34 USC 10404: Allocation and distribution of funds
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34 USC 10404: Allocation and distribution of funds Text contains those laws in effect on October 17, 2024

§10404. Allocation and distribution of funds

(a) State allocation

(1) In general

In accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to this subchapter and except as provided in paragraph (3), the Attorney General shall allocate-

(A) 0.50 percent for each State; and

(B) of the total funds remaining after the allocation under subparagraph (A), to each State, an amount which bears the same ratio to the amount of remaining funds described in this subparagraph as the population of people under the age of 18 living in such State for the most recent calendar year in which such data is available bears to the population of people under the age of 18 of all the States for such fiscal year.

(2) Prohibition

No funds allocated to a State under this subsection or received by a State for distribution under subsection (b) may be distributed by the Attorney General or by the State involved for any program other than a program contained in an approved application.

(b) Local distribution

(1) In general

Except as provided in paragraph (2), each State which receives funds under subsection (a)(1) in a fiscal year shall distribute among units of local government, for the purposes specified in section 10401 of this title, not less than 75 percent of such amounts received.

(2) Waiver

If a State submits to the Attorney General an application for waiver that demonstrates and certifies to the Attorney General that-

(A) the State's juvenile justice expenditures in the fiscal year preceding the date in which an application is submitted under this subchapter (the "State percentage") is more than 25 percent of the aggregate amount of juvenile justice expenditures by the State and its eligible units of local government; and

(B) the State has consulted with as many units of local government in such State, or organizations representing such units, as practicable regarding the State's calculation of expenditures under subparagraph (A), the State's application for waiver under this paragraph, and the State's proposed uses of funds.

(3) Allocation

In making the distribution under paragraph (1), the State shall allocate to such units of local government an amount which bears the same ratio to the aggregate amount of such funds as-

(A) the sum of-

(i) the product of-

(I) three-quarters; multiplied by

(II) the average juvenile justice expenditure for such unit of local government for the 3 most recent calendar years for which such data is available; plus

(ii) the product of-

(I) one-quarter; multiplied by

(II) the average annual number of part 1 violent crimes in such unit of local government for the 3 most recent calendar years for which such data is available, bears to-

(B) the sum of the products determined under subparagraph (A) for all such units of local government in the State.

(4) Expenditures

The allocation any unit of local government shall receive under paragraph (3) for a payment period shall not exceed 100 percent of juvenile justice expenditures of the unit for such payment period.

(5) Reallocation

The amount of any unit of local government's allocation that is not available to such unit by operation of paragraph (4) shall be available to other units of local government that are not affected by such operation in accordance with this subsection.

(c) Unavailability of data for units of local government

If the State has reason to believe that the reported rate of part 1 violent crimes or juvenile justice expenditures for a unit of local government is insufficient or inaccurate, the State shall-

(1) investigate the methodology used by the unit to determine the accuracy of the submitted data; and

(2) if necessary, use the best available comparable data regarding the number of violent crimes or juvenile justice expenditures for the relevant years for the unit of local government.

(d) Local government with allocations less than $10,000

If under this section a unit of local government is allocated less than $10,000 for a payment period, the amount allotted shall be expended by the State on services to units of local government whose allotment is less than such amount in a manner consistent with this subchapter.

(e) Direct grants to specially qualified units

(1) In general

If a State does not qualify or apply for funds reserved for allocation under subsection (a) by the application deadline established by the Attorney General, the Attorney General shall reserve not more than 75 percent of the allocation that the State would have received under subsection (a) for such fiscal year to provide grants to specially qualified units which meet the requirements for funding under section 10403 of this title.

(2) Award basis

In addition to the qualification requirements for direct grants for specially qualified units the Attorney General may use the average amount allocated by the States to units of local government as a basis for awarding grants under this section.

(Pub. L. 90–351, title I, §1803, as added Pub. L. 107–273, div. C, title II, §12102(a), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1863 .)

Editorial Notes


Section was formerly classified to section 3796ee–3 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.

Prior Provisions

A prior section 1803 of title I of Pub. L. 90–351, as added Pub. L. 103–322, title II, §20201(a)(3), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 1820 , and classified to former section 3796ee–2 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, related to review of State applications, prior to the general amendment of part R of title I of Pub. L. 90–351 by Pub. L. 107–273.