16 USC 831i: Sale of surplus power; preferences; experimental work; acquisition of existing electric facilities
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16 USC 831i: Sale of surplus power; preferences; experimental work; acquisition of existing electric facilities Text contains those laws in effect on October 17, 2024

§831i. Sale of surplus power; preferences; experimental work; acquisition of existing electric facilities

The Board is empowered and authorized to sell the surplus power not used in its operations, and for operation of locks and other works generated by it, to States, counties, municipalities, corporations, partnerships, or individuals, according to the policies hereinafter set forth; and to carry out said authority, the Board is authorized to enter into contracts for such sale for a term not exceeding twenty years, and in the sale of such current by the Board it shall give preference to States, counties, municipalities, and cooperative organizations of citizens or farmers, not organized or doing business for profit, but primarily for the purpose of supplying electricity to its own citizens or members: Provided, That all contracts made with private companies or individuals for the sale of power, which power is to be resold for a profit, shall contain a provision authorizing the Board to cancel said contract upon five years' notice in writing, if the Board needs said power to supply the demands of States, counties, or municipalities. In order to promote and encourage the fullest possible use of electric light and power on farms within reasonable distance of any of its transmission lines the Board in its discretion shall have power to construct transmission lines to farms and small villages that are not otherwise supplied with electricity at reasonable rates, and to make such rules and regulations governing such sale and distribution of such electric power as in its judgment may be just and equitable: Provided further, That the Board is authorized and directed to make studies, experiments, and determinations to promote the wider and better use of electric power for agricultural and domestic use, or for small or local industries, and it may cooperate with State governments, or their subdivisions or agencies, with educational or research institutions, and with cooperatives or other organizations, in the application of electric power to the fuller and better balanced development of the resources of the region: Provided further, That the Board is authorized to include in any contract for the sale of power such terms and conditions, including resale rate schedules, and to provide for such rules and regulations as in its judgment may be necessary or desirable for carrying out the purposes of this chapter, and in case the purchaser shall fail to comply with any such terms and conditions, or violate any such rules and regulations, said contract may provide that it shall be voidable at the election of the Board: Provided further, That in order to supply farms and small villages with electric power directly as contemplated by this section, the Board in its discretion shall have power to acquire existing electric facilities used in serving such farms and small villages: And provided further, That the terms "States", "counties", and "municipalities" as used in this chapter shall be construed to include the public agencies of any of them unless the context requires a different construction.

(May 18, 1933, ch. 32, §10, 48 Stat. 64 ; Aug. 31, 1935, ch. 836, §6, 49 Stat. 1076 .)

Editorial Notes


1935-Act Aug. 31, 1935, inserted last three provisos.