31 USC 6705: Local government allocations
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31 USC 6705: Local government allocations Text contains those laws in effect on October 17, 2024

§6705. Local government allocations

(a) Indian Tribes and Alaskan Natives Villages.-If there is in a State an Indian tribe or Alaskan native 1 village having a recognized governing body carrying out substantial governmental duties and powers, the Secretary shall allocate to the tribe or village, out of the amount allocated to the State under section 6704, an amount bearing the same ratio to the amount allocated to the State as the population of the tribe or village bears to the population of the State. The Secretary shall allocate amounts under this subsection to Indian tribes and Alaskan native 1 villages in a State before allocating amounts to units of general local government in the State under subsection (c). For the payment period beginning October 1, 1994, the Secretary shall use as the population of each Indian tribe or Alaskan native 1 village the population for 1991 as reported by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the publication Indian Service Population and Labor Force Estimates (January 1991). In addition to uses authorized under section 6701(a)(2), amounts allocated under this subsection and paid to an Indian tribe or Alaskan native 1 village under this chapter may be used for renovating or building prisons or other correctional facilities.

(b) Newly Incorporated Local Governments and Annexed Governments.-If there is in a State a unit of general local government that has been incorporated since the date of the collection of the data used by the Secretary in making allocations pursuant to sections 6704 through 6706 and 6708, the Secretary shall allocate to this newly incorporated local government, out of the amount allocated to the State under section 6704, an amount bearing the same ratio to the amount allocated to the State as the population of the newly incorporated local government bears to the population of the State. If there is in the State a unit of general local government that has been annexed since the date of the collection of the data used by the Secretary in making allocations pursuant to sections 6704 through 6706 and 6708, the Secretary shall pay the amount that would have been allocated to this local government to the unit of general local government that annexed it.

(c) Other Local Government Allocations.-

(1) In general.-The Secretary shall allocate among the units of general local government in a State (other than units receiving allocations under subsection (a)) the amount allocated to the State under section 6704 (as that amount is reduced by allocations under subsection (a)). Of the amount to be allocated, the Secretary shall allocate a portion equal to ½ of such amount in accordance with section 6706(1), and shall allocate a portion equal to ½ of such amount in accordance with section 6706(2). A unit of general local government shall receive an amount equal to the sum of amounts allocated to the unit from each portion.

(2) Ratio.-From each portion to be allocated to units of local government in a State under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall allocate to a unit an amount bearing the same ratio to the funds to be allocated as-

(A) the population of the unit, multiplied by the general tax effort factor of the unit (determined under paragraph (3)), multiplied by the income gap of the unit (determined under paragraph (4)), bears to

(B) the sum of the products determined under subparagraph (A) for all units in the State for which the income gap for that portion under paragraph (4) is greater than zero.

(3) General tax effort factor.-(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (C), the general tax effort factor of a unit of general local government for a payment period is-

(i) the adjusted taxes of the unit; divided by

(ii) the total income attributed to the unit.

(B) If the amount determined under subparagraphs (A)(i) and (ii) for a unit of general local government is less than zero, the general tax effort factor of the unit is deemed to be zero.

(C)(i) Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, for the payment period beginning October 1, 1994, the adjusted taxes of a unit of general local government are the taxes imposed by the unit for public purposes (except employee and employer assessments and contributions to finance retirement and social insurance systems and other special assessments for capital outlay), as determined by the Bureau of the Census for the 1987 Census of Governments and adjusted as follows:

(I) Adjusted taxes equals total taxes times a fraction in which the numerator is the sum of unrestricted revenues and revenues dedicated for spending on education minus total education spending and the denominator is total unrestricted revenues.

(II) Total taxes is the sum of property tax; general sales tax; alcoholic beverage tax; amusement tax; insurance premium tax; motor fuels tax; parimutuels tax; public utilities tax; tobacco tax; other selective sales tax; alcoholic beverage licenses, amusement licenses; corporation licenses, hunting and fishing licenses; motor vehicle licenses; motor vehicle operator licenses; public utility licenses; occupation and business licenses, not elsewhere classified; other licenses, individual income tax; corporation net income tax; death and gift tax; documentary and stock transfer tax; severance tax; and taxes not elsewhere classified.

(III) Unrestricted revenues is the sum of total taxes and intergovernmental revenue from Federal Government, general revenue sharing; intergovernmental revenue from Federal Government, other general support; intergovernmental revenue from Federal Government, other; intergovernmental revenue from State government, other general support; intergovernmental revenue from State government, other; intergovernmental revenue from local governments, other general support; intergovernmental revenue from local governments, other; miscellaneous general revenue, property sale-housing and community development; miscellaneous general revenue, property sale-other property; miscellaneous general revenue, interest earnings on investments; miscellaneous general revenue, fines and forfeits; miscellaneous general revenue, rents; miscellaneous general revenues, royalties; miscellaneous general revenue, donations from private sources; miscellaneous general revenue, net lottery revenue (after prizes and administrative expenses); miscellaneous general revenue, other miscellaneous general revenue; and all other general charges, not elsewhere classified.

(IV) Revenues dedicated for spending on education is the sum of elementary and secondary education, school lunch; elementary and secondary education, tuition; elementary and secondary education, other; higher education, auxiliary enterprises; higher education, other; other education, not elsewhere classified; intergovernmental revenue from Federal Government, education; intergovernmental revenue from State government, education; intergovernmental revenue from local governments, interschool system revenue; intergovernmental revenue from local governments, education; interest earnings, higher education; interest earnings, elementary and secondary education; miscellaneous revenues, higher education; and miscellaneous revenues, elementary and secondary education.

(V) Total education spending is the sum of elementary and secondary education, current operations; elementary and secondary education, construction; elementary and secondary education, other capital outlays; elementary and secondary education, to State governments; elementary and secondary education, to local governments, not elsewhere classified; elementary and secondary education, to counties; elementary and secondary education, to municipalities; elementary and secondary education, to townships; elementary and secondary education, to school districts; elementary and secondary education, to special districts; higher education-auxiliary enterprises, current operations; higher education-auxiliary enterprises, construction; higher education, auxiliary enterprises, other capital outlays; other higher education, current operations; other higher education, construction; other higher education, other capital outlays; other higher education, to State government; other higher education, to local governments, not elsewhere classified; other higher education, to counties; other higher education, to municipalities; other higher education, to townships; other higher education, to school districts; other higher education, to special districts; education assistance and subsidies; education, not elsewhere classified, current operations; education, not elsewhere classified, construction 2 education, not elsewhere classified, other capital outlays; education, not elsewhere classified, to State government; education, not elsewhere classified, to local governments, not elsewhere classified; education, not elsewhere classified, to counties; education, not elsewhere classified, to municipalities; education, not elsewhere classified, to townships; education, not elsewhere classified, to school districts; education, not elsewhere classified, to special districts; and education, not elsewhere classified, to Federal Government.

(VI) If the amount of adjusted taxes is less than zero, the amount of adjusted tax shall be deemed to be zero.

(VII) If the amount of adjusted taxes exceeds the amount of total taxes, the amount of adjusted taxes is deemed to equal the amount of total taxes.

(ii) The Secretary shall, for purposes of clause (i), include that part of sales taxes transferred to a unit of general local government that are imposed by a county government in the geographic area of which is located the unit of general local government as taxes imposed by the unit for public purposes if-

(I) the county government transfers any part of the revenue from the taxes to the unit of general local government without specifying the purpose for which the unit of general local government may expend the revenue; and

(II) the chief executive officer of the State notifies the Secretary that the taxes satisfy the requirements of this clause.

(iii) The adjusted taxes of a unit of general local government shall not exceed the maximum allowable adjusted taxes for that unit.

(iv) The maximum allowable adjusted taxes for a unit of general local government is the allowable adjusted taxes of the unit minus the excess adjusted taxes of the unit.

(v) The allowable adjusted taxes of a unit of general government is the greater of-

(I) the amount equal to 2.5, multiplied by the per capita adjusted taxes of all units of general local government of the same type in the State, multiplied by the population of the unit; or

(II) the amount equal to the population of the unit, multiplied by the sum of the adjusted taxes of all units of municipal local government in the State, divided by the sum of the populations of all the units of municipal local government in the State.

(vi) The excess adjusted taxes of a unit of general local government is the amount equal to-

(I) the adjusted taxes of the unit, minus

(II) 1.5 multiplied by the allowable adjusted taxes of the unit;

except that if this amount is less than zero then the excess adjusted taxes of the unit is deemed to be zero.

(vii) For purposes of this subparagraph-

(I) the term "per capita adjusted taxes of all units of general local government of the same type" means the sum of the adjusted taxes of all units of general local government of the same type divided by the sum of the populations of all units of general local government of the same type; and

(II) the term "units of general local government of the same type" means all townships if the unit of general local government is a township, all municipalities if the unit of general local government is a municipality, all counties if the unit of general local government is a county, or all unified city/county governments if the unit of general local government is a unified city/county government.

(4) Income gap.-(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the income gap of a unit of general local government is-

(i) the number which applies under section 6706, multiplied by the per capita income of the State in which the unit is located; minus

(ii) the per capita income of the geographic area of the unit.

(B) If the amount determined under subparagraph (A) for a unit of general local government is less than zero, then the relative income factor of the unit is deemed to be zero.

(d) Small Government Allocations.-If the Secretary decides that information available for a unit of general local government with a population below a number (of not more than 500) prescribed by the Secretary is inadequate, the Secretary may allocate to the unit, in lieu of any allocation under subsection (b) for a payment period, an amount bearing the same ratio to the total amount to be allocated under subsection (b) for the period for all units of general local government in the State as the population of the unit bears to the population of all units in the State.

(Added Pub. L. 103–322, title III, §31001(a), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 1867 .)

Editorial Notes

Prior Provisions

A prior section 6705, Pub. L. 97–258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1014 , related to State government allocations, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 99–272, title XIV, §14001(a)(1), (e), Apr. 7, 1986, 100 Stat. 327 , 329, eff. Oct. 18, 1986.

1 So in original. Probably should be capitalized.

2 So in original. Probably should be followed by a semicolon.