42 USC 294d: Quentin N. Burdick program for rural interdisciplinary training
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42 USC 294d: Quentin N. Burdick program for rural interdisciplinary training Text contains those laws in effect on September 25, 2024

§294d. Quentin N. Burdick program for rural interdisciplinary training

(a) Grants

The Secretary may make grants or contracts under this section to help entities fund authorized activities under an application approved under subsection (c).

(b) Use of amounts

(1) In general

Amounts provided under subsection (a) shall be used by the recipients to fund interdisciplinary training projects designed to-

(A) use innovative or evidence-based methods to train health care practitioners to provide services in rural areas;

(B) demonstrate and evaluate innovative interdisciplinary methods and models designed to provide access to cost-effective comprehensive health care;

(C) deliver health care services to individuals residing in rural areas;

(D) enhance the amount of relevant research conducted concerning health care issues in rural areas; and

(E) increase the recruitment and retention of health care practitioners from rural areas and make rural practice a more attractive career choice for health care practitioners.

(2) Methods

A recipient of funds under subsection (a) may use various methods in carrying out the projects described in paragraph (1), including-

(A) the distribution of stipends to students of eligible applicants;

(B) the establishment of a post-doctoral fellowship program;

(C) the training of faculty in the economic and logistical problems confronting rural health care delivery systems; or

(D) the purchase or rental of transportation and telecommunication equipment where the need for such equipment due to unique characteristics of the rural area is demonstrated by the recipient.

(3) Administration

(A) In general

An applicant shall not use more than 10 percent of the funds made available to such applicant under subsection (a) for administrative expenses.

(B) Training

Not more than 10 percent of the individuals receiving training with funds made available to an applicant under subsection (a) shall be trained as doctors of medicine or doctors of osteopathy.

(C) Limitation

An institution that receives a grant under this section shall use amounts received under such grant to supplement, not supplant, amounts made available by such institution for activities of the type described in subsection (b)(1) in the fiscal year preceding the year for which the grant is received.

(c) Applications

Applications submitted for assistance under this section shall-

(1) be jointly submitted by at least two eligible applicants with the express purpose of assisting individuals in academic institutions in establishing long-term collaborative relationships with health care providers in rural areas; and

(2) designate a rural health care agency or agencies for clinical treatment or training, including hospitals, community health centers, migrant health centers, rural health clinics, community behavioral and mental health centers, long-term care facilities, Native Hawaiian health centers, or facilities operated by the Indian Health Service or an Indian tribe or tribal organization or Indian organization under a contract with the Indian Health Service under the Indian Self-Determination Act [25 U.S.C. 5321 et seq.].

(d) Definitions

For the purposes of this section, the term "rural" means geographic areas that are located outside of standard metropolitan statistical areas.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title VII, §754, as added Pub. L. 105–392, title I, §103, Nov. 13, 1998, 112 Stat. 3547 ; amended Pub. L. 116–136, div. A, title III, §3401(7), Mar. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 386 .)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Indian Self-Determination Act, referred to in subsec. (c)(2), is title I of Pub. L. 93–638, Jan. 4, 1975, 88 Stat. 2206 , which is classified principally to subchapter I (§5321 et seq.) of chapter 46 of Title 25, Indians. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 5301 of Title 25 and Tables.

Prior Provisions

A prior section 294d, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title VII, §766, as added Pub. L. 102–408, title I, §102, Oct. 13, 1992, 106 Stat. 2047 , authorized grants and contracts for development of advanced training of allied health professionals, prior to the general amendment of this part by Pub. L. 105–392.

Another prior section 294d, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title VII, §731, as added Oct. 12, 1976, Pub. L. 94–484, title IV, §401(b)(3), 90 Stat. 2258 ; amended Aug. 1, 1977, Pub. L. 95–83, title III, §307(c)(1), (2), 91 Stat. 389 , 390; Dec. 19, 1977, Pub. L. 95–215, §4(a)–(d), (e)(6), 91 Stat. 1505 , 1506; Dec. 17, 1980, Pub. L. 96–538, title IV, §402, 94 Stat. 3192 ; Aug. 13, 1981, Pub. L. 97–35, title XXVII, §2728, 95 Stat. 918 ; Oct. 22, 1985, Pub. L. 99–129, title II, §§208(a), (b)(1), (2), (c)(1), (d), (i), 211(a)(2), 99 Stat. 529–532 , 539; Nov. 4, 1988, Pub. L. 100–607, title VI, §602(e), (f), 102 Stat. 3123 ; Apr. 6, 1991, Pub. L. 102–25, title III, §374, 105 Stat. 95 ; July 23, 1992, Pub. L. 102–325, title IV, §427(b)(2), 106 Stat. 549 , related to eligibility of borrowers and terms of insurance, prior to the general amendment of this subchapter by Pub. L. 102–408. See section 292d of this title.

Another prior section 294d, act July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title VII, §744, as added Sept. 24, 1963, Pub. L. 88–129, §2(b), 77 Stat. 173 ; amended Oct. 22, 1965, Pub. L. 89–290, §4(e), 79 Stat. 1057 ; Nov. 3, 1966, Pub. L. 89–751, §5(a), 80 Stat. 1230 ; Aug. 16, 1968, Pub. L. 90–490, title I, §121(d), 82 Stat. 778 ; July 9, 1971, Pub. L. 92–52, §1(c), 85 Stat. 144 ; Nov. 18, 1971, Pub. L. 92–157, title I, §105(e)(3), (f)(2), 85 Stat. 451 , provided for loans to schools to capitalize health professions student loan funds, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 94–484, title IV, §406(a)(1), Oct. 12, 1976, 90 Stat. 2268 .


2020-Subsec. (b)(1)(A). Pub. L. 116–136 substituted "innovative or evidence-based" for "new and innovative".