10 USC Ch. 2005: OFFICERS
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10 USC Ch. 2005: OFFICERS
From Title 10—ARMED FORCESSubtitle F—Alternative Military Personnel SystemsPART I—SPACE FORCE


Original Appointments
Selection Boards
Failure of Selection for Promotion and Involuntary Separation
Continuation on Active Duty and Selective Early Retirement; Other Provisions


Editorial Notes


Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(a), (c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 631, 634, 638, 649, 653, added items for subchapters I to V. Amendments were made pursuant to operation of section 102 of this title. Amendment by section 1716(c) adding subchapters II to V to chapter "205" of this title was executed by adding items for subchapters II to V to the analysis for this chapter, which is chapter 2005, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.


Original appointments: how made.
Original appointments: qualifications.
Original appointments: service credit.


Editorial Notes


Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(a), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 631, 632, added items 20201 to 20203. Amendment was made pursuant to operation of section 102 of this title.

§20201. Original appointments: how made

(a) In General.—The provisions of section 531 of this title shall apply to original appointments of commissioned officers in the Space Force.

(b) Grade Upon Appointment.—(1) The grade of a person receiving an appointment under this section who at the time of appointment is credited with service under section 20203 of this title shall be determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Defense based upon the amount of service credited.

(2) The grade of a person receiving an appointment under this section who at the time of the appointment is a commissioned officer of a reserve component shall be determined under section 20203(e) of this title.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(a), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 631.)

§20202. Original appointments: qualifications

(a) In General.—An original appointment as a commissioned officer in the Space Force may be given only to a person who—

(1) is a citizen of the United States;

(2) is at least 18 years of age; and

(3) has such other physical, mental, moral, professional, and age qualifications as the Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe by regulation.

(b) Exception.—A person who is otherwise qualified, but who has a physical condition that the Secretary of the Air Force determines will not interfere with the performance of the duties to which that person may be assigned, may be appointed as an officer in the Space Force.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(a), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 632.)

§20203. Original appointments: service credit

(a) In General.—The provisions of section 533 of this title shall apply to the crediting of prior active commissioned service for original appointments of commissioned officers.

(b) Credit for Prior Service.—(1) For the purpose of determining the grade and rank within grade of a person receiving an original appointment in a commissioned grade in the Space Force, such person shall be credited at the time of such appointment with any commissioned service (other than service as a commissioned warrant officer) that the person performed before such appointment—

(A) as a Space Force officer on active duty or in a space force active status; or

(B) as a regular officer, or as a reserve officer in an active status, in any uniformed service.

(2) The regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense under section 533 of this title shall apply to the Space Force to authorize the Secretary of the Air Force to limit the amount of prior active commissioned service with which a person receiving an original appointment may be credited under paragraph (1).

(b) Credit for Education, Training, and Experience.—(1) Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force, the Secretary shall credit a person who is receiving an original appointment in a commissioned grade in the Space Force and who has advanced education, training, or special experience with constructive service for such education, training, or experience in a particular officer career field as designated by the Secretary of the Air Force, if such education, training, or experience is directly related to the operational needs of the Space Force.

(2)(A) The Secretary may credit a person with constructive service under this subsection for each instance of relevant advanced education or training or special experience regardless of whether two or more such instances are concurrent.

(B) The Secretary may not credit more than 20 persons with an amount of constructive credit under this paragraph in any year.

(3) The amount of constructive service credited an officer under this subsection may not exceed the amount required in order for the officer to be eligible for an original appointment in the grade of colonel.

(4) Constructive service credited an officer under this subsection is in addition to any service credited that officer under subsection (a) and shall be credited at the time of the original appointment of the officer.

(5) Not later than December 1 of each year, the Secretary of the Air Force shall submit a report to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives regarding the amount of constructive service credited under this subsection during the preceding calendar year.

(c) Authorized Use of Constructive Credit.—Constructive service credited an officer under subsection (b) shall be used only for determining the officer's—

(1) initial grade;

(2) rank in grade; and

(3) service in grade for promotion eligibility.

(d) Exclusion for Graduates of the Service Academies.—A graduate of a Service Academy (as such term is defined in section 347 of this title) is not entitled to service credit under this section for service performed, or education, training, or experience obtained, before graduation from such Service Academy.

(e) Reserve Officers.—A reserve officer (other than a warrant officer) who receives an original appointment as an officer in the Space Force shall—

(1) in the case of an officer on the active-duty list of an armed force immediately before that appointment, be appointed in the same grade and with the same date of rank as the grade and date of rank held by the officer on the active-duty list immediately before the appointment; and

(2) in the case of an officer not on the active-duty list immediately before that appointment, be appointed in the same grade and with the same date of rank as the grade and date of rank which the officer would have held had the officer been serving on the active-duty list on the date of the appointment.

(f) Continuity of Existing Delegation of Presidential Appointment Functions.—Except as otherwise provided by the President by Executive order, the provisions of Executive Order 13384 (10 U.S.C. 531 note) relating to the functions of the President under section 531(a) of this title shall apply in the same manner to functions of the President under section 20201 of this title.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(a), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 632.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Executive Order 13384, referred to in subsec. (f), is Ex. Ord. No. 13384, July 27, 2005, 70 F.R. 43739, which is set out as a note under section 531 of this title.


Convening of selection boards.
Composition of selection boards.
Notice of convening of selection boards.
Information furnished to selection boards.
Recommendations for promotion by selection boards.
Reports of selection boards.
Action on reports of selection boards for promotion to brigadier general or major general.


Editorial Notes


Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634, which directed amendment of chapter "205" of this title by adding this subchapter at the end, was executed by adding this subchapter at the end of this chapter, which is chapter 2005, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.


Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634–638, added items 20211 to 20217. Amendment was made pursuant to operation of section 102 of this title.

§20211. Convening of selection boards

(a) In General.—Whenever the needs of the service require, the Secretary of the Air Force shall convene selection boards to recommend for promotion to the next higher permanent grade officers of the Space Force in each permanent grade from first lieutenant through brigadier general.

(b) Exception for Officers in Grade of First Lieutenant.—Subsection (a) does not require the convening of a selection board in the case of Space Force officers in the permanent grade of first lieutenant when the Secretary of the Air Force recommends for promotion to the grade of captain under section 20238(a)(4)(A) 1 of this title all such officers whom the Secretary finds to be fully qualified for promotion.

(c) Selection Boards for Early Retirement or Discharge.—The Secretary of the Air Force may convene selection boards to recommend officers for early retirement under section 20404(a) of this title or for discharge under section 20404(b) of this title.

(d) Regulations.—The convening of selection boards under subsection (a) shall be under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Defense.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 20238(a) of this title, referred to in subsec. (b), does not contain a par. (4). However, section 20239(c) of this title relates to promotion of first lieutenants on an all-fully-qualified officers list and does contain a par. (4) defining such a list and containing subpars. (A) and (B).

1 See References in Text note below.

§20212. Composition of selection boards

(a) Appointment and Composition of Boards.—

(1) In general.—Members of a selection board shall be appointed by the Secretary of 1 Air Force in accordance with this section. A selection board shall consist of five or more officers of the Space Force. Each member of a selection board must be serving in a grade higher than the grade of the officers under consideration by the board, except that no member of a board may be serving in a grade below major. The members of a selection board shall include at least one member serving on sustained duty and at least one member in a space force active status who is not serving on sustained duty. The ratio of the members of a selection board serving on sustained duty to members serving in a space force active status not on sustained duty shall, to the extent practicable, reflect the ratio of officers serving in each of those statuses who are being considered for promotion by the board. The members of a selection board shall represent the diverse population of the Space Force to the extent practicable.

(2) Representation from competitive categories.—(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), a selection board shall include at least one officer from each competitive category of officers to be considered by the board.

(B) A selection board need not include an officer from a competitive category when there are no officers of that competitive category on the Space Force officer list in a grade higher than the grade of the officers to be considered by the board and eligible to serve on the board.

(3) Retired officers.—If qualified officers on the Space Force officer list are not available in sufficient number to comprise a selection board, the Secretary of the Air Force shall complete the membership of the board by appointing as members of the board—

(A) Space Force officers who hold a grade higher than the grade of the officers under consideration by the board and who are retired officers; and

(B) if sufficient Space Force officers are not available pursuant to subparagraph (A), Air Force officers who hold a grade higher than the grade of the officers under consideration by the board and who are retired officers, but only if the Air Force officer to be appointed to the board has served in the Space Force or in a space-related career field of the Air Force for sufficient time such that the Secretary of the Air Force determines that the retired Air Force officer has adequate knowledge concerning the standards of performance and conduct required of an officer of the Space Force.

(4) Exclusion of retired general officers on active duty to serve on a board from numeric general officer active-duty limitations.—A retired general officer who is on active duty for the purpose of serving on a selection board shall not, while so serving, be counted against any limitation on the number of general and flag officers who may be on active duty.

(b) Limitation on Membership on Consecutive Boards.—

(1) General rule.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), no officer may be a member of two successive selection boards convened under section 20211 of this title for the consideration of officers of the same competitive category and grade.

(2) Exception for general officer boards.—Paragraph (1) does not apply with respect to selection boards convened under section 20211 of this title for the consideration of officers in the grade of colonel or brigadier general.

(c) Joint Qualified Officers.—(1) Each selection board convened under section 20211 of this title that will consider an officer described in paragraph (2) shall include at least one officer designated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who is a joint qualified officer.

(2) Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an officer who—

(A) is serving on, or has served on, the Joint Staff; or

(B) is a joint qualified officer.

(3) The Secretary of Defense may waive the requirement in paragraph (1) for any selection board of the Space Force.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634.)

1 So in original. The word "the" probably should appear.

§20213. Notice of convening of selection boards

(a) Notice to Eligible Officers.—At least 30 days before a selection board is convened under section 20211 of this title to recommend officers in a grade for promotion to the next higher grade, the Secretary of the Air Force shall—

(1) notify in writing the officers eligible for consideration for promotion of the date on which the board is to convene and the name and date of rank of the junior officer, and of the senior officer, in the promotion zone as of the date of the notification; or

(2) issue a general written notice to the Space Force regarding the convening of the board which shall include the convening date of the board and the name and date of rank of the junior officer, and of the senior officer, in the promotion zone as of the date of the notification.

(b) Communication From Officers.—An officer eligible for consideration by a selection board convened under section 20211 of this title (other than an officer who has been excluded under section 20231(d) of this title from consideration by the board) may send a written communication to the board, to arrive not later than 10 calendar days before the date on which the board convenes, calling attention to any matter concerning the officer that the officer considers important to the officer's case. The selection board shall give consideration to any timely communication under this subsection.

(c) Notice of Intent of Certain Officers To Serve on or Off Active Duty.—An officer on the Space Force officer list in the grade of colonel or brigadier general who receives a notice under subsection (a) shall inform the Secretary of the officer's preference to serve either on or off sustained duty if promoted to the grade of brigadier general or major general, respectively.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 635.)

§20214. Information furnished to selection boards

The provisions of section 615 of this title shall apply to information furnished to selection boards.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 636.)

§20215. Recommendations for promotion by selection boards

(a) Board to Recommend Officers Best Qualified for Promotion.—A selection board convened under section 20211 of this title shall recommend for promotion to the next higher grade those officers considered by the board whom the board, giving due consideration to the needs of the Space Force for officers with particular skills (as noted in the guidelines or information furnished the board under section 615(b) of this title), considers best qualified for promotion within each competitive category considered by the board.

(b) Number to Be Recommended.—The Secretary of the Air Force shall establish the number of officers such a selection board may recommend for promotion from among officers being considered.

(c) Board Procedures for Recommendations; Limitations.—A selection board convened under section 20211 of this title may not recommend an officer for promotion unless—

(1) the officer receives the recommendation of a majority of the members of the board;

(2) a majority of the members of the board finds that the officer is fully qualified for promotion; and

(3) a majority of the members of the board, after consideration by all members of the board of any adverse information about the officer that is provided to the board under section 615 of this title, finds that the officer is among the officers best qualified for promotion to meet the needs of the Space Force consistent with the requirement of exemplary conduct set forth in section 9233 of this title.

(d) Limitation on Promotions Under Other Authority.—Except as otherwise provided by law, a Space Force officer may not be promoted to a higher grade under this chapter unless the officer is considered and recommended for promotion to that grade by a selection board convened under this chapter or, in the case of an officer transferring into the Space Force from another armed force, chapter 36 or chapter 1403 of this title.

(e) Disclosure of Board Recommendations.—The recommendations of a selection board may be disclosed only in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense. Those recommendations may not be disclosed to a person not a member of the board (or a member of the administrative staff designated by the Secretary of the Air Force to assist the board) until the written report of the recommendations of the board, required by section 617 of this title, is signed by each member of the board.

(f) Prohibition on Attempting to Influence Members of a Board.—The Secretary of the Air Force, and an officer or other official exercising authority over any member of a selection board, may not—

(1) censure, reprimand, or admonish the selection board or any member of the board with respect to the recommendations of the board or the exercise of any lawful function within the authorized discretion of the board; or

(2) attempt to coerce or, by any unauthorized means, influence any action of a selection board or any member of a selection board in the formulation of the board's recommendations.

(g) Higher Placement on Promotion List of Officer of Particular Merit.—(1) In selecting the officers to be recommended for promotion, a selection board shall, when authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force, recommend officers of particular merit, pursuant to guidelines and procedures prescribed by the Secretary, from among those officers selected for promotion, to be placed higher on the promotion list established by the Secretary under section 624(a)(1) of this title.

(2) An officer may be recommended to be placed higher on a promotion list under paragraph (1) only if the officer receives the recommendation of at least a majority of the members of the board, unless the Secretary of the Air Force establishes an alternative requirement. Any such alternative requirement shall be furnished to the board as part of the guidelines furnished to the board under section 615 of this title.

(3) For the officers recommended to be placed higher on a promotion list under paragraph (1), the board shall recommend, pursuant to guidelines and procedures prescribed by the Secretary, the order in which those officers should be placed on the list.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 636.)

§20216. Reports of selection boards

(a) In General.—Each selection board convened under section 20211 of this title shall submit to the Secretary of the Air Force a written report, signed by each member of the board, containing a list of the names of the officers it recommends for promotion and certifying—

(1) that the board has carefully considered the record of each officer whose name was furnished to it under section 615 of this title; and

(2) that, in the opinion of a majority of the members of the board, the officers recommended for promotion by the board are best qualified for promotion to meet the needs of the Space Force (as noted in the guidelines or information furnished the board under section 615(b) of this title) among those officers whose names were furnished to the selection board.

(b) Officers Who Should Be Required to Show Cause for Retention.—A selection board convened under section 20211 of this title shall include in its report the name of any officer before it for consideration for promotion whose record, in the opinion of a majority of the members of the board, indicates that the officer should be required under section 20503 of this title to show cause for the officer's retention in a space force active status.

(c) Officers Recommended to Be Placed Higher on the Promotion List.—A selection board convened under section 20211 of this title shall, when authorized under section 20214(g) 1 of this title, include in its report the names of those officers recommended by the board to be placed higher on the promotion list and the order in which the board recommends that those officers should be placed on the list.

(d) Recommendation for Officers to Be Excluded From Future Consideration for Promotion.—A selection board convened under section 20211 of this title may include in its report a recommendation that an officer considered by the board be excluded from future consideration for promotion under this chapter.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 637.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 20214 of this title, referred to in subsec. (c), does not contain a subsec. (g). However, section 20215(g) of this title relates to board recommendation for higher placement on a promotion list.

1 See References in Text note below.

§20217. Action on reports of selection boards for promotion to brigadier general or major general

(a) In General.—After reviewing a report received under section 20215 of this title recommending officers on the Space Force officer list for promotion to the grade of brigadier general or major general, but before submitting the report to the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force may, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force, adjust the placement of officers as recommended in the report in order to ensure that sufficient number of officers on both sustained and non-sustained duty are promoted to meet the requirements of the Space Force to fill general officer vacancies.

(b) Report.—Whenever the Secretary of the Air Force uses the authority under subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives a report informing the committees that the authority has been used and the reason for the use of the authority.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 638.)


Eligibility for consideration for promotion: general rules.
Authority to allow officers to opt out of selection board consideration.
Eligibility for consideration for promotion: designation as joint qualified officer required before promotion to brigadier general; exceptions.
Opportunities for consideration for promotion.
Space Force officer list.
Competitive categories.
Numbers to be recommended for promotion.
Establishment of promotion zones.
Promotions: how made.
Acceptance of promotions; oath of office.
Removal of officers from a list of officers recommended for promotion.
Authority to vacate promotions to grade of brigadier general.
General officers ceasing to occupy positions commensurate with grade.


Editorial Notes


Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634, 638, which directed amendment of chapter "205" of this title by adding this subchapter at the end, was executed by adding this subchapter at the end of this chapter, which is chapter 2005, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.


Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634, 638, 641-645, 647-649, added items 20231 to 20243. Amendment was made pursuant to operation of section 102 of this title.

§20231. Eligibility for consideration for promotion: general rules

(a) In General.—

(1) Requirement to be on space force officer list.—An officer is eligible under this chapter for consideration for promotion by a selection board convened under section 14101(a) of this title only if the officer is on the Space Force officer list.

(2) Authority to preclude from consideration certain officers based on time of entry on or departure from sustained duty.—The Secretary of the Air Force—

(A) may, by regulation, prescribe a period of time, not to exceed one year, from the time an officer on the Space Force officer list transfers on or off of sustained duty during which the officer shall be ineligible for consideration for promotion; and

(B) may, by regulation, provide for the exclusion from consideration for promotion by a selection board of an officer otherwise eligible to be considered by the board who has an established date for removal from the Space Force officer list that is not more than 90 days after the date on which the board is to be convened.

(b) Certain Officers Not to Be Considered.—A selection board convened under section 20211 of this title may not consider for promotion to the next higher grade any of the following officers:

(1) An officer whose name is on a promotion list for that grade as a result of recommendation for promotion to that grade by an earlier selection board convened under that section or section 20151 of this title, under section 14101 or 14502 of this title, or under chapter 36 of this title.

(2) An officer who is recommended for promotion to that grade in the report of an earlier selection board convened under a provision referred to in paragraph (1), in the case of such a report that has not yet been approved by the President.

(3) An officer who has been nominated by the President for promotion to that grade under any other provision of law, if that nomination is pending before the Senate.

(4) An officer in the grade of first lieutenant who is on an approved all-fully-qualified-officers list under section 20238(a)(4) 1 of this title.

(5) An officer excluded under 20232 2 of this title.

(6) An officer who has failed of promotion to a higher grade the maximum number of times specified for opportunities for promotion for such grade within the competitive category concerned pursuant to section 20234 of this title.

(c) Certain Colonels.—

(1) Authority to preclude from consideration.—The Secretary of Defense may authorize the Secretary of the Air Force to preclude from consideration by selection boards for promotion to the grade of brigadier general, officers in the grade of colonel who—

(A) have been considered and not selected for promotion to the grade of brigadier general or by at least two selection boards; and

(B) are determined, in accordance with standards and procedures prescribed pursuant to paragraph (2), as not being exceptionally well qualified for promotion.

(2) Regulations.—If the Secretary of Defense authorizes the Secretary of the Air Force to have the authority described in subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall prescribe by regulation the standards and procedures for the exercise of such authority. Those regulations shall apply uniformly among the military departments and shall include the following provisions:

(A) A requirement that the Secretary of the Air Force may exercise such authority in the case of a particular selection board only if the Secretary of Defense approves the exercise of that authority for that board.

(B) A requirement that an officer may be precluded from consideration by a selection board under this paragraph only upon the recommendation of a preselection board of officers convened by the Secretary of the military department concerned and composed of at least three officers all of whom are serving in a grade higher than the grade of such officer.

(C) A requirement that such a preselection board may not recommend that an officer be precluded from such consideration unless the Secretary of the Air Force has given the officer advance written notice of the convening of such board and of the military records that will be considered by the board and has given the officer a reasonable period before the convening of the board in which to submit comments to the board.

(D) A requirement that the Secretary of the Air Force shall provide general guidance to the board in accordance with standards and procedures prescribed by the Secretary of Defense in those regulations.

(E) A requirement that the preselection board may recommend that an officer be precluded from consideration by a selection board only on the basis of the general guidance provided by the Secretary 3 Air Force, information in the officer's official military personnel records that has been described in the notice provided the officer as required pursuant to subparagraph (C), and any communication to the board received from that officer before the board convenes.

(d) Brigadier Generals.—

(1) Officers not on space force officer list.—A brigadier general who is not eligible for consideration for promotion because the officer is not on the Space Force officer list (as required by paragraph (1) of subsection (a) for such eligibility) is nevertheless eligible for consideration for promotion to the grade of major general by a selection board convened under section 20211(a) of this title if—

(A) as of the date of the convening of the promotion board, the officer has been in an inactive status for less than the minimum threshold established in paragraph (2) of subsection (a); and

(B) immediately before the date of the officer's most recent transfer to an inactive status, the officer had continuously served on the Space Force officer list for at least one year.

(2) Officers not meeting minimum participation threshold.—A brigadier general who is on the Space Force officer list but who is not eligible for consideration for promotion because the officer's service does not meet the minimum participation threshold established under subsection (a)(2) is nevertheless eligible for consideration for promotion to the grade of major general by a promotion board convened under section 20211(a) of this title if—

(A) the officer was transferred from an inactive status to the reserve active-status list during the one-year period preceding the date of the convening of the promotion board;

(B) immediately before the date of the officer's most recent transfer to an active status, the officer had been in an inactive status for less than one year; and

(C) immediately before the date of the officer's most recent transfer to an inactive status, the officer had continuously served for at least one year on the reserve active-status list or the active-duty list (or a combination of the reserve active-status list and the active-duty list).

(e) Officers on Educational Delay.—An officer on the Space Force officer list is ineligible for consideration for promotion, but shall remain on the Space Force officer list, while the officer—

(1) is pursuing a program of graduate level education in an educational delay status approved by the Secretary concerned; and

(2) is receiving from the Secretary financial assistance in connection with the pursuit of that program of education while in that status.

(f) Certain Officers Not to Be Considered for Selection for Promotion.—The Secretary of the Air Force may provide that an officer who is in a space force active status, but is in a duty status in which the only points the officer accrues under section 12732(a)(2) of this title are pursuant to subparagraph (C)(i) of that section, shall not be considered for selection for promotion until completion of two years of service in such duty status. Any such officer may remain on the Space Force officer list.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 638.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 20238(a) of this title, referred to in subsec. (b)(4), does not contain a par. (4). However, section 20239(c) of this title relates to promotion of first lieutenants on an all-fully-qualified officers list and does contain a par. (4) defining such a list.

1 See References in Text note below.

2 So in original. Probably should be preceded by "section".

3 So in original. The words "of the" probably should appear.

§20232. Authority to allow officers to opt out of selection board consideration

(a) Authority.—The Secretary of the Air Force may provide that an officer on the Space Force officer list may, upon the officer's request and with the approval of the Secretary, be excluded from consideration by a selection board convened under section 20211 of this title to consider officers for promotion to the next higher grade.

(b) Criteria.—The Secretary may only approve a request under subsection (a) as follows:

(1) Completion of certain assignments.—If—

(A) the basis for the request is to allow an officer to complete a broadening assignment, an advanced education assignment, another assignment of significant value to the Department, or a career progression requirement delayed by such an assignment;

(B) the Secretary determines the exclusion from consideration is in the best interest of the Space Force; and

(C) the officer has not previously failed of selection for promotion to the grade for which the officer requests the exclusion from consideration.

(2) Completion of certain education.—If—

(A) the basis for the request is to allow an officer to complete advanced education or professional military education;

(B) the Secretary determines that it is in the best interests of the Space Force for the officer to continue to serve in current position and grade; and

(C) the officer has not previously opted out of a promotion board under this section.

(3) Service in critical skill position.—If—

(A) the officer is serving in a critical skill position that cannot be filled by another Space Force officer serving in the same grade;

(B) the Secretary determines that it is in the best interests of the Space Force for the officer to continue to serve in their current position and grade; and

(C) the officer has not previously opted out of a promotion board under this section.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 641.)

§20233. Eligibility for consideration for promotion: designation as joint qualified officer required before promotion to brigadier general; exceptions

(a) General Rule.—An officer on the Space Force officer list may not be appointed to the grade of brigadier general unless the officer has been designated as a joint qualified officer in accordance with section 661 of this title.

(b) Exceptions.—Subject to subsection (c), the Secretary of Defense may waive subsection (a) in the following circumstances:

(1) When necessary for the good of the service.

(2) In the case of an officer whose proposed selection for promotion is based primarily upon scientific and technical qualifications for which joint requirements do not exist.

(3) In the case of an officer selected by a promotion board for appointment to the grade of brigadier general while serving in a joint duty assignment if—

(A) the officer's total consecutive service in joint duty assignments is not less than two years; and

(B) the officer has successfully completed a program of education described in subsections (b) and (c) of section 2155 of this title.

(4) In the case of an officer who—

(A) is selected by a promotion board for appointment to the grade of brigadier general;

(B) is not exempted under subsection (g); and

(C) has successfully completed the education requirements prescribed in subparagraph (A) of section 661(c)(1) of this title but has not been afforded the opportunity to complete the experience requirements described in subparagraph (B) of that section.

(c) Waiver to Be Individual.—A waiver may be granted under subsection (b) only on a case-by-case basis in the case of an individual officer.

(d) Special Rule for Good-of-the-service Waiver.—In the case of a waiver under subsection (b)(1), the Secretary of Defense shall provide that the first duty assignment as a general officer of the officer for whom the waiver is granted shall be in a joint duty assignment.

(e) Limitation on Delegation of Waiver Authority.—The authority of the Secretary of Defense to grant a waiver under subsection (b)(4) may only be delegated as provided in section 619a(e) of this title.

(f) Regulations.—The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations to carry out this section. The regulations shall specifically identify for purposes of subsection (b)(2) those categories of officers for which selection for promotion to brigadier general is based primarily upon scientific and technical qualifications for which joint requirements do not exist.

(g) Exemption.—Subsection (a) shall not apply to an officer who transfers to the Space Force from a reserve component before the first day of the sixth fiscal year beginning after the date of the enactment of this section, and who, as of the date of the transfer, is serving in the grade of major, lieutenant colonel, or colonel or, in the case of the Navy or Coast Guard, lieutenant commander, commander, or captain.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 642.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of the enactment of this section, referred to in subsec. (g), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 118–31, which was approved Dec. 22, 2023.

§20234. Opportunities for consideration for promotion

(a) Specification of Number of Opportunities for Consideration for Promotion.—The Secretary of the Air Force shall specify the number of opportunities for consideration for promotion to be afforded to Space Force officers for promotion to each grade above the grade of captain.

(b) Limited Authority of Secretary of the Air Force to Modify Number of Opportunities.—The Secretary of the Air Force may modify the number of opportunities for consideration for promotion to be afforded officers within a competitive category for promotion to a particular grade, as previously specified by the Secretary pursuant 1 subsection (a), not more frequently than once every five years.

(c) Authority of Secretary of Defense to Modify Number of Opportunities.—The Secretary of Defense may modify the number of opportunities for consideration for promotion to be afforded officers of the Space Force within a competitive category for promotion to a particular grade, as previously specified or modified pursuant to any provision of this section, at the discretion of the Secretary.

(d) Limitation on Number of Opportunities Specified.—The number of opportunities for consideration for promotion to be afforded officers of the Space Force within a competitive category for promotion to a particular grade, as specified or modified pursuant to any provision of this section, may not exceed five opportunities.

(e) Effect of Certain Reduction in Number of Opportunities Specified.—If, by reason of a reduction in the number of opportunities for consideration for promotion under this section, an officer would no longer have one or more opportunities for consideration for promotion that were available to the officer before the reduction, the officer shall be afforded one additional opportunity for consideration for promotion after the reduction.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 643.)

1 So in original. Probably should be followed by "to".

§20235. Space Force officer list

(a) Single List.—The Secretary of the Air Force shall maintain a single list of all Space Force officers serving in a space force active status. The list shall be known as the "Space Force officer list".

(b) Order of Officers on List.—Officers shall be carried on the Space Force officer list in the order of seniority of the grade in which they are serving. Officers serving in the same grade shall be carried in the order of their rank in that grade.

(c) Effect of Service in a Temporary Appointment.—An officer whose position on the Space Force officer list results from service under a temporary appointment or in a grade held by reason of assignment to a position has, when that appointment or assignment ends, the grade and position on the Space Force officer list that the officer would have held if the officer had not received that appointment or assignment.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 643.)

§20236. Competitive categories

(a) Requirement to Establish Competitive Categories for Promotion.—Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Air Force shall establish at least one competitive category for promotion for officers on the Space Force officer list. Each officer whose name appears on the Space Force officer list shall be carried in a competitive category of officers. Officers in the same competitive category shall compete among themselves for promotion.

(b) Single Competitive Category for Promotion to General Officer Grades.—The Secretary of the Air Force shall establish a single competitive category for all officers on the Space Force officer list who will be considered by a selection board convened under section 20211 of this title for promotion to the grade of brigadier general or major general.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 644.)

§20237. Numbers to be recommended for promotion

(a) Promotion to Grades Below Brigadier General.—

(1) Determination of maximum number.—Before convening a selection board under section 20211 of this title to consider officers for recommendation for promotion to a grade below brigadier general and in any competitive category, the Secretary of the Air Force shall determine the maximum number of officers in that competitive category that the board may recommend for promotion.

(2) Determinations.—In order to make the determination under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall determine—

(A) the number of positions needed to accomplish mission objectives which require officers of that competitive category in the grade to which the board will recommend officers for promotion;

(B) the estimated number of officers needed to fill vacancies in those positions during the period in which it is anticipated that officers selected for promotion will be promoted; and

(C) the number of officers in a space force active status authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force to serve both on sustained duty and not on sustained duty in the grade and competitive category under consideration.

(b) Promotion to Brigadier General and Major General.—

(1) Determination of maximum numbers.—Before convening a selection board under section 20211 of this title to consider officers for recommendation for promotion to the grade of brigadier general or major general, the Secretary of the Air Force shall determine the maximum number of officers serving in a space force active status on sustained duty, and the maximum number of officers serving in a space force active status not on sustained duty, that the board may recommend for promotion.

(2) Determinations.—In order to make the determinations under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall determine—

(A) the number of positions needed to accomplish mission objectives which require officers serving in a space force active status on sustained duty, and in a space force active status not on sustained duty, in the grade to which the board will recommend officers for promotion; and

(B) the estimated number of officers on sustained duty and not on sustained duty needed to fill vacancies in those positions over the 24-month period beginning on the date on which the selection board convenes.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 644.)

§20238. Establishment of promotion zones

(a) In General.—Before convening a selection board under section 20211 of this title to consider officers for promotion to any grade above first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade), the Secretary of the Air Force shall establish a promotion zone for officers serving in each grade and competitive category to be considered by the board.

(b) Determination of Number.—The Secretary of the Air Force shall determine the number of officers in the promotion zone for officers serving in any grade and competitive category from among officers who are eligible for promotion in that grade and competitive category. Such determination shall be made on the basis of an estimate of—

(1) the number of officers needed in that competitive category in the next higher grade in each of the next five years;

(2) the number of officers to be serving in that competitive category in the next higher grade in each of the next five years;

(3) in the case of a promotion zone for officers to be promoted to a grade to which section 523 of this title is applicable, the number of officers authorized for such grade under such section to be on sustained duty on the last day of each of the next five fiscal years; and

(4) the number of officers that should be placed in that promotion zone in each of the next five years to provide to officers in those years relatively similar opportunity for promotion.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 645.)

§20239. Promotions: how made

(a) Promotion Lists.—

(1) Placement of names on promotion list.—When the report of a selection board convened under section 20211 of this title is approved by the President, the Secretary of the Air Force shall place the names of all officers approved for promotion within a competitive category on a single list for that competitive category, to be known as a promotion list, in the order of the seniority of such officers on the Space Force officer list or based on particular merit, as determined by the promotion board, or as modified by the Secretary of the Air Force under section 20217 of this title.

(2) Time of establishment of promotion list.—A promotion list is considered to be established under this section as of the date of the approval of the report of the selection board under paragraph (1).

(b) Promotions; How Made; Order.—

(1) Appointment authority.—Officers on a promotion list shall be promoted by appointment in the manner specified in section 20201 of this title.

(2) Timing.—Officers on a promotion list for a competitive category shall be promoted to the next higher grade in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force.

(3) Order.—Except as provided in subsections (e) and (f), promotions shall be made in the order in which the names of officers appear on the promotion list and after officers previously selected for promotion in that competitive category have been promoted.

(4) Promotions to grade of first lieutenant.—Officers to be promoted to the grade of first lieutenant shall be promoted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force.

(c) Promotion of First Lieutenants on an All-fully-qualified Officers List.—(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), officers on the Space Force officer list in the grade of first lieutenant who are on an approved all-fully-qualified-officers list shall be promoted to the grade of captain in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force.

(2) An all-fully-qualified-officers list shall be considered to be approved for purposes of subparagraph (A) 1 when the list is approved by the President. When so approved, such a list shall be treated in the same manner as a promotion list under this chapter.

(3) The Secretary of the Air Force may make a recommendation to the President for approval of an all-fully-qualified-officers list only when the Secretary determines that all officers on the list are needed in the next higher grade to accomplish mission objectives.

(4) For purposes of this paragraph, an all-fully-qualified-officers list is a list of all officers on the Space Force officer list in a grade who the Secretary of the Air Force determines—

(A) are fully qualified for promotion to the next higher grade; and

(B) would be eligible for consideration for promotion to the next higher grade by a selection board convened under section 20211 of this title upon the convening of such a board.

(5) If the Secretary of the Air Force determines that one or more officers or former officers were not placed on an all-fully-qualified-list under this subsection because of administrative error, the Secretary may prepare a supplemental all-fully-qualified-officers list containing the names of any such officers for approval in accordance with this subsection.

(d) Date of Rank.—

(1) General rule.—The date of rank of an officer appointed to a higher grade under this section is determined under section 741(d) of this title.

(2) Adjustments.—The date of rank of an officer appointed to a higher grade under this section may be adjusted in the same manner as an adjustment may be made under section 741(d)(4) of this title in the date of rank of an officer appointed to a higher grade under section 624(a) of this title. In any use of the authority under the preceding sentence, subparagraph (C)(ii) of such section shall be applied by substituting "Space Force officer list" for "active-duty list".

(3) Additional pay and allowances precluded.—Except as provided in paragraph (2) or as otherwise specifically authorized by law, an officer is not entitled to additional pay or allowances if the effective date of the officer's promotion is adjusted to reflect a date earlier than the actual date of the officer's promotion.

(e) Delay of Promotions to General Officer Grades to Comply With Strength Limitations.—Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, the promotion of an officer on the Space Force officer list to the grade of brigadier general or major general shall be delayed if that promotion would cause any strength limitation of section 526 of this title to be exceeded. The delay shall expire when the Secretary of the Air Force determines that the delay is no longer required to ensure compliance with the strength limitation.

(f) Authority to Delay Appointments for Specified Reasons.—The provisions of section 14311 of this title shall apply to the appointment of an officer under this section in the same manner as they apply to an appointment of an officer under that section, and any reference in that section to an reserve active-status list shall be treated for purposes of applicability to an officer of the Space Force as referring to the Space Force officer list.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 645.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Subparagraph (C)(ii) of such section, referred to in subsec. (d)(2), probably means subparagraph (C)(ii) of section 741(d)(4) of this title.

1 So in original.

§20240. Acceptance of promotions; oath of office

(a) Acceptance.—An officer who is appointed to a higher grade under section 20239 of this title is considered to have accepted the appointment on the date on which the appointment is made unless the officer expressly declines the appointment.

(b) Oath.—An officer who has served continuously since taking the oath of office prescribed in section 3331 of title 5 is not required to take a new oath upon appointment to a higher grade under section 20239 of this title.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 647.)

§20241. Removal of officers from a list of officers recommended for promotion

(a) Removal by President.—The President may remove the name of any officer from a promotion list at any time before the date on which the officer is promoted.

(b) Removal for Withholding of Senate Advice and Consent.—If the Senate does not give its advice and consent to the appointment to the next higher grade of an officer whose name is on a list of officers approved by the President for promotion (except in the case of promotions to a grade to which appointments may be made by the President alone), the name of that officer shall be removed from the list.

(c) Removal After 18 Months.—(1) If an officer whose name is on a list of officers approved for promotion under section 20238(a) of this title to a grade for which appointment is required by section 20201(a) of this title to be made by and with the advice and consent of the Senate is not appointed to that grade under such section during the officer's promotion eligibility period, the officer's name shall be removed from the list unless as of the end of such period the Senate has given its advice and consent to the appointment.

(2) Before the end of the promotion eligibility period with respect to an officer under paragraph (1), the President may extend that period for purposes of paragraph (1) by an additional 12 months.

(3) In this subsection, the term "promotion eligibility period" means, with respect to an officer whose name is on a list of officers approved for promotion under section 20238(a) of this title to a grade for which appointment is required by section 20201(a) of this title to be made by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the period beginning on the date on which the list is so approved and ending on the first day of the eighteenth month following the month during which the list is so approved.

(d) Administrative Removal.—Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force, if an officer on the Space Force officer list is discharged or dropped from the rolls or transferred to a retired status after having been recommended for promotion to a higher grade under this chapter, but before being promoted, the officer's name shall be administratively removed from the list of officers recommended for promotion by a selection board.

(e) Continued Eligibility for Promotion.—(1) An officer whose name is removed from a list under subsection (a), (b), or (c) continues to be eligible for consideration for promotion. If that officer is recommended for promotion by the next selection board convened for that officer's grade and competitive category and the officer is promoted, the Secretary of the Air Force may, upon the promotion, grant the officer the same date of rank, the same effective date for the pay and allowances of the grade to which promoted, and the same position on the Space Force officer list, as the officer would have had if the officer's name had not been removed from the list.

(2) If such an officer who is in a grade below the grade of colonel is not recommended for promotion by the next selection board convened for the officer's grade and competitive category, or if the officer's name is again removed from the list of officers recommended for promotion, or if the Senate again does not give its advice and consent to his promotion, the officer shall be considered for all purposes to have failed of selection for promotion to the next higher grade.

(f) Applicability of Previous Executive Order.—Except as otherwise provided by the President by Executive order, any Executive order issued before the date of the enactment of this section relating to functions of the President under section 14310 of this title shall apply in the same manner to functions of the President under this section.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 647.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of the enactment of this section, referred to in subsec. (f), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 118–31, which was approved Dec. 22, 2023.

§20242. Authority to vacate promotions to grade of brigadier general

(a) Authority.—The President may vacate the appointment of a Space Force officer to the grade of brigadier general if the period of time during which the officer has served in that grade after promotion to that grade is less than 18 months.

(b) Effect of Promotion Being Vacated.—An officer whose promotion to the grade of brigadier general is vacated under this section holds the grade of colonel. Upon assuming the grade of colonel under this section, the officer shall have the same position on the Space Force officer list as the officer would have had if the officer had not served in the higher grade.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 648.)

§20243. General officers ceasing to occupy positions commensurate with grade

(a) General Officers.—Within 60 days after an officer of the Space Force on the Space Force officer list in a general officer grade ceases to occupy a position commensurate with that grade (or commensurate with a higher grade), the Secretary of the Air Force shall transfer or discharge the officer in accordance with whichever of the following the officer elects:

(1) Transfer the officer in grade to the Space Force retired list, if the officer is qualified and applies for the transfer.

(2) Transfer the officer in grade to a Space Force inactive status, if the officer is qualified.

(3) Discharge the officer from the officer's appointment and, if the officer is qualified and applies therefor, appoint the officer in the grade held by the officer as a before 1 the officer's appointment in a general officer grade.

(4) Discharge the officer from the officer's appointment.

(b) Credit for Service in Grade.—An officer who is appointed under subsection (a)(3) shall be credited with an amount of service in the grade in which appointed that is equal to the amount of prior service in an active status in that grade and in any higher grade.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 649.)

1 So in original.


Failure of selection for promotion.


Special selection boards; correction of errors.
Special selection review boards: reference.
Retirement: retirement for years of service.


Editorial Notes


Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634, 649, which directed amendment of chapter "205" of this title by adding this subchapter at the end, was executed by adding this subchapter at the end of this chapter, which is chapter 2005, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.


2023Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634, 649, 650, 653, added two items 20251 and items 20252a and 20253. Amendment was made pursuant to operation of section 102 of this title.

1 So in original. Two sections 20251 have been enacted.

§20251.1 Failure of selection for promotion

(a) In General.—Except as provided in this section, sections 14501, 14503, and 14504 and section 2 631 and 632 of this title shall apply to promotions of officers on the Space Force officer list. For the purpose of such applicability—

(1) any reference in those sections to the reserve active-status list or the active-duty list shall apply to the Space Force officer list; and

(2) any reference in those sections to a board convened under section 14201 3 or 611 of this title shall apply to a board convened under section 20211 of this title.

(b) Inapplicability of Failure of Selection for Promotion to Officers Above Promotion Zone.—The reference in section 14501 of this title to an officer above the promotion zone shall not apply in the promotion of officers on the Space Force officer list.

(c) Retirement Authorities.—In applying section 631 or 632 of this title to such an officer, the reference in subsection (a)(3) of that section to qualifying for retirement under certain sections of this title shall be deemed to refer to qualifying for retirement under any provision of law other than chapter 61 of this title.

(d) Effect of Failure of Selection.—In the administration of this chapter pursuant to subsection (a)—

(1) an officer on the Space Force officer list shall not be deemed to have failed twice of selection for promotion for purposes of section 629(e)(2) or 14502(b) 3 of this title until the officer has failed selection of promotion to the next higher grade the maximum number of times specified for opportunities for promotion to such grade within the competitive category concerned under section 20234 of this title; and

(2) any reference in section 631(a) or 632(a) of this title, or in sections 14504 through 14506 of this title, to an officer who has failed of selection for promotion to the next higher grade for the second time shall be deemed to refer instead to an officer on the Space Force officer list who has failed of selection for promotion to the next higher grade for the maximum number of times specified for opportunities for promotion to such grade within the competitive category concerned under section 20234 of this title.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 649.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 14201 of this title, referred to in subsec. (a)(2), probably should be section 14101 of this title, which relates to convening of selection boards. There is no section 14201 of this title.

Section 14502(b) of this title, referred to in subsec. (d)(1), probably should be section 14501(b) of this title, which relates to officers twice failed of selection. Section 14502(b) of this title relates to officers considered but not selected due to material error.

1 Another section 20251 is set out after this section.

2 So in original. Probably should be "sections".

3 See References in Text note below.

§20251.1 Special selection boards; correction of errors

(a) Persons Not Considered by Promotion Board Because of Administrative Error.—

(1) Convening of board.—In the case of an officer or former officer who the Secretary of the Air Force determines was not considered for selection for promotion by a selection board convened under section 20211 of this title because of administrative error, the Secretary shall convene a special selection board under this subsection to determine whether that officer or former officer should be recommended for promotion.

(2) Board composition; oath.—Any such board shall be convened under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense and shall be appointed and composed in accordance with section 20212 of this title and shall include the representation of competitive categories required by that section. The members of a board convened under this subsection shall be required to take an oath in the same manner as prescribed in section 14103 of this title.

(3) Record considered by board.—A special selection board convened under paragraph (1) shall consider the record of the officer or former officer as that record would have appeared to the selection board that should have considered the officer or former officer. That record shall be compared with a sampling of the records of those officers of the same grade and competitive category who were recommended for promotion, and those officers of the same grade and competitive category who were not recommended for promotion, by that board.

(4) Effect.—If a special selection board convened under paragraph (1) does not recommend for promotion an officer or former officer in a grade below the grade of colonel whose name was referred to it for consideration, the officer or former officer shall be considered to have failed of selection for promotion.

(b) Officers Considered but Not Selected; Material Error.—

(1) Convening of board.—In the case of an officer or former officer who was eligible for promotion and was considered for selection for promotion by a selection board convened under section 20211 of this title but was not selected, the Secretary of the Air Force may, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, convene a special selection board under this subsection to determine whether the officer or former officer should be recommended for promotion, if the Secretary must determine that—

(A) the action of the selection board that considered the officer or former officer was contrary to law in a matter material to the decision of the board or involved material error of fact or material administrative error; or

(B) the board did not have before it for its consideration material information.

(2) Board composition; oath.—A special selection board convened under paragraph ((1) 2 shall be appointed and composed in accordance with section 20212 of this title (including the representation of competitive categories required by that section), and the members of sch 3 a board shall take an oath in the same manner as prescribed in section 14103 of this title.

(3) Record considered by board.—The special selection board shall consider the record of the officer or former officer as that record, if corrected, would have appeared to the board that considered the officer or former officer. That record shall be compared with the records of a sampling of those officers of the same grade and competitive category who were recommended for promotion, and those officers of the same grade and competitive category who were not recommended for promotion, by that board.

(4) Effect.—If a special selection board convened under paragraph (1) does not recommend for promotion a 4 officer or former officer whose name was referred to it for consideration, the officer or former officer incurs no additional failure of selection for promotion.

(c) Report of Board.—Each special selection board convened under this section shall submit to the Secretary of the Air Force a written report, signed by each member of the board, containing the name of each officer or former officer it recommends for promotion and certifying that the board has carefully considered the record of each officer or former officer whose name was referred to it.

(d) Applicable Provisions.—The provisions of sections 20215 and 20216 of this title apply to the report and proceedings of a special selection board convened under this section in the same manner as they apply to the report and proceedings of a selection board convened under section 20211 of this title.

(e) Appointment of Officers Recommended for Promotion.—

(1) Promotion.—An officer or former officer whose name is placed on a promotion list as a result of a recommendation for promotion by a special selection board convened under this section shall, as soon as practicable, be appointed to the next higher grade in accordance with the law and policies which would have been applicable had the officer or former officer been recommended for promotion by the board which should have considered or which did consider the officer of former officer.

(2) Status of promoted officer.—An officer who is promoted to the next higher grade as the result of the recommendation of a special selection board convened under this section shall, upon such promotion, have the same date of rank, the same effective date for the pay and allowances of that grade, and the same position on the Space Force officer list as the officer would have had if the officer had been recommended for promotion to that grade by the selection board which should have considered, or which did consider, the officer.

(3) Correction of military record.—If the report of a special selection board convened under this section, as approved by the President, recommends for promotion to the next higher grade an officer not currently eligible for promotion or a former officer whose name was referred to it for consideration, the Secretary of the Air Force may act under section 1552 of this title to correct the military record of the officer or former officer to correct an error or remove an injustice resulting from not being selected for promotion by the board which should have considered, or which did consider, the officer.

(f) Prescribing of Circumstances for Consideration by Board.—The Secretary of Defense may prescribe by regulation—

(1) the circumstances under which consideration by a special selection board is contingent upon application for consideration by an officer or former officer; and

(2) time limits within which of 4 officer or former officer must make such application in order to be considered by a special selection board under this section.

(g) Convening of Boards.—A board convened under this section—

(1) shall be convened under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense;

(2) shall be composed in accordance with section 20212 of this title and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force; and

(3) shall be subject to the provisions of section 613 of this title.

(h) Limitation of Other Jurisdiction.—No official or court of the United States shall have power or jurisdiction—

(1) over any claim based in any way on the failure of an officer or former officer of the armed forces to be selected for promotion by a selection board convened under this chapter until—

(A) the claim has been referred to a special selection board by the Secretary of the Air Force and acted upon by that board; or

(B) the claim has been rejected by the Secretary without consideration by a special selection board; or

(2) to grant any relief on such a claim unless the officer or former officer has been selected for promotion by a special selection board convened under this section to consider the officer or former officer's claim.

(i) Judicial Review.—(1) A court of the United States may review a determination by the Secretary of the Air Force under subsection (a)(1), (b)(1), or (e)(3) not to convene a special selection board. If a court finds the determination to be arbitrary or capricious, not based on substantial evidence, or otherwise contrary to law, it shall remand the case to the Secretary, who shall provide for consideration of the officer or former officer by a special selection board under this section.

(2) If a court finds that the action of a special selection board which considers an officer or former officer was contrary to law or involved material error of fact or material administrative error, it shall remand the case to the Secretary, who shall provide the officer or former officer reconsideration by a new special selection board.

(j) Designation of Boards.—The Secretary of the Air Force may designate a promotion board convened under section 20201(a) of this title as a special selection board convened under this section.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 650.)

1 Another section 20251 is set out preceding this section.

2 So in original. The first opening parenthesis probably should not appear.

3 So in original. Probably should be "such".

4 So in original. Probably should be "an".

§20252a. Special selection review boards: reference

Section 628a of this title, relating to the convening of a special selection review board when credible information of an adverse nature was not furnished to a promotion board, applies with respect to persons recommended by a selection board for promotion to a grade at or below the grade of major general in the Space Force.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 653.)

§20253. Retirement: retirement for years of service

Sections 633 through 636 of this title shall apply to the retirement of officers on the Space Force officer list in the same manner as to officers of the Regular Air Force.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 653.)


Selection of officers for continuation on the Space Force officer list.
Retirement: selective early retirement.
Entitlement of officers discharged or retired under this chapter to separation pay or retired pay.
Other administrative authorities.


Editorial Notes


Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634, 653, which directed amendment of chapter "205" of this title by adding this subchapter at the end, was executed by adding this subchapter at the end of this chapter, which is chapter 2005, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.


2023Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 634, 653, added items 20261 to 20264. Amendment was made pursuant to operation of section 102 of this title.

§20261. Selection of officers for continuation on the Space Force officer list

Section 14701 of this title shall apply in continuation or retention on the Space Force officer in the same manner as to continuation on the reserve active-status list.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 653.)

§20262. Retirement: selective early retirement

Sections 638 and 638a of this title shall apply to the retirement of officers on the Space Force officer list in the same manner as to officers of the Regular Air Force.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 653.)

§20263. Entitlement of officers discharged or retired under this chapter to separation pay or retired pay

(a) Separation Pay.—An officer who is discharged under this chapter is entitled, if eligible therefor, to separation pay under section 1174 of this title.

(b) Retired Pay.—An officer who is retired under this chapter is entitled to retired pay computed under chapter 71 or 1223 of this title, as applicable.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 653.)

§20264. Other administrative authorities

The following provisions of this title shall apply to officers on the Space Force officer list in the same manner as to officers subject to those provisions:

(1) Section 14518, relating to continuation of officers to complete disciplinary action.

(2) Section 14519, relating to deferment of retirement or separation for medical reasons.

(3) Section 14704, relating to the selective early removal from the reserve active-status list.

(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title XVII, §1716(c), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 653.)