§1094. Licensure requirement for health-care professionals
(a)(1) A person under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of a military department may not provide health care independently as a health-care professional under this chapter unless the person has a current license to provide such care.
(2) The Secretary of Defense may waive paragraph (1) with respect to any person in unusual circumstances. The Secretary shall prescribe by regulation the circumstances under which such a waiver may be granted.
(b) The commanding officer of each health care facility of the Department of Defense shall ensure that each person who provides health care independently as a health-care professional at the facility meets the requirement of subsection (a).
(c)(1) A person (other than a person subject to chapter 47 of this title) who provides health care in violation of subsection (a) is subject to a civil money penalty of not more than $5,000.
(2) The provisions of subsections (c) and (e) through (h) of section 1128A of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320a–7a) shall apply to the imposition of a civil money penalty under paragraph (1) in the same manner as they apply to the imposition of a civil money penalty under that section, except that for purposes of this subsection-
(A) a reference to the Secretary in that section is deemed a reference to the Secretary of Defense; and
(B) a reference to a claimant in subsection (e) of that section is deemed a reference to the person described in paragraph (1).
(d) In this section:
(1) The term "license"-
(A) means a grant of permission by an official agency of a State, the District of Columbia, or a Commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States to provide health care independently as a health-care professional; and
(B) includes, in the case of such care furnished in a foreign country by any person who is not a national of the United States, a grant of permission by an official agency of that foreign country for that person to provide health care independently as a health-care professional.
(2) The term "health-care professional" means a physician, dentist, clinical psychologist, or nurse and any other person providing direct patient care as may be designated by the Secretary of Defense in regulations.
1989-Subsec. (c)(2).
Subsec. (d)(1).
Subsec. (d)(2).
1986-Subsec. (d)(2).
Effective Date
Section 653(b) of