15 USC 3058: Review of final decisions of the Authority
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15 USC 3058: Review of final decisions of the Authority Text contains those laws in effect on September 16, 2024

§3058. Review of final decisions of the Authority

(a) Notice of civil sanctions

If the Authority imposes a final civil sanction for a violation committed by a covered person pursuant to the rules or standards of the Authority, the Authority shall promptly submit to the Commission notice of the civil sanction in such form as the Commission may require.

(b) Review by administrative law judge

(1) In general

With respect to a final civil sanction imposed by the Authority, on application by the Commission or a person aggrieved by the civil sanction filed not later than 30 days after the date on which notice under subsection (a) is submitted, the civil sanction shall be subject to de novo review by an administrative law judge.

(2) Nature of review

(A) In general

In matters reviewed under this subsection, the administrative law judge shall determine whether-

(i) a person has engaged in such acts or practices, or has omitted such acts or practices, as the Authority has found the person to have engaged in or omitted;

(ii) such acts, practices, or omissions are in violation of this chapter or the anti-doping and medication control or racetrack safety rules approved by the Commission; or

(iii) the final civil sanction of the Authority was arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law.

(B) Conduct of hearing

An administrative law judge shall conduct a hearing under this subsection in such a manner as the Commission may specify by rule, which shall conform to section 556 of title 5.

(3) Decision by administrative law judge

(A) In general

With respect to a matter reviewed under this subsection, an administrative law judge-

(i) shall render a decision not later than 60 days after the conclusion of the hearing;

(ii) may affirm, reverse, modify, set aside, or remand for further proceedings, in whole or in part, the final civil sanction of the Authority; and

(iii) may make any finding or conclusion that, in the judgment of the administrative law judge, is proper and based on the record.

(B) Final decision

A decision under this paragraph shall constitute the decision of the Commission without further proceedings unless a notice or an application for review is timely filed under subsection (c).

(c) Review by Commission

(1) Notice of review by Commission

The Commission may, on its own motion, review any decision of an administrative law judge issued under subsection (b)(3) by providing written notice to the Authority and any interested party not later than 30 days after the date on which the administrative law judge issues the decision.

(2) Application for review

(A) In general

The Authority or a person aggrieved by a decision issued under subsection (b)(3) may petition the Commission for review of such decision by filing an application for review not later than 30 days after the date on which the administrative law judge issues the decision.

(B) Effect of denial of application for review

If an application for review under subparagraph (A) is denied, the decision of the administrative law judge shall constitute the decision of the Commission without further proceedings.

(C) Discretion of Commission

(i) In general

A decision with respect to whether to grant an application for review under subparagraph (A) is subject to the discretion of the Commission.

(ii) Matters to be considered

In determining whether to grant such an application for review, the Commission shall consider whether the application makes a reasonable showing that-

(I) a prejudicial error was committed in the conduct of the proceeding; or

(II) the decision involved-

(aa) an erroneous application of the anti-doping and medication control or racetrack safety rules approved by the Commission; or

(bb) an exercise of discretion or a decision of law or policy that warrants review by the Commission.

(3) Nature of review

(A) In general

In matters reviewed under this subsection, the Commission may-

(i) affirm, reverse, modify, set aside, or remand for further proceedings, in whole or in part, the decision of the administrative law judge; and

(ii) make any finding or conclusion that, in the judgement of the Commission, is proper and based on the record.

(B) De novo review

The Commission shall review de novo the factual findings and conclusions of law made by the administrative law judge.

(C) Consideration of additional evidence

(i) Motion by Commission

The Commission may, on its own motion, allow the consideration of additional evidence.

(ii) Motion by a party

(I) In general

A party may file a motion to consider additional evidence at any time before the issuance of a decision by the Commission, which shall show, with particularity, that-

(aa) such additional evidence is material; and

(bb) there were reasonable grounds for failure to submit the evidence previously.

(II) Procedure

The Commission may-

(aa) accept or hear additional evidence; or

(bb) remand the proceeding to the administrative law judge for the consideration of additional evidence.

(d) Stay of proceedings

Review by an administrative law judge or the Commission under this section shall not operate as a stay of a final civil sanction of the Authority unless the administrative law judge or Commission orders such a stay.

( Pub. L. 116–260, div. FF, title XII, §1209, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 3272 .)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

This chapter, referred to in subsec. (b)(2)(A)(ii), was in the original "this Act" and was translated as reading "this title", meaning title XII of div. FF of Pub. L. 116–260, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.