the first assistant to the position of Inspector General shall perform the functions and duties of the position temporarily in an acting capacity subject to the time limitations of section 3346 of title 5, United States Code; and

"(B) if the first assistant described in subparagraph (A) dies, resigns, or becomes otherwise unable to perform those functions and duties, the President (and only the President) may direct an officer or employee in that Office of Inspector General to perform those functions and duties temporarily in an acting capacity, subject to the time limitations of section 3346 of title 5, United States Code, if—

"(i) that direction satisfies the requirements under clauses (ii), (iii), and (iv) of paragraph (2)(C); and

"(ii) that officer or employee served in a position in that Office of Inspector General for not fewer than 90 of the 365 days preceding the date on which the President makes that direction.

"(4) An individual may perform the functions and duties of an Inspector General temporarily and in an acting capacity under subparagraph (B) or (C) of paragraph (2), or under paragraph (3), with respect to only 1 Inspector General position at any given time.

"(5) If the President makes a direction under paragraph (2)(C), during the 30-day period preceding the date on which the direction of the President takes effect, the functions and duties of the position of the applicable Inspector General shall be performed by—

"(A) the first assistant to the position of Inspector General; or

"(B) the individual performing those functions and duties temporarily in an acting capacity, as of the date on which the President issues that direction, if that individual is an individual other than the first assistant to the position of Inspector General."

As enacted by Pub. L. 117–286, subsection (b) of this section contains a heading after the subsection designation. The amendment inserting "(1)(A)" after "(b)" in section 3(b) of Pub. L. 95–452 amended text that did not contain a subsection heading.

For definition of "appropriate congressional committees" as seen in the above amendments by Pub. L. 117–263, see Amendments Not Shown in Text note set out under section 401 of this title.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
403 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §3) Pub. L. 95–452, §3, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1101; Pub. L. 110–409, §§3(a), 4(a)(1), 5, 6(a), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4302, 4305; Pub. L. 112–199, title I, §117(a), Nov. 27, 2012, 126 Stat. 1474; Pub. L. 114–317, §7(d)(3)(A), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1606; Pub. L. 115–192, §2(a), June 25, 2018, 132 Stat. 1502.

In subsection (d)(4) (matter before subparagraph (A)), the words "Whistleblower Protection Coordinator" are substituted for "Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman" to correct an error in the law.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2022 Amendment

Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5203(e), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3233, provided that:

"(1) Definition.—In this subsection, the term 'Inspector General' has the meaning given the term in subsection (h)(1)(B) of section 3 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), as added by subsection (a) of this section [see Amendments Not Shown in Text note above].

"(2) Applicability.—

"(A) In general.—Except as provided in subparagraph (B), this section [amending section 3 of Pub. L. 95–452 (restated as this section), sections 3033 and 3517 of Title 50, War and National Defense, and enacting provisions set out as a note under this section], and the amendments made by this section, shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 23, 2022].

"(B) Existing vacancies.—If, as of the date of enactment of this Act, an individual is performing the functions and duties of an Inspector General temporarily in an acting capacity, this section, and the amendments made by this section, shall take effect with respect to that Inspector General position on the date that is 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act."


Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5203(d), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3233, provided that: "Nothing in the amendment made by subsection (a) [adding subsec. (h) to section 3 of Pub. L. 95–452 (restated as this section), see Amendments Not Shown in Text note above] may be construed to limit the applicability of sections 3345 through 3349d of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the 'Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998'), other than with respect to section 3345(a) of that title."

Pub. L. 110–409, §6(c), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4305, as amended by Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(5), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4343, provided that: "Nothing in the amendments made by this section [amending former sections 3 and 8G of Pub. L. 95–452, see 5 U.S.C. 403, 415] shall be construed to alter the duties and responsibilities of the counsel for any establishment or designated Federal entity, except for the availability of counsel as provided under sections 403(g) and 415(g) of title 5, United States Code. The Counsel to the Inspector General shall perform such functions as the Inspector General may prescribe."

Acting Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration

Pub. L. 105–277, div. C, title I, §101, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–584, as amended by Pub. L. 106–113, div. B, §1000(a)(5) [title II, §239(a)], Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 1536, 1501A-302; Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(7), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4343, related to the appointment by the President of an Acting Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration whose service was to conclude no later than Apr. 30, 1999.

[Pub. L. 106–113, div. B, §1000(a)(5) [title II, §239(b)], Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 1536, 1501A-302, provided that the amendment made by subsection §239(a) to section 101 of Pub. L. 105–277 was effective as if included in the enactment of Pub. L. 105–277.]

§404. Duties and responsibilities

(a) In General.—It shall be the duty and responsibility of each Inspector General, with respect to the establishment within which the Inspector General's Office is established—

(1) to provide policy direction for and to conduct, supervise, and coordinate audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations of the establishment;

(2) to review existing and proposed legislation and regulations relating to programs and operations of the establishment and to make recommendations in the semiannual reports required by section 405(b) of this title concerning the impact of the legislation and regulations on the economy and efficiency in the administration of programs and operations administered or financed by the establishment, or the prevention and detection of fraud and abuse in the programs and operations;

(3) to recommend policies for, and to conduct, supervise, or coordinate other activities carried out or financed by, the establishment for the purpose of promoting economy and efficiency in the administration of, or preventing and detecting fraud and abuse in, its programs and operations;

(4) to recommend policies for the establishment, and to conduct, supervise, or coordinate relationships between the establishment and other Federal agencies, State and local governmental agencies, and nongovernmental entities, with respect to—

(A) all matters relating to the promotion of economy and efficiency in the administration of, or the prevention and detection of fraud and abuse in, programs and operations administered or financed by the establishment; or

(B) the identification and prosecution of participants in fraud or abuse referred to in subparagraph (A); and

(5) to keep the head of the establishment and Congress fully and currently informed, by means of the reports required by section 405 of this title and otherwise, concerning fraud and other serious problems, abuses, and deficiencies relating to the administration of programs and operations administered or financed by the establishment, to recommend corrective action concerning the problems, abuses, and deficiencies, and to report on the progress made in implementing the corrective action.

(b) Standards and Guidelines.—

(1) In general.—In carrying out the responsibilities specified in subsection (a)(1), each Inspector General shall—

(A) comply with standards established by the Comptroller General of the United States for audits of Federal establishments, organizations, programs, activities, and functions;

(B) establish guidelines for determining when it shall be appropriate to use non-Federal auditors; and

(C) take appropriate steps to ensure that any work performed by non-Federal auditors complies with the standards established by the Comptroller General as described in paragraph (1).1

(2) Reviews performed exclusively by audit entities in federal government.—For purposes of determining compliance with paragraph (1)(A) with respect to whether internal quality controls are in place and operating and whether established audit standards, policies, and procedures are being followed by Offices of Inspector General of establishments defined under section 401 of this title, Offices of Inspector General of designated Federal entities defined under section 415(a) of this title, and any audit office established within a Federal entity defined under section 415(a) of this title, reviews shall be performed exclusively by an audit entity in the Federal Government, including the Government Accountability Office or the Office of Inspector General of each establishment defined under section 401 of this title, or the Office of Inspector General of each designated Federal entity defined under section 415(a) of this title.

(c) Effective Coordination and Cooperation.—In carrying out the duties and responsibilities established under this chapter, each Inspector General shall give particular regard to the activities of the Comptroller General of the United States with a view toward avoiding duplication and ensuring effective coordination and cooperation.

(d) Reporting Violation of Federal Criminal Law.—In carrying out the duties and responsibilities established under this chapter, each Inspector General shall report expeditiously to the Attorney General whenever the Inspector General has reasonable grounds to believe there has been a violation of Federal criminal law.

(e) Recommendations for Corrective Actions.—

(1) Submission of documents.—In carrying out the duties and responsibilities established under this chapter, whenever an Inspector General issues a recommendation for corrective action to the agency, the Inspector General—

(A) shall submit the document making a recommendation for corrective action to—

(i) the head of the establishment;

(ii) the congressional committees of jurisdiction; and

(iii) if the recommendation for corrective action was initiated upon request by an individual or entity other than the Inspector General, that individual or entity;

(B) may submit the document making a recommendation for corrective action to any Member of Congress upon request; and

(C) not later than 3 days after the recommendation for corrective action is submitted in final form to the head of the establishment, post the document making a recommendation for corrective action on the website of the Office of Inspector General.

(2) Public disclosure otherwise prohibited by law.—Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as authorizing an Inspector General to publicly disclose information otherwise prohibited from disclosure by law.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4210.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 4 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 4 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5273(1), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3241, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4210, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 4 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended in subsection (a)(2) as follows:

(1) by inserting ", including" after "to make recommendations"; and

(2) by inserting a comma after "section 5(a)".

The phrase "section 5(a)" did not appear in the text of subsection (a)(2) as enacted by Pub. L. 117–286 but was changed to "section 405(b) of this title".

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
404 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §4) Pub. L. 95–452, §4, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1102; Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §109, Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2529; Pub. L. 103–82, title II, §202(g)(5)(A), Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 890; Pub. L. 108–271, §8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814; Pub. L. 110–409, §7(d)(1)(A), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4313; Pub. L. 114–317, §§4(d), 7(d)(2)(A), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1602, 1606

In subsection (a)(4) (matter before subparagraph (A)), the words "the establishment" are inserted after "to recommend policies for" and a comma is inserted after "and nongovernmental entities" for clarity.

In subsection (b)(1)(C), the word "ensure" is substituted for "assure" for clarity.

In subsection (c), the word "ensuring" is substituted for "insuring" for clarity.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Paragraph (1), referred to in subsec. (b)(1)(C), means par. (1) of subsec. (b) of this section, but probably should be a reference to subpar. (A) of subsec. (b)(1) of this section. Prior to repeal and restatement as this section, subsec. (b)(1) of the source section had been redesignated as subsec. (b)(1)(A) by Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §109(1), (2), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2529, with no conforming amendment to the reference, and the restated text carried over such reference without change.

1 See References in Text note below.

§405. Reports

(a) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) Disallowed cost.—The term "disallowed cost" means a questioned cost that management, in a management decision, has sustained or agreed should not be charged to the Government.

(2) Final action.—The term "final action" means—

(A) the completion of all actions that the management of an establishment has concluded, in its management decision, are necessary with respect to the findings and recommendations included in an audit report; and

(B) in the event that the management of an establishment concludes no action is necessary, final action occurs when a management decision has been made.

(3) Management decision.—The term "management decision" means the evaluation by the management of an establishment of the findings and recommendations included in an audit report and the issuance of a final decision by management concerning its response to the findings and recommendations, including actions concluded to be necessary.

(4) Questioned cost.—The term "questioned cost" means a cost that is questioned by the Office because of—

(A) an alleged violation of a provision of a law, regulation, contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or other agreement or document governing the expenditure of funds;

(B) a finding that, at the time of the audit, the cost is not supported by adequate documentation; or

(C) a finding that the expenditure of funds for the intended purpose is unnecessary or unreasonable.

(5) Recommendation that funds be put to better use.—The term "recommendation that funds be put to better use" means a recommendation by the Office that funds could be used more efficiently if management of an establishment took actions to implement and complete the recommendation, including—

(A) reductions in outlays;

(B) deobligation of funds from programs or operations;

(C) withdrawal of interest subsidy costs on loans or loan guarantees, insurance, or bonds;

(D) costs not incurred by implementing recommended improvements related to the operations of the establishment, a contractor, or grantee;

(E) avoidance of unnecessary expenditures noted in preaward reviews of contract or grant agreements; or

(F) any other savings which are specifically identified.

(6) Senior government employee.—The term "senior Government employee" means—

(A) an officer or employee in the executive branch (including a special Government employee as defined in section 202 of title 18) who occupies a position classified at or above GS–15 of the General Schedule or, in the case of positions not under the General Schedule, for which the rate of basic pay is equal to or greater than 120 percent of the minimum rate of basic pay payable for GS–15 of the General Schedule; and

(B) any commissioned officer in the Armed Forces in pay grades O–6 and above.

(7) Unsupported cost.—The term "unsupported cost" means a cost that is questioned by the Office because the Office found that, at the time of the audit, such cost is not supported by adequate documentation.

(b) Semiannual Reports.—Each Inspector General shall, not later than April 30 and October 31 of each year, prepare semiannual reports summarizing the activities of the Office during the immediately preceding 6-month periods ending March 31 and September 30. The reports shall include, but need not be limited to—

(1) a description of significant problems, abuses, and deficiencies relating to the administration of programs and operations of such establishment disclosed by such activities during the reporting period;

(2) a description of the recommendations for corrective action made by the Office during the reporting period with respect to significant problems, abuses, or deficiencies identified pursuant to paragraph (1);

(3) an identification of each significant recommendation described in previous semiannual reports on which corrective action has not been completed;

(4) a summary of matters referred to prosecutive authorities and the prosecutions and convictions which have resulted;

(5) a summary of each report made to the head of the establishment under section 406(c)(2) of this title during the reporting period;

(6) a listing, subdivided according to subject matter, of each audit report, inspection report, and evaluation report issued by the Office during the reporting period and for each report, where applicable, the total dollar value of questioned costs (including a separate category for the dollar value of unsupported costs) and the dollar value of recommendations that funds be put to better use;

(7) a summary of each particularly significant report;

(8) statistical tables showing the total number of audit reports, inspection reports, and evaluation reports and the total dollar value of questioned costs (including a separate category for the dollar value of unsupported costs), for reports—

(A) for which no management decision had been made by the commencement of the reporting period;

(B) which were issued during the reporting period;

(C) for which a management decision was made during the reporting period, including—

(i) the dollar value of disallowed costs; and

(ii) the dollar value of costs not disallowed; and

(D) for which no management decision has been made by the end of the reporting period;

(9) statistical tables showing the total number of audit reports, inspection reports, and evaluation reports and the dollar value of recommendations that funds be put to better use by management, for reports—

(A) for which no management decision had been made by the commencement of the reporting period;

(B) which were issued during the reporting period;

(C) for which a management decision was made during the reporting period, including—

(i) the dollar value of recommendations that were agreed to by management; and

(ii) the dollar value of recommendations that were not agreed to by management; and

(D) for which no management decision has been made by the end of the reporting period;

(10) a summary of each audit report, inspection report, and evaluation report issued before the commencement of the reporting period—

(A) for which no management decision has been made by the end of the reporting period (including the date and title of each such report), an explanation of the reasons such management decision has not been made, and a statement concerning the desired timetable for achieving a management decision on each such report;

(B) for which no establishment comment was returned within 60 days of providing the report to the establishment; and

(C) for which there are any outstanding unimplemented recommendations, including the aggregate potential cost savings of those recommendations;

(11) a description and explanation of the reasons for any significant revised management decision made during the reporting period;

(12) information concerning any significant management decision with which the Inspector General is in disagreement;

(13) the information described under section 804(b) of the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–208, §101(f) [title VIII], 31 U.S.C. 3512 note);

(14)(A) an appendix containing the results of any peer review conducted by another Office of Inspector General during the reporting period; or

(B) if no peer review was conducted within that reporting period, a statement identifying the date of the last peer review conducted by another Office of Inspector General;

(15) a list of any outstanding recommendations from any peer review conducted by another Office of Inspector General that have not been fully implemented, including a statement describing the status of the implementation and why implementation is not complete;

(16) a list of any peer reviews conducted by the Inspector General of another Office of the Inspector General during the reporting period, including a list of any outstanding recommendations made from any previous peer review (including any peer review conducted before the reporting period) that remain outstanding or have not been fully implemented;

(17) statistical tables showing—

(A) the total number of investigative reports issued during the reporting period;

(B) the total number of persons referred to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution during the reporting period;

(C) the total number of persons referred to State and local prosecuting authorities for criminal prosecution during the reporting period; and

(D) the total number of indictments and criminal informations during the reporting period that resulted from any prior referral to prosecuting authorities;

(18) a description of the metrics used for developing the data for the statistical tables under paragraph (17);

(19) a report on each investigation conducted by the Office involving a senior Government employee where allegations of misconduct were substantiated, including the name of the senior government official (as defined by the department or agency) if already made public by the Office, and a detailed description of—

(A) the facts and circumstances of the investigation; and

(B) the status and disposition of the matter, including—

(i) if the matter was referred to the Department of Justice, the date of the referral; and

(ii) if the Department of Justice declined the referral, the date of the declination;

(20)(A) a detailed description of any instance of whistleblower retaliation, including information about the official found to have engaged in retaliation; and

(B) what, if any, consequences the establishment actually imposed to hold the official described in subparagraph (A) accountable;

(21) a detailed description of any attempt by the establishment to interfere with the independence of the Office, including—

(A) with budget constraints designed to limit the capabilities of the Office; and

(B) incidents where the establishment has resisted or objected to oversight activities of the Office or restricted or significantly delayed access to information, including the justification of the establishment for such action; and

(22) detailed descriptions of the particular circumstances of each—

(A) inspection, evaluation, and audit conducted by the Office that is closed and was not disclosed to the public; and

(B) investigation conducted by the Office involving a senior Government employee that is closed and was not disclosed to the public.

(c) Furnishing Semiannual Reports to Head of Establishment and Congress.—Semiannual reports of each Inspector General shall be furnished to the head of the establishment involved not later than April 30 and October 31 of each year and shall be transmitted by the head of the establishment to the appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress within 30 days after receipt of the report, together with a report by the head of the establishment containing—

(1) any comments the head of the establishment determines appropriate;

(2) statistical tables showing the total number of audit reports, inspection reports, and evaluation reports and the dollar value of disallowed costs, for reports—

(A) for which final action had not been taken by the commencement of the reporting period;

(B) on which management decisions were made during the reporting period;

(C) for which final action was taken during the reporting period, including—

(i) the dollar value of disallowed costs that were recovered by management through collection, offset, property in lieu of cash, or otherwise; and

(ii) the dollar value of disallowed costs that were written off by management; and

(D) for which no final action has been taken by the end of the reporting period;

(3) statistical tables showing the total number of audit reports, inspection reports, and evaluation reports and the dollar value of recommendations that funds be put to better use by management agreed to in a management decision, for reports—

(A) for which final action had not been taken by the commencement of the reporting period;

(B) on which management decisions were made during the reporting period;

(C) for which final action was taken during the reporting period, including—

(i) the dollar value of recommendations that were actually completed; and

(ii) the dollar value of recommendations that management has subsequently concluded should not or could not be implemented or completed; and

(D) for which no final action has been taken by the end of the reporting period;

(4) whether the establishment entered into a settlement agreement with the official described in subsection (b)(20)(A), which shall be reported regardless of any confidentiality agreement relating to the settlement agreement; and

(5) a statement with respect to audit reports on which management decisions have been made but final action has not been taken, other than audit reports on which a management decision was made within the preceding year, containing—

(A) a list of such audit reports and the date each such report was issued;

(B) the dollar value of disallowed costs for each report;

(C) the dollar value of recommendations that funds be put to better use agreed to by management for each report; and

(D) an explanation of the reasons final action has not been taken with respect to each audit report,

except that the statement may exclude any audit reports that are under formal administrative or judicial appeal or upon which management of an establishment has agreed to pursue a legislative solution, but the statement shall identify the number of reports in each category so excluded.

(d) Reports Available to Public.—Within 60 days of the transmission of the semiannual reports of each Inspector General to Congress, the head of each establishment shall make copies of the report available to the public upon request and at a reasonable cost. Within 60 days after the transmission of the semiannual reports of each establishment head to Congress, the head of each establishment shall make copies of the report available to the public upon request and at a reasonable cost.

(e) Reporting Serious Problems, Abuses, or Deficiencies.—Each Inspector General shall report immediately to the head of the establishment involved whenever the Inspector General becomes aware of particularly serious or flagrant problems, abuses, or deficiencies relating to the administration of programs and operations of the establishment. The head of the establishment shall transmit any such report to the appropriate committees or subcommittees of Congress within 7 calendar days, together with a report by the head of the establishment containing any comments the establishment head deems appropriate.

(f) Limitation on Public Disclosure of Information.—

(1) In general.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the public disclosure of information that is—

(A) specifically prohibited from disclosure by any other provision of law;

(B) specifically required by Executive order to be protected from disclosure in the interest of national defense or national security or in the conduct of foreign affairs; or

(C) a part of an ongoing criminal investigation.

(2) Criminal investigation information in public records.—Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(C), any report under this section may be disclosed to the public in a form which includes information with respect to a part of an ongoing criminal investigation if such information has been included in a public record.

(3) No authorization to withhold information from congress.—Except to the extent and in the manner provided under section 6103(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6103(f)), nothing in this section or in any other provision of this chapter shall be construed to authorize or permit the withholding of information from Congress, or from any committee or subcommittee of Congress.

(4) Provision of information to members of congress.—Subject to any other provision of law that would otherwise prohibit disclosure of such information, the information described in paragraph (1) may be provided to any Member of Congress upon request.

(5) Protection of personally identifiable information of whistleblowers.—An Office may not provide to Congress or the public any information that reveals the personally identifiable information of a whistleblower under this section unless the Office first obtains the consent of the whistleblower.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4212.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 5 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 5 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §§5235, 5241, 5272(1), 5273(2), 5274(a), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3236, 3237, 3239, 3241, 3244, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4212, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 5 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended as follows:

(1) in subsection (a) [enacted by Pub. L. 117–286 as subsection (b) of this section]—

(A) by striking paragraphs (1) through (12) and inserting the following:

"(1) a description of significant problems, abuses, and deficiencies relating to the administration of programs and operations of the establishment and associated reports and recommendations for corrective action made by the Office;

"(2) an identification of each recommendation made before the reporting period, for which corrective action has not been completed, including the potential costs savings associated with the recommendation;

"(3) a summary of significant investigations closed during the reporting period;

"(4) an identification of the total number of convictions during the reporting period resulting from investigations;

"(5) information regarding each audit, inspection, or evaluation report issued during the reporting period, including—

"(A) a listing of each audit, inspection, or evaluation;

"(B) if applicable, the total dollar value of questioned costs (including a separate category for the dollar value of unsupported costs) and the dollar value of recommendations that funds be put to better use, including whether a management decision had been made by the end of the reporting period;

"(6) information regarding any management decision made during the reporting period with respect to any audit, inspection, or evaluation issued during a previous reporting period;";

(B) by redesignating paragraphs (13) through (22) as paragraphs (7) through (16), respectively;

(C) by amending paragraph (13), as so redesignated, to read as follows:

"(13) a report on each investigation conducted by the Office where allegations of misconduct were substantiated involving a senior Government employee or senior official (as defined by the Office) if the establishment does not have senior Government employees, which shall include—

"(A) the name of the senior Government employee, if already made public by the Office; and

"(B) a detailed description of—

"(i) the facts and circumstances of the investigation; and

"(ii) the status and disposition of the matter, including—

"(I) if the matter was referred to the Department of Justice, the date of the referral; and

"(II) if the Department of Justice declined the referral, the date of the declination;"; and

(D) by amending paragraph (15), as so redesignated, to read as follows:

"(15) information related to interference by the establishment, including—

"(A) a detailed description of any attempt by the establishment to interfere with the independence of the Office, including—

"(i) with budget constraints designed to limit the capabilities of the Office; and

"(ii) incidents where the establishment has resisted or objected to oversight activities of the Office or restricted or significantly delayed access to information, including the justification of the establishment for such action; and

"(B) a summary of each report made to the head of the establishment under section 6(c)(2) during the reporting period;";

(2) in subsection (b) [enacted by Pub. L. 117–286 as subsection (c) of this section]—

(A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking "committees or subcommittees of the Congress" and inserting "congressional committees";

(B) by striking paragraphs (2) and (3) and inserting the following:

"(2) where final action on audit, inspection, and evaluation reports had not been taken before the commencement of the reporting period, statistical tables showing—

"(A) with respect to management decisions—

"(i) for each report, whether a management decision was made during the reporting period;

"(ii) if a management decision was made during the reporting period, the dollar value of disallowed costs and funds to be put to better use as agreed to in the management decision; and

"(iii) total number of reports where a management decision was made during the reporting period and the total corresponding dollar value of disallowed costs and funds to be put to better use as agreed to in the management decision; and

"(B) with respect to final actions—

"(i) whether, if a management decision was made before the end of the reporting period, final action was taken during the reporting period;

"(ii) if final action was taken, the dollar value of—

"(I) disallowed costs that were recovered by management through collection, offset, property in lieu of cash, or otherwise;

"(II) disallowed costs that were written off by management;

"(III) disallowed costs and funds to be put to better use not yet recovered or written off by management;

"(IV) recommendations that were completed; and

"(V) recommendations that management has subsequently concluded should not or could not be implemented or completed; and

"(iii) total number of reports where final action was not taken and total number of reports where final action was taken, including the total corresponding dollar value of disallowed costs and funds to be put to better use as agreed to in the management decisions;";

(C) by redesignating paragraph (4) as paragraph (3);

(D) in paragraph (3), as so redesignated, by striking "subsection (a)(20)(A)" [enacted by Pub. L. 117–286 as "subsection (b)(20)(A)"] and inserting "subsection (a)(14)(A)" [probably should be "subsection (b)(14)(A)"]; and

(E) by striking paragraph (5) and inserting the following:

"(4) a statement explaining why final action has not been taken with respect to each audit, inspection, and evaluation report in which a management decision has been made but final action has not yet been taken, except that such statement—

"(A) may exclude reports if—

"(i) a management decision was made within the preceding year; or

"(ii) the report is under formal administrative or judicial appeal or management of the establishment has agreed to pursue a legislative solution; and

"(B) shall identify the number of reports in each category so excluded.";

(3) in subsection (d) [enacted by Pub. L. 117–286 as subsection (e) of this section], by striking "committees or subcommittees of Congress" and inserting "congressional committees";

(4) by redesignating subsections (e) and (f) [enacted by Pub. L. 117–286 as subsections (f) and (a) of this section, respectively] as subsections (g) and (h), respectively, and by inserting after subsection (d) the following:


"(1) REPORT TO INSPECTOR GENERAL.—The Chairperson of the Integrity Committee of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency shall, immediately whenever the Chairperson of the Integrity Committee becomes aware of particularly serious or flagrant problems, abuses, or deficiencies relating to the administration of programs and operations of an Office of Inspector General for which the Integrity Committee may receive, review, and refer for investigation allegations of wrongdoing under section 11(d), submit a report to the Inspector General who leads the Office at which the serious or flagrant problems, abuses, or deficiencies were alleged.

"(2) REPORT TO PRESIDENT, CONGRESS, AND THE ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than 7 days after the date on which an Inspector General receives a report submitted under paragraph (1), the Inspector General shall submit to the President, the appropriate congressional committees, and the head of the establishment—

"(A) the report received under paragraph (1); and

"(B) a report by the Inspector General containing any comments the Inspector General determines appropriate.";

(5) by inserting after subsection (e), as added by section "5625" of title LII of Pub. L. 117–263 [probably should be section "5235"], the following:

"(f)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), not later than 15 days after an Inspector General is removed, placed on paid or unpaid nonduty status, or transferred to another position or location within an establishment, the officer or employee performing the functions and duties of the Inspector General temporarily in an acting capacity shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees information regarding work being conducted by the Office as of the date on which the Inspector General was removed, placed on paid or unpaid non-duty status, or transferred, which shall include—

"(A) for each investigation—

"(i) the type of alleged offense;

"(ii) the fiscal quarter in which the Office initiated the investigation;

"(iii) the relevant Federal agency, including the relevant component of that Federal agency for any Federal agency listed in section 901(b) of title 31, United States Code, under investigation or affiliated with the individual or entity under investigation; and

"(iv) whether the investigation is administrative, civil, criminal, or a combination thereof, if known; and

"(B) for any work not described in subparagraph (A)—

"(i) a description of the subject matter and scope;

"(ii) the relevant agency, including the relevant component of that Federal agency, under review;

"(iii) the date on which the Office initiated the work; and

"(iv) the expected time frame for completion.

"(2) With respect to an inspector general of an element of the intelligence community specified in section 8G(d)(2) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), the submission required by paragraph (1) shall only be made to the committees of Congress specified in section 8G(d)(2)(E)." [section 8G(d)(2) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 restated by Pub. L. 117–286 as section 415(d)(2) of this title];

(6) by adding at the end of subsection (g) [corresponding to subsection (f) of this section], as redesignated by section "5625" of title LII of Pub. L. 117–263 [probably should be section "5235"] the following:

"(6)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), if an audit, evaluation, inspection, or other non-investigative report prepared by an Inspector General specifically identifies a specific non-governmental organization or business entity, whether or not the non-governmental organization or business entity is the subject of that audit, evaluation, inspection, or non-investigative report—

"(i) the Inspector General shall notify the non-governmental organization or business entity;

"(ii) the non-governmental organization or business entity shall have—

"(I) 30 days to review the audit, evaluation, inspection, or non-investigative report beginning on the date of publication of the audit, evaluation, inspection, or non-investigative report; and

"(II) the opportunity to submit a written response for the purpose of clarifying or providing additional context as it directly relates to each instance wherein an audit, evaluation, inspection, or non-investigative report specifically identifies that non-governmental organization or business entity; and

"(iii) if a written response is submitted under clause (ii)(II) within the 30-day period described in clause (ii)(I)—

"(I) the written response shall be attached to the audit, evaluation, inspection, or non-investigative report; and

"(II) in every instance where the report may appear on the public-facing website of the Inspector General, the website shall be updated in order to access a version of the audit, evaluation, inspection, or non-investigative report that includes the written response.

"(B) Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to a non-governmental organization or business entity that refused to provide information or assistance sought by an Inspector General during the creation of the audit, evaluation, inspection, or non-investigative report.

"(C) An Inspector General shall review any written response received under subparagraph (A) for the purpose of preventing the improper disclosure of classified information or other non-public information, consistent with applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and, if necessary, redact such information."; and

(7) by redesignating subsection (h) [corresponding to subsection (a) of this section], as redesignated by section "5625" of title LII of Pub. L. 117–263 [probably should be section "5235"], as subsection (i) and by inserting after subsection (g), as redesignated by section "5625" of title LII of Pub. L. 117–263 [probably should be section "5235"], the following:

"(h) If an Office has published any portion of the report or information required under subsection (a) to the website of the Office or on, the Office may elect to provide links to the relevant webpage or website in the report of the Office under subsection (a) in lieu of including the information in that report." [subsection (a) restated by Pub. L. 117–286 as subsection (b) of this section]

For definition of "appropriate congressional committees" as seen in the above amendments by Pub. L. 117–263, see Amendments Not Shown in Text note set out under section 401 of this title.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
405 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §5) Pub. L. 95–452, §5, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1103; Pub. L. 97–252, title XI, §1117(c), Sept. 8, 1982, 96 Stat. 752; Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §§102(g), 106, Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2521, 2525; Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, §101(f) [title VIII, §805(c)], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–314, 3009-393; Pub. L. 110–409, §12, Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4315; Pub. L. 111–203, title IX, §989C, July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1945; Pub. L. 114–317, §§4(c), 7(d)(2)(B), (C), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1600, 1606; Pub. L. 115–192, §2(c), June 25, 2018, 132 Stat. 1503; Pub. L. 116–92, div. A, title XVII, §1710, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1801.

In subsection (b)(6), the words "inspection report, and evaluation report" are substituted for "inspection reports, and evaluation reports" to correct typographical errors in the law.

In subsection (b)(10) (matter before subparagraph (A)), the words "inspection report, and evaluation report" are substituted for "inspection reports, and evaluation reports" to correct typographical errors in the law.

In subsection (b)(10), at the end of subparagraph (C), a semicolon is substituted for the period to correct a typographical error in the law.

In subsection (b)(13), the parenthetical "(Public Law 104–208, Sec. 101(f) [title VIII], 31 U.S.C. 3512 note)" is inserted after "section 804(b) of the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996" for clarity.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The General Schedule, referred to in subsec. (a)(6)(A), is set out under section 5332 of this title.

Commissioned officer pay grades O–6 and above, referred to in subsec. (a)(6)(B), is described in section 201 of Title 37, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services, and is set out under section 5332 of this title.

Section 804(b) of the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996, referred to in subsec. (b)(13), is section 101(f) [title VIII, §804(b)] of title I of Pub. L. 104–208, Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–314, 3009-392, which is set out in a note under section 3512 of Title 31, Money and Finance.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Retroactive Applicability

Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5274(b), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3245, provided that: "During the 30-day period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 23, 2022]—

"(1) the amendment made by subsection (a) [adding par. (6) to section 5(g) of Pub. L. 95–452 (restated as subsec. (f) of this section), see Amendments Not Shown in Text note above] shall apply upon the request of a non-governmental organization or business entity named in an audit, evaluation, inspection, or other non-investigative report prepared on or after January 1, 2019; and

"(2) any written response submitted under clause (iii) of section 5(g)(6)(A) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), as added by subsection (a), with respect to such an audit, evaluation, inspection, or other non-investigative report shall attach to the original report in the manner described in that clause."

Corrective Responses by Heads of Certain Establishments to Deficiencies Identified by Inspectors General

Pub. L. 111–203, title IX, §989H, July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1948, provided that: "The Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration, the Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, and the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission shall each—

"(1) take action to address deficiencies identified by a report or investigation of the Inspector General of the establishment concerned; or

"(2) certify to both Houses of Congress that no action is necessary or appropriate in connection with a deficiency described in paragraph (1)."

Disclosure of Government Contractor Audit Findings

Pub. L. 110–181, div. A, title VIII, §845, Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 240, as amended by Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(8), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4343, provided that:

"(a) Required Annex on Significant Audit Findings.—

"(1) In general.—Each Inspector General appointed under chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code, shall submit, as part of the semiannual report submitted to Congress pursuant to section 5 of such Act, an annex on final, completed contract audit reports issued to the contracting activity containing significant audit findings issued during the period covered by the semiannual report concerned.

"(2) Elements.—Such annex shall include—

"(A) a list of such contract audit reports;

"(B) for each audit report, a brief description of the nature of the significant audit findings in the report; and

"(C) for each audit report, the specific amounts of costs identified as unsupported, questioned, or disallowed.

"(3) Information exempt from public disclosure.—(A) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require the release of information to the public that is exempt from public disclosure under section 552(b) of title 5, United States Code.

"(B) For each element required by paragraph (2), the Inspector General concerned shall note each instance where information has been redacted in accordance with the requirements of section 552(b) of title 5, United States Code, and submit an unredacted annex to the committees listed in subsection (d)(2) within 7 days after the issuance of the semiannual report.

"(b) Defense Contract Audit Agency Included.—For purposes of subsection (a), audits of the Defense Contract Audit Agency shall be included in the annex provided by the Inspector General of the Department of Defense if they include significant audit findings.

"(c) Exception.—Subsection (a) shall not apply to an Inspector General if no audits described in such subsection were issued during the covered period.

"(d) Submission of Individual Audits.—

"(1) Requirement.—The head of each Federal department or agency shall provide, within 14 days after a request in writing by the chairman or ranking member of any committee listed in paragraph (2), a full and unredacted copy of any audit described in subsection (a). Such copy shall include an identification of information in the audit exempt from public disclosure under section 552(b) of title 5, United States Code.

"(2) Committees.—The committees listed in this paragraph are the following:

"(A) The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform [now Committee on Oversight and Accountability] of the House of Representatives.

"(B) The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate.

"(C) The Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

"(D) With respect to the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives.

"(E) The Committees of primary jurisdiction over the agency or department to which the request is made.

"(e) Classified Information.—Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to require the handling of classified information or information relating to intelligence sources and methods in a manner inconsistent with any law, regulation, executive order, or rule of the House of Representatives or of the Senate relating to the handling or protection of such information.

"(f) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Significant audit findings.—The term 'significant audit findings' includes—

"(A) unsupported, questioned, or disallowed costs in an amount in excess of $10,000,000; or

"(B) other findings that the Inspector General of the agency or department concerned determines to be significant.

"(2) Contract.—The term 'contract' includes a contract, an order placed under a task or delivery order contract, or a subcontract."

Prompt Management Decisions and Implementation of Audit Recommendations

Pub. L. 103–355, title VI, §6009, Oct. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 3367, as amended by Pub. L. 104–106, div. A, title VIII, §810, Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 394; Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(9), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4343, provided that:

"(a) Management Decisions.—(1) The head of a Federal agency shall make management decisions on all findings and recommendations set forth in an audit report of the inspector general of the agency within a maximum of six months after the issuance of the report.

"(2) The head of a Federal agency shall make management decisions on all findings and recommendations set forth in an audit report of any auditor from outside the Federal Government within a maximum of six months after the date on which the head of the agency receives the report.

"(b) Completion of Final Action.—The head of a Federal agency shall complete final action on each management decision required with regard to a recommendation in an inspector general's report under subsection (a)(1) within 12 months after the date of the inspector general's report. If the head of the agency fails to complete final action with regard to a management decision within the 12-month period, the inspector general concerned shall identify the matter in each of the inspector general's semiannual reports pursuant to section 405(b)(3) of title 5, United States Code, until final action on the management decision is completed."

§406. Authority of Inspector General

(a) In General.—In addition to the authority otherwise provided by this chapter, each Inspector General, in carrying out the provisions of this chapter, is authorized—

(1)(A) to have timely access to all records, reports, audits, reviews, documents, papers, recommendations, or other materials available to the applicable establishment which relate to the programs and operations with respect to which that Inspector General has responsibilities under this chapter;

(B) to have access under subparagraph (A) notwithstanding any other provision of law, except pursuant to any provision of law enacted by Congress that expressly—

(i) refers to the Inspector General; and

(ii) limits the right of access of the Inspector General; and

(C) except as provided in subsection (i), with regard to Federal grand jury materials protected from disclosure pursuant to rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, to have timely access to such information if the Attorney General grants the request in accordance with subsection (h);

(2) to make such investigations and reports relating to the administration of the programs and operations of the applicable establishment as are, in the judgment of the Inspector General, necessary or desirable;

(3) to request such information or assistance as may be necessary for carrying out the duties and responsibilities provided by this chapter from any Federal, State, or local governmental agency or unit thereof;

(4) to require by subpoena the production of all information, documents, reports, answers, records, accounts, papers, and other data in any medium (including electronically stored information), as well as any tangible thing and documentary evidence necessary in the performance of the functions assigned by this chapter, which subpoena, in the case of contumacy or refusal to obey, shall be enforceable by order of any appropriate United States district court, but procedures other than subpoenas shall be used by the Inspector General to obtain documents and information from Federal agencies;

(5) to administer to or take from any person an oath, affirmation, or affidavit, whenever necessary in the performance of the functions assigned by this chapter, which oath, affirmation, or affidavit when administered or taken by or before an employee of an Office of Inspector General designated by the Inspector General shall have the same force and effect as if administered or taken by or before an officer having a seal;

(6) to have direct and prompt access to the head of the establishment involved when necessary for any purpose pertaining to the performance of functions and responsibilities under this chapter;

(7) to select, appoint, and employ such officers and employees as may be necessary for carrying out the functions, powers, and duties of the Office subject to the provisions of this title, governing appointments in the competitive service, and the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of this title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates;

(8) to obtain services as authorized by section 3109 of this title, at daily rates not to exceed the maximum rate payable under section 5376 of this title; and

(9) to the extent and in such amounts as may be provided in advance by appropriations Acts, to enter into contracts and other arrangements for audits, studies, analyses, and other services with public agencies and with private persons, and to make such payments as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.

(b) Public Disclosure Otherwise Prohibited by Law.—Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing an Inspector General to publicly disclose information otherwise prohibited from disclosure by law.

(c) Requests for Information.—

(1) Compliance in general.—Upon request of an Inspector General for information or assistance under subsection (a)(3), the head of any Federal agency involved shall, insofar as is practicable and not in contravention of any existing statutory restriction or regulation of the Federal agency from which the information is requested, furnish to the Inspector General, or to an authorized designee, the requested information or assistance.

(2) Unreasonable refusal.—Whenever information or assistance requested under subsection (a)(1) or (a)(3) is, in the judgment of an Inspector General, unreasonably refused or not provided, the Inspector General shall report the circumstances to the head of the establishment involved without delay.

(d) Office Space and Supplies.—Each head of an establishment shall provide the Office within the establishment with appropriate and adequate office space at central and field office locations of the establishment, together with such equipment, office supplies, and communications facilities and services as may be necessary for the operation of the offices, and shall provide necessary maintenance services for the offices and the equipment and facilities provided.

(e) Applying Certain Provisions.—

(1) Each office considered separate agency.—

(A) For purposes of applying the provisions of law identified in subparagraph (B)—

(i) each Office of Inspector General shall be considered to be a separate agency; and

(ii) the Inspector General who is the head of an office referred to in clause (i) shall, with respect to that office, have the functions, powers, and duties of an agency head or appointing authority under such provisions.

(B) This paragraph applies with respect to the following provisions of this title:

(i) Subchapter II of chapter 35.

(ii) Sections 8335(b), 8336, 8344, 8414, 8425(b), and 8468.

(iii) All provisions relating to the Senior Executive Service (as determined by the Office of Personnel Management), subject to paragraph (2).

(2) Applying section 4507(b).—For purposes of applying section 4507(b) of this title, paragraph (1)(A)(ii) shall be applied by substituting "the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (established by section 424 of this title) shall" for "the Inspector General who is the head of an office referred to in clause (i) shall, with respect to that office,".

(f) Additional Authority.—

(1) In general.—In addition to the authority otherwise provided by this chapter, each Inspector General, any Assistant Inspector General for Investigations under such an Inspector General, and any special agent supervised by such an Assistant Inspector General may be authorized by the Attorney General to—

(A) carry a firearm while engaged in official duties as authorized under this chapter or other statute, or as expressly authorized by the Attorney General;

(B) make an arrest without a warrant while engaged in official duties as authorized under this chapter or other statute, or as expressly authorized by the Attorney General, for any offense against the United States committed in the presence of such Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General, or agent, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if such Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General, or agent has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing such felony; and

(C) seek and execute warrants for arrest, search of a premises, or seizure of evidence issued under the authority of the United States upon probable cause to believe that a violation has been committed.

(2) Determination.—The Attorney General may authorize exercise of the powers under this subsection only upon an initial determination that—

(A) the affected Office of Inspector General is significantly hampered in the performance of responsibilities established by this chapter as a result of the lack of such powers;

(B) available assistance from other law enforcement agencies is insufficient to meet the need for such powers; and

(C) adequate internal safeguards and management procedures exist to ensure proper exercise of such powers.

(3) Exemptions from requirement of initial determination of eligibility.—The Inspector General offices of the Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of the Interior, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of State, Department of Transportation, Department of the Treasury, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Agency for International Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Emergency Management Agency, General Services Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Personnel Management, Railroad Retirement Board, Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, and the Tennessee Valley Authority are exempt from the requirement of paragraph (2) for an initial determination of eligibility by the Attorney General.

(4) Guidelines.—The Attorney General shall promulgate, and revise as appropriate, guidelines which shall govern the exercise of the law enforcement powers established under paragraph (1).

(5) Rescinding or suspending powers.—

(A) Powers authorized for an office of inspector general.—Powers authorized for an Office of Inspector General under paragraph (1) may be rescinded or suspended upon a determination by the Attorney General that any of the requirements under paragraph (2) is no longer satisfied or that the exercise of authorized powers by that Office of Inspector General has not complied with the guidelines promulgated by the Attorney General under paragraph (4).

(B) Powers authorized to be exercised by an individual.—Powers authorized to be exercised by any individual under paragraph (1) may be rescinded or suspended with respect to that individual upon a determination by the Attorney General that such individual has not complied with guidelines promulgated by the Attorney General under paragraph (4).

(6) Not reviewable.—A determination by the Attorney General under paragraph (2) or (5) shall not be reviewable in or by any court.

(7) Memorandum of understanding.—To ensure the proper exercise of the law enforcement powers authorized by this subsection, the Offices of Inspector General described under paragraph (3) shall, not later than 180 days after November 25, 2002, collectively enter into a memorandum of understanding to establish an external review process for ensuring that adequate internal safeguards and management procedures continue to exist within each Office and within any Office that later receives an authorization under paragraph (2). The review process shall be established in consultation with the Attorney General, who shall be provided with a copy of the memorandum of understanding that establishes the review process. Under the review process, the exercise of the law enforcement powers by each Office of Inspector General shall be reviewed periodically by another Office of Inspector General or by a committee of Inspectors General. The results of each review shall be communicated in writing to the applicable Inspector General and to the Attorney General.

(8) Not a limitation on other law enforcement powers.—No provision of this subsection shall limit the exercise of law enforcement powers established under any other statutory authority, including United States Marshals Service special deputation.

(9) Definition of inspector general.—In this subsection, the term "Inspector General" means an Inspector General appointed under section 403 of this title or an Inspector General appointed under section 415 of this title.

(g) Budgets.—

(1) Inspector general's budget estimate and request transmitted to head of establishment or designated federal entity.—For each fiscal year, an Inspector General shall transmit a budget estimate and request to the head of the establishment or designated Federal entity to which the Inspector General reports. The budget request shall specify the aggregate amount of funds requested for such fiscal year for the operations of that Inspector General and shall specify the amount requested for all training needs, including a certification from the Inspector General that the amount requested satisfies all training requirements for the Inspector General's office for that fiscal year, and any resources necessary to support the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. Resources necessary to support the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency shall be specifically identified and justified in the budget request.

(2) Head of establishment or designated federal entity's proposed budget transmitted to president.—In transmitting a proposed budget to the President for approval, the head of each establishment or designated Federal entity shall include—

(A) an aggregate request for the Inspector General;

(B) amounts for Inspector General training;

(C) amounts for support of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency; and

(D) any comments of the affected Inspector General with respect to the proposal.

(3) President's budget submitted to congress.—The President shall include in each budget of the United States Government submitted to Congress—

(A) a separate statement of the budget estimate prepared in accordance with paragraph (1);

(B) the amount requested by the President for each Inspector General;

(C) the amount requested by the President for training of Inspectors General;

(D) the amount requested by the President for support for the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency; and

(E) any comments of the affected Inspector General with respect to the proposal if the Inspector General concludes that the budget submitted by the President would substantially inhibit the Inspector General from performing the duties of the office.

(h) Federal Grand Jury Materials.—

(1) Notification of attorney general of request.—If the Inspector General of an establishment submits a request to the head of the establishment for Federal grand jury materials pursuant to subsection (a)(1), the head of the establishment shall immediately notify the Attorney General of such request.

(2) Determination by attorney general.—Not later than 15 days after the date on which a request is submitted to the Attorney General under paragraph (1), the Attorney General shall determine whether to grant or deny the request for Federal grand jury materials and shall immediately notify the head of the establishment of such determination. The Attorney General shall grant the request unless the Attorney General determines that granting access to the Federal grand jury materials would be likely to—

(A) interfere with an ongoing criminal investigation or prosecution;

(B) interfere with an undercover operation;

(C) result in disclosure of the identity of a confidential source, including a protected witness;

(D) pose a serious threat to national security; or

(E) result in significant impairment of the trade or economic interests of the United States.

(3) Comments.—

(A) Requirement to inform inspector general of determination by attorney general.—The head of the establishment shall inform the Inspector General of the establishment of the determination made by the Attorney General with respect to the request for Federal grand jury materials.

(B) Submission of comments by inspector general.—The Inspector General of the establishment described under subparagraph (A) may submit comments on the determination submitted pursuant to such subparagraph to the committees listed under paragraph (4) that the Inspector General considers appropriate.

(4) Statement of attorney general regarding denial of request.—Not later than 30 days after notifying the head of an establishment of a denial pursuant to paragraph (2), the Attorney General shall submit a statement that the request for Federal grand jury materials by the Inspector General was denied and the reason for the denial to each of the following:

(A) The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate.

(B) The Committee on Oversight and Reform, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.

(C) Other appropriate committees and subcommittees of Congress.

(i) Non-applicability of Certain Provisions to Requests From Inspector General of Department of Justice.—Subsections (a)(1)(C) and (h) shall not apply to requests from the Inspector General of the Department of Justice.

(j) Computerized Comparisons.—

(1) Definitions.—In this subsection, the terms "agency", "matching program", "record", and "system of records" have the meanings given those terms in section 552a(a) of title 5.

(2) Non-consideration of computerized comparisons as matching programs.—For purposes of section 552a of title 5 or any other provision of law, a computerized comparison of two or more automated Federal systems of records, or a computerized comparison of a Federal system of records with other records or non-Federal records, performed by an Inspector General or by an agency in coordination with an Inspector General in conducting an audit, investigation, inspection, evaluation, or other review authorized under this chapter shall not be considered a matching program.

(3) Limitation.—Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to impede the exercise by an Inspector General of any matching program authority established under any other provision of law.

(k) Non-Applicability of Federal Information Policy.—Subchapter I of chapter 35 of title 44 shall not apply to the collection of information during the conduct of an audit, investigation, inspection, evaluation, or other review conducted by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency or any Office of Inspector General, including any Office of Special Inspector General.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4218.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 6 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 6 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §§5261, 5272(2), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3238, 3239, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4218, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 6 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended as follows:

(1) in subsection (c), by adding at the end the following:

"(3) If the information or assistance that is the subject of a report under paragraph (2) is not provided to the Inspector General by the date that is 30 days after the report is made, the Inspector General shall submit a notice that the information or assistance requested has not been provided by the head of the establishment involved or the head of the Federal agency involved, as applicable, to the appropriate congressional committees."; and

(2) in subsection (h)(4)—

(A) in subparagraph (B), by striking "Government"; and

(B) by amending subparagraph (C) to read as follows:

"(C) Any other relevant congressional committee or subcommittee of jurisdiction."

The word "Government" did not appear before "Reform" in the text of subsection (h)(4)(B) as enacted by Pub. L. 117–286. See Historical and Revision note below.

For definition of "appropriate congressional committees" as seen in the above amendment by Pub. L. 117–263, see Amendments Not Shown in Text note set out under section 401 of this title.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
406 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §6) Pub. L. 95–452, §6, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1104; Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §§107, 110(a), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2528, 2529; Pub. L. 107–296, title VIII, §812(a), Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2222; Pub. L. 110–409, §§8, 9, 11, 14(a), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4313–4316; Pub. L. 114–317, §§2, 5, 7(d)(2)(D), (3)(B), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1595, 1603, 1606.

In subsection (a)(8), the words "maximum rate payable under section 5376 of this title" are substituted for "equivalent rate prescribed for grade GS–18 of the General Schedule by section 5332 of title 5, United States Code" for clarity and because of section 101(c) of the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990 (enacted by section 529 of Public Law 101–509 (5 U.S.C. 5376 note)).

In subsection (f)(7), the date "November 25, 2002" is substituted for "the date of enactment of this subsection" for clarity. Subsection (f) (formerly subsection (e)) of section 6 of the Inspector General Act of 1978 was enacted on November 25, 2002, by section 812(a) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107–296, 116 Stat. 2222).

In subsection (h)(4)(B), the words "Committee on Oversight and Reform" are substituted for "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform" on authority of rule X(1)(n) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (116th Congress, January 9, 2019).

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, referred to in subsec. (a)(1)(C), are set out in the Appendix to Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Committee on Oversight and Reform of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Oversight and Accountability of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, Jan. 9, 2023.

Establishment of Inspectors General Criminal Investigator Academy and Inspectors General Forensic Laboratory

Pub. L. 106–422, §2, Nov. 1, 2000, 114 Stat. 1873, as amended by Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(10), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4343, provided that:

"(a) Inspectors General Criminal Investigator Academy.—

"(1) Establishment.—There is established the Criminal Investigator Academy within the Department of the Treasury. The Criminal Investigator Academy is established for the purpose of performing investigator training services for offices of inspectors general created under chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code.

"(2) Executive director.—The Criminal Investigator Academy shall be administered by an Executive Director who shall report to an inspector general for an establishment as defined in section 401 of title 5, United States Code—

"(A) designated by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency; or

"(B) if that council is eliminated, by a majority vote of the inspectors general created under chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code.

"(b) Inspectors General Forensic Laboratory.—

"(1) Establishment.—There is established the Inspectors General Forensic Laboratory within the Department of the Treasury. The Inspectors General Forensic Laboratory is established for the purpose of performing forensic services for offices of inspectors general created under chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code.

"(2) Executive director.—The Inspectors General Forensic Laboratory shall be administered by an Executive Director who shall report to an inspector general for an establishment as defined in section 401 of title 5, United States Code—

"(A) designated by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency; or

"(B) if that council is eliminated, by a majority vote of the inspectors general created under chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code.

"(c) Separate Appropriations Account.—[Amended section 1105 of Title 31, Money and Finance.]

"(d) Authorization of Appropriations.—There are authorized to carry out this section such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2001 and each fiscal year thereafter."

§407. Complaints by employees

(a) Receipt and Investigation.—The Inspector General may receive and investigate complaints or information from an employee of the establishment concerning the possible existence of an activity constituting a violation of law, rules, or regulations, or mismanagement, gross waste of funds, abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to the public health and safety.

(b) Prohibition on Disclosure of Identity.—The Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines the disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.

(c) Prohibition on Reprisal.—Any employee who has authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or approve any personnel action, shall not, with respect to that authority, take or threaten to take any action against any employee as a reprisal for making a complaint or disclosing information to an Inspector General, unless the complaint was made or the information disclosed with the knowledge that it was false or with willful disregard for its truth or falsity.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4224.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
407 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §7) Pub. L. 95–452, §7, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1105.

§408. Additional provisions with respect to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense

(a) Inspector General.—A member of the Armed Forces, active or reserve, shall not be appointed Inspector General of the Department of Defense.

(b) Authority of Secretary of Defense.—

(1) In general.—Notwithstanding the last two sentences of section 403(a) of this title, the Inspector General shall be under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense with respect to audits or investigations, or the issuance of subpoenas, which require access to information concerning—

(A) sensitive operational plans;

(B) intelligence matters;

(C) counterintelligence matters;

(D) ongoing criminal investigations by other administrative units of the Department of Defense related to national security; or

(E) other matters the disclosure of which would constitute a serious threat to national security.

(2) Authority to prohibit audit or investigation.—With respect to the information described in paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense may prohibit the Inspector General from initiating, carrying out, or completing any audit or investigation, from accessing information described in paragraph (1), or from issuing any subpoena, after the Inspector General has decided to initiate, carry out, or complete such audit or investigation, access such information, or to issue such subpoena, if the Secretary determines that such prohibition is necessary to preserve the national security interests of the United States.

(3) Statement concerning exercise of power.—If the Secretary of Defense exercises any power under paragraph (1) or (2), the Inspector General shall submit a statement concerning that exercise of power within 30 days to the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress.

(4) Statement of reasons for exercise of power.—The Secretary shall, within 30 days after submission of a statement under paragraph (3), transmit a statement of the reasons for the exercise of power under paragraph (1) or (2) to the congressional committees specified in paragraph (3) and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees.

(c) Additional Duties and Responsibilities.—In addition to the other duties and responsibilities specified in this chapter, the Inspector General of the Department of Defense shall—

(1) be the principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense for matters relating to the prevention and detection of fraud, waste, and abuse in the programs and operations of the Department;

(2) initiate, conduct, and supervise such audits and investigations in the Department of Defense (including the military departments) as the Inspector General considers appropriate;

(3) provide policy direction for audits and investigations relating to fraud, waste, and abuse and program effectiveness;

(4) investigate fraud, waste, and abuse uncovered as a result of other contract and internal audits, as the Inspector General considers appropriate;

(5) develop policy, monitor and evaluate program performance, and provide guidance with respect to all Department activities relating to criminal investigation programs;

(6) monitor and evaluate the adherence of Department auditors to internal audit, contract audit, and internal review principles, policies, and procedures;

(7) develop policy, evaluate program performance, and monitor actions taken by all components of the Department in response to contract audits, internal audits, internal review reports, and audits conducted by the Comptroller General of the United States;

(8) request assistance as needed from other audit, inspection, and investigative units of the Department of Defense (including military departments);

(9) give particular regard to the activities of the internal audit, inspection, and investigative units of the military departments with a view toward avoiding duplication and ensuring effective coordination and cooperation; and

(10) conduct, or approve arrangements for the conduct of, external peer reviews of Department of Defense audit agencies in accordance with, and in such frequency as provided by, Government auditing standards as established by the Comptroller General of the United States.

(d) Reporting Violations of Chapter 47 of Title 10.—Notwithstanding section 404(d) of this title, the Inspector General of the Department of Defense shall expeditiously report suspected or alleged violations of chapter 47 of title 10 (Uniform Code of Military Justice), to the Secretary of the military department concerned or the Secretary of Defense.

(e) Member of Armed Forces Deemed To Be Employee.—For the purposes of section 407 of this title, a member of the Armed Forces shall be deemed to be an employee of the Department of Defense, except that, when the Coast Guard operates as a service of another department or agency of the Federal Government, a member of the Coast Guard shall be deemed to be an employee of that department or agency.

(f) Reports.—

(1) Reports transmitted to congressional committees.—Each semiannual report prepared by the Inspector General of the Department of Defense under section 405(b) of this title shall be transmitted by the Secretary of Defense to the Committees on Armed Services and on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committees on Armed Services and on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of Congress. Each report shall include—

(A) information concerning the numbers and types of contract audits conducted by the Department during the reporting period; and

(B) information concerning any Department of Defense audit agency that, during the reporting period, has either received a failed opinion from an external peer review or is overdue for an external peer review required to be conducted in accordance with subsection (c)(10).

(2) Additional reports transmitted to congressional committees.—Any report required to be transmitted by the Secretary of Defense to the appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress under section 405(e) of this title shall also be transmitted, within the 7-day period specified in section 405(e) of this title, to the congressional committees specified in paragraph (1).

(g) Non-Applicability of Section 1385 of Title 18.—The provisions of section 1385 of title 18,1 shall not apply to audits and investigations conducted by, under the direction of, or at the request of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

(h) General Counsel to Inspector General of Department of Defense.—

(1) In general.—There is a General Counsel to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, who shall be appointed by the Inspector General of the Department of Defense.

(2) Duties and functions.—

(A) Notwithstanding section 140(b) of title 10, the General Counsel is the chief legal officer of the Office of the Inspector General.

(B) The Inspector General is the exclusive legal client of the General Counsel.

(C) The General Counsel shall perform such functions as the Inspector General may prescribe.

(D) The General Counsel shall serve at the discretion of the Inspector General.

(3) Office of general counsel.—There is an Office of the General Counsel to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense. The Inspector General may appoint to the Office to serve as staff of the General Counsel such legal counsel as the Inspector General considers appropriate.

(i) Authority To Require Attendance and Testimony of Witnesses.—

(1) Subpoena.—The Inspector General of the Department of Defense is authorized to require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses as necessary in the performance of functions assigned to the Inspector General by this chapter, except that the Inspector General shall use procedures other than subpoenas to obtain attendance and testimony from Federal employees.

(2) Enforcement.—A subpoena issued under this subsection, in the case of contumacy or refusal to obey, shall be enforceable by order of any appropriate United States district court.

(3) Notification.—The Inspector General shall notify the Attorney General 7 days before issuing any subpoena under this section.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4224.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 8 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 8 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5272(3), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3239, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4224, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 8 of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended as follows:

(1) in subsection (b)—

(A) in paragraph (3), by striking "the Committees on Armed Services and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight of the House of Representatives and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress" and inserting "the appropriate congressional committees, including the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives"; and

(B) in paragraph (4), by striking "and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees"; and

(2) in subsection (f)—

(A) in paragraph (1), by striking "the Committees on Armed Services and on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committees on Armed Services and on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of Representatives and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of Congress" and inserting "the appropriate congressional committees, including the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives"; and

(B) in paragraph (2), by striking "committees or subcommittees of the Congress" and inserting "congressional committees".

The text directed to be stricken in subsections (b)(3) and (f)(1) did not appear exactly as quoted in the text enacted by Pub. L. 117–286. See Historical and Revision notes below.

For definition of "appropriate congressional committees" as seen in the above amendments by Pub. L. 117–263, see Amendments Not Shown in Text note set out under section 401 of this title.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
408 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8) Pub. L. 95–452, §8, Oct. 12, 1978, 92 Stat. 1105; Pub. L. 97–252, title XI, §1117(b), Sept. 8, 1982, 96 Stat. 751; Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §110(b), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2529; Pub. L. 104–106, div. A, title XV, §1502(f)(6), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 510; Pub. L. 106–65, div. A, title X, §1067(17), Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 775; Pub. L. 110–417, [div. A], title IX, §907, Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4569; Pub. L. 111–84, div. A, title X, §1042, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2455; Pub. L. 112–239, div. A, title XVI, §1614, Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 2066; Pub. L. 114–317, §6(1), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1604.

In subsection (b)(3), the words "Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate" are substituted for "[Committee on] Governmental Affairs of the Senate" on authority of Senate Resolution No. 445, 108th Congress, October 9, 2004 (effective January 4, 2005).

In subsection (b)(3), the words "Committee on Oversight and Reform" are substituted for "Committee on Government Reform and Oversight" on authority of House Resolution No. 5 (106th Congress, January 6, 1999), House Resolution No. 6 (110th Congress, January 5, 2007), and rule X(1)(n) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (116th Congress, January 9, 2019).

In subsection (c)(9), the word "ensuring" is substituted for "insuring" for clarity.

In subsection (f)(1) (matter before subparagraph (A)), the words "[Committee on] Oversight and Reform" are substituted for "[Committee on] Oversight and Government Reform" on authority of rule X(1)(n) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (116th Congress, January 9, 2019).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Committee on Oversight and Reform of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Oversight and Accountability of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, Jan. 9, 2023.

1 So in original. The comma probably should not appear.

§409. Special provisions concerning the Agency for International Development

(a) Definition of Agency for International Development.—As used in this chapter, the term "Agency for International Development" includes any successor agency primarily responsible for administering part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.).

(b) Members of Foreign Service.—In addition to the officers and employees provided for in section 406(a)(7) of this title, members of the Foreign Service may, at the request of the Inspector General of the Agency for International Development, be assigned as employees of the Inspector General. Members of the Foreign Service so assigned shall be responsible solely to the Inspector General, and the Inspector General (or the Inspector General's designee) shall prepare the performance evaluation reports for the members assigned as employees of the Inspector General.

(c) Field Offices.—In establishing and staffing field offices pursuant to section 406(d) of this title, the Administrator of the Agency for International Development shall not be bound by overseas personnel ceilings.

(d) Additional Officer.—The Inspector General of the Agency for International Development shall be in addition to the officers provided for in section 624(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2384(a)).

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4227.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
409(a) 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(f)) Pub. L. 95–452, §8A(f), formerly (h), as added Pub. L. 97–113, title VII, §705(a)(3), Dec. 29, 1981, 95 Stat. 1545; redesignated (f), Pub. L. 105–277, div. G, subdiv. A, title XIV, §1422(b)(2)(C), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–792.
409(b) 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(c)) Pub. L. 95–452, §8A(c), formerly (d), as added Pub. L. 97–113, title VII, §705(a)(3), Dec. 29, 1981, 95 Stat. 1545; redesignated (c), Pub. L. 105–277, div. G, subdiv. A, title XIV, §1422(b)(2)(C), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–792.
409(c) 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(d)) Pub. L. 95–452, §8A(d), formerly (e), as added Pub. L. 97–113, title VII, §705(a)(3), Dec. 29, 1981, 95 Stat. 1545; redesignated (d), Pub. L. 105–277, div. G, subdiv. A, title XIV, §1422(b)(2)(C), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–792; Pub. L. 114–317, §7(d)(2)(E), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1606.
409(d) 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8A(e)) Pub. L. 95–452, §8A(e), formerly (g), as added Pub. L. 97–113, title VII, §705(a)(3), Dec. 29, 1981, 95 Stat. 1545; redesignated (e), Pub. L. 105–277, div. G, subdiv. A, title XIV, §1422(b)(2)(C), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–792.

In subsection (b), the reference to "section 406(a)(7) of this title" is substituted for "section 6(a)(6) of this Act" for clarity and to correct an error in the law. In the source law (section 8A(c) of the Inspector General Act of 1978), the reference to "section 6(a)(6) of this Act" is incorrect. Section 6(a)(6) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 was redesignated as section 6(a)(7) of that Act by section 107(1) of the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100–504, 102 Stat. 2528).

In subsection (c), the words "overseas personnel ceilings" are substituted for "overseas personnel ceilings established under the Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment policy" to eliminate obsolete language. The Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment (MODE) policy was superseded by National Security Decision Directive No. 38 (NSDD–38) (June 2, 1982). (See, last visited December 14, 2017).

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, referred to in subsec. (a), is Pub. L. 87–195, Sept. 4, 1961, 75 Stat. 424. Part I of the Act is classified generally to subchapter I (§2151 et seq.) of chapter 32 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 2151 of Title 22 and Tables.

§410. Special provisions concerning the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

(a) Delegation.—The Chairman of the Commission may delegate the authority specified in the 2d sentence of section 403(a) of this title to another member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, but shall not delegate such authority to any other officer or employee of the Commission.

(b) Personnel.—Notwithstanding paragraphs (7) and (8) of section 406(a) of this title, the Inspector General of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is authorized to select, appoint, and employ such officers and employees as may be necessary for carrying out the functions, powers, and duties of the Office of Inspector General and to obtain the temporary or intermittent services of experts or consultants or an organization of experts or consultants, subject to the applicable laws and regulations that govern such selections, appointments, and employment, and the obtaining of such services, within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4228.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
410 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8B) Pub. L. 95–452, §8B, as added Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §102(f), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2517.

§411. Special provisions concerning the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

(a) Delegation.—The Chairperson of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation may delegate the authority specified in the 2d sentence of section 403(a) of this title to the Vice Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, but may not delegate such authority to any other officer or employee of the Corporation.

(b) Personnel.—Notwithstanding paragraphs (7) and (8) of section 406(a) of this title, the Inspector General of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation may select, appoint, and employ such officers and employees as may be necessary for carrying out the functions, powers, and duties of the Office of Inspector General and may obtain the temporary or intermittent services of experts or consultants or an organization of experts or consultants, subject to the applicable laws and regulations that govern such selections, appointments, and employment, and the obtaining of such services, within the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4228.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
411 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8C) Pub. L. 95–452, §8C, as added Pub. L. 103–204, §23(a)(2), Dec. 17, 1993, 107 Stat. 2407.

§412. Special provisions concerning the Department of the Treasury

(a) In General.—

(1) Authority of secretary of treasury over certain audits and investigations.—Notwithstanding the 2d sentence and last sentence of section 403(a) of this title, the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury shall be under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to audits or investigations, or the issuance of subpoenas, which require access to sensitive information concerning—

(A) ongoing criminal investigations or proceedings;

(B) undercover operations;

(C) the identity of confidential sources, including protected witnesses;

(D) deliberations and decisions on policy matters, including documented information used as a basis for making policy decisions, the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to have a significant influence on the economy or market behavior;

(E) intelligence or counterintelligence matters; or

(F) other matters the disclosure of which would constitute a serious threat to national security or to the protection of any person or property authorized protection by section 3056 of title 18, section 3056A of title 18, or any provision of the Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976 (Public Law 94–524, 18 U.S.C. 3056 note).

(2) Authority of secretary of treasury to prohibit carrying out or completing certain audits and investigations.—With respect to the information described under paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Treasury may prohibit the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury from carrying out or completing any audit or investigation, from accessing information described in paragraph (1), or from issuing any subpoena, after such Inspector General has decided to initiate, carry out, or complete such audit or investigation, access such information, or to issue such subpoena, if the Secretary determines that such prohibition is necessary to prevent the disclosure of any information described under paragraph (1) or to prevent significant impairment to the national interests of the United States.

(3) Notification and statement of reasons for exercise of power.—If the Secretary of the Treasury exercises any power under paragraph (1) or (2), the Secretary of the Treasury shall notify the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury in writing, stating the reasons for such exercise. Within 30 days after receipt of any such notice, the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury shall transmit a copy of such notice to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress.

(4) Exception relating to treasury inspector general for tax administration.—The Secretary of the Treasury may not exercise any power under paragraph (1) or (2) with respect to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.

(b) Oversight Responsibility for Internal Investigations.—

(1) In general.—In carrying out the duties and responsibilities specified in this chapter, the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury shall have oversight responsibility for the internal investigations performed by the Office of Internal Affairs of the Tax and Trade Bureau. The head of such office shall promptly report to the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury the significant activities being carried out by such office.

(2) Exercise of duties and responsibilities.—The Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury shall exercise all duties and responsibilities of an Inspector General for the Department of the Treasury other than the duties and responsibilities exercised by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.

(3) Establishment of procedures.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall establish procedures under which the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration will—

(A) determine how audits and investigations are allocated in cases of overlapping jurisdiction; and

(B) provide for coordination, cooperation, and efficiency in the conduct of such audits and investigations.

(c) Audits and Investigations in Department of Treasury.—Notwithstanding subsection (b), the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury may initiate, conduct and supervise such audits and investigations in the Department of the Treasury (including the bureau referred to in subsection (b)) as the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury considers appropriate.

(d) Authority To Provide Written Notice to Tax and Trade Bureau.—If the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury initiates an audit or investigation under subsection (c) concerning the bureau referred to in subsection (b), the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury may provide the head of the office of such bureau referred to in subsection (b) with written notice that the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury has initiated such an audit or investigation. If the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury issues a notice under the preceding sentence, no other audit or investigation shall be initiated into the matter under audit or investigation by the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury, and any other audit or investigation of such matter shall cease.

(e) Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.—

(1) Access to returns and return information.—The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration shall have access to returns and return information, as defined in section 6103(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6103(b)), only in accordance with the provisions of section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6103) and this chapter.

(2) Standardized records and accountings.—The Internal Revenue Service shall maintain the same system of standardized records or accountings of all requests from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration for inspection or disclosure of returns and return information (including the reasons for and dates of such requests), and of returns and return information inspected or disclosed pursuant to such requests, as described under section 6103(p)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6103(p)(3)(A)). Such system of standardized records or accountings shall also be available for examination in the same manner as provided under section 6103(p)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6103(p)(3)).

(3) Safeguards and conditions.—The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration shall be subject to the same safeguards and conditions for receiving returns and return information as are described under section 6103(p)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6103(p)(4)).

(f) Audit or Investigation Shall Not Affect Final Decision Under Section 6406 of Internal Revenue Code of 1986.—An audit or investigation conducted by the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury or the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration shall not affect a final decision of the Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary's delegate under section 6406 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6406).

(g) Reports.—

(1) Reports to congressional committees.—Any report required to be transmitted by the Secretary of the Treasury to the appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress under section 405(e) of this title shall also be transmitted, within the 7-day period specified under such section, to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives.

(2) Reports made by treasury inspector general for tax administration to congressional committees.—Any report made by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration that is required to be transmitted by the Secretary of the Treasury to the appropriate committees or subcommittees of Congress under section 405(e) of this title shall also be transmitted, within the 7-day period specified under such subsection, to the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

(h) Duties and Responsibilities of Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.—The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration shall exercise all duties and responsibilities of an Inspector General of an establishment with respect to the Department of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Treasury on all matters relating to the Internal Revenue Service. The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration shall have sole authority under this chapter to conduct an audit or investigation of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board and the Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service.

(i) Ability To Lead Large and Complex Organization.—In addition to the requirements of the 1st sentence of section 403(a) of this title, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration should have demonstrated ability to lead a large and complex organization.

(j) Prohibition on Appointment of Employee of Internal Revenue Service to Certain Positions.—An individual appointed to the position of Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, the Assistant Inspector General for Auditing of the Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration under section 403(d)(1)(B)(i) of this title (or, effective November 27, 2017, section 403(d)(2)(B)(i) of this title), the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations of the Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration under section 403(d)(1)(B)(ii) of this title (or, effective November 27, 2017, section 403(d)(2)(B)(ii) of this title), or any position of Deputy Inspector General of the Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration may not be an employee of the Internal Revenue Service—

(1) during the 2-year period preceding the date of appointment to such position; or

(2) during the 5-year period following the date such individual ends service in such position.

(k) Additional Duties and Responsibilities.—

(1) In general.—In addition to the duties and responsibilities exercised by an inspector general of an establishment, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration—

(A) shall have the duty to enforce criminal provisions under section 7608(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 7608(b));

(B) in addition to the functions authorized under section 7608(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 7608(b)(2)), may carry firearms;

(C) shall be responsible for protecting the Internal Revenue Service against external attempts to corrupt or threaten employees of the Internal Revenue Service, but shall not be responsible for the conducting of background checks and the providing of protection to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue; and

(D) may designate any employee in the Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to enforce such laws and perform such functions referred to under subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C).

(2) Reporting violations.—

(A) Reporting reasonable grounds to believe a violation of federal criminal law occurred.—In performing a law enforcement function under paragraph (1), the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration shall report any reasonable grounds to believe there has been a violation of Federal criminal law to the Attorney General at an appropriate time as determined by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, notwithstanding section 404(d) of this title.

(B) Reporting problems, abuses, or deficiencies.—In the administration of section 405(e) of this title and subsection (g)(2) of this section, the Secretary of the Treasury may transmit the required report with respect to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at an appropriate time as determined by the Secretary, if the problem, abuse, or deficiency relates to—

(i) the performance of a law enforcement function under paragraph (1); and

(ii) sensitive information concerning matters under subsection (a)(1)(A) through (F).

(3) Limitation.—Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to affect the authority of any other person to carry out or enforce any provision specified in paragraph (1).

(l) Request for Audit or Investigation Relating to Internal Revenue Service.—

(1) In general.—The Commissioner of Internal Revenue or the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board may request, in writing, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to conduct an audit or investigation relating to the Internal Revenue Service. If the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration determines not to conduct such audit or investigation, the Inspector General shall timely provide a written explanation for such determination to the person making the request.

(2) Reports.—

(A) Final report of audit.—Any final report of an audit conducted by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration shall be timely submitted by the Inspector General to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board.

(B) Periodic list of investigations for which final report completed.—The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration shall periodically submit to the Commissioner and Board a list of investigations for which a final report has been completed by the Inspector General and shall provide a copy of any such report upon request of the Commissioner or Board.

(C) Applicability.—This paragraph applies regardless of whether the applicable audit or investigation is requested under paragraph (1).

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4229.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 8D of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 8D of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5272(4), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3240, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4229, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 8D of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended as follows:

(1) in subsection (a)(3), by striking "Committees on Governmental Affairs and Finance of the Senate and the Committees on Government Operations and Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress" and inserting "appropriate congressional committees, including the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives"; and

(2) in subsection (g)—

(A) in paragraph (1)—

(i) by striking "committees or subcommittees of the Congress" and inserting "congressional committees"; and

(ii) by striking "Committees on Governmental Affairs and Finance of the Senate and the Committees on Government Reform and Oversight and Ways and Means of the House of Representatives" and inserting "Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives"; and

(B) in paragraph (2), by striking "committees or subcommittees of Congress" and inserting "congressional committees".

Text directed to be stricken in subsections (a)(3) and (g)(1) did not appear exactly as quoted in the text enacted by Pub. L. 117–286. See Historical and Revision notes below.

For definition of "appropriate congressional committees" as seen in the above amendments by Pub. L. 117–263, see Amendments Not Shown in Text note set out under section 401 of this title.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
412 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8D) Pub. L. 95–452, §8D, formerly §8C, as added Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §102(f), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2518; renumbered §8D, Pub. L. 103–204, §23(a)(3), Dec. 17, 1993, 107 Stat. 2408; amended Pub. L. 105–206, title I, §1103(b), (e)(1), (2), July 22, 1998, 112 Stat. 705, 709; Pub. L. 107–296, title XI, §1112(a)(1), Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2275; Pub. L. 108–7, div. L, §104(c)(2), Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 531; Pub. L. 109–177, title VI, §605(e)(3), Mar. 9, 2006, 120 Stat. 255; Pub. L. 110–409, §14(b), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4316; Pub. L. 112–199, title I, §117(b), Nov. 27, 2012, 126 Stat. 1475; Pub. L. 114–317, §§6(2), 7(d)(3)(C), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1604, 1606.

In subsection (a)(3) and subsection (g)(1), the words "[Committee] on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs [of the Senate]" are substituted for "[Committee] on Governmental Affairs of the Senate" on authority of Senate Resolution No. 445, 108th Congress, October 9, 2004 (effective January 4, 2005).

In subsection (a)(3), the words "Committee on Oversight and Reform [of the House of Representatives]" are substituted for "[Committee on] Government Operations [of the House of Representatives]" on authority of section 1(a) of Public Law 104–14 (2 U.S.C. note prec. 21), House Resolution No. 5 (106th Congress, January 6, 1999), House Resolution No. 6 (110th Congress, January 5, 2007), and rule X(1)(n) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (116th Congress, January 9, 2019).

In subsection (g)(1), the words "Committee on Oversight and Reform" are substituted for "[Committee on] Government Reform and Oversight" on authority of rule X(1)(n) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (116th Congress, January 9, 2019).

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976, referred to in subsec. (a)(1)(F), is Pub. L. 94–524, Oct. 17, 1976, 90 Stat. 2475, which enacted and amended provisions set out as notes under section 3056 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Committee on Oversight and Reform of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Oversight and Accountability of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, Jan. 9, 2023.

§413. Special provisions concerning the Department of Justice

(a) In General.—

(1) Authority of attorney general over certain audits and investigations.—Notwithstanding the 2d sentence and last sentence of section 403(a) of this title, the Inspector General shall be under the authority, direction, and control of the Attorney General with respect to audits or investigations, or the issuance of subpoenas, which require access to sensitive information concerning—

(A) ongoing civil or criminal investigations or proceedings;

(B) undercover operations;

(C) the identity of confidential sources, including protected witnesses;

(D) intelligence or counterintelligence matters; or

(E) other matters the disclosure of which would constitute a serious threat to national security.

(2) Authority of attorney general to prohibit carrying out or completing certain audits and investigations.—With respect to the information described under paragraph (1), the Attorney General may prohibit the Inspector General from carrying out or completing any audit or investigation, from accessing information described in paragraph (1), or from issuing any subpoena, after such Inspector General has decided to initiate, carry out, or complete such audit or investigation, access such information, or to issue such subpoena, if the Attorney General determines that such prohibition is necessary to prevent the disclosure of any information described under paragraph (1) or to prevent significant impairment to the national interests of the United States.

(3) Notification and statement of reasons for exercise of power.—If the Attorney General exercises any power under paragraph (1) or (2), the Attorney General shall notify the Inspector General in writing, stating the reasons for such exercise. Within 30 days after receipt of any such notice, the Inspector General shall transmit a copy of such notice to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives, and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress.

(b) Carrying Out Duties and Responsibilities.—In carrying out the duties and responsibilities specified in this chapter, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice—

(1) may initiate, conduct and supervise such audits and investigations in the Department of Justice as the Inspector General considers appropriate;

(2) except as specified in subsection (a) and paragraph (3), may investigate allegations of criminal wrongdoing or administrative misconduct by an employee of the Department of Justice, or may, in the discretion of the Inspector General, refer such allegations to the Office of Professional Responsibility or the internal affairs office of the appropriate component of the Department of Justice;

(3) shall refer to the Counsel, Office of Professional Responsibility of the Department of Justice, allegations of misconduct involving Department attorneys, investigators, or law enforcement personnel, where the allegations relate to the exercise of the authority of an attorney to investigate, litigate, or provide legal advice, except that no such referral shall be made if the attorney is employed in the Office of Professional Responsibility;

(4) may investigate allegations of criminal wrongdoing or administrative misconduct by a person who is the head of any agency or component of the Department of Justice; and

(5) shall forward the results of any investigation conducted under paragraph (4), along with any appropriate recommendation for disciplinary action, to the Attorney General.

(c) Reports.—Any report required to be transmitted by the Attorney General to the appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress under section 405(e) of this title shall also be transmitted, within the 7-day period specified under that section, to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives.

(d) Regulation To Ensure Reporting of Certain Allegations to Inspector General.—The Attorney General shall ensure by regulation that any component of the Department of Justice receiving a nonfrivolous allegation of criminal wrongdoing or administrative misconduct by an employee of the Department of Justice, except with respect to allegations described in subsection (b)(3), shall report that information to the Inspector General.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4233; Pub. L. 118–71, §2(a), July 25, 2024, 138 Stat. 1492.)

Amendment of Section

Pub. L. 118–71, §2(a), (b), July 25, 2024, 138 Stat. 1492, 1501, provided that, effective on the date that is 90 days after the date on which appropriations are made available to the Inspector General of the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice for the specific purpose of carrying out the provisions of Pub. L. 118–71, this section is amended by adding at the end the following:

(e) Inspections Regime.—

(1) Definitions.—In this subsection:

(A) Appropriate congressional committees.—The term "appropriate congressional committees" means—

(i) the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; and

(ii) the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the House of Representatives.

(B) Bureau.—The term "Bureau" means the Bureau of Prisons.

(C) Covered facility.—The term "covered facility"—

(i) means a correctional facility operated by the Bureau; and

(ii) does not include a post-incarceration residential re-entry center.

(D) Family advocate.—The term "family advocate" includes—

(i) a grandparent, parent, sibling, spouse or domestic partner, child, aunt, uncle, cousin, niece, nephew, grandchild, or any other person related to an individual by blood, adoption, marriage, civil union, a romantic or fostering relationship; or

(ii) a friend of—

(I) the incarcerated person; or

(II) the family of the incarcerated person.

(E) Inspector general.—The term "Inspector General" means the Inspector General of the Department of Justice.

(F) Ombudsman.—The term "Ombudsman" means the Ombudsman established under paragraph (3)(A).

(G) Representative of an incarcerated person.—The term "representative of an incarcerated person" includes paid or unpaid legal counsel or any other person or entity chosen by an incarcerated person to represent the interests of the incarcerated person.

(H) Sexual abuse.—The term "sexual abuse" has the meaning given that term in section 115.6 of title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (or any successor thereto).

(I) Staff.—The term "staff" means employees and contractors of the Bureau.

(2) Inspections of covered facilities by the inspector general.—

(A) Establishment of inspections regime.—

(i) In general.—The Inspector General shall conduct periodic inspections of covered facilities pursuant to the requirements of this subsection.

(ii) Access to covered facilities.—The Attorney General shall ensure that the Inspector General has access to—

(I) any covered facility (including the incarcerated people, detainees, staff, bargaining unit representative organization) in accordance with paragraph (4); and

(II) any other information that the Inspector General determines is necessary to carry out the provisions of this subsection.

(iii) Notice of inspections.—An inspection of a covered facility under this subsection may be announced or unannounced.

(iv) Community input.—In developing the inspections regime under this subsection, the Inspector General is encouraged to consult formerly incarcerated people, family or representatives of incarcerated people, and community advocates.

(B) Inspection criteria.—An inspection of a covered facility under this subsection may include an assessment of the following:

(i) The policies, procedures, and administrative guidance of the facility.

(ii) The conditions of confinement.

(iii) Working conditions for staff.

(iv) The availability of evidence-based recidivism reduction programs and productive activities, as such terms are defined in section 3635 of title 18, and the application of earned time credits pursuant to section 3632 of title 18.

(v) The policies and procedures relating to visitation.

(vi) The policies and practices relating to classification and housing.

(vii) The policies and practices relating to the use of single-cell confinement, administrative segregation, and other forms of restrictive housing.

(viii) The medical facilities and medical and mental health care, programs, procedures, and policies, including the number and qualifications of medical and mental health staff and the availability of sex-specific and trauma-responsive care for incarcerated people.

(ix) Medical services and mental health resources for staff.

(x) Lockdowns at the facility.

(xi) Credible allegations of incidents involving excessive use of force, completed, attempted, or threatened violence, including sexual abuse, or misconduct committed against incarcerated people.

(xii) Credible allegations of incidents involving completed, attempted, or threatened violence, including sexual violence or sexual abuse, committed against staff.

(xiii) Adequacy of staffing at the covered facility, including the number and job assignments of staff, the ratio of staff to inmates at the facility, the staff position vacancy rate at the facility, and the use of overtime, mandatory overtime, and augmentation.

(xiv) Deaths or serious injuries of incarcerated people or staff that occurred at the facility.

(xv) The existence of contraband that jeopardizes the health or safety of incarcerated people or staff, including incident reports, referrals for criminal prosecution, and confirmed prosecutions.

(xvi) Access of incarcerated people to—

(I) legal counsel, including confidential meetings and communications;

(II) discovery and other case-related legal materials; and

(III) the law library at the covered facility.

(xvii) Any aspect of the operation of the covered facility that the Inspector General determines to be necessary over the course of an inspection.

(C) Inspection schedule.—An inspection of a covered facility under this subsection shall be conducted on a schedule based on the combined risk score of the covered facility as described in subparagraph (E) and the following considerations:

(i) Higher risk facilities shall receive more frequent inspections.

(ii) The Inspector General shall reevaluate the combined risk score methodology and inspection schedule periodically and may alter 1 or both to ensure that higher risk facilities are identified and receiving the appropriate frequency of inspection.

(iii) A determination by the Inspector General that 1 or more of the criteria listed in subparagraph (B) should be inspected, with regard to a covered facility or group of covered facilities.

(D) Report.—

(i) In general.—Not later than 6 months after the completion of an inspection of a covered facility under this subsection, or a group of inspections that assess the same or similar issues at more than 1 facility, the Inspector General shall submit a final copy of the report to the Attorney General, the appropriate congressional committees, employee representative organizations, and the public, that addresses 1 or more of the following topics:

(I) A characterization of the conditions of confinement and working conditions, including a summary of the inspection criteria reviewed under clauses (ii) and (iii) of subparagraph (B).

(II) Recommendations made to the covered facility to improve safety and conditions within the facility, including recommendations regarding staffing.

(III) A recommended timeline for the next inspection and assessment, which shall not limit the authority of the Inspector General to perform additional inspections and assessments, announced or unannounced.

(IV) Any other issues or matters identified during the inspection of the facility or facilities.

(ii) Consultation with stakeholders.—In developing the recommendations described in clause (i), the Inspector General may consult with stakeholders, including employee representative organizations.

(E) Risk score.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of the Federal Prison Oversight Act, the Inspector General shall establish methodology and protocols for determining the combined risk score of a covered facility, which—

(i) shall be delivered to the appropriate congressional committees; and

(ii) may be based on—

(I) frequency and duration of lockdowns;

(II) availability of programming;

(III) staffing levels;

(IV) access to adequate physical and mental health resources;

(V) incidences of physical assault, neglect, or sexual abuse;

(VI) opportunity to maintain family ties through phone calls, video calls, mail, email, and visitation;

(VII) adequacy of the nutrition provided;

(VIII) amount or frequency of staff discipline cases;

(IX) amount or frequency of misconduct by people incarcerated at the covered facility;

(X) access of incarcerated people to—

(aa) legal counsel, including confidential meetings and communications;

(bb) discovery and other case-related legal materials; and

(cc) the law library at the covered facility; and

(XI) other factors as determined by the Inspector General.

(F) Bureau response to report.—

(i) In general.—Not later than 60 days after the date on which the Inspector General issues a report under subparagraph (D), the Bureau shall respond in writing to the inspection report, which shall include a corrective action plan.

(ii) Public availability.—Each response and action plan described in clause (i) shall be made available to the public on the website of the Inspector General.

(iii) Compliance with corrective action plan.—The Inspector General may conduct additional inspections or investigations, announced or unannounced, to monitor the compliance of the Bureau with a corrective action plan described in clause (i).

(G) Rule of construction.—The authority in this paragraph is consistent with and does not supersede, conflict with, or otherwise alter the authority provided to the Inspector General under section 406.

(3) Ombudsman.—

(A) In general.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of the Federal Prison Oversight Act, the Attorney General shall establish in the Department of Justice an Ombudsman who may—

(i) receive a complaint from an incarcerated person, a family advocate, a representative of an incarcerated person, staff, a representative of staff, a Member of Congress, or a member of the judicial branch of the Federal Government regarding issues that may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, or rights of incarcerated people or staff, including—

(I) abuse or neglect;

(II) the conditions of confinement, including the availability of health care;

(III) working conditions of staff;

(IV) decisions, administrative actions, or guidance of the Bureau, including those relating to prison staffing;

(V) inaction or omissions by the Bureau, including failure to consider or respond to complaints or grievances by incarcerated people or staff promptly or appropriately;

(VI) policies, rules, or procedures of the Bureau, including gross mismanagement; and

(VII) alleged violations of non-criminal law by staff or incarcerated people that may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, or rights of any person;

(ii) refer a complainant and others to appropriate resources or Federal agencies;

(iii) make inquiries and recommend actions to appropriate entities on behalf of a complainant, the Ombudsman, or others; and

(iv) decline to investigate or take any action with respect to any complaint and, in any case in which the Ombudsman declines to investigate or take any action, shall notify the complainant in writing of the decision not to investigate or take any action and the reasons for the decision.

(B) Limitations on authority.—The Ombudsman—

(i) may not investigate—

(I) any complaints relating to the underlying criminal conviction of an incarcerated person;

(II) a complaint from staff that relates to the employment or contractual relationship of the staff member with the Bureau, unless the complaint is related to the health, safety, welfare, working conditions, gross mismanagement of a covered facility, or rehabilitation of incarcerated people; or

(III) any allegation of criminal or administrative misconduct, as described in subsection (b)(2), and shall refer any matter covered by subsection (b)(2) to the Inspector General, who may, at the discretion of Inspector General, refer such allegations back to the Ombudsman or the internal affairs office of the appropriate component of the Department of Justice; and

(ii) may not levy any fees for the submission or investigation of complaints.

(C) Decision on the merits of a complaint.—At the conclusion of an investigation of a complaint, the Ombudsman shall—

(i) render a decision on the merits of each complaint;

(ii) communicate the decision to the complainant, if any, and to the Bureau; and

(iii) state the recommendations and reasoning of the Ombudsman if, in the opinion of the Ombudsman, the Bureau or any employee thereof should—

(I) consider the matter further;

(II) modify or cancel any action;

(III) alter a rule, practice, or ruling;

(IV) explain in detail the administrative action in question; or

(V) rectify an omission.

(D) Actions following a decision by the ombudsman.—

(i) Request for information about actions taken.—If the Ombudsman so requests, the Bureau shall, within the time specified, respond to any inquiry or request for information from the Ombudsman and inform the Ombudsman about any action taken on the recommendations provided by the Ombudsman or the reasons for not complying with any request for information or recommendations.

(ii) Reporting of continuing issues.—If the Ombudsman believes, based on an investigation conducted by the Ombudsman, that there has been or continues to be a significant health, safety, welfare, working conditions, or rehabilitation issue, the Ombudsman shall report the finding to the Attorney General and the appropriate congressional committees.

(iii) Monitoring of internal disciplinary actions of the bureau.—In the event that the Bureau conducts an internal disciplinary investigation or review of 1 or more staff members of the Bureau as a result of an investigation by the Ombudsman, the Ombudsman may monitor the internal disciplinary action to ensure a fair and objective process.

(4) Inspector general and ombudsman access to bureau of prisons facilities.—

(A) In general.—

(i) Access to bureau facilities.—Except as provided in clause (ii), upon demand, in person or in writing and with or without prior notice, the Inspector General and the Ombudsman shall be granted access to all Bureau facilities, which shall include—

(I) all areas that are used by incarcerated people, all areas that are accessible to incarcerated people, and access to programs for incarcerated people at any time of day; and

(II) the opportunity to—

(aa) conduct private and confidential interviews with any incarcerated person, staff, employee representative organization, or other person; and

(bb) communicate privately and confidentially, both formally and informally, with incarcerated people or staff by telephone, mail, electronic communication, and in person, which shall not be monitored or recorded by or conducted in the presence of staff.

(ii) Exception.—Clause (i) shall not apply in situations where the head of the covered facility provides evidence to the Inspector General or the Ombudsman that there is risk of serious and immediate physical harm to visitors due to an ongoing event that requires restricting access to the facility.

(B) Purpose of visits.—Access to Bureau facilities under subparagraph (A) is for the purposes of—

(i) conducting announced or unannounced inspections by the Inspector General as described in paragraph (2), including inspections to monitor the compliance of the Bureau with a corrective action plan described in paragraph (2)(F)(i);

(ii) conducting an investigation or other activity by the Ombudsman as described in paragraph (3); and

(iii) inspecting, viewing, photographing, and video recording all areas of the facility that are used by incarcerated people or are accessible to incarcerated people.

(C) Access to documents.—

(i) In general.—The Inspector General and the Ombudsman have the right to access, inspect, and copy all relevant information, records, or documents in the possession or control of the Bureau that either the Inspector General or the Ombudsman considers necessary in an inspection, investigation, or other activity, and the Bureau shall assist the Inspector General and the Ombudsman in obtaining the necessary releases for those documents that are specifically restricted or privileged for use by the Bureau.

(ii) Production of records.—Following notification from the Inspector General or the Ombudsman with a written demand for access to Bureau records, the Bureau shall provide access to the requested documentation in a manner consistent with section 552a (commonly known as the "Privacy Act of 1974")—

(I) not later than 30 business days after receipt of the written request; or

(II) in the case of records pertaining to the death of an incarcerated person or staff, threats of bodily harm including sexual or physical assaults, or the denial or delay of necessary medical treatment, not later than 10 business days after receipt of the written request, unless the Inspector General or the Ombudsman consents to an extension of that time frame.

(D) Minimize disruption of operations.—The Inspector General and the Ombudsman shall—

(i) develop procedures—

(I) to ensure that the Inspector General has access to, and the right to review and investigate, any allegations received by the Ombudsman to ensure that the Inspector General may carry out the authorities provided to the Inspector General under this chapter; and

(II) that may provide that the Inspector General and the Ombudsman will determine certain categories of allegations that are not necessary for the Inspector General to review prior to the Ombudsman proceeding;

(ii) work with the Bureau to minimize disruption to the operations of the Bureau due to inspections, investigations, or other activity;

(iii) comply with the security clearance processes of the Bureau, provided these processes do not impede the activities described in this subsection; and

(iv) limit the public release of any photographs or video recordings that would jeopardize—

(I) the safety, security, or good order of a covered facility or the Bureau; or

(II) public safety.

(E) Rule of construction.—The authority in this paragraph is consistent with and does not supersede, conflict with, or otherwise alter the authority provided to the Inspector General under section 406.

(5) Confidentiality.—

(A) In general.—Correspondence and communication with the Inspector General and the Ombudsman, including communication regarding an issue described in section 4051 of title 18 is confidential and shall be protected as privileged correspondence in the same manner as legal correspondence or communications.

(B) Procedures.—Subject to subparagraph (C), the Inspector General and the Ombudsman shall establish confidentiality procedures for all information maintained by the respective office to ensure that, to the greatest extent practicable, before, during, or after an investigation—

(i) staff are not aware of the identity of a complainant; and

(ii) other incarcerated people are not aware of the identity of a complainant.

(C) Exception.—The Inspector General and the Ombudsman may disclose identifying information for the sole purpose of carrying out an investigation and as otherwise authorized under section 407(b).

(6) Filing complaints.—

(A) Filing complaints on behalf of an incarcerated individual.—

(i) Online form.—The Ombudsman shall create a secure online form to be made available on the website of the Ombudsman where the family advocates and representatives of incarcerated people can submit complaints and inquiries on issues identified in paragraph (3)(A)(i) on behalf of an individual incarcerated at a covered facility.

(ii) Telephone hotline.—The Ombudsman shall create a telephone hotline through which family advocates and representatives of incarcerated people can call to file complaints and inquiries on issues identified in paragraph (3)(A)(i) on behalf of an individual incarcerated at a covered facility.

(B) Filing complaints by an incarcerated individual.—

(i) Internal private submission.—The Bureau shall provide multiple internal ways for incarcerated individuals in covered facilities to privately submit to the Ombudsman complaints and inquiries on issues identified in paragraph (3)(A)(i).

(ii) Submission via independent entity.—The Bureau shall also provide not less than 1 process for incarcerated individuals in covered facilities to submit complaints and inquiries on issues identified in paragraph (3)(A)(i) to a public or private entity or office that is not part of the Bureau and that is able to receive and immediately forward complaints and inquiries to the Ombudsman, allowing the incarcerated individual to remain anonymous upon request.

(C) Determination.—

(i) Confirmation of receipt.—Not later than 5 business days after submission of a complaint or inquiry under subparagraph (A) or (B), the Ombudsman shall confirm receipt.

(ii) Determination.—Not later than 15 business days after issuing the confirmation under clause (i), the Ombudsman shall make a determination as to whether any action is warranted and notify the complainant of the determination.

(iii) Statement regarding decision.—If the Ombudsman has determined action is unwarranted under clause (ii), the Ombudsman shall provide a written statement explaining the decision to the complainant.

(D) Public education.—The Ombudsman shall coordinate with the Bureau to educate incarcerated people, representatives of incarcerated people, and the public about the existence and functions of the Ombudsman.

(E) Administrative exhaustion.—Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as a necessary administrative remedy required for exhaustion under section 7(a) of the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (42 U.S.C. 1997e(a)).

(7) Prohibition on retaliation.—

(A) In general.—The Bureau and staff of the Bureau shall not discharge, retaliate against, or in any manner discriminate against any complainant or any person or entity that has instituted or caused to be instituted any proceeding, investigation, or inspection under or related to this subsection.

(B) Investigation.—Any alleged discharge of, retaliation against, or discrimination against a complainant, entity, or person because of a complaint, investigation, or inspection may be considered by the Ombudsman as an appropriate subject of an investigation or other activity.

(8) Due process protections.—

(A) In general.—The Attorney General and the Inspector General shall ensure that implementation of this subsection is consistent with section 552a (commonly known as the "Privacy Act of 1974") and all other applicable laws, and respects appropriate due process protections for staff.

(B) Rule of construction.—Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to modify, supersede, or otherwise affect the authority of the Inspector General to access all records, reports, audits, reviews, documents, papers, recommendations, or other materials, as authorized by section 406(a).

(9) Percentage of annual appropriation for the bureau of prisons.—It is the sense of Congress that the amount allocated to the Inspector General and the Ombudsman to carry out the activities described in this subsection should equal an amount between 0.2 percent and 0.5 percent of the annual appropriation for the Bureau.

See 2024 Amendment note below.

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 8E of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 8E of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5272(5), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3240, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4233, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 8E of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended as follows:

(1) in subsection (a)(3), by striking "Committees on Governmental Affairs and Judiciary of the Senate and the Committees on Government Operations and Judiciary of the House of Representatives, and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress" and inserting "appropriate congressional committees, including the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives"; and

(2) in subsection (c)—

(A) by striking "committees or subcommittees of the Congress" and inserting "congressional committees"; and

(B) by striking "Committees on the Judiciary and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committees on the Judiciary and Government Operations of the House of Representatives" and inserting "Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives".

Some of the text directed to be stricken in subsections (a)(3) and (c) did not appear exactly as quoted in the text enacted by Pub. L. 117–286. See Historical and Revision notes below.

For definition of "appropriate congressional committees" as seen in the above amendments by Pub. L. 117–263, see Amendments Not Shown in Text note set out under section 401 of this title.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
413 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8E) Pub. L. 95–452, §8E, formerly §8D, as added Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §102(f), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2520; renumbered §8E, Pub. L. 103–204, §23(a)(3), Dec. 17, 1993, 107 Stat. 2408; Pub. L. 107–273, div. A, title III, §308, Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1784; Pub. L. 114–317, §§6(3), 7(d)(3)(D), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1604, 1606.

In subsection (a)(3) and subsection (c), the words "[Committee] on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs [of the Senate]" are substituted for "[Committee] on Governmental Affairs [of the Senate]" because of Senate Resolution No. 445, 108th Congress, October 9, 2004 (effective January 4, 2005).

In subsection (a)(3) and subsection (c), the words "Committee on Oversight and Reform [of the House of Representatives]" are substituted for "[Committee on] Government Operations [of the House of Representatives]" on authority of section 1(a) of Public Law 104–14 (2 U.S.C. note prec. 21), House Resolution No. 5 (106th Congress, January 6, 1999), House Resolution No. 6 (110th Congress, January 5, 2007), and rule X(1)(n) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (116th Congress, January 9, 2019).

Editorial Notes


2024—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 118–71 added subsec. (e).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Committee on Oversight and Reform of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Oversight and Accountability of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, Jan. 9, 2023.

Effective Date of 2024 Amendment

Pub. L. 118–71, §2(b), July 25, 2024, 138 Stat. 1501, provided that: "This Act [see Short Title of 2024 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title], and the amendments made by this Act, shall take effect on the date that is 90 days after the date on which appropriations are made available to the Inspector General of the Department of Justice and the Department of Justice for the specific purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act and the amendments made by this Act."

Appointment of Oversight Official Within the Office of Inspector General

Pub. L. 107–273, div. A, title III, §309(a), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1784, provided that:

"(1) In general.—The Inspector General of the Department of Justice shall direct that 1 official from the office of the Inspector General be responsible for supervising and coordinating independent oversight of programs and operations of the Federal Bureau of Investigation until September 30, 2004.

"(2) Continuation of oversight.—The Inspector General may continue individual oversight in accordance with paragraph (1) after September 30, 2004, at the discretion of the Inspector General."

Review of Civil Rights Complaints by the Department of Justice

Pub. L. 107–56, title X, §1001, Oct. 26, 2001, 115 Stat. 391, provided that: "The Inspector General of the Department of Justice shall designate one official who shall—

"(1) review information and receive complaints alleging abuses of civil rights and civil liberties by employees and officials of the Department of Justice;

"(2) make public through the Internet, radio, television, and newspaper advertisements information on the responsibilities and functions of, and how to contact, the official; and

"(3) submit to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate on a semi-annual basis a report on the implementation of this subsection [section] and detailing any abuses described in paragraph (1), including a description of the use of funds appropriations used to carry out this subsection [section]."

§414. Special provisions concerning the Corporation for National and Community Service

(a) Personnel.—Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (7) and (8) of section 406(a) of this title, it is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Inspector General of the Corporation for National and Community Service to—

(1) appoint and determine the compensation of such officers and employees in accordance with section 195(b) of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12651f(b)); and

(2) procure the temporary and intermittent services of and compensate such experts and consultants, in accordance with section 3109(b) of this title,

as may be necessary to carry out the functions, powers, and duties of the Inspector General.

(b) Reports to Board of Directors.—Not later than the date on which the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service transmits any report to the Congress under subsection (b) or (c) of section 405 of this title, the Chief Executive Officer shall transmit such report to the Board of Directors of such Corporation.

(c) Review of Audit Reports by Board of Directors.—Not later than the date on which the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service transmits a report described under section 405(c) of this title to the Board of Directors as provided under subsection (b) of this section, the Chief Executive Officer shall also transmit any audit report which is described in the statement required under section 405(c)(4) to the Board of Directors. All such audit reports shall be placed on the agenda for review at the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors following such transmittal. The Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation shall be present at such meeting to provide any information relating to such audit reports.

(d) Report of Problem, Abuse, or Deficiency to Board of Directors.—Not later than the date on which the Inspector General of the Corporation for National and Community Service reports a problem, abuse, or deficiency under section 405(e) of this title to the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, the Chief Executive Officer shall report such problem, abuse, or deficiency to the Board of Directors.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4235.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
414 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8F) Pub. L. 95–452, §8F, formerly §8E, as added Pub. L. 103–82, title II, §202(g)(1), Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 889; renumbered §8F, Pub. L. 103–204, §23(a)(3), Dec. 17, 1993, 107 Stat. 2408; amended Pub. L. 111–13, title IV, §4101, Apr. 21, 2009, 123 Stat. 1597.

§415. Requirements for Federal entities and designated Federal entities

(a) Definitions.—Notwithstanding section 401 of this title, in this section:

(1) Designated federal entity.—

(A) In general.—The term "designated Federal entity" means Amtrak, the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Denali Commission, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Farm Credit Administration, the Federal Election Commission, the Election Assistance Commission, the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the Federal Maritime Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, the Legal Services Corporation, the National Archives and Records Administration, the National Credit Union Administration, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Labor Relations Board, the National Science Foundation, the Peace Corps, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Smithsonian Institution, the United States International Development Finance Corporation, the United States International Trade Commission, the Postal Regulatory Commission, and the United States Postal Service.

(B) Amtrak.—Effective at the beginning of the first fiscal year after a fiscal year for which Amtrak receives no Federal subsidy, subparagraph (A) is amended by striking "Amtrak,".

(2) Federal entity.—The term "Federal entity" means any Government corporation (within the meaning of section 103(1) of this title), any Government controlled corporation (within the meaning of section 103(2) of this title), or any other entity in the executive branch of the Government, or any independent regulatory agency, but does not include—

(A) an establishment (as defined under section 401 of this title) or part of an establishment;

(B) a designated Federal entity (as defined under paragraph (1) of this subsection) or part of a designated Federal entity;

(C) the Executive Office of the President;

(D) the Central Intelligence Agency;

(E) the Government Accountability Office; or

(F) any entity in the judicial or legislative branches of the Government, including the Administrative Office of the United States Courts and the Architect of the Capitol and any activities under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol.

(3) Head of the designated federal entity.—The term "head of the designated Federal entity" means the board or commission of the designated Federal entity, or in the event the designated Federal entity does not have a board or commission, any person or persons designated by statute as the head of a designated Federal entity and if no such designation exists, the chief policymaking officer or board of a designated Federal entity as identified in the list published pursuant to subsection (h)(1) of this section, except that—

(A) with respect to the National Science Foundation, such term means the National Science Board;

(B) with respect to the United States Postal Service, such term means the Governors (within the meaning of section 102(3) of title 39);

(C) with respect to the Federal Labor Relations Authority, such term means the members of the Authority (described under section 7104 of this title);

(D) with respect to the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, such term means the Chairman of the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled;

(E) with respect to the National Archives and Records Administration, such term means the Archivist of the United States;

(F) with respect to the National Credit Union Administration, such term means the National Credit Union Administration Board (described under section 102 of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1752a));

(G) with respect to the National Endowment of the Arts, such term means the National Council on the Arts;

(H) with respect to the National Endowment for the Humanities, such term means the National Council on the Humanities;

(I) with respect to the Peace Corps, such term means the Director of the Peace Corps; and

(J) with respect to the United States International Development Finance Corporation, such term means the Board of Directors of the United States International Development Finance Corporation.

(4) Head of the federal entity.—The term "head of the Federal entity" means any person or persons designated by statute as the head of a Federal entity, and if no such designation exists, the chief policymaking officer or board of a Federal entity as identified in the list published pursuant to subsection (h)(1) of this section.

(5) Inspector general.—The term "Inspector General" means an Inspector General of a designated Federal entity.

(6) Office of inspector general.—The term "Office of Inspector General" means an Office of Inspector General of a designated Federal entity.

(b) Office of Inspector General in Each Designated Federal Entity.—Not later than 180 days after October 18, 1988, there shall be established and maintained in each designated Federal entity an Office of Inspector General. The head of the designated Federal entity shall transfer to such office the offices, units, or other components, and the functions, powers, or duties thereof, that such head determines are properly related to the functions of the Office of Inspector General and would, if so transferred, further the purposes of this section. There shall not be transferred to such office any program operating responsibilities.

(c) Appointment of Inspector General.—Except as provided under subsection (f) of this section, the Inspector General shall be appointed by the head of the designated Federal entity in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations governing appointments within the designated Federal entity. Each Inspector General shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of integrity and demonstrated ability in accounting, auditing, financial analysis, law, management analysis, public administration, or investigations. For purposes of implementing this section, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall appoint the Inspector General of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. The Inspector General of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection shall have all of the authorities and responsibilities provided by this Act with respect to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, as if the Bureau were part of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

(d) Supervision.—

(1) In general.—Each Inspector General shall report to and be under the general supervision of the head of the designated Federal entity, but shall not report to, or be subject to supervision by, any other officer or employee of such designated Federal entity. Except as provided in paragraph (2), the head of the designated Federal entity shall not prevent or prohibit the Inspector General from initiating, carrying out, or completing any audit or investigation, or from issuing any subpoena during the course of any audit or investigation.

(2) Exception relating to intelligence community.—

(A) In general.—The Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, may prohibit the inspector general of an element of the intelligence community specified in subparagraph (D) from initiating, carrying out, or completing any audit or investigation, or from accessing information available to an element of the intelligence community specified in subparagraph (D), if the Secretary determines that the prohibition is necessary to protect vital national security interests of the United States.

(B) Statement of reasons for exercise of authority.—If the Secretary exercises the authority under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall submit to the committees of Congress specified in subparagraph (E) an appropriately classified statement of the reasons for the exercise of such authority not later than 7 days after the exercise of such authority.

(C) Notification to inspector general.—At the same time the Secretary submits under subparagraph (B) a statement on the exercise of the authority in subparagraph (A) to the committees of Congress specified in subparagraph (E), the Secretary shall notify the inspector general of such element of the submittal of such statement and, to the extent consistent with the protection of intelligence sources and methods, provide such inspector general with a copy of such statement. Such inspector general may submit to such committees of Congress any comments on a notice or statement received by the inspector general under this subparagraph that the inspector general considers appropriate.

(D) Elements of the intelligence community.—The elements of the intelligence community specified in this subparagraph are as follows:

(i) The Defense Intelligence Agency.

(ii) The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

(iii) The National Reconnaissance Office.

(iv) The National Security Agency.

(E) Committees of congress.—The committees of Congress specified in this subparagraph are—

(i) the Committee on Armed Services and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate; and

(ii) the Committee on Armed Services and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.

(e) Removal.—

(1) Board, chairman of committee, or commission is head of designated federal entity.—In the case of a designated Federal entity for which a board, chairman of a committee, or commission is the head of the designated Federal entity, a removal under this subsection may only be made upon the written concurrence of a 2/3 majority of the board, committee, or commission.

(2) Inspector general removed or transferred.—If an Inspector General is removed from office or is transferred to another position or location within a designated Federal entity, the head of the designated Federal entity shall communicate in writing the reasons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress, not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a personnel action otherwise authorized by law, other than transfer or removal.

(f) United States Postal Service.—

(1) Appointment.—For purposes of carrying out subsection (c) with respect to the United States Postal Service, the appointment provisions of section 202(e) of title 39 shall be applied.

(2) Oversight responsibility of inspector general for activities of postal inspection service.—In carrying out the duties and responsibilities specified in this chapter, the Inspector General of the United States Postal Service (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the "Inspector General") shall have oversight responsibility for all activities of the Postal Inspection Service, including any internal investigation performed by the Postal Inspection Service. The Chief Postal Inspector shall promptly report the significant activities being carried out by the Postal Inspection Service to such Inspector General.

(3) Audits and investigations.—

(A) Authority, direction, and control of governors.—

(i) Access to sensitive information.—Notwithstanding subsection (d), the Inspector General shall be under the authority, direction, and control of the Governors with respect to audits or investigations, or the issuance of subpoenas, which require access to sensitive information concerning—

(I) ongoing civil or criminal investigations or proceedings;

(II) undercover operations;

(III) the identity of confidential sources, including protected witnesses;

(IV) intelligence or counterintelligence matters; or

(V) other matters the disclosure of which would constitute a serious threat to national security.

(ii) Authority to prohibit inspector general from carrying out or completing audit or investigation.—With respect to the information described under clause (i), the Governors may prohibit the Inspector General from carrying out or completing any audit or investigation, or from issuing any subpoena, after such Inspector General has decided to initiate, carry out, or complete such audit or investigation or to issue such subpoena, if the Governors determine that such prohibition is necessary to prevent the disclosure of any information described under clause (i) or to prevent significant impairment to the national interests of the United States.

(iii) Notification of reasons for exercise of power.—If the Governors exercise any power under clause (i) or (ii), the Governors shall notify the Inspector General in writing, stating the reasons for such exercise. Within 30 days after receipt of any such notice, the Inspector General shall transmit a copy of such notice to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives, and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress.

(B) Initiating, conducting, and supervising audits and investigations.—In carrying out the duties and responsibilities specified in this chapter, the Inspector General—

(i) may initiate, conduct, and supervise such audits and investigations in the United States Postal Service as the Inspector General considers appropriate; and

(ii) shall give particular regard to the activities of the Postal Inspection Service with a view toward avoiding duplication and ensuring effective coordination and cooperation.

(C) Reporting serious problems, abuses, or deficiencies.—Any report required to be transmitted by the Governors to the appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress under section 405(e) of this title shall also be transmitted, within the 7-day period specified under such section, to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives.

(4) Limitation.—Nothing in this chapter shall restrict, eliminate, or otherwise adversely affect any of the rights, privileges, or benefits of either employees of the United States Postal Service, or labor organizations representing employees of the United States Postal Service, under chapter 12 of title 39, the National Labor Relations Act, any handbook or manual affecting employee labor relations with the United States Postal Service, or any collective bargaining agreement.

(5) Definition of governors.—In this subsection, the term "Governors" has the meaning given the term by section 102(3) of title 39.

(6) Authorization of appropriations.—There are authorized to be appropriated, out of the Postal Service Fund, such sums as may be necessary for the Office of Inspector General of the United States Postal Service.

(g) Special Application.—

(1) Sections 404, 405, 406, and 407.—Sections 404, 405, 406 (other than paragraphs (7) and (8) of section 406(a)), and 407 of this title shall apply to each Inspector General and Office of Inspector General of a designated Federal entity, and such sections shall be applied to each designated Federal entity and head of the designated Federal entity (as defined under subsection (a)) by substituting—

(A) "designated Federal entity" for "establishment"; and

(B) "head of the designated Federal entity" for "head of the establishment".

(2) Personnel.—In addition to the other authorities specified in this chapter, an Inspector General is authorized to select, appoint, and employ such officers and employees as may be necessary for carrying out the functions, powers, and duties of the Office of Inspector General and to obtain the temporary or intermittent services of experts or consultants or an organization of experts or consultants, subject to the applicable laws and regulations that govern such selections, appointments, and employment, and the obtaining of such services, within the designated Federal entity.

(3) Application of section 412(a).—Notwithstanding the last sentence of subsection (d)(1) of this section, the provisions of subsection (a) of section 412 of this title (other than the provisions of subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (E) of subsection (a)(1) of section 412 of this title) shall apply to the Inspector General of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in the same manner as such provisions apply to the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Treasury, respectively.

(4) Counsel.—Each Inspector General shall—

(A) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing appointments within the designated Federal entity, appoint a Counsel to the Inspector General who shall report to the Inspector General;

(B) obtain the services of a counsel appointed by and directly reporting to another Inspector General on a reimbursable basis; or

(C) obtain the services of appropriate staff of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency on a reimbursable basis.

(h) Annual Listing and Report.—

(1) Listing.—Each year, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, after consultation with the Comptroller General of the United States, shall publish in the Federal Register a list of the Federal entities and designated Federal entities and if the designated Federal entity is not a board or commission, include the head of each such entity (as defined under subsection (a)).

(2) Report.—On October 31 of each year, the head of each Federal entity (as defined under subsection (a)) shall prepare and transmit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and to each House of the Congress a report that—

(A) states whether there has been established in the Federal entity an office that meets the requirements of this section;

(B) specifies the actions taken by the Federal entity otherwise to ensure that audits are conducted of its programs and operations in accordance with the standards for audit of governmental organizations, programs, activities, and functions issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and includes a list of each audit report completed by a Federal or non-Federal auditor during the reporting period and a summary of any particularly significant findings; and

(C) summarizes any matters relating to the personnel, programs, and operations of the Federal entity referred to prosecutive authorities, including a summary description of any preliminary investigation conducted by or at the request of the Federal entity concerning these matters, and the prosecutions and convictions which have resulted.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4235.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 8G of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–108, title II, §209(a), Apr. 6, 2022, 136 Stat. 1151, and by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §§5202(a)(2), 5272(6), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3224, 3240, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4235, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title.

Section 8G of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–108 as follows:

(1) in subsection (a)(2), by striking "the Postal Regulatory Commission,"; and

(2) in subsection (f)—

(A) in paragraph (2), by inserting subparagraph (A) designation before "In carrying" and adding at the end the following:

"(B) In carrying out the duties and responsibilities specified in this Act, the Inspector General of the United States Postal Service shall function as the Inspector General for the Postal Regulatory Commission, and shall have equal responsibility over the United States Postal Service and the Postal Regulatory Commission. The Commission shall comply with the Inspector General's oversight as if the Commission were a designated Federal entity under subsection (a)(2) and as if the Inspector General were the inspector general of the Commission. The Governors of the Postal Service shall not direct oversight activities for the Postal Regulatory Commission.";

(B) in paragraph (3)—

(i) in subparagraph (A)(i), by inserting "pertaining to the United States Postal Service" after "subpoenas,";

(ii) in subparagraph (B)(i), by inserting "and the Postal Regulatory Commission" after "United States Postal Service"; and

(iii) in subparagraph (C), by inserting "or the Postal Regulatory Commission" after "Governors"; and

(C) by redesignating paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) as (5), (6), and (7), respectively, and adding after paragraph (3) the following:

"(4) For activities pertaining to the Postal Regulatory Commission, sections 4, 5, 6 (other than subsection (g) thereof), and 7 of this Act shall be applied by substituting the term 'head of the Postal Regulatory Commission' for 'head of the establishment'."

Section 8G of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263 as follows:

(1) in subsection (e)—

(A) in paragraph (1), by inserting "or placement on non-duty status" after "a removal";

(B) in paragraph (2)—

(i) by inserting "(A)" after "(2)";

(ii) in subparagraph (A), as so designated, in the first sentence—

(I) by striking "reasons" and inserting "substantive rationale, including detailed and case-specific reasons,"; and

(II) by inserting "(including to the appropriate congressional committees)" after "Houses of Congress"; and

(iii) by adding at the end the following:

"(B) If there is an open or completed inquiry into an Inspector General that relates to the removal or transfer of the Inspector General under subparagraph (A), the written communication required under that subparagraph shall—

"(i) identify each entity that is conducting, or that conducted, the inquiry; and

"(ii) in the case of a completed inquiry, contain the findings made during the inquiry."; and

(C) by adding at the end the following:

"(3)(A) Subject to the other provisions of this paragraph, only the head of the applicable designated Federal entity (referred to in this paragraph as the 'covered official') may place an Inspector General on non-duty status.

"(B) If a covered official places an Inspector General on non-duty status, the covered official shall communicate in writing the substantive rationale, including detailed and case-specific reasons, for the change in status to both Houses of Congress (including to the appropriate congressional committees) not later than 15 days before the date on which the change in status takes effect, except that the covered official may submit that communication not later than the date on which the change in status takes effect if—

"(i) the covered official has made a determination that the continued presence of the Inspector General in the workplace poses a threat described in any of clauses (i) through (iv) of section 6329b(b)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code; and

"(ii) in the communication, the covered official includes a report on the determination described in clause (i), which shall include—

"(I) a specification of which clause of section 6329b(b)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code, the covered official has determined applies under clause (i) of this subparagraph;

"(II) the substantive rationale, including detailed and case-specific reasons, for the determination made under clause (i);

"(III) an identification of each entity that is conducting, or that conducted, any inquiry upon which the determination under clause (i) was made; and

"(IV) in the case of an inquiry described in subclause (III) that is completed, the findings made during that inquiry.

"(C) A covered official may not place an Inspector General on non-duty status during the 30-day period preceding the date on which the Inspector General is removed or transferred under paragraph (2)(A) unless the covered official—

"(i) has made a determination that the continued presence of the Inspector General in the workplace poses a threat described in any of clauses (i) through (iv) of section 6329b(b)(2)(A) of title 5, United States Code; and

"(ii) not later than the date on which the change in status takes effect, submits to both Houses of Congress (including to the appropriate congressional committees) a written communication that contains the information required under subparagraph (B), including the report required under clause (ii) of that subparagraph.

"(D) Nothing in this paragraph may be construed to limit or otherwise modify—

"(i) any statutory protection that is afforded to an Inspector General; or

"(ii) any other action that a covered official may take under law with respect to an Inspector General."; and

(2) in subsection (f)(3)—

(A) in subparagraph (A)(iii), by striking "Committee on Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight of the House of Representatives, and to other appropriate committees or subcommittees of the Congress" and inserting "the appropriate congressional committees"; and

(B) by striking subparagraph (C).

As enacted by Pub. L. 117–286, subsection (e)(2) of this section contains a heading after the paragraph designation. The amendment to section 8G of Pub. L. 95–452 inserting "(A)" after "(2)" amended text that did not contain a paragraph heading. The text directed to be stricken in subsection (f)(3)(A)(iii) did not appear exactly as quoted in the text enacted by Pub. L. 117–286. See Historical and Revision notes below.

For definition of "appropriate congressional committees" as seen in the above amendments by Pub. L. 117–263, see Amendments Not Shown in Text note set out under section 401 of this title.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
415 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8G) Pub. L. 95–452, §8G, formerly §8E, as added Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §104(a), Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2522; amended Pub. L. 101–73, title VII, §702(c), Aug. 9, 1989, 103 Stat. 415; renumbered §8F and amended Pub. L. 103–82, title II, §202(g)(1), (2)(A), Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 889, 890; renumbered §8G and amended Pub. L. 103–204, §23(a)(3), (4), Dec. 17, 1993, 107 Stat. 2408; Pub. L. 104–88, title III, §319, Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 949; Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, §101(f) [title VI, §662(b)(1), (2)], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–314, 3009-379; Pub. L. 105–134, title IV, §409(a)(1), Dec. 2, 1997, 111 Stat. 2586; Pub. L. 105–277, div. C, title III, §306(h), as added Pub. L. 106–31, title I, §105(a)(5), May 21, 1999, 113 Stat. 63; Pub. L. 106–422, §1(b)(1), Nov. 1, 2000, 114 Stat. 1872; Pub. L. 107–252, title VIII, §812(a), Oct. 29, 2002, 116 Stat. 1727; Pub. L. 108–271, §8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814; Pub. L. 109–435, title VI, §§603(b), 605(a), Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. 3240, 3242; Pub. L. 110–409, §§2, 3(b), 6(b), 7(d)(1), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4302, 4305, 4313; Pub. L. 111–203, title IX, §§989B, 989D, title X, §1081, July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1945, 1946, 2080; Pub. L. 111–259, title IV, §431(a), (c), Oct. 7, 2010, 124 Stat. 2731; Pub. L. 113–126, title IV, §§402(1), 412(1), July 7, 2014, 128 Stat. 1408, 1409; Pub. L. 114–113, div. H, title IV, §401(a), Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2639; Pub. L. 114–317, §§6(4), 7(d)(2)(F), (3)(E), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1604, 1606; Pub. L. 115–141, div. P, title V, §501(a)(1), Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 1090; Pub. L. 115–254, div. F, title I, §1414, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3492.

In subsection (a)(1)(A), the words "the Board for International Broadcasting" are omitted as obsolete. The Board for International Broadcasting was established by section 3(a) of the Board for International Broadcasting Act of 1973 (Public Law 93–129, 87 Stat. 457). The Board for International Broadcasting Act of 1973 was repealed by section 310(e) of the United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994 (Public Law 103–236, title III, 108 Stat. 442).

In subsection (a)(1)(A), the words "the Federal Housing Finance Board" are omitted as obsolete because the Federal Housing Finance Board was abolished by section 1311 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–289, div. A, title III, 12 U.S.C. 4511 note).

In subsection (a)(1)(A), the words "the Panama Canal Commission" are omitted as obsolete because of section 1305 of the Panama Canal Act of 1979 (22 U.S.C. 3714a).

In subsection (a)(1), subparagraph (B) restates the amendment made by section 409(a) of the Amtrak Reform and Accountability Act of 1997 (Public Law 105–134, 111 Stat. 2586). That provision amended section 8G(a)(2) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 by striking "Amtrak" from the definition of "designated Federal entity". However, the amendment was enacted with a conditional effective date; it will take effect at the beginning of the first fiscal year after a fiscal year for which Amtrak receives no Federal subsidy. The conditional effective date creates uncertainty because it cannot be known in advance when the condition will be met and the amendment will take effect. In subsection (a)(1), subparagraph (B) explicitly incorporates the amendatory language and the conditional effective date within the restatement text in order to clarify that although "Amtrak" is currently included in the definition of "designated Federal entity", it is automatically struck from the definition, without further congressional action, whenever the specified condition is met.

In subsection (f)(3), in subparagraph (A)(iii) and subparagraph (C), the words "[Committee] on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs [of the Senate]" are substituted for "[Committee] on Governmental Affairs [of the Senate]" because of Senate Resolution No. 445, 108th Congress, October 9, 2004 (effective January 4, 2005).

In subsection (f)(3), in subparagraph (A)(iii) and subparagraph (C), the words "Committee on Oversight and Reform" are substituted for "Committee on Government Reform and Oversight" on authority of rule X(1)(n) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (116th Congress, January 9, 2019).

In subsection (f)(3)(B)(ii), the word "ensuring" is substituted for "insuring" for clarity.

In subsection (g)(3), the words "Notwithstanding the last sentence of subsection (d)(1) of this section" are substituted for "Notwithstanding the last sentence of subsection (d) of this section" for clarity and to correct an obsolete reference in the law. In section 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978, subsection (d) was redesignated as subsection (d)(1) by section 431(c)(1) of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (Public Law 111–259, 124 Stat. 2731).

In subsection (h)(1), the words "Each year," are substituted for "No later than April 30, 1989, and annually thereafter," to eliminate obsolete language.

In subsection (h)(2), the words "On October 31 of each year," are substituted for "Beginning on October 31, 1989, and on October 31 of each succeeding calendar year," to eliminate obsolete language.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The National Labor Relations Act, referred to in subsec. (f)(4), is act July 5, 1935, ch. 372, 49 Stat. 449, which is classified generally to subchapter II (§151 et seq.) of chapter 7 of Title 29, Labor. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 167 of Title 29 and Tables.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Committee on Oversight and Reform of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Oversight and Accountability of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, Jan. 9, 2023.

Savings Provision; References to Inspector General of the Postal Regulatory Commission

Pub. L. 117–108, title II, §209(c), Apr. 6, 2022, 136 Stat. 1152, provided that:

"(1) Personnel, documents, assets.—All personnel, documents, assets, unexpended balances of appropriations, and obligations of the Inspector General for the Postal Regulatory Commission shall transfer to the Inspector General of the Postal Service on the effective date of this section [see section 209(e) of Pub. L. 117–108, set out as an Effective Date of 2022 Amendent note under section 202 of Title 39, Postal Service].

"(2) Legal documents.—Any order, determination, rule, regulation, permit, grant, loan, contract, agreement, certificate, license, or privilege that has been issued, made, granted, or allowed to become effective by the Inspector General of the Postal Regulatory Commission that is in effect on the effective date of this section shall continue in effect according to their terms until modified, terminated, superseded, set aside, or revoked in accordance with law.

"(3) Proceedings.—This section and the amendments made by this section shall not affect any proceeding pending on the effective date of this section before the Inspector General of the Postal Regulatory Commission, but such proceeding shall be continued by the Inspector General of the Postal Service, at the discretion of that Inspector General. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit the discontinuance or modification of any such proceeding under the same terms and conditions and to the same extent that the proceeding could have been discontinued or modified if this section and those amendments had not been enacted.

"(4) Suits.—This section and the amendments made by this section shall not affect any suit commenced before the effective date of this section, and in any such suit, proceeding shall be had, appeals taken, and judgments rendered in the same manner and with the same effect as if this section or such amendments had not been enacted.

"(5) References.—Any reference in any other Federal law, Executive order, rule, regulation, or delegation of authority, or any document relating to the Inspector General of the Postal Regulatory Commission shall be deemed to refer to the Inspector General of the United States Postal Service."

[For definition of "Postal Service" as used in section 209(c) of Pub. L. 117–108, set out above, see section 102 of Title 39, Postal Service, as made applicable by section 2(b) of Pub. L. 117–108, which is set out as a note under section 501 of Title 39.]

Inspector General Oversight of Fund

Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title XV, §1521(e), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1714, provided that:

"(1) Quality standards for ig products.—Except as provided in paragraph (3), each product published or issued by an Inspector General relating to the oversight of programs and activities funded under the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund shall be prepared—

"(A) in accordance with the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards/Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS/GAS), as issued and updated by the Government Accountability Office; or

"(B) if not prepared in accordance with the standards referred to in subparagraph (A), in accordance with the Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation issued by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (commonly referred to as the 'CIGIE Blue Book').

"(2) Specification of quality standards followed.—Each product published or issued by an Inspector General relating to the oversight of programs and activities funded under the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund shall cite within such product the quality standards followed in conducting and reporting the work concerned.

"(3) Waiver.—The Lead Inspector General for Operation Freedom's Sentinel may waive the applicability of paragraph (1) to a specific product relating to the oversight by an Inspector General of activities and programs funded under the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund if the Lead Inspector General determines that the waiver would facilitate timely efforts to promote efficiency and effectiveness and prevent, detect, and deter fraud, waste, and abuse. Any product published or issued pursuant to a waiver under this paragraph shall include a statement that work for such product was not conducted in accordance with the standards referred to in paragraph (1) and an explanation why such standards were not employed."

Inspector General for Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled

Pub. L. 114–113, div. H, title IV, §401(b), Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2640, provided that: "Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 18, 2015], the Chairman of the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled shall appoint an Inspector General for the Committee."

[Pub. L. 114–113, div. H, title IV, §401(c), Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2640, provided that: "This section [amending former section 8G of Pub. L. 95–452 (see this section), and enacting provisions set out as a note above], and the amendments made by this section, shall take effect on the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 18, 2015]."]

Amtrak Inspector General

Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title XI, §11314, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1674, as amended by Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(13), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4344, provided that:

"(a) Authority.—

"(1) In general.—The Inspector General of Amtrak shall have the authority available to other Inspectors General, as necessary in carrying out the duties specified in chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code, to investigate any alleged violation of sections 286, 287, 371, 641, 1001, 1002 and 1516 of title 18, United States Code.

"(2) Agency.—For purposes of sections 286, 287, 371, 641, 1001, 1002, and 1516 of title 18, United States Code, Amtrak and the Amtrak Office of Inspector General, shall be considered a corporation in which the United States has a proprietary interest as set forth in section 6 of such title.

"(b) Assessment.—The Inspector General of Amtrak shall—

"(1) not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 4, 2015], initiate an assessment to determine whether current expenditures or procurements involving Amtrak's fulfillment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) utilize competitive, market-driven provisions that are applicable throughout the entire term of such related expenditures or procurements; and

"(2) not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, transmit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives the assessment under paragraph (1).

"(c) Limitation.—The authority provided by subsection (a) shall be effective only with respect to a fiscal year for which Amtrak receives a Federal subsidy."

Inspector General at the Commission on Civil Rights

Pub. L. 113–76, div. B, title IV, Jan. 17, 2014, 128 Stat. 75, provided in part: "That the Inspector General for the Commission on Civil Rights (CCR IG), as provided in Public Law 113–6 [set out below], is authorized to close out all work related to pending or closed investigations, to complete pending investigations, and to terminate all activities related to the duties, responsibilities and authorities of the CCR IG: Provided further, That when the CCR IG concludes that all pending investigations have been completed, all work related to pending or closed investigations has been closed out, and all activities related to the duties, responsibilities and authorities of the CCR IG have ended, the CCR IG shall certify that conclusion to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the Office of the CCR IG shall then be terminated".

Pub. L. 113–6, div. B, title IV, Mar. 26, 2013, 127 Stat. 266, as amended by Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(14), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4344, provided in part: "That there shall be an Inspector General at the Commission on Civil Rights who shall have the duties, responsibilities, and authorities specified in chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code: Provided further, That an individual appointed to the position of Inspector General of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) shall, by virtue of such appointment, also hold the position of Inspector General of the Commission on Civil Rights: Provided further, That the Inspector General of the Commission on Civil Rights shall utilize personnel of the Office of Inspector General of GAO in performing the duties of the Inspector General of the Commission on Civil Rights, and shall not appoint any individuals to positions within the Commission on Civil Rights".

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation act:

Pub. L. 112–55, div. B, title IV, Nov. 18, 2011, 125 Stat. 628.

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction

Pub. L. 110–181, div. A, title XII, §1229, Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 378, as amended by Pub. L. 110–417, [div. A], title X, §1061(b)(11), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4613; Pub. L. 111–38, §1, June 30, 2009, 123 Stat. 1932; Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(15), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4344, provided that:

"(a) Purposes.—The purposes of this section are as follows:

"(1) To provide for the independent and objective conduct and supervision of audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan.

"(2) To provide for the independent and objective leadership and coordination of, and recommendations on, policies designed to—

"(A) promote economy efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of the programs and operations described in paragraph (1); and

"(B) prevent and detect waste, fraud, and abuse in such programs and operations.

"(3) To provide for an independent and objective means of keeping the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense fully and currently informed about problems and deficiencies relating to the administration of such programs and operations and the necessity for and progress on corrective action.

"(b) Office of Inspector General.—There is hereby established the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction to carry out the purposes of subsection (a).

"(c) Appointment of Inspector General; Removal.—

"(1) Appointment.—The head of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction is the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (in this section referred to as the 'Inspector General'), who shall be appointed by the President. The President may appoint the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction to serve as the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, in which case the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction shall have all of the duties, responsibilities, and authorities set forth under this section with respect to such appointed position for the purpose of carrying out this section.

"(2) Qualifications.—The appointment of the Inspector General shall be made solely on the basis of integrity and demonstrated ability in accounting, auditing, financial analysis, law, management analysis, public administration, or investigations.

"(3) Deadline for appointment.—The appointment of an individual as Inspector General shall be made not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Jan. 28, 2008].

"(4) Compensation.—The annual rate of basic pay of the Inspector General shall be the annual rate of basic pay provided for positions at level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code.

"(5) Prohibition on political activities.—For purposes of section 7324 of title 5, United States Code, the Inspector General shall not be considered an employee who determines policies to be pursued by the United States in the nationwide administration of Federal law.

"(6) Removal.—The Inspector General shall be removable from office in accordance with the provisions of section 403(b) of title 5, United States Code.

"(d) Assistant Inspectors General.—The Inspector General shall, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing the civil service—

"(1) appoint an Assistant Inspector General for Auditing who shall have the responsibility for supervising the performance of auditing activities relating to programs and operations supported by amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan; and

"(2) appoint an Assistant Inspector General for Investigations who shall have the responsibility for supervising the performance of investigative activities relating to such programs and operations.

"(e) Supervision.—

"(1) In general.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Inspector General shall report directly to, and be under the general supervision of, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense.

"(2) Independence to conduct investigations and audits.—No officer of the Department of Defense, the Department of State, or the United States Agency for International Development shall prevent or prohibit the Inspector General from initiating, carrying out, or completing any audit or investigation related to amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan or from issuing any subpoena during the course of any such audit or investigation.

"(f) Duties.—

"(1) Oversight of afghanistan reconstruction.—It shall be the duty of the Inspector General to conduct, supervise, and coordinate audits and investigations of the treatment, handling, and expenditure of amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, and of the programs, operations, and contracts carried out utilizing such funds, including—

"(A) the oversight and accounting of the obligation and expenditure of such funds;

"(B) the monitoring and review of reconstruction activities funded by such funds;

"(C) the monitoring and review of contracts funded by such funds;

"(D) the monitoring and review of the transfer of such funds and associated information between and among departments, agencies, and entities of the United States and private and nongovernmental entities;

"(E) the maintenance of records on the use of such funds to facilitate future audits and investigations of the use of such fund;

"(F) the monitoring and review of the effectiveness of United States coordination with the Government of Afghanistan and other donor countries in the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact and the Afghanistan National Development Strategy; and

"(G) the investigation of overpayments such as duplicate payments or duplicate billing and any potential unethical or illegal actions of Federal employees, contractors, or affiliated entities and the referral of such reports, as necessary, to the Department of Justice to ensure further investigations, prosecutions, recovery of further funds, or other remedies.

"(2) Other duties related to oversight.—The Inspector General shall establish, maintain, and oversee such systems, procedures, and controls as the Inspector General considers appropriate to discharge the duties under paragraph (1).

"(3) Duties and responsibilities under chapter 4 of title 5, united states code.—In addition to the duties specified in paragraphs (1) and (2), the Inspector General shall also have the duties and responsibilities of inspectors general under chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code.

"(4) Coordination of efforts.—In carrying out the duties, responsibilities, and authorities of the Inspector General under this section, the Inspector General shall coordinate with, and receive the cooperation of each of the following:

"(A) The Inspector General of the Department of Defense.

"(B) The Inspector General of the Department of State.

"(C) The Inspector General of the United States Agency for International Development.

"(g) Powers and Authorities.—

"(1) Authorities under chapter 4 of title 5, united states code.—In carrying out the duties specified in subsection (f), the Inspector General shall have the authorities provided in section 406 of title 5, United States Code, including the authorities under subsection (e) [now (f)] of such section.

"(2) Audit standards.—The Inspector General shall carry out the duties specified in subsection (f)(1) in accordance with section 404(b)(1) of title 5, United States Code.

"(h) Personnel, Facilities, and Other Resources.—

"(1) Personnel.—

"(A) In general.—The Inspector General may select, appoint, and employ such officers and employees as may be necessary for carrying out the duties of the Inspector General, subject to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title, relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates.

"(B) Additional authorities.—

"(i) In general.—Subject to clause (ii), the Inspector General may exercise the authorities of subsections (b) through (i) of section 3161 of title 5, United States Code (without regard to subsection (a) of that section).

"(ii) Periods of appointments.—In exercising the employment authorities under subsection (b) of section 3161 of title 5, United States Code, as provided under clause (i) of this subparagraph—

     "(I) paragraph (2) of that subsection (relating to periods of appointments) shall not apply; and

     "(II) no period of appointment may exceed the date on which the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction terminates under subsection (o).

"(2) Employment of experts and consultants.—The Inspector General may obtain services as authorized by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, at daily rates not to exceed the equivalent rate prescribed for grade GS–15 of the General Schedule by section 5332 of such title.

"(3) Contracting authority.—To the extent and in such amounts as may be provided in advance by appropriations Acts, the Inspector General may enter into contracts and other arrangements for audits, studies, analyses, and other services with public agencies and with private persons, and make such payments as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Inspector General.

"(4) Resources.—The Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense, as appropriate, shall provide the Inspector General with appropriate and adequate office space at appropriate locations of the Department of State or the Department of Defense, as the case may be, in Afghanistan, together with such equipment, office supplies, and communications facilities and services as may be necessary for the operation of such offices, and shall provide necessary maintenance services for such offices and the equipment and facilities located therein.

"(5) Assistance from federal agencies.—

"(A) In general.—Upon request of the Inspector General for information or assistance from any department, agency, or other entity of the Federal Government, the head of such entity shall, insofar as is practicable and not in contravention of any existing law, furnish such information or assistance to the Inspector General, or an authorized designee.

"(B) Reporting of refused assistance.—Whenever information or assistance requested by the Inspector General is, in the judgment of the Inspector General, unreasonably refused or not provided, the Inspector General shall report the circumstances to the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense, as appropriate, and to the appropriate congressional committees without delay.

"(6) Use of personnel, facilities, and other resources of the office of the special inspector general for iraq reconstruction.—Upon the request of the Inspector General, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction—

"(A) may detail, on a reimbursable basis, any of the personnel of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction to the Office of the Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction for the purpose of carrying out this section; and

"(B) may provide, on a reimbursable basis, any of the facilities or other resources of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction to the Office of the Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction for the purpose of carrying out this section.

"(i) Reports.—

"(1) Quarterly reports.—Not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal-year quarter, the Inspector General shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report summarizing, for the period of that quarter and, to the extent possible, the period from the end of such quarter to the time of the submission of the report, the activities during such period of the Inspector General and the activities under programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Each report shall include, for the period covered by such report, a detailed statement of all obligations, expenditures, and revenues associated with reconstruction and rehabilitation activities in Afghanistan, including the following:

"(A) Obligations and expenditures of appropriated funds.

"(B) A project-by-project and program-by-program accounting of the costs incurred to date for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, together with the estimate of the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development, as applicable, of the costs to complete each project and each program.

"(C) Revenues attributable to or consisting of funds provided by foreign nations or international organizations to programs and projects funded by any department or agency of the United States Government, and any obligations or expenditures of such revenues.

"(D) Revenues attributable to or consisting of foreign assets seized or frozen that contribute to programs and projects funded by any department or agency of the United States Government, and any obligations or expenditures of such revenues.

"(E) Operating expenses of agencies or entities receiving amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan.

"(F) In the case of any contract, grant, agreement, or other funding mechanism described in paragraph (2)—

"(i) the amount of the contract, grant, agreement, or other funding mechanism;

"(ii) a brief discussion of the scope of the contract, grant, agreement, or other funding mechanism;

"(iii) a discussion of how the department or agency of the United States Government involved in the contract, grant, agreement, or other funding mechanism identified, and solicited offers from, potential individuals or entities to perform the contract, grant, agreement, or other funding mechanism, together with a list of the potential individuals or entities that were issued solicitations for the offers; and

"(iv) the justification and approval documents on which was based the determination to use procedures other than procedures that provide for full and open competition.

"(2) Covered contracts, grants, agreements, and funding mechanisms.—A contract, grant, agreement, or other funding mechanism described in this paragraph is any major contract, grant, agreement, or other funding mechanism that is entered into by any department or agency of the United States Government that involves the use of amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan with any public or private sector entity for any of the following purposes:

"(A) To build or rebuild physical infrastructure of Afghanistan.

"(B) To establish or reestablish a political or societal institution of Afghanistan.

"(C) To provide products or services to the people of Afghanistan.

"(3) Public availability.—The Inspector General shall publish on a publicly-available Internet website each report under paragraph (1) of this subsection in English and other languages that the Inspector General determines are widely used and understood in Afghanistan.

"(4) Form.—Each report required under this subsection shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex if the Inspector General considers it necessary.

"(5) Rule of construction.—Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize the public disclosure of information that is—

"(A) specifically prohibited from disclosure by any other provision of law;

"(B) specifically required by Executive order to be protected from disclosure in the interest of national defense or national security or in the conduct of foreign affairs; or

"(C) a part of an ongoing criminal investigation.

"(j) Report Coordination.—

"(1) Submission to secretaries of state and defense.—The Inspector General shall also submit each report required under subsection (i) to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense.

"(2) Submission to congress.—Not later than 30 days after receipt of a report under paragraph (1), the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense may submit to the appropriate congressional committees any comments on the matters covered by the report as the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense, as the case may be, considers appropriate. Any comments on the matters covered by the report shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex if the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense, as the case may be, considers it necessary.

"(k) Transparency.—

"(1) Report.—Not later than 60 days after submission to the appropriate congressional committees of a report under subsection (i), the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense shall jointly make copies of the report available to the public upon request, and at a reasonable cost.

"(2) Comments on matters covered by report.—Not later than 60 days after submission to the appropriate congressional committees under subsection (j)(2) of comments on a report under subsection (i), the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense shall jointly make copies of the comments available to the public upon request, and at a reasonable cost.

"(l) Waiver.—

"(1) Authority.—The President may waive the requirement under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (k) with respect to availability to the public of any element in a report under subsection (i), or any comment under subsection (j)(2), if the President determines that the waiver is justified for national security reasons.

"(2) Notice of waiver.—The President shall publish a notice of each waiver made under this subsection in the Federal Register no later than the date on which a report required under subsection (i), or any comment under subsection (j)(2), is submitted to the appropriate congressional committees. The report and comments shall specify whether waivers under this subsection were made and with respect to which elements in the report or which comments, as appropriate.

"(m) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of afghanistan.—The term 'amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan' means—

"(A) amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for any fiscal year—

"(i) to the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund; or

"(ii) to the program to assist the people of Afghanistan established under subsection (a)(2) of section 1202 of the National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 2006 (Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3455–3456); and

"(B) amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for any fiscal year for the reconstruction of Afghanistan under—

"(i) the Economic Support Fund;

"(ii) the International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement account; or

"(iii) any other provision of law.

"(2) Appropriate congressional committees.—The term 'appropriate congressional committees' means—

"(A) the Committees on Appropriations, Armed Services, and Foreign Relations of the Senate; and

"(B) the Committees on Appropriations, Armed Services, and Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives.

"(n) Authorization of Appropriations.—

"(1) In general.—There is authorized to be appropriated $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2008 to carry out this section.

"(2) Offset.—The amount authorized to be appropriated by section 1513 [122 Stat. 428] for the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund is hereby reduced by $20,000,000.

"(o) Termination.—

"(1) In general.—The Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction shall terminate 180 days after the date on which amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan that are unexpended are less than $250,000,000.

"(2) Final report.—The Inspector General shall, prior to the termination of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction under paragraph (1), prepare and submit to the appropriate congressional committees a final forensic audit report on programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Afghanistan."

Inspector General of Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board

Pub. L. 118–42, div. E, title III, Mar. 9, 2024, 138 Stat. 278, provided in part: "That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the individual appointed to the position of Inspector General of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shall, by virtue of such appointment, also hold the position of Inspector General of the Board: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Inspector General of the Board shall utilize personnel of the Office of Inspector General of EPA in performing the duties of the Inspector General of the Board, and shall not appoint any individuals to positions within the Board."

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:

Pub. L. 117–328, div. G, title III, Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 4813.

Pub. L. 117–103, div. G, title III, Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 402.

Pub. L. 116–260, div. G, title III, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 1529.

Pub. L. 116–94, div. D, title III, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2735.

Pub. L. 116–6, div. E, title III, Feb. 15, 2019, 133 Stat. 252.

Pub. L. 115–141, div. G, title III, Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 681.

Pub. L. 115–31, div. G, title III, May 5, 2017, 131 Stat. 488.

Pub. L. 114–113, div. G, title III, Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2569.

Pub. L. 113–235, div. F, title III, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2438.

Pub. L. 113–76, div. G, title III, Jan. 17, 2014, 128 Stat. 332.

Pub. L. 112–74, div. E, title III, Dec. 23, 2011, 125 Stat. 1031.

Pub. L. 111–88, div. A, title III, Oct. 30, 2009, 123 Stat. 2950.

Pub. L. 111–8, div. E, title III, Mar. 11, 2009, 123 Stat. 739.

Pub. L. 110–161, div. F, title III, Dec. 26, 2007, 121 Stat. 2139.

Pub. L. 109–54, title III, Aug. 2, 2005, 119 Stat. 543.

Pub. L. 108–447, div. I, title III, Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 3322.

Pub. L. 108–199, div. G, title III, Jan. 23, 2004, 118 Stat. 399.

Pub. L. 107–73, title III, Nov. 26, 2001, 115 Stat. 679, as amended by Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(16), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4345, provided in part: "That, hereafter, there shall be an Inspector General at the [Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation] Board who shall have the duties, responsibilities, and authorities specified in chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code: Provided further, That an individual appointed to the position of Inspector General of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) shall, by virtue of such appointment, also hold the position of Inspector General of the Board: Provided further, That the Inspector General of the Board shall utilize personnel of the Office of Inspector General of FEMA in performing the duties of the Inspector General of the Board, and shall not appoint any individuals to positions within the Board."

[For transfer of all functions, personnel, assets, components, authorities, grant programs, and liabilities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including the functions of the Under Secretary for Federal Emergency Management relating thereto, to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, see section 315(a)(1) of Title 6, Domestic Security.]

[For transfer of functions, personnel, assets, and liabilities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including the functions of the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency relating thereto, to the Secretary of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see former section 313(1) and sections 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.]

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriations act:

Pub. L. 106–377, §1(a)(1) [title III], Oct. 27, 2000, 114 Stat. 1441, 1441A-36.

Pub. L. 108–7, div. K, title III, Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 515, provided in part: "That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Inspector General of the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall hereafter also serve as the Inspector General of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board."

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriations acts:

Pub. L. 107–73, title III, Nov. 26, 2001, 115 Stat. 688.

Pub. L. 106–377, §1(a)(1) [title III], Oct. 27, 2000, 114 Stat. 1441, 1441A-46.

Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction

Pub. L. 108–375, div. A, title XII, §1203(b), Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. 2079, provided that: "The individual serving as the Inspector General of the Coalition Provisional Authority as of the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 28, 2004] may continue to serve in that position after that date without reappointment under paragraph (1) of section 3001(c) of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004 [Pub. L. 108–106, set out below], but remaining subject to removal as specified in paragraph (4) of that section."

Pub. L. 108–106, title III, §3001, Nov. 6, 2003, 117 Stat. 1234, as amended by Pub. L. 108–375, div. A, title XII, §1203(a)(1)–(3)(A), (c)–(j), Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. 2078–2081; Pub. L. 109–102, title V, §599, Nov. 14, 2005, 119 Stat. 2240; Pub. L. 109–364, div. A, title X, §§1054(b), 1071(g)(13), Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2397, 2403; Pub. L. 109–440, §2, Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. 3286; Pub. L. 110–28, title III, §3801, May 25, 2007, 121 Stat. 147; Pub. L. 110–181, div. A, title XII, §1221, Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 371; Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(17), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4345, provided that:

"(a) Purposes.—The purposes of this section are as follows:

"(1) To provide for the independent and objective conduct and supervision of audits and investigations relating to the programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq.

"(2) To provide for the independent and objective leadership and coordination of, and recommendations on, policies designed to—

"(A) promote economy efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of such programs and operations; and

"(B) prevent and detect waste, fraud, and abuse in such programs and operations.

"(3) To provide for an independent and objective means of keeping the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense fully and currently informed about problems and deficiencies relating to the administration of such programs and operations and the necessity for and progress for corrective action.

"(b) Office of Inspector General.—There is hereby established the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction.

"(c) Appointment of Inspector General; Removal.—(1) The head of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction is the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (in this section referred to as the 'Inspector General'), who shall be appointed by the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State.

"(2) The appointment of Inspector General shall be made solely on the basis of integrity and demonstrated ability in accounting, auditing, financial analysis, law, management analysis, public administration, or investigations.

"(3) The nomination of an individual as Inspector General shall be made not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 6, 2003].

"(4) The Inspector General shall be removable from office in accordance with the provisions of section 403(b) of title 5, United States Code.

"(5) For purposes of section 7324 of title 5, United States Code, the Inspector General shall not be considered an employee who determines policies to be pursued by the United States in the nationwide administration of Federal law.

"(6) The annual rate of basic pay of the Inspector General shall be the annual rate of basic pay provided for positions at level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code.

"(d) Assistant Inspectors General.—The Inspector General shall, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing the civil service—

"(1) appoint an Assistant Inspector General for Auditing who shall have the responsibility for supervising the performance of auditing activities relating to programs and operations supported by amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq; and

"(2) appoint an Assistant Inspector General for Investigations who shall have the responsibility for supervising the performance of investigative activities relating to such programs and operations.

"(e) Supervision.—(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Inspector General shall report directly to, and be under the general supervision of, the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense.

"(2) No officer of the Department of Defense, the Department of State, or the United States Agency for International Development shall prevent or prohibit the Inspector General from initiating, carrying out, or completing any audit or investigation related to amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq or from issuing any subpoena during the course of any such audit or investigation.

"(f) Duties.—(1) It shall be the duty of the Inspector General to conduct, supervise, and coordinate audits and investigations of the treatment, handling, and expenditure of amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq, and of the programs, operations, and contracts carried out utilizing such funds, including—

"(A) the oversight and accounting of the obligation and expenditure of such funds;

"(B) the monitoring and review of reconstruction activities funded by such funds;

"(C) the monitoring and review of contracts funded by such funds;

"(D) the monitoring and review of the transfer of such funds and associated information between and among departments, agencies, and entities of the United States and private and nongovernmental entities; and

"(E) the maintenance of records on the use of such funds to facilitate future audits and investigations of the use of such funds.

"(2) The Inspector General shall establish, maintain, and oversee such systems, procedures, and controls as the Inspector General considers appropriate to discharge the duty under paragraph (1).

"(3) In addition to the duties specified in paragraphs (1) and (2), the Inspector General shall also have the duties and responsibilities of inspectors general under chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code.

"(4) In carrying out the duties, responsibilities, and authorities of the Inspector General under this section, the Inspector General shall coordinate with, and receive the cooperation of, each of the following:

"(A) The Inspector General of the Department of State.

"(B) The Inspector General of the Department of Defense.

"(C) The Inspector General of the United States Agency for International Development.

"(g) Powers and Authorities.—(1) In carrying out the duties specified in subsection (f), the Inspector General shall have the authorities provided in section 406 of title 5, United States Code, including the authorities under subsection (e) [now (f)] of such section.

"(2) The Inspector General shall carry out the duties specified in subsection (f)(1) in accordance with section 404(b)(1) of title 5, United States Code.

"(h) Personnel, Facilities, and Other Resources.—(1) The Inspector General may select, appoint, and employ such officers and employees as may be necessary for carrying out the duties of the Inspector General, subject to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title, relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates, and may exercise the authorities of subsections (b) through (i) of section 3161 of title 5, United States Code (without regard to subsection (a) of such section).

"(2) The Inspector General may obtain services as authorized by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, at daily rates not to exceed the equivalent rate prescribed for grade GS–15 of the General Schedule by section 5332 of such title.

"(3) To the extent and in such amounts as may be provided in advance by appropriations Acts, the Inspector General may enter into contracts and other arrangements for audits, studies, analyses, and other services with public agencies and with private persons, and make such payments as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Inspector General.

"(4)(A) Upon request of the Inspector General for information or assistance from any department, agency, or other entity of the Federal Government, the head of such entity shall, insofar as is practicable and not in contravention of any existing law, furnish such information or assistance to the Inspector General, or an authorized designee.

"(B) Whenever information or assistance requested by the Inspector General is, in the judgment of the Inspector General, unreasonably refused or not provided, the Inspector General shall report the circumstances to the Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense, as appropriate, and to the appropriate committees of Congress without delay.

"(5) The Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense, as appropriate, shall provide the Inspector General with appropriate and adequate office space within the Department of Defense or at appropriate locations of the Department of State in Iraq, together with such equipment, office supplies, and communications facilities and services as may be necessary for the operation of such offices, and shall provide necessary maintenance services for such offices and the equipment and facilities located therein.

"(i) Reports.—(1) Not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal-year quarter, the Inspector General shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report summarizing, for the period of that quarter and, to the extent possible, the period from the end of such quarter to the time of the submission of the report, the activities during such period of the Inspector General and the activities under programs and operations funded with amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq. Each report shall include, for the period covered by such report, a detailed statement of all obligations, expenditures, and revenues associated with reconstruction and rehabilitation activities in Iraq, including the following:

"(A) Obligations and expenditures of appropriated funds.

"(B) A project-by-project and program-by-program accounting of the costs incurred to date for the reconstruction of Iraq, together with the estimate of the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and the United States Agency for International Development, as applicable, of the costs to complete each project and each program.

"(C) Revenues attributable to or consisting of funds provided by foreign nations or international organizations, and any obligations or expenditures of such revenues.

"(D) Revenues attributable to or consisting of foreign assets seized or frozen, and any obligations or expenditures of such revenues.

"(E) Operating expenses of agencies or entities receiving amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq.

"(F) In the case of any contract described in paragraph (2)—

"(i) the amount of the contract or other agreement;

"(ii) a brief discussion of the scope of the contract or other agreement;

"(iii) a discussion of how the contracting department or agency identified, and solicited offers from, potential contractors to perform the contract, together with a list of the potential contractors that were issued solicitations for the offers; and

"(iv) the justification and approval documents on which was based the determination to use procedures other than procedures that provide for full and open competition.

"(2) A contract described in this paragraph is any major contract or other agreement that is entered into by any department or agency of the United States Government that involves the use of amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq with any public or private sector entity for any of the following purposes:

"(A) To build or rebuild physical infrastructure of Iraq.

"(B) To establish or reestablish a political or societal institution of Iraq.

"(C) To provide products or services to the people of Iraq.

"(3) The Inspector General shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress semiannual reports meeting the requirements of section 405 of title 5, United States Code. The first such report for a year, covering the first six months of the year, shall be submitted not later than July 31 of that year, and the second such report, covering the second six months of the year, shall be submitted not later than January 31 of the following year.

"(4) The Inspector General shall publish each report under this subsection in both English and Arabic on the Internet website of the Department of State and of the Department of Defense.

"(5) Each report under this subsection may include a classified annex if the Inspector General considers it necessary.

"(6) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize the public disclosure of information that is—

"(A) specifically prohibited from disclosure by any other provision of law;

"(B) specifically required by Executive order to be protected from disclosure in the interest of national defense or national security or in the conduct of foreign affairs; or

"(C) a part of an ongoing criminal investigation.

"(j) Report Coordination.—(1) The Inspector General shall also submit each report under subsection (i) to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense.

"(2)(A) Not later than 30 days after receipt of a report under paragraph (1), the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense may submit to the appropriate committees of Congress any comments on the matters covered by the report as the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense, as the case may be, considers appropriate.

"(B) A report under this paragraph may include a classified annex if the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense, as the case may be, considers it necessary.

"(k) Transparency.—(1) Not later than 60 days after the date of the submittal to Congress of a report under subsection (i), the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense shall jointly make copies of such report available to the public upon request, and at a reasonable cost.

"(2) Not later than 60 days after the date of the submittal to Congress under subsection (j)(2) of comments on a report under subsection (i), the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense shall jointly make copies of such comments available to the public upon request, and at a reasonable cost.

"(l) Waiver.—(1) The President may waive the requirement under paragraph (1) or (3) of subsection (i) for the inclusion in a report under such paragraph of any element otherwise provided for under such paragraph if the President determines that the waiver is justified for national security reasons.

"(2) The President shall publish a notice of each waiver made under this subsection in the Federal Register no later than the date on which the reports required under paragraph (1) or (3) of subsection (i) are submitted to Congress. The reports required under paragraph (1) or (3) of subsection (i) shall specify whether waivers under this subsection were made and with respect to which elements.

"(m) Definitions.—In this section—

"(1) the term 'appropriate committees of Congress' means—

"(A) the Committees on Appropriations, Armed Services, and Foreign Relations of the Senate; and

"(B) the Committees on Appropriations, Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and Government Reform [now Committee on Oversight and Accountability] of the House of Representatives; and

"(2) the term 'amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq' means amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for any fiscal year—

"(A) to the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund, the Iraq Security Forces Fund, and the Commanders' Emergency Response Program authorized under section 1202 of the National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 2006 (Public Law 109–163; 119 Stat. 3455–3456); or

"(B) for assistance for the reconstruction of Iraq under—

"(i) the Economic Support Fund authorized under chapter 4 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2346 et seq.);

"(ii) the International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement account authorized under section 481 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2291); or

"(iii) any other provision of law.

"(n) Funding.—(1) Of the amounts appropriated for fiscal year 2004 for the Operating Expenses of the Coalition Provisional Authority in title II of this Act [117 Stat. 1226], $75,000,000 shall be available to carry out this section.

"(2) The amount available under paragraph (1) shall remain available until expended.

"(o) Termination.—(1) The Office of the Inspector General shall terminate 180 days after the date on which amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq that are unexpended are less than $250,000,000.

"(2) The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction shall, prior to the termination of the Office of the Special Inspector General under paragraph (1), prepare a final forensic audit report on all amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for the reconstruction of Iraq."

Amtrak Not Federal Entity; Federal Subsidy

Pub. L. 105–134, title IV, §409(b), (c), Dec. 2, 1997, 111 Stat. 2587, as amended by Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(18), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4345, provided that:

"(b) Amtrak Not Federal Entity.—Amtrak shall not be considered a Federal entity for purposes of chapter 4 of title 5, United States Code. The preceding sentence shall apply for any fiscal year for which Amtrak receives no Federal subsidy.

"(c) Federal Subsidy.—

"(1) Assessment.—In any fiscal year for which Amtrak requests Federal assistance, the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation shall review Amtrak's operations and conduct an assessment similar to the assessment required by section 202(a) [Pub. L. 105–134, 49 U.S.C. 24101 note]. The Inspector General shall report the results of the review and assessment to—

"(A) the President of Amtrak;

"(B) the Secretary of Transportation;

"(C) the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations;

"(D) the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation;

"(E) the United States House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations; and

"(F) the United States House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

"(2) Report.—The report shall be submitted, to the extent practicable, before any such committee reports legislation authorizing or appropriating funds for Amtrak for capital acquisition, development, or operating expenses.

"(3) Special effective date.—This subsection takes effect 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 2, 1997]."

§416. Additional provisions with respect to Inspectors General of the intelligence community

(a) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) Intelligence committees.—The term "intelligence committees" means the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate.

(2) Urgent concern.—The term "urgent concern" means any of the following:

(A) A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operations of an intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.

(B) A false statement to Congress, or a willful withholding from Congress, on an issue of material fact relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity.

(C) An action, including a personnel action described in section 2302(a)(2)(A) of this title constituting reprisal or threat of reprisal prohibited under section 407(c) of this title in response to an employee's reporting an urgent concern in accordance with this section.

(b) Complaint or Information With Respect to Urgent Concern.—

(1) To whom reports may be made.—

(A) Inspector general of department of defense.—An employee of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, or the National Security Agency, or of a contractor of any of those Agencies, who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report the complaint or information to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (or designee).

(B) Inspector general of intelligence community.—An employee of an element of the intelligence community, an employee assigned or detailed to an element of the intelligence community, or an employee of a contractor to the intelligence community, who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report such complaint or information to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community.

(C) Inspector general of department of justice.—An employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or of a contractor of the Bureau, who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report the complaint or information to the Inspector General of the Department of Justice (or designee).

(D) Other appropriate inspector general.—Any other employee of, or contractor to, an executive agency, or element or unit thereof, determined by the President under section 2302(a)(2)(C)(ii) of this title, to have as its principal function the conduct of foreign intelligence or counterintelligence activities, who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report the complaint or information to the appropriate Inspector General (or designee) under this chapter, section 17 of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 3517), or section 103H(k) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3033(k)).

(2) Designee to report complaint or information to inspector general within 7 days.—If a designee of an Inspector General under this section receives a complaint or information of an employee with respect to an urgent concern, that designee shall report the complaint or information to the Inspector General within 7 calendar days of receipt.

(3) Designees of inspector general of department of defense.—The Inspectors General of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the National Security Agency shall be designees of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense for purposes of this section.

(c) Initial Determinations and Transmittals.—

(1) Credibility.—Not later than the end of the 14-calendar day period beginning on the date of receipt of an employee complaint or information under subsection (b), the Inspector General shall determine whether the complaint or information appears credible. Upon making such a determination, the Inspector General shall transmit to the head of the establishment notice of that determination, together with the complaint or information.

(2) Conflict of interest.—If the head of an establishment determines that a complaint or information transmitted under paragraph (1) would create a conflict of interest for the head of the establishment, the head of the establishment shall return the complaint or information to the Inspector General with that determination and the Inspector General shall make the transmission to the Director of National Intelligence and, if the establishment is within the Department of Defense, to the Secretary of Defense. In such a case, the requirements of this section for the head of the establishment apply to each recipient of the Inspector General's transmission.

(d) Forwarding Transmittals.—Upon receipt of a transmittal from the Inspector General under subsection (c), the head of the establishment shall, within 7 calendar days of such receipt, forward such transmittal to the intelligence committees, together with any comments the head of the establishment considers appropriate.

(e) Submitting Complaint or Information to Congress.—

(1) In general.—If the Inspector General does not find credible under subsection (c) a complaint or information submitted to the Inspector General under subsection (b), or does not transmit the complaint or information to the head of the establishment in accurate form under subsection (c), the employee (subject to paragraph (2)) may submit the complaint or information to Congress by contacting either or both of the intelligence committees directly.

(2) Limitation.—The employee may contact the intelligence committees directly as described in paragraph (1) only if the employee—

(A) before making such a contact, furnishes to the head of the establishment, through the Inspector General, a statement of the employee's complaint or information and notice of the employee's intent to contact the intelligence committees directly; and

(B) obtains and follows from the head of the establishment, through the Inspector General, direction on how to contact the intelligence committees in accordance with appropriate security practices.

(3) Intelligence committee receipt of complaint or information.—A member or employee of one of the intelligence committees who receives a complaint or information under paragraph (1) does so in that member or employee's official capacity as a member or employee of that committee.

(f) Notification.—The Inspector General shall notify an employee who reports a complaint or information under this section of each action taken under this section with respect to the complaint or information. Such notice shall be provided not later than 3 days after any such action is taken.

(g) No Judicial Review.—An action taken by the head of an establishment or an Inspector General under subsections (b) through (f) shall not be subject to judicial review.

(h) Notice of Submission and Date.—An individual who has submitted a complaint or information to an Inspector General under this section may notify any member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives or the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, or a staff member of either such Committee, of the fact that such individual has made a submission to that particular Inspector General, and of the date on which such submission was made.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4242.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 8H of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 8H of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–103, div. X, title V, §502(b), Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 985, and by Pub. L. 117–263, div. F, title LXVI, §6609(b), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3560, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4242, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title.

Section 8H of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–103 as follows:

(1) in subsection (h)(1) [restated as subsection (a)(2) of this section], by redesignating subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) as clauses (i), (ii), and (iii), respectively (and indenting such clauses accordingly);

(2) by redesignating subsection (h)(1) and (2) [restated as subsection (a)(2) and (1) of this section, respectively] as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively (and indenting such subparagraphs accordingly);

(3) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), as redesignated, by inserting "(1)" before "In this"; and

(4) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

"(2) Within the executive branch, an Inspector General to whom any complaint or information is reported under this section shall have sole authority to determine whether the complaint or information is a matter of urgent concern under this section."

Section 8H of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263 in subsection (h)(1)(A)(i) by striking "involving" and all that follows through "policy matters." and inserting "of the Federal Government that is—

"(I) a matter of national security; and

"(II) not a difference of opinion concerning public policy matters."

Subsection (h)(1)(A)(i) of former section 8H of Pub. L. 95–452 was restated by Pub. L. 117–286 as subsection (a)(2)(A) of this section.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
416 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8H) Pub. L. 95–452, §8H, as added Pub. L. 105–272, title VII, §702(b)(1), Oct. 20, 1998, 112 Stat. 2415; amended Pub. L. 107–108, title III, §309(b), Dec. 28, 2001, 115 Stat. 1400; Pub. L. 107–306, title VIII, §825, Nov. 27, 2002, 116 Stat. 2429; Pub. L. 110–417, [div. A], title IX, §931(b)(2), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4575; Pub. L. 111–259, title IV, §431(b), Oct. 7, 2010, 124 Stat. 2731; Pub. L. 113–126, title III, §310, title VI, §603(a), July 7, 2014, 128 Stat. 1398, 1420; Pub. L. 116–92, div. E, title LXVII, §6726(c), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2236.

§417. Special provisions concerning the Department of Homeland Security

(a) In General.—

(1) Authority of secretary of homeland security over certain audits and investigations.—Notwithstanding the 2d sentence and last sentence of section 403(a) of this title, the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security shall be under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to audits or investigations, or the issuance of subpoenas, that require access to sensitive information concerning—

(A) intelligence, counterintelligence, or counterterrorism matters;

(B) ongoing criminal investigations or proceedings;

(C) undercover operations;

(D) the identity of confidential sources, including protected witnesses;

(E) other matters the disclosure of which would, in the Secretary's judgment, constitute a serious threat to the protection of any person or property authorized protection by section 3056 of title 18, section 3056A of title 18, or any provision of the Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976 (18 U.S.C. 3056 note); or

(F) other matters the disclosure of which would constitute a serious threat to national security.

(2) Authority of secretary of homeland security to prohibit carrying out or completing audits or investigations.—With respect to the information described in paragraph (1), the Secretary of Homeland Security may prohibit the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security from carrying out or completing any audit or investigation, from accessing information described in paragraph (1), or from issuing any subpoena, after such Inspector General has decided to initiate, carry out, or complete such audit or investigation, access such information, or to issue such subpoena, if the Secretary determines that such prohibition is necessary to prevent the disclosure of any information described in paragraph (1), to preserve the national security, or to prevent a significant impairment to the interests of the United States.

(3) Notification of exercise of power.—If the Secretary of Homeland Security exercises any power under paragraph (1) or (2), the Secretary shall notify the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security in writing within 7 days, stating the reasons for such exercise. Within 30 days after receipt of any such notice, the Inspector General shall transmit to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and appropriate committees and subcommittees of Congress the following—

(A) a copy of such notice; and

(B) a written response to such notice that includes a statement regarding whether the Inspector General agrees or disagrees with such exercise, and the reasons for any disagreement.

(b) Not a Limitation on Congressional Access to Information.—The exercise of authority by the Secretary described in subsection (a)(2) should not be construed as limiting the right of Congress or any committee of Congress to access any information it seeks.

(c) Authority of Inspector General To Initiate, Conduct, and Supervise Audits and Investigations.—Subject to the conditions established in subsections (a) and (b), in carrying out the duties and responsibilities specified in this chapter, the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security may initiate, conduct, and supervise such audits and investigations in the Department of Homeland Security as the Inspector General considers appropriate.

(d) Reports.—Any report required to be transmitted by the Secretary of Homeland Security to the appropriate committees or subcommittees of Congress under section 405(e) of this title shall be transmitted, within the 7-day period specified in section 405(e) of this title, to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and appropriate committees and subcommittees of Congress.

(e) Oversight Responsibility.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in carrying out the duties and responsibilities specified in this chapter, the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security shall have oversight responsibility for the internal investigations performed by the Office of Internal Affairs of the United States Customs Service, the Office of Inspections of the United States Secret Service, the Bureau of Border Security, and the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. The head of each such office or bureau shall promptly report to the Inspector General the significant activities being carried out by such office or bureau.

(f) Designated Senior Official.—

(1) In general.—The Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security shall designate a senior official within the Office of Inspector General, who shall be a career member of the civil service at the equivalent to the GS–15 level or a career member of the Senior Executive Service, to perform the functions described in paragraph (2).

(2) Functions.—The senior official designated under paragraph (1) shall—

(A) coordinate the activities of the Office of Inspector General with respect to investigations of abuses of civil rights or civil liberties;

(B) receive and review complaints and information from any source alleging abuses of civil rights and civil liberties by employees or officials of the Department and employees or officials of independent contractors or grantees of the Department;

(C) initiate investigations of alleged abuses of civil rights or civil liberties by employees or officials of the Department and employees or officials of independent contractors or grantees of the Department;

(D) ensure that personnel within the Office of Inspector General receive sufficient training to conduct effective civil rights and civil liberties investigations;

(E) consult with the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties regarding—

(i) alleged abuses of civil rights or civil liberties; and

(ii) any policy recommendations regarding civil rights and civil liberties that may be founded upon an investigation by the Office of Inspector General;

(F) provide the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties with information regarding the outcome of investigations of alleged abuses of civil rights and civil liberties;

(G) refer civil rights and civil liberties matters that the Inspector General decides not to investigate to the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties;

(H) ensure that the Office of the Inspector General publicizes and provides convenient public access to information regarding—

(i) the procedure to file complaints or comments concerning civil rights and civil liberties matters; and

(ii) the status of corrective actions taken by the Department in response to Office of the Inspector General reports; and

(I) inform the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of any weaknesses, problems, and deficiencies within the Department relating to civil rights or civil liberties.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4244.)

Amendments Not Shown in Text

This section was derived from section 8I of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, which was set out in the former Appendix to this title, and as it existed as of Oct. 19, 2021. Section 8I of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended by Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LII, §5272(7), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3241, prior to being repealed and reenacted as this section by Pub. L. 117–286, §§3(b), 7, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4244, 4361. For applicability of those amendments to this section, see section 5(b) of Pub. L. 117–286, set out in a Transitional and Savings Provisions note preceding section 101 of this title. Section 8I of Pub. L. 95–452 was amended as follows:

(1) in subsection (a)(3), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking "committees and subcommittees of Congress" and inserting "congressional committees"; and

(2) in subsection (d), by striking "committees and subcommittees of Congress" each place it appears and inserting "congressional committees".

For definition of "appropriate congressional committees", which would result from application of the above amendments by Pub. L. 117–263, see Amendments Not Shown in Text note set out under section 401 of this title.

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
417 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8I) Pub. L. 95–452, §8I, as added Pub. L. 108–7, div. L, §104(b)(3), Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 529; amended Pub. L. 108–458, title VIII, §8304, Dec. 17, 2004, 118 Stat. 3868; Pub. L. 109–177, title VI, §605(e)(4), Mar. 9, 2006, 120 Stat. 255; Pub. L. 114–317, §6(5), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1604.

In subsection (b), the reference to "subsection (a)(2)" is substituted for "paragraph (2)" for clarity and to correct an error in the law.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976, referred to in subsec. (a)(1)(E), is Pub. L. 94–524, Oct. 17, 1976, 90 Stat. 2475, which enacted and amended provisions set out as notes under section 3056 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.

GS–15, referred to in subsec. (f)(1), is contained in the General Schedule, which is set out under section 5332 of this title.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Review of Departmental Contracts Awarded Through Means Other Than Full and Open Competition

Pub. L. 113–6, div. D, title V, §520(d), Mar. 26, 2013, 127 Stat. 370, provided that: "In addition to the requirements established by subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this section [127 Stat. 369, 370], the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security shall review departmental contracts awarded through means other than a full and open competition to assess departmental compliance with applicable laws and regulations: Provided, That the Inspector General shall review selected contracts awarded in the previous 3 fiscal years through means other than a full and open competition: Provided further, That in selecting which contracts to review, the Inspector General shall consider the cost and complexity of the goods and services to be provided under the contract, the criticality of the contract to fulfilling Department missions, past performance problems on similar contracts or by the selected vendor, complaints received about the award process or contractor performance, and such other factors as the Inspector General deems relevant: Provided further, That the Inspector General shall report the results of the reviews to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives no later than February 4, 2015, and every 3 years thereafter."

Report on Data Collection

Pub. L. 110–329, div. D, title V, §518(b), Sept. 30, 2008, 122 Stat. 3684, provided that: "The Inspector General shall provide to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives, starting six months after the date of enactment of this Act [Sept. 30, 2008], and quarterly thereafter, a classified report containing a review of the data collected by the National Applications Office, including a description of the collection purposes and the legal authority under which the collection activities were authorized: Provided, That the report shall also include a listing of all data collection activities carried out on behalf of the National Applications Office by any component of the National Guard."

§418. Rule of construction of special provisions

The special provisions under section 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416, or 421 of this title relate only to the establishment named in such section and no inference shall be drawn from the presence or absence of a provision in any such section with respect to an establishment not named in such section or with respect to a designated Federal entity as defined under section 415(a) of this title.

(Pub. L. 117–286, §3(b), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4247.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
418 5 U.S.C. App. (IGA §8J) Pub. L. 95–452, §8J, formerly §8F, as added Pub. L. 100–504, title I, §105, Oct. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 2525; renumbered §8G and amended Pub. L. 103–82, title II, §202(g)(1), (5)(B), Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 889, 890; renumbered §8H,