30 USC 1603: Implementation of policies
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30 USC 1603: Implementation of policies Text contains those laws in effect on October 17, 2024

§1603. Implementation of policies

The President shall, through the Executive Office of the President, coordinate the responsible departments and agencies to implement the policy described in section 1602 of this title and shall-

(1) direct that the responsible departments and agencies identify, assist, and make recommendations for carrying out appropriate policies and programs to ensure adequate, stable, and economical materials supplies essential to national security, economic well-being, and industrial production;

(2) support basic and applied research and development to provide for, among other objectives-

(A) advanced science and technology for the exploration, discovery, and recovery of nonfuel materials;

(B) enhanced methods or processes for the more efficient production and use of renewable and nonrenewable resources;

(C) improved methods for the extraction, processing, use, recovery, and recycling of materials which encourage the conservation of materials, energy, and the environment; and

(D) improved understanding of current and new materials performance, processing, substitution, and adaptability in engineering designs;

(3) provide for improved collection, analysis, and dissemination of scientific, technical and economic materials information and data from Federal, State, and local governments and other sources as appropriate;

(4) assess the need for and make recommendations concerning the availability and adequacy of supply of technically trained personnel necessary for materials research, development, extraction, harvest and industrial practice, paying particular regard to the problem of attracting and maintaining high quality materials professionals in the Federal service;

(5) establish early warning systems for materials supply problems;

(6) recommend to the Congress appropriate measures to promote industrial innovation in materials and materials technologies;

(7) encourage cooperative materials research and problem-solving by-

(A) private corporations performing the same or related activities in materials industries; and

(B) Federal and State institutions having shared interests or objectives;

(8) assess Federal policies which adversely or positively affect all stages of the materials cycle, from exploration to final product recycling and disposal including but not limited to, financial assistance and tax policies for recycled and virgin sources of materials and make recommendations for equalizing any existing imbalances, or removing any impediments, which may be created by the application of Federal law and regulations to the market for materials; and

(9) assess the opportunities for the United States to promote cooperative multilateral and bilateral agreements for materials development in foreign nations for the purpose of increasing the reliability of materials supplies to the Nation.

( Pub. L. 96–479, §4, Oct. 21, 1980, 94 Stat. 2306 ; Pub. L. 116–260, div. Z, title VII, §7002(m)(3), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2576 .)

Editorial Notes


2020-Pub. L. 116–260, in introductory provisions, substituted "The" for "For the purpose of implementing the policies set forth in section 1602 of this title and the provisions of section 1604 of this title, the Congress declares that the" and "departments and agencies to implement the policy described in section 1602 of this title" for "departments and agencies,".